Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Chapter 4


It’s hard to tell how long I stand here, looking into his magnetic blue eyes. All of the two times I’ve seen him, Doukas seemed so calm and collected, but I can’t move past his eyes.

The spell breaks the moment he smiles, and that’s how I understand that his eyes won’t be the only thing that will get me in trouble. His now beaming face entrances me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, smiling at him.

Doukas chuckles and takes my hand, leading me away from the door.

“My brother Alcaeus was so impressed by your food that he couldn’t stay away.”

I smile at his words. Suddenly the fact that I had to come earlier to cook makes up for my crappy attempt at a night out.

“And you?” I ask, my curiosity getting the best of me.

“Me too, Ria. I couldn’t stay away even though I knew you wouldn’t be here.”


Honestly, I dread the answer I’ll get. This is too soon, and there’s every chance I’m overanalyzing everything, trying to arrive at a conclusion that suits me.

“I don’t have an answer for that. Not yet anyway.”

“That’s good enough for me,” I answer and mentally kick myself.

Pull yourself together, woman. What is wrong with you?

Doukas chuckles and brings my hand to his lips. “You’re intoxicating, Miss Vamou. I could get drunk on everything about you.”

I shake my head, but I know exactly what he’s talking about. I feel the exact same way. Goosebumps break out across my skin, and I shudder at where my thoughts are leading me.

“You’re shivering,” he observes and goes to remove his suit jacket.

I shake my head at him. I’m far from cold. “Let’s go inside.”

Doukas straightens his jacket. “Alright. Brace yourself, though. You’re about to meet all my brothers.”

“All your brothers?”

Doukas’s lips twitch in response but remains silent. To say I’m apprehensive about meeting his brothers would be an understatement. I don’t even know how many of the men sitting next to Alcaeus are his brothers. Doukas’s hand on the small of my back is somewhat comforting, and I take a deep breath.

Alcaeus clocks us first and immediately gets up, with the rest of the men at the table following suit.

“Ria, you know my brother Alcaeus,” Doukas says next to me.

“Yes, of course.”

“This is Victoras, Giorgos, and Icarus.” Doukas hurries with the introductions.

I’m never going to remember all these names!

All four are Doukas’s brothers? It must be nice growing up in a full house. As I shake each one’s hand, I note that they might not be much alike, but they all have those striking blue eyes.

“Doukas told us you were out. Did you have a good time?” the guy on my right—possibly Victoras—asks.

“I did,” I lie. “Everything all right with your meal?”

“The food is excellent as always,” Alcaeus says, and I smile brightly at him.

“Can we get you something to drink? We’ve got wine,” Icarus offers and reaches.

“Thank you, I’m okay. Wine is my drink of choice, but I already had some.”

“Doukas prefers wine as well,” Icarus tells me. “He started early on, you know. Rumor has it that at our Christening, he managed to drink four grown men under the table. At age four, nonetheless.”

Icarus narrates the story so vividly that I can picture a little Doukas in his boy three-piece suit doing exactly that.

“At your Christening?” I ask perplexed.

Giorgos sniffs. “We’re twins.”

Oh, I’d never guess. “You don’t look alike.”

“Thank God for that,” Victoras mutters, and they all chuckle.

“What?” Doukas asks a little louder than necessary, and I frown.

“Ria was just telling us how she prefers wine to anything else. Much like you,” Victoras offers as he smiles at me.

Was Doukas zoned out? I wonder where his mind’s running.

Thankfully, the tension doesn’t last for long as Alcaeus shares another story from that day. Guessing their age is not that easy, but I think they’re close. Doukas is no more than thirty, so his brothers are somewhere around that too.

Without thinking, I put my hand in his as it rests on his thigh. Doukas looks down at our joined hands, and his solemn face softens.

“Are you all right?” I whisper, and he nods. “Perhaps I should let you have your dinner in peace.”

“Care for a walk?” he suddenly asks and gets on his feet.

“Yes,” I say enthusiastically. “Give me a moment to touch base with my staff.”

And check that my makeup is not out of place.

Excusing myself, I rush to the kitchen to find my assistant kitchen manager, Electra, glaring at one of the waiters. The moment she sees me, her features somewhat relax, but she can’t hide her annoyance.

“What’s up?”

“Miscommunication,” she offers and shakes her head. “Why are you here? I thought you had the night off.”

“I won’t stay for long,” I announce, glancing at the order tickets. “Do you need me for anything, Electra?” My eyes bulge the moment I pick up the ticket for Doukas’s table. “Did they eat all this?”

Electra grins widely. “I asked the same thing. Their server, Pavlos, said that the tall one ate most of it. Ria, their energy is unbelievable. I mean, they came inside, greeted almost everyone. They’re all so kind and polite. I’m amazed.”

“Yes, they’re very nice. Have they ordered dessert?”

“Where would they put the dessert, Ria?”

“Still, we have to treat them like everyone who runs such a high bill. Please give me a hand, and I’ll take it to them.”

