To Have & to Hurt by Morgan Bridges



If Violetta doesn’t show up in the next two minutes, I’m going to spank her beautiful ass.

My “guest,” one of the very few people I’ve allowed inside my home—without having one of my men trail them for weeks or even months prior to validate them—shifts his gaze to me, but then it quickly darts away. He adjusts his weight from one foot to the other, giving away his nervousness and slight impatience, and says nothing.

Wise choice.

I want this moment to be perfect for Violetta and I will not be rushed by someone who couldn’t afford to buy any of his wares, let alone the entire collection like I’m able to. It’d take millions, but I highly doubt my ribelle will want everything displayed in my study. Come to think of it, I’m not exactly sure she’ll want the gift I’m trying to give her.

My lips twist at the thought and Mr. Jones pales.

“I will return shortly,” I say.

Not waiting for him to answer, I stride to the door and take hold of the handle with a firm grip, pulling it open. A tiny shriek fills my ears as the sight of Violetta fills my vision.

And she fulfills my every fantasy.

Her dark strands are piled on top of her head, leaving wisps of hair to float about as she backs up a step. I have my hand securely around her wrist to prevent her from moving away and stare down at her in amazement. The loose curls settle, brushing against the collar around her neck.

Whatever reprimand I had planned to address her tardiness evaporates like smoke.

I take a deep breath to still the raging possessiveness that’s bombarding me. It’s not working, but I have to be positive that what she’s wearing is actually a collar, like those worn between a dom and a sub. Violetta may not have a clue about what that means.


Her voice is strained and her oceanic gaze has dulled, becoming like murky water and hiding the brilliance of her eye color. I stifle a growl of frustration toward myself and tug her wrist gently. She comes to me and I wrap my hands around her neck, running my thumbs along the black leather, complete with a metal, heart-shaped adornment in the center.

“What’s this?”

She searches my gaze with hers. “Don’t you like it?”

“I love everything you wear and I especially enjoy when you wear nothing at all. Answer my question.”

“It’s a collar,” she says, lowering her voice to a whisper. “You mentioned it that one time…”

“Yes, after I fucked you. It’s one of my favorite memories.”

“Tristano!” She glances around, finds the hallway empty and brings her attention back to me. “Well, after that I researched it and then had Carina buy it, so I could surprise you. The problem is I couldn’t find the courage to actually wear the thing. It’s not exactly the same as a choker, you know.”

I nod. “I do. They are completely different.”

Violetta presses her lips together and drops her gaze. Which I immediately bring back to me by pushing up her chin.

“This is a gift I will always remember and I thank you for it.”

She brightens, her eyes now shining like the water found on the shores of a tropical beach. “Really?”


“I’m so relieved. Carina said I was crazy for wanting to get it, but then Rafael found out and complained she wasn’t wearing one for him. Don’t get me started on the number of times he referred to her as a ‘cat’ but without using the actual word. He preferred a synonym. My sister and I were traumatized by the time he left the room.”

“I’ll speak to him.”

My hard tone has her blinking rapidly. “No, please don’t. I didn’t mean it like he was horrible. The entire thing was just extremely embarrassing, which is why I couldn’t bring myself to wear it and leave the room. Hence, me being late meeting you…” She tilts her head and some of her curls sway, making me want to wrap one around my finger. “What am I late for exactly? Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?”

Unable to keep from constantly touching her, I tuck one tendril behind her ear and then take her chin. After sweeping my mouth across her soft lips, I inwardly groan.

I always want her.

No matter how many times I fuck her, where I do it, or how long I do it.

Maybe it’s good Violetta is young, so she can keep up with my voracious sexual appetite.

“I wanted to ask you something,” I say, my tone serious. “But I wanted to do it in my office, not out here.”


“Mr. Jones, you may leave us in private and return when I call for you.”

Violetta’s brows lift when the man scurries around us and then takes up a seat in the formal waiting area across the hallway. She leans closer and lowers her voice again. “I hope he’s not on your payroll. He’s too scared of you to do his job if he is.”

I grin at her. “Don’t worry about him, He’s a guest.”


Seeing her lips in a perfect O shape brings lustful thoughts and seductive images to my mind and I drop my hands away from her before I ruin all my plans. I offer her my arm to take and she starts to wrap hers around it but stops. Instead she takes my hand in hers and lowers them to rest between us, right before squeezing mine gently.

