The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 22:  Maggie




Maggie hurried into her house, overloaded with groceries. She should’ve asked Terry how many of his friends were coming to help, but it hadn’t been top on her mind last night. This morning, she hadn’t had the heart to wake him. He’d looked so sweet sleeping—his usually stern face relaxed, his broad back bare, the blanket tossed carelessly over his hips. It’d taken every ounce of will power she’d had not to run her hands down all that smooth skin and then follow the same path with her lips. God, that man turned her on. Unfortunately, she’d been a good girl and had gone to the grocery store.

If these guys were coming to help, even if it were only two additional men, she’d need to feed them lunch. She dropped the bags on the table and began putting away the groceries. She’d bought more than she could afford, but this was still a lot cheaper than hiring movers. She could forego sleep and pack everything herself but the moving…She would’ve had to hire someone to help with that.

The doorbell rang as she stuffed the last six pack of beer in the fridge. She hurried to the door and opened it. “Terry…”

A short, curvy brunette and a tall, handsome man with brown hair and a friendly smile stared at her. He was caring a catering dish, as well as bags of groceries strapped over his arm. The young woman also held bags of food.

“May I help you?”

“I’m Annie and this is Patrick.” The young woman pointed at the guy.

Maggie’s gaze went over their heads as another car stopped, parking on the curb and a man and woman got out.

Annie glanced at them when the car door closed. “Hey, Sarah. Hey, Nick.”

“Hey,” said the man who had dark hair and looked kind of familiar. “I told you Annie would bring food.”

“You’re lucky she likes to feed you guys.” The woman was tall and slender with red hair. “Hey, Annie. Patrick.”

“I am lucky.” Nick’s arm went around her, his hand resting on her lower back as they stopped behind the other couple.

Annie turned back toward Maggie, the smile slipping from her face. “Oh, my God. Terry did tell you that he invited us over to help, didn’t he?” She turned and looked at Patrick. “He wouldn’t not tell her, would he?”

“Terry probably just ordered it to be done and expected it to happen,” said Nick.

Maggie didn’t like Nick’s comment about Terry, even if it were kind of true. “Of course, he told me. I-I was just surprised.” She’d expected Terry to be here when his friends arrived. She stepped aside. “Please, come inside and thank you for doing this.”

The four bustled through the doorway.

“You’re welcome and where’s the kitchen?” asked Annie.

“This way.” Maggie led them into the other room. “You didn’t have to bring anything. I have more than enough for lunch.”

“Lunch?” Annie laughed. “You assumed these goons ate breakfast.

“Ah…” She had assumed that.

“I’m starving.” Nick was already pawing through the bags of groceries, pulling out bagels, cream cheese, fruit and other items.

Patrick put the catering dish down and set up the warming pan. “Eggs, bacon, sausage and anything else you can think of.” He pulled off the lid.

“Oh my, that smells wonderful.” Maggie’s mouth watered. She was starving.

“Thanks.” Annie beamed as she put juices and plastic cups on the table. “I love to cook and these guys love to eat. It’s a win-win.”

“Thank you. I hadn’t thought about breakfast.” She was going to kill Terry. He could’ve told her what to expect.

“No problem.” Annie handed her a plate. “Sarah and I figured that Terry wouldn’t give you all the info you needed.” She shook her head. “These men are like cavemen. They don’t understand how things work.”

“Hey,” said Patrick around a mouthful of food. “We know how things work.”

“We just don’t care.” Nick stuffed more bacon in his mouth. “That’s what we have you two for.”

“Among other things.” Patrick sent Annie a look that threatened to scorch the paint off the walls.

“Oh…” Maggie flushed and grabbed a bagel.

“It takes a while, but you get used to them.” Sarah handed Maggie an orange juice. “They’re all great guys, but they are guys through and through.”

“You love that about us,” said Nick.

“That I do.” Sarah’s gaze warmed as she looked at him.

Maggie’s heart almost wept. That was love in those eyes, both sets. She was happy for them and so damn jealous. It’d been so long since David had looked at her like that.

“So, who else is coming?” asked Annie as she ate some eggs off Patrick’s plate.

“I’m not sure.”

“So, he didn’t tell you.” Nick snorted. “No surprise there.”

“He told me he invited his friends and I didn’t ask for details.” There was no reason for Nick to talk about Terry in that tone.

“She’s perfect for him,” muttered Patrick.

“Ah…” She wasn’t sure what to say about that. “I would’ve asked but I was at work and…”

“And then you were busy.” Sarah nudged Nick. “We understand perfectly.”

Maggie blushed. “No, it’s not…” It was exactly like the other woman thought.

“Where is he anyway?” Nick looked around.

“Uhm, at home.”

“Home? What’s he doing there?” asked Nick. “Probably, still sleeping.”

“Yes, but I left early to go to the store and didn’t want to wake him.”

“Why the hell not?” Nick pulled out his phone. “I’ll wake his lazy ass.”

“He’s not lazy.” She didn’t like this Nick guy.

Nick stepped into the living room and Sarah smiled softly at her. “It’s the way the two of them are. It’s weird at first, but you get used to it.”

“Yeah,” said Patrick. “They’re always bickering but both of them would do whatever they could for the other.”

“Kind of like siblings,” said Annie. “I have five brothers and these two act just like them.” She pointed toward the living room. “Speaking of brothers. Hey, Mattie.”

Nick was at the door, waving in the mechanic from the garage and three other people, two guys and a petite redhead.

“Hey, Maggie. Good to see you again.” Mattie smiled at her as he walked into the kitchen and went straight to the food.  “Leena, Annie brought those bagels you love.”

The little redhead hurried into the kitchen, pushing past all the large men and grabbing two bagels. “Thank you, Annie. You’re a lifesaver. I was starving.” She stuffed a hunk in her mouth.

“Hi,” Maggie said to the girl. She looked different not covered in grease, but it was the same young woman who’d talked to her in the garage.

“Hey,” said Leena.

“Where do you want us to start?” asked Annie.


The doorbell rang. Good lord, how many people had Terry invited. Nick opened the door, stuffing his phone in his pocket. Ethan walked in looking exhausted.

“Didn’t expect to see you after working all night,” said Nick.

“Like you got a lot of sleep.” Ethan pushed past Nick and went straight to the kitchen. He gave Sarah and Annie a quick kiss on their cheeks before turning to Maggie. “So, where’s Terry?”

“On his way,” said Nick. “I just woke his ass up.”

Ethan smiled. “I’m sure he was up late.” His blue eyes darted to Maggie and she blushed.

“I’ll get you guys started in my daughter’s room.” Isabella had wanted to pack her own stuff but she’d have to get over it. Maggie was going to get as much done as possible while she had help. “The other bedrooms are almost done.”

“We can load the van,” said Leena.

“We’ll start with the furniture,” said Mattie, shoveling his breakfast into his mouth.

“Sounds perfect.” She smiled at them. It must be wonderful to have so many friends. Terry was a lucky man. Besides her kids, she had no one.