The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 25:  Maggie




Maggie sat in the bathroom, too embarrassed to come out. Terry had called her a whore in front of all his friends. They were probably laughing at her or whispering about her right now. She was such an idiot. Men like Terry didn’t fall for women like her; they used them.

There was a tap on the door.

“Everyone’s gone except me and Annie. Why don’t you come out and we can talk?” It was Sarah’s soft voice.

Maggie took a long, shaky breath, trying to compose herself. “Thanks for staying but you should go with your boyfriends.” She didn’t want to see anyone right now, especially someone who’d heard their fight.

“Too late.” It was Annie’s louder tone. “They aren’t coming back for a while. You’re stuck with us.”

“If you aren’t ready to come out, that’s fine,” said Sarah. “We understand, but it’s better to talk about it. Trust me on that one.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Okay.” Sarah’s tone was hesitant. “Would you like us to finish packing your daughter’s room?”

“No.” She moved to the sink and splashed water on her face. These two weren’t going to leave, so she might as well face them. She opened the door and smiled but it was tremulous. “I can finish it later. You should call…” She couldn’t remember their boyfriends’ names. “I appreciate you staying, but you don’t need to babysit me.”

“We’re not doing that. Not at all.” Annie took her hand. “Come on. Let’s have some dessert.” She tugged and Maggie let the younger woman drag her down the hallway.

“Food is Annie’s answer to everything,” muttered Sarah as she followed them. “I’m going to be five hundred pounds if I keep hanging out with her.”

Maggie and Annie both threw Sarah a disgusted look.

“You’re always going to be thin,” said Annie. “Me on the other hand.” She slapped her own ass. “I’ve got to watch it already.”

“I’d kill to be your size again.” Maggie looked at the other woman who was curvy but still with the tightness of someone much younger than herself.

“You look great.” Annie pushed her toward a chair and went to the fridge, pulling out a bag from the back. “I had to hide these or the guys would’ve gobbled them up with breakfast.” She opened the bag and pulled out a container of bakery cookies.

Sarah took one and bit into it. “Not as good as the ones you made, Maggie, but still yummy.”

“You tried my cookies?”

“Yeah. We made Terry share.” Sarah grinned. “I think Nick and Ethan ate more than he did.”

“I’d love to try them,” said Annie.

“The kids finished the ones I’d left here, but I do have some cupcakes.” She stood and walked to the metal cake box on the counter. “Isabella needed them for a school party. I always make extra in case some don’t turn out.” She carried it to the table and removed the lid. “These are a little messed up. I sent the best ones to school.”

“They’re beautiful.” Annie’s eyes drifted over the display.

“Thanks. These are yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting.” Maggie pointed at one set. “And these are strawberry with butter cream frosting.” There were assorted sprinkles garnishing the tops.

“They look delicious.” Sarah grabbed one with chocolate frosting and dark sprinkles. She tore off the paper and took a large bit. “Mmm. Maggie, you are a god in the kitchen.”

“Thank you.” Maggie blushed as she started the coffee.

“Alcohol,” said Sarah. “I think we need something to drink and I don’t mean coffee.”

“Good idea.” Annie moved to the fridge. “Wine and cupcakes. My favorite.”

“Sorry. I don’t have any wine.” She couldn’t afford that luxury.

“Don’t worry. I came prepared.” Annie grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge.

“You expected this?” She glanced from one woman to the other.

“No.” Annie laughed. “But I did think that a glass of wine would be nice when we were done helping you move.”

“You were right about that.” Maggie turned off the coffee pot and grabbed three of the disposable cups that Annie had brought, placing them on the table. She could nap before the kids came home.

“You don’t happen to have Crown Royale, do you?” asked Sarah.

“No. Sorry. I did buy a few six packs of beer.”

“That’ll work. Annie, grab me one.” Sarah finished her cupcake. “I prefer my sweets to be baked not drank.”

“More for us.” Annie handed a beer to Sarah and then opened the wine, pouring some in two of the three cups before grabbing one of the strawberry cupcakes. She took a bite. “Oh, my, these are fabulous.”

“Thank you. I love to bake.” Maggie took a sip. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that and I’m not a—”

“Oh, honey.” Annie leaned over and hugged her. “We know that. Terry can be…”

“A real jerk,” said Sarah.