Doing my best not to drop the tray, I approach their table. I can’t say I’ve ever served in high heels, but it’s not an impossible feat.

I put the tray on the empty table next to theirs, and Doukas comes to me.

“I saw that you didn’t order dessert, so I’ve brought you some. I made diples this morning, and I think they turned out excellent.”

“Why did you make Christmas pastries?” Giorgos asks with a frown.

“It’s silly, really, but one of my waiters told me that his pregnant wife had a craving, so I made her some.”

“And you did a mighty fine job. Here, give me that. I’ll eat the others’ too,” Alcaeus announces, accepting the plate.

Heat reaches my cheeks. I’m not good at accepting compliments.

“Let’s go,” Doukas suggests as he hands Victoras the last plate and offers me his hand.

I smile at the Tremes brothers. “It was nice meeting you, everybody. Thank you for coming.”

They all stand as I say my goodbyes, and I can’t help but remark at their excellent manners.

Let’s just say that we don’t get men like them around here often.



I wonder what it is about Doukas that when he’s around me, every semblance of reason flies out of the window.

Yesterday, I was reluctant to go out with him because I barely knew him, but tonight what am I doing?

Right, I’m about to take a stroll with the very same man.

Unfortunately, my heels aren’t made for much walking, but I can fake it.

“Where are we going?” I ask, dreading his answer.

“I thought we could walk towards the Roman Agora close to the Tower of Winds.”

“Oh, okay. I can’t remember the last time I came here at night.”

“Me neither, but I happen to like this part of the town,” Doukas says in a low voice.

I grin at his austere profile, thinking that I’ve just found the first thing we have in common. I practically grew up here, and I know every monument by heart.

Thankfully Doukas keeps a steady gait, so I can easily keep up. I know it’s extremely vain of me, but I’m glad I’m walking with him wearing my nude dress. I shake my head, thinking that I had a whole outfit planned for tomorrow’s date. This has got to be the first time I’m so at ease when my plans don’t work out.

“What was that?” Doukas stops and turns to face me without letting go of my hand.

I kind of like how small my hand feels inside his. “What was what?”

“What was this sigh about?”

“Nothing really, it’s just me being silly.” I smile at him, but his serious face doesn’t relax. “I thought how nice it is that our date came a day earlier,” I admit without caring that I’m giving away too much. I like Doukas, I like him a lot, and I don’t want to hide it.

For the first time in what seems like forever, I’m excited. My heart beats faster, and I feel like I can’t do anything right with him. And, somehow, that’s okay. I want to take the leap and see where it leads me.

“Who said anything about this being our scheduled date?” He raises his hand, and I lean to his touch as he gently caresses my cheek.

“I thought—”

“You thought wrong. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me too,” I admit, and that makes me giggle. “You do realize that we’re talking about tomorrow when tonight isn’t over yet, don’t you?”

That brings a smile to his lips, revealing two perfect dimples I hadn’t noticed before. “Perhaps I’m like Romeo, afraid that the night will pass to reveal that it was all just a dream.”

“That was very…” I’m unable to finish the sentence. I don’t know why I spoke up in the first place.

“I was going for truthful, but I’ll accept romantic, too,” he murmurs without taking away his smile.

“It was either,” I respond and reach up to touch a lock that has fallen out of place. “Or both.”

“Ria?” he asks briefly, closing his eyes and inching closer.


“I’m going to kiss you now.”

I look up and meet his beautiful eyes that are halfway closed. “I’d like that.”

He comes even closer, and I feel his hand on my waist. I lean into him, and he does the same, bringing his mouth closer to mine. I thought that yesterday’s kiss was a fair warning, but I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for the tingles all over my body as he tightens his hold on my waist, bringing me closer to his warm body.

I don’t know how long we stay here, locked in the moment, but the need to breathe makes me break the kiss. Doukas opens his eyes and rests his forehead on mine, a small grin brightening his handsome face, unleashing the dimples I’m beginning to love so much.

Glancing down, I note that my knuckles have gone white from clutching the lapels of his jacket.

“Let’s sit,” Doukas suggests, taking my hand into his leading me to a bench close by.

“I’ve always liked it here.”

“Me too. Look.” He points a bit higher towards the Acropolis’ lights. “You can’t make it out clearly from here, but if you close your eyes, you can imagine Poseidon and Athena fighting over the city’s name.”

“I’ve never thought it that way.”

“My mother was very keen on history and archaeology.”


“Yes, she died when I was eleven. Both of my parents are dead.”

“I’m sorry.” What surprises me is how easily he parts with this information, but at the same time, he manages to distance himself. “Still, you’re lucky that you have your brothers.”

Doukas chuckles. “Lucky wouldn’t be the first word I’d use. How about you? Do you have any siblings?”

“Not that I know of. My mother left us when I was four, and I lost my father two years ago. I don’t have many relatives. That’s why I think you’re incredibly lucky.”

