Doukas by Demetra Georgiou

Chapter 6


I’m sitting at the bar crunching numbers. That’s something I picked up from my father. He always said that no matter what, you always have to keep your ears to the ground.

Easy for dad to say. All he had to do was glare, and that was it.

Naïve me. After I took my chef’s diploma and signed up for hospitality and business administration classes, I thought it’d be easy.

If only.

For a Saturday afternoon, my taverna is relatively empty, and I try not to get discouraged. When I took over, I knew it wasn’t a nine-to-five job, but I accepted the risks.

Someone grabs my waist, and I whirl around, ready for a fight. My scowl turns into a huge grin to match Doukas’s. Before I’ve got the chance to react properly, he kisses me, taking my every breath away. It’s only because of his arm around me that I don’t tumble over.

“I didn’t expect to see you today,” I admit with a wide grin.

My heart catches up with the news that my current fascination is here. I can feel every single one of its pounds against my chest, drowning in the sweet euphoria that consumes you when immersed in something new and exciting.

“Perhaps I should go then,” he teases.

“You’re not going anywhere. Have you eaten?”

“I’m good, thank you,” he says, and his features relax.

“If you’d come a few minutes later, you would have missed me.”

“Why is that?”

“I’ve been here since nine in the morning, and then I went to a food and wine expo. I was about to pop home to change because later, I’m meeting some people about a lunch they want to host.”

I should shut up. Doukas certainly doesn’t care about my packed but otherwise boring day.

“Let me take you,” he says.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, go get your things.”

I hurry to my office, wondering if I have the time to check my makeup.

“Fucking hell, woman,” he greets me and rushes towards me. Glaring, he takes the box with the files from my hands. “What were you thinking carrying all these things?”

“Nothing, Doukas. I don’t find it necessary to draw a precise thinking pattern before moving things around,” I sass, and he openly scowls at me but doesn’t answer.

If he believes that’s heavy, he should see me carrying wine cases.

In a matter of minutes, he ushers me into his car and pulls out into the traffic.

“Do you know where you’re going?” I ask perplexed.

I think I’ve mentioned where I live, but not the exact location.

“I was about to ask you to put your address on the GPS.”

“Right. Sorry, tiredness makes me cranky.”

“There’s nothing to apologize for, baby.”

Ten minutes later, he’s parking the Mercedes behind my car in the driveway. Not one of my brightest ideas, leaving the car here today, but in my defense, I was planning on taking the expo shuttle from the Metro. Naturally, I didn’t think that I’d have to carry things back on heels.

I unlock the door with Doukas close behind me, carrying the box. Everything looks spotless, and I pat myself on the back because my cleaning schedule is finally working, so Doukas isn’t greeted by my kingdom of messiness.

“What is this?” Doukas asks as I remove my jacket.

He’s holding one of the brochures I requested at the expo.

“Some information about an amazing wine I had when I went out with my friend. I’m going to call them for a quote.”

“This is Giorgos’s wine.”

“Really?” I ask, and he nods.

Judging by the kind of publicity the winery had in the expo, Giorgos must be really successful. That means the wine will definitely be out of my price range. Absentmindedly, I take Doukas’s hand and lead him up the stairs.

Following the Greek Revival style, my house’s layout is such that the bedrooms and living area are on the first floor. The entrance is spacious enough, while the kitchen and pantry were traditionally placed at the back, but it didn’t work for me. So, when dad and I remodeled the house some years ago, we opted for an open-plan kitchen area on the first floor.

We reach the top of the stairs, and I take a breath to start my tour. “This is the living room slash dining—”

I don’t finish my words as they get drowned by Doukas’s hungry kiss. My back crashes against the wall, and I weave my fingers into his hair, bringing him closer to me.

“Tell me to stop, Ria,” he growls into my neck some moments later, but I don’t answer.

Why the hell would I do that?

He doesn’t ask twice as he pulls my skirt up and lifts me to his strong body. Instinctively, I lace my legs behind his back, devouring him, unable to get enough.

I feel him moving, and I reluctantly break the kiss.

“Last door at the end of the corridor,” I instruct.

The door must be ajar because he kicks it open, and soon I’m thrown on the unmade bed as his expert fingers unbutton my shirt. His fiery kisses are arousing, and when his hot lips close around my nipple, I moan so loudly that my voice cracks. I could orgasm just from that.

I pass my fingers through his dark hair.

Moving lower, he kisses the inside of my thigh. I sit up on my elbows to watch him better. He fists my soaked panties, moving them to the side before he rests his open palm possessively over my core. Unable to look anymore, I fall on the bed, savoring the feeling.