“He’s brusque.” Maggie shook her head. “I’m such a fool. He calls me a whore and I still stick up for him.”

“You’re not a fool.” Annie smiled. “It’s what we do when we care for someone.”

“I don’t. I can’t.” She took another drink. “I barely know him.”

“Yeah,” Sarah sighed. “That’s their secret power, this group of guys. We fall for them hard and we barely know them.” She smiled. “But the good thing is, they’re all good guys and all this”—she waved her hand around—“crap is worth it in the end.”

“I’m glad for you, but it’s not the same with me and Terry.”

“Really?” Annie’s brown eyes were amused.

“No. I mean, we just met and I’m recently divorced and…uhm, things happened but this wasn’t going anywhere anyway and now, it’s over.”

“Are you sure about that?” asked Sarah.

“Yes. I’m not going to be with a guy who thinks I’m a whore. I mean, how can I?” Part of her wanted them to explain, make some sense of this so she could be with Terry again. The way he made her feel…She wasn’t ready to give that up.

“I agree,” said Sarah.

“You do?” asked Annie, surprised.

“Yes, but I don’t think Terry actually feels that way about you.”

“He said it.” She finished her wine and refilled her glass, topping off Annie’s.

“Terry can be, as you said, brusque,” said Sarah.

“Yes, but he told me he’s always honest. So, he honestly thinks I’m a whore.” She almost cried. She’d thought that the things they’d done had ben special but apparently, only to her.

“He actually called all women whores not just you.” Sarah picked another cupcake from the dish.

“What?” She hadn’t heard him say that.

“He said that we trade our bodies for comfort, companionship, and a roof over our heads all the time.”

“He’s right. Somewhat.” Annie sipped her drink. “Nowadays, most women have jobs but in the past that’s kind of how it worked.”

“I guess, but I still didn’t appreciate it.” She let this tumble through her brain, not sure if she agreed or not.

“Terry’s an acquired taste,” said Sarah. “He doesn’t like me, but he’s always polite. I get the feeling that he’ll do anything and I mean anything for someone he cares about.”

“Like Nick.” Annie’s tone was soft.

Maggie watched the two of them, not sure what they were talking about.

“Sorry,” said Sarah. “You need some background. Nick and I are engaged.”

“Oh, congratulations.” She was glad for the other woman but so empty inside.

“Thanks, but Terry’s not happy about it,” said Sarah.

“He dislikes you that much?” Maggie couldn’t understand what Terry didn’t like about the quiet, younger woman.

“Yes and no. He’s upset because Nick won’t sign a prenup.” Sarah put some frosting on her finger and licked it off. “This is delicious.”

“Oh. Nick has money.”

“They all have money,” said Annie. “Membership at La Petite Mort Club is not cheap.”

“They’re all members. All the men that were here?”

“Not Mattie’s friends and not Leena.” Annie looked at Sarah. “But we’re members.”

“It’s not just for men?” She’d never considered that women would want to go there. Work there, yes, but go there?

“Heavens no. There are a lot of rich women who want some kink in their lives too.” Annie grinned. “Ask Sarah. She joined before she met Nick. I joined after I met Patrick.”

“You worked there.” Sarah laughed. “And I was a one-time contract. Not a member.”

“Oh my.” Her eyes had to be as big as dessert plates.

“Yes, oh my.” Sarah smiled. “So, trust me, nothing that happened between you and Terry will surprise either of us.”

“Oh, no. It wasn’t like that.” She clamped her mouth shut. He ate his dessert from my body, but nothing like stuff that went on in a sex club.

“Sure. Keep telling yourself that.” Annie patted her hand. “However, think about what you’ll be giving up if you end it with him.” Her eyes got dreamy. “All those long nights and days of fabulous sex.” She sighed. “Patrick would have to do something really stupid for me to toss him to the curb.”

“Calling you a whore isn’t enough?” It was for her.

Annie’s smile faltered. “No, but it almost was.”

“He called you a whore?” Sarah was shocked. “You never told me that.”

“He didn’t use those exact words but it still hurt.”

“And you worked through it?” Maybe, she could too.