“It feels like our relationship is less formal, yet more official this way.”

It’s about to be a lot more official in a few seconds.

She beams up at me and I find myself smiling down at her. Violetta’s youth softens the layers of hardness that life has draped over me. Every day she slowly chips away at my soul, removing the ugly, jagged exterior and exposing the diamonds underneath.

Now it’s my turn to do the same.

Except I’m not removing anything, only enhancing her internal beauty with something external.

Once we’re fully inside my office, I reach behind me to shut the door while keeping my gaze fixed on Violetta’s face. I don’t want to miss a single thing.

Her breath hitches and her eyes widen first, and that’s followed by Violetta clasping her free hand to her chest. “Tristano, what is all this?”

Her words are a gentle breeze and what I need to breathe.

“These,” I say, sweeping my arm to gesture at the tables, “are diamonds. Mr. Jones is a jeweler and he’s going to customize whatever you wish.”

Violetta opens her mouth, closes it, and then opens it again. “I don’t understand. Is this a belated birthday present? Because I was very happy with what you did for me.” A blush stains her cheeks and I have no doubt she’s recalling every intimate detail. “I don’t need another gift.”

“How about an engagement ring?” I say with a lifted brow. “You were very open about the fact that I hadn’t given you a proposal to consider and that there wasn’t a ring present. I’m rectifying that mistake. One, or several, of these diamonds will be yours to select from and put in a design of your choosing. As for the proposal to consider?” I shrug. “I’m still not giving you the option to say no. However, I’m a businessman and offering you a contract of marriage is something I’ll not only consider, but will sign with a blood oath.”

“Loyalty ‘til death.” She murmurs it so softly I almost can’t hear her.

“Yes. I give you my vow, and those of my ancestors, ‘loyalty ‘til death,’ ribelle. That’s what you will have from me.”

She lifts her gaze to mine, allowing me to see the sheen of tears, and her lips tremble when she inhales several times.

“Silence is agreeance,” I say, turning to face her fully. I trail my fingers down the side of her face, along her jaw, and then rub my thumb across her full bottom lip. “I’d give anything to know what you’re thinking right now.”

“I love you, Tristano.” She leans into my touch and my pride swells. “And I know you think that’ll change when I get older like your mother did with your father, but it won’t. I promise.”

I bring our joined hands to my mouth and kiss each of Violetta’s knuckles. “I know, because I won’t allow it. And I know not to make the same mistakes my father did by putting his empire before his family. In other words, I won’t give you a reason to stop loving me. I’m going to begin our lives together by purchasing a ring and then I’ll marry you. After that, I’ll build my empire; not only with money but with children. And I’ll sustain it all by putting you first, Violetta. If I don’t have you, then the rest of it doesn’t mean anything.”

Tears stream down her face and if I wasn’t used to her doing it on occasion, I might be worried. Even so, I hate seeing her upset. To distract her, I wipe away the dampness on her cheeks and then lead her over to the center table.

“All the colors are here and in various sizes. Just say the word and whatever you want is yours.”

Violetta shakes her head and my chest tightens with tension at the thought she might be rejecting my gift. “I’m a little overwhelmed by it all,” she says quietly. “You know I love having the freedom to choose, but when it comes to something of this magnitude, and knowing how important this is? I want you to pick it out for me because I trust you to know what’s best.”

Relief floods me. “Very well. This one is a purple diamond. There are few mines that have them, making them rare and unique. It took months to cut and polish it, but I had the jeweler stop in case you wanted a different shape.”

“May I?” she asks. After I nod, she releases my hand to pick up the diamond. “What shape do you think is best?”

“I wanted it to be similar to that of a flower, in honor of your name, and the color was also in reference to that. Purple is thought to represent royalty and respect, however the meaning of the violet flower is loyalty and truth, which is what I desire.”

“It’s perfect,” she says. “Ring or not, purple or no, I will always give that to you. Are you going to wear one too?”

I take her chin in hand. “Remember what I told you about your wedding day? That will be when I wear a ring with honor and when I announce to the world you’re mine. And that day, my day, like my wife, will have no equal.”

Thank you for reading! If you haven’t devoured the prequel for Maximus and Emilia’s story, please click the link below to get an in depth look at the beginning of their journey.

A Bride to be Broken

Do you want to read a sneak peek from With this Rage? Turn the page to get a glimpse of Dante’s story!

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