Suddenly, he takes his hands off me, and I lift my head, ready to beg him not to stop. His eyes are hooded as he removes his jacket, and I go to him. Now it’s my turn to undress him. My fingers tremble slightly as I trace the hard lines of his muscles, feeling them tense under my touch. When I’m done reveling in his naked torso, I reach for his pants, but he stops me.

“Lose the skirt, baby,” he commands, guiding my hand to the zipper on my side.

I obey eagerly, and he rewards me with one more of his devastating kisses. His fingers skim across my ass cheeks, and I shudder at his electrifying touch.

“Tell me, Ria,” he murmurs in a voice that makes it hard to concentrate. “Are you fond of your panties?”

Who cares about the damn thong?

I hope my whimper is enough of an answer. He must be satisfied because soon, scraps of cream lace are falling off my body. I look down, trying to locate it, but Doukas uses his finger to lift my chin, bringing my eyes level to his.

“Don’t look away,” he pleads in a low voice. “That’s the only thing I’ll ever ask from you.”

I nod as he helps me back on the bed and opens my legs wide, tracing my cleft with his fingers.

“Is that all for me?” he asks, and I sigh, trying to keep my eyes open. “That won’t do, baby. I need to hear it all. Word. For. Word.”

He massages my clit, spreading my wetness around as he inches lower and lower.

“It’s all for you,” I breathe and put my fingers on top of his for some much-needed friction.

Mesmerized, I watch as he lifts his fingers to his mouth and sucks them clean, tasting me.

“Intoxicating,” he murmurs and bends down to kiss my navel. “Drunk from just a taste.”

His hot breath scorches my skin as his tongue licks a trail down to my core. I tilt my head back to watch him, but I’m so aroused I don’t think I can control my movements. His big palms keep my thighs open. My toes curl at the edge of the bed when his tongue touches my clit, and he begins to suck in earnest.

Jerking restlessly against his lips, I reach out to touch his head, but stop short the moment his expert fingers skim my breasts.

“Doukas,” I whimper and feel him chuckle around my clit.

His rough fingers find my breast, and my body continues to convulse with pleasure. I feel his tongue reach my opening, and that brings another deluge of sensation. My body would have bolted off the bed if he weren’t holding onto me.

“You want to come?” he asks sensuously, and I mewl in agreement.

I’m about to beg him to take pity on me when everything stops. My eyes fly open, and I watch him remove his pants and boxers until he finally reaches for his discarded jacket next to me.

I haven’t even thought of a condom, but I’m glad he has.

Leaning on the bed, he cups my waist, moving me further up the mattress, but he’s not far behind. As he claims my mouth once more, his cock grinds against my wetness, inching closer to my core. Slowly, he pushes his member inside me, and I moan around his mouth.

“You’re mine, Ria,” he informs me, ramming his cock deep inside me with a hoarse moan.

I don’t think I’ve screamed in pleasure this much. I try to match his rhythm, but I’m nowhere near his caliber.

“Doukas,” I breathe, and he cups my nape as if determined to steal my every breath.

“Are you close?” he asks through gritted teeth, pumping in and out of me.


“I want to feel you around my cock as you lose yourself. Let go for me, baby.”

Throwing my head back, I orgasm around him as shock after delicious shock envelopes my body. It’s difficult to say how long the amazing sensation lasts when he cups my nape and I look into his beautiful eyes.

“One day, Ria. One day, I’m going to come deep inside you with nothing between us because that’s how things should be.”

As if that’s what he was waiting for, he closes his eyes and loses himself inside me with a husky roar.

I try to hold him to me, to show him I agree, but judging by his wild abandon, I think he understands perfectly.



Extraordinary, magnificent, positively earthshattering. I lie spent on Doukas’s naked chest, basking in the afterglow of what has to be the best sex of my life. It was the intensity more than anything else, not to mention how masterfully he handled my body.

A girl could definitely get used to that.

Doukas lifts my hand off his chest and puts it on his lips. I’ve come to like him kissing my hand. It’s a gesture of affection I’m not used to.

“For the record, I didn’t intend to ravish you the moment we had some privacy,” Doukas says, tightening his arms around me. “Are you all right, baby?”

“Yes,” is all I offer and turn my head to look at him.

It’s very unlike me to be speechless after sex, but I don’t know where to start. I’ve known Doukas less than a week, and I’ve already jumped into the sack with him. Not sure about the rules, but I wouldn’t count him as a one-night stand. Not when I’d love a repeat performance.

Doukas bends down and kisses my lips. “Are you sure you have to go back?” he asks, and I frown, trying to make sense of what he’s saying.

“Shit,” I cry out and scramble to my feet. “Oh, you’re the worst influence. I have some people coming to discuss hosting a business event later this week. Please tell me it’s not eight.”