“I’m sorry, Ria. Still, judging by the taverna, I’d say you seem to be managing very well on your own.”

I shake my head as a small laugh escapes me. “Not from where I’m standing. Not yet anyway, but I’m hopeful.”

“You can’t depend on hope. What you need is to review your business plan.”

I snort. “You sound like an accountant.”

“I should. I have a degree in Accounting and Business Administration.”

He’s got to be the sexiest accountant I’ve ever met. “You don’t seem…I don’t know… dorky.”

“That’s something, I guess.” Smiling, he leans closer and kisses my temple, bringing me to his chest. “I can help you if you like,” he suggests, and I try to keep my cool.

Is it that obvious I’m in dire need of help? I only just met him. I can’t get him involved with my problems. It’s not just money anymore. A freaking gangster is after me, and I don’t want to involve Doukas in something that could be dangerous.

“I get by fine, Doukas. After all, sometimes things get slow this season.”

“Ria, you have a traditional taverna in the heart of the town. No person in the world would come to Athens and not visit the Acropolis. There is no peak or slow season where you’re concerned.”

I fucking know that. “Can we please talk about something else?”

“I don’t understand why you’re so sensitive about this. There’s no need to stress over something that, for me, is easy.”

I stand up. “I think it’s time we went back,” I announce and turn on my heels without waiting for an answer.

“Ria?” Doukas calls out, but I’ve had enough.

Spinning around, I let him have it. “I fucking know I’m not cut out for this shit, but it’s my problem and my responsibility. So, stay the fuck out of my business.”

I ignore his stunned expression and start walking again. Great, now he’ll think I’m crazy, but I’m only fucking human. I know my finances are in trouble. For two years, I’ve been trying to make ends meet with no success. I’m one step away from dipping into my savings account or selling my grandmother’s jewelry.

After yet another rough week, I decide to take a night off and meet up with my friend, who then ditches me the moment her boyfriend texts. And when I’m about to call it a night, I run into the man who excites me like nothing else. But that’s not to be my reprieve, is it? No such luck. He’s got to point out how glaringly obvious my situation is.

I see the train station and know I’m only minutes away from my taverna. I’m not sure if Doukas is following me. Don’t hold your breath, Ria. After my little outburst, he won’t stick around, and I can’t blame him. Perhaps it’s for the best, the wake-up call I needed to finally put things into perspective.

“Fucking stop!” Doukas’s growl distracts me. In the blink of an eye, I’m spun around and backed up against a wall.

Doukas slams his mouth on mine while his body towers over me. Our movements are frantic, as if we’re attacking each other. Breathing is hard. Clasping the lapels of his jacket, I push him away, but he barely moves. He rests his forehead against mine, his hot breath fanning across my face.

“Don’t you ever run away from me again! Ever!”

“Or what?” I challenge.

He chuckles, a really strange sound given the circumstance. He kisses my forehead, then his mouth moves lower, finding my temple, my cheek, and then the corner of my mouth.

“You need to pick your battles, Ria. You want to do everything on your own? Fine, but if I’m offering you my help, you better take it. I haven’t gotten where I am today because I got lucky somewhere along the way. I’m fucking good at what I do.”

Well, how do you respond to something like that? He doesn’t seem to be taking no for an answer, and I’m so freaking tired. All the time. Still, he can’t know how close I am to giving up.

“The thing is, Doukas…” I breathe and briefly kiss his parted lips. I don’t linger as much as I’d like to, but when I pull back, I try not to smile at his stunned expression. “I don’t know you, and I certainly don’t want you assuming things for me. I only agreed on one date.”

He shakes his head and takes my hand in his. His blue eyes are soft as he brings it to his lips before putting it to his chest.

“I apologize. I came on too strong, but, in my defense, being contradicted in financial matters is something that never happens.”

He starts walking with me by his side, our hands still joined.

“Why? What do you do?” I ask and feel so stupid that the thought never crossed my mind. I should know these things before I agree to go out with him.

For a long time, he doesn’t say a word. “You don’t know?” he asks and seems baffled.

“Why should I know? Are you famous or something?”

He chuckles. “Or something. I’m a financial advisor. Let’s just say that I deal with a lot of money on a daily basis.”

“Must be nice,” I admit on a sigh.

“It doesn’t hurt.”

I bet it doesn’t. “Where do you work?”

“In Aeolus Shipping and Shipbuilding.”

“That sounds vaguely familiar.”

“It’s one of the leading companies in Europe,” he says with a slight nod.

We reach my taverna, and Doukas stops just a few steps away from the door.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon,” he informs me as he turns me to face him. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about getting into a car alone with me, and you want a lift home.”

I laugh at that. “I have a few things to take care of. I’ll see you tomorrow, Doukas.”

Quite at ease, he leans down and kisses me, his tongue gently dancing along the seam of my lips. Before I have the time to open my eyes again, he’s already moving away.

I wonder how many hours there are until tomorrow.