“Yeah. He swore he didn’t mean it and I believed him.” She shrugged. “Stupid? Maybe. But we’re happy now and I couldn’t find a kinder and more caring guy.”

“I don’t know.” She wasn’t sure she should share this, but…She took a big gulp of her wine. “This wasn’t the first time.”

“He called you a whore before?” Annie’s eyes sparked with anger. “I’m going to have a long talk with him.”

“What exactly happened?” asked Sarah.

“He offered me money to…you know.”

“Just out of the blue?” Sarah looked at Annie. “That doesn’t sound like Terry. If he wanted to pay, he could have a woman from the Club.”

“Well, no. We were…kissing and I got a call and had to go to work. He wanted me to stay with him but I need the money so he offered to pay me to stay home.”

“Oh. He didn’t call you a whore.” Annie laughed. “That’s his way of solving a problem. The man has so much money and has had for quite a while that he believes everything can be solved by throwing money at it.”

“Unfortunately, he’s right most of the time,” said Sarah.

“That must be why he was so pissed at you.” Annie’s eyes sparkled. “You’re the one thing he can’t buy and it’s driving him crazy.”

“I don’t know about that. “ She had agreed to use his car.

“No, that’s it.” Annie almost vibrated off her chair. “Terry’s a true dominant. He has to be in charge.” She grinned. “I’m sure that’s no secret to you.”

“No.” Maggie flushed. “I’m quite aware of his predilections, but only in the bedroom or bedroom activities.”

“And he agreed to that?” asked Sarah.

“Yeah. Why?”

Sarah sent Annie a knowing look.

“Oh, this is perfect.” Annie’s grin widened.

“What am I missing?” She looked from one to the other.

“Oh, Terry has it bad for you.” Annie hugged her again. “You poor thing.”

“I don’t think that’s the case.” Her heart beat an unsteady rhythm of hope and disbelief.

“It is if he agreed to only be in control in the bedroom,” said Sarah. “Terry always likes to be in control. Always.”

“He does try outside of the bedroom.” She’d never met a bossier man or a sexier one.

“And you usually let him, don’t you?” Sarah studied her.

“Yeah. Most of the time, it’s fine. I don’t mind.” She actually liked it.

“Except when it comes to money,” said Annie. “Oh, the two of you are in for so much fun.”

“If you enjoy fighting,” mumbled Sarah around her cupcake. “Not everyone does.”

“I don’t.” Maggie glanced at the other two women. “You two do?”

“Sometimes.” Sarah’s eyes grew distant. “Not the actual fight but the sex.”

“Make-up sex is nice.” It’d been good with David. It was sure to be fabulous with Terry. Not that she was making-up with him or anything.

“Oh, not just the make-up sex,” said Sarah. “The fighting sex. Nick and I both get so turned on whenever we’re fighting that we can’t keep our hands to ourselves.”

“Really?” She’d never heard of having sex during an argument.

“Yeah, me and Patrick too, but I also love to argue,” said Annie. “Patrick is pretty easy going but sometimes when I push that button. Oh, it’s really, really nice.” She finished her wine and sighed. “Give Terry a chance to explain. Deep down, he’s a good guy and he could use someone like you in his life.”

“This thing we have isn’t like that.” It was just sex. That was all.

“That’s what Annie and I thought about our situations too.”

“No. really. I have three kids and Terry isn’t interested in being around them. Honestly, I don’t want him around them.”

“Terry would never hurt a child.” Annie’s tone wasn’t as friendly.

“I know he wouldn’t on purpose, but I can’t have him becoming a part of our lives and then disappearing. Kids don’t understand that. The divorce was hard enough.” She shook her head. “No matter what, I’m not introducing a man into their lives unless I know it’s a long-term commitment. That’s not what Terry and I have.” They just had the hots for each other.

“Oh, this is excellent.” Annie grinned. “Keep him at arm’s length except in the bedroom. It drives these guys crazy. Doesn’t it, Sarah.”

Sarah finished her beer. “Yes, it does and I’m talking from experience.” She stood and walked to the fridge, grabbing another beer. “You keep this up and you and Terry will be living together soon.”

“Right.” She laughed but the other women just smiled. “Oh, that’s not going to happen. It can’t. I won’t let it.”

The other two looked and each other and burst out laughing.