“It’s not eight,” he announces, glancing at his ridiculously expensive watch.

I roll my eyes as I open the closet to find something to wear. “What time is it, then?”

“A little after seven,” Doukas’s voice comes close behind me.

I straighten up, and I see him behind me in the dresser mirror. His sky-blue eyes sparkle as he closes his arms around me.

“It’s such a shame putting clothes on that body, Ria.”

As if on cue, I blush a bright red. “I’m a mess,” I grumble and wipe under my eyes. Waterproof eyeliner, my ass.

Doukas kisses under my ear, and I lean to him to give him better access. “You are alluring.” Another kiss. “Captivating.” He turns me around and kisses my lips. “Enthralling.”

Before him, I didn’t know a man could make me feel this way. My only other relationship lasted three years, and somehow, we skipped the being in love part and moved straight to the routine. All Doukas has to do is look at me, and everything is right. New but familiar at the same time.

“Will you stay at the taverna until closing?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so. Just a little after midnight to see how we did and catch up with some work.”

“Tell you what. Why don’t I pick you up after you finish work and take you to my house? That way, you can sleep in my arms.”

“That’s tempting, but—”

“Excellent! I’ll pick you up around midnight,” he interrupts.

“I was going to refuse, Doukas. Don’t you think it’s a bit soon? I get that we’ve rushed things a bit, but I don’t want to impose. What will your brothers think?”

A terrible thought crosses my mind. Perhaps he’s like that all the time, bringing women to his house and fucking them as easily as he did me.

“My family knows I care about you, baby. Is it too soon? Perhaps it is, but sometimes you just know, and I don’t intend to spend another minute away from you.” He talks and moves a step forward as I take a step back. He doesn’t stop until my back meets the wall. We’re both buck naked, and his smoldering eyes take a moment to focus on me once again, making me all hot but not that bothered. “Now, either pack an overnight bag, or I’ll have to go out of my way to convince you. And while I might prefer the second option, I don’t think you’ll make it on time for that meeting.”

For a moment, I don’t get that he’s waiting for an answer, and when I nod, he shakes his head. “How many times do I have to tell you, baby, that I need the actual words?”

Easy for him to say. He stands in front of me, aloof and ever so sexy, while I’m a mess. When he chuckles, I trace my fingers across his Adam’s apple, and all the while, he’s observing me closely. I try to commit to memory every little detail to make sure that I’m not dreaming.




“What are all these?” Doukas asks as he takes the presents off my hands and moves to the trunk of his car.

“Nothing really. I did some shopping yesterday and bought something for your baby sister.”

“Four presents? Why?”

“I don’t know. I felt like it. I mean, I’ve met your brothers, and I wanted your sister to like me.”

Shaking his head, he leads me to the passenger seat and helps me inside, even reaching to do my seatbelt up. “Baby, Harmonia likes everybody that we do just on principle. I could count the people she has a problem with on the fingers of my one hand.” With that, he closes my door and moves to sit behind the wheel.

“Still, I wanted to bring her something,” I say when we get on the road.

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.”

I like to watch him drive. Focusing on his hands on the wheel, I shiver at the memory that not too long ago, those hands roamed my whole body.

“We’re here,” Doukas announces, and I look up. “Sorry, but I can’t park any closer.”

“Oh, you wouldn’t. Many of my patrons complain about the same. It’s the new zoning law to ban cars from the vicinity of the Acropolis.”

Doukas cocks his head on the side, arching a brow. “You seem to know a great deal about it.”

If only he knew. I let out a rueful smile. “I do,” I admit. “Ever since this talk about the law started and the whole clauses and restrictions about establishments’ restoration in the vicinity, I made it my point to know. Thankfully, the taverna isn’t affected by these restrictions because we’re considered a protected property, having been in business for about sixty years.”

“That’s very interesting. I can have Alcaeus or Icarus look into it if you like.”

What an odd suggestion! “Your brothers? Why?”

“Because they’re lawyers. Actually, only Alcaeus practices law, but Icarus is quite shrewd in these matters, too.”

Imagine these two being lawyers. I didn’t even think to ask Doukas what his brothers do. Then again, I’ve only met them briefly. “Oh, does Alcaeus have a practice?”

Doukas dazzles my world with his megawatt smile, and something warm and fuzzy stirs in my belly. That’s a very nice feeling to have. “Not really. He only has one client.” A horn blares outside the car, startling us, but the car quickly passes us by. Doukas glances briefly at his watch and sighs. “You’ve got only three minutes until your appointment.”

I chuckle at his tone. “Then I better spend them kissing the handsomest man alive.”

“The handsomest man agrees.”

I bet he does.