The Dom’s Submission: Complete Series by Ellis O. Day






CHAPTER 26:  Maggie




Maggie sat up in bed, her head pounding. She shouldn’t have had all that wine. The doorbell rang. She was pretty sure that was what had woken her. She hoped it was Terry because she was in the perfect mood to give him a piece of her mind.

She opened the door and the words “What do you want?” froze on her tongue.

“Hey mom,” her daughter walked past her and stopped.

“You packed?” Isabella glared at her. “You didn’t pack my room, did you?”

“Honey, I’m sorry but—”

“You promised I could do it.” Isabella stormed down the hallway toward her bedroom.

“Did you get the message?” David handed Davy to her.

“What message?” She scanned the yard. Terry’s car was gone. He must’ve come by while she was sleeping. He hadn’t even tried to apologize. She should be glad, but instead she wanted to cry.

“Can I build a fort?” Peter started moving boxes without waiting for her answer.

“Kathy tried calling you.” David was almost bouncing with excitement.

“Kathy? Kathy who?” She bent, putting Davy down by his brother.

“Our agent. She said she tried calling you.”

“She did?” She hadn’t looked at her phone for hours. Her stomach churned. If Kathy called and David was excited, it could only mean one thing. “Someone made an offer.” She prayed it was low but by the way David was acting, she didn’t think this prayer would be any more successful than the last several hundred.

“Yes. Full price. Can you believe it?”

“Oh, that’s great.” It was, kind of.

“The buyer wants to move so...” David handed her a manila folder. “Here’s the paperwork. You need to sign it.”

“I’ll look it over.”

“Just sign It, Margaret.”

He always called her Margaret when he was angry with her. “I’m not signing anything without looking it over.”

“Fine, but hurry up. This guy wants to buy now. We need to accept his offer before he looks at something else.”

“I’ll get the papers back to Kathy in a day or so.”

“A day or so? Are you crazy?”

“No, David. I have things to do.”

“What? You’re home all the time.”

“I work now, remember?”

“You’re not working tonight.”

She didn’t need this. “No, I’m not but I have kids to feed and bathe and a house to pack.”

“Yeah, you’re going to need to empty this place.”

“I know that.”

“You should’ve been out of here by now.”

“I’m working on it.” She was also working on keeping her temper.

“We need to sign. This guy wants to close as soon as possible. Next week if we’re able.” He leaned in. “He’s even offering Kathy a bonus to get this all done quickly.”

All the wine dropped to her stomach. She had to move but she had no money to hire movers. “David, can I talk to you outside. “ She took his arm and they both stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind them. Every time she thought she’d hit bottom, life sent her a new low. “I hate to ask but is there any way that I can borrow the money to hire movers. I can pay you back as soon as we close.”

He frowned. “I don’t know. Steph won’t like it.”

“Then, don’t tell her.” She wanted to scream, cry and hide in her bed until all this was over or she died, whichever came first.

“I’m not keeping secrets from my wife.”

“I’m sorry. Of course not. I shouldn’t have said that.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “I-I don’t have the money and there’s no way I can move everything myself even if I had a big enough car.”

“Maybe, you shouldn’t have wasted all your money on a new car.” His eyes skimmed over the vehicle she’d borrowed from Terry. She’d left it in the driveway since Terry’s friends had been moving the boxes from her garage. “That’s a nice one.”

“It isn’t mine. My car is in the shop.”

“An economy rental car wasn’t good enough for you?”

“I’m not renting.” She wished she could afford to do that. “A friend loaned it to me.” She was so tired of explaining herself, but she needed the money.

“What friend? You don’t have any friends.”

That truth hit her like a punch in the gut. “You know what. Never mind.” She turned and walked into the house.

“Mom, I’m hungry,” said Peter

She was so close to falling apart but she couldn’t. Her kids needed her. “Okay. I’ll make you something.”



It was almost ten when Maggie finally sat down. She’d pushed all her problems aside by keeping busy. It wasn’t hard while feeding the kids, bathing them and then watching their favorite TV show with them, but now, they were asleep. The house was quiet and all her worries crashed down around her.

There was no way she was going to be able to move in a week or two. She could call Terry and agree to be his whore. She picked up her phone and tossed it on the floor before curling on the couch. She wasn’t a whore and she wouldn’t sleep with him for money. She couldn’t.

There was a soft tap on the door.

She didn’t want to answer it. This day had been nothing but bad.

There was another knock.

She had no idea who’d be coming over at this time. She walked to the window and peeked outside. Terry waited on the porch. He tapped on the door again. He’d come back. Her mood lightened, but she couldn’t talk to him right now. She’d give in and then she’d never be able to forgive herself.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and tapped a button. Her phone rang. “Maggie, it’s me. Come to the door. We need to talk.”

She heard him through the open window but she didn’t move. She’d talk to him later, but not now, not when she was this vulnerable.

“Damnit.” He dialed her phone again. “Answer your phone or I’m going to ring the doorbell.” He paused. “I’m sure your kids are asleep. I don’t think you want me to wake them, especially the baby. They aren’t so easy to get back to sleep.”

She was going to kill him. She hurried to the door and opened it. “Go away.”