Princely Submission by K.C. Wells

Chapter Ten

“The king certainly knows how to throw a party,” Stuart commented to Piotr as they stood at the bar, each holding a glass of champagne. Chandeliers sparkled, servers circled with trays of glasses, and beautiful music poured from the ensemble in the corner. The ballroom was awash with gowns of silk, satin and lace, and Stuart had never seen so many tuxes in one place. The security team wore them too, and five men stood at intervals around the room, watching the proceedings.

“It’s a fitting end to such a successful part of the visit. And I don’t mean that from a purely business angle.” Piotr’s eyes twinkled. “You contributed enormously.”

“What did I do?”

“Their Majesties loved the sightseeing excursions with His Highness, but…” He sighed. “I should explain. When the king’s father died, and King Ludomir ascended to the throne, he was thrust into a world he was ill-prepared for. He was already engaged at the time, and after his coronation, he and Her Majesty were married.” Piotr gazed fondly at the royal couple as they circulated, mingling and talking with their guests. “Since then, the country has been his top priority. This visit has been the honeymoon they never had. Oh, there have been short breaks when Jordan was small, but this is the first time in almost thirty years that they have been able to enjoy time together. And you made that possible, Mr. Whitmore.”

“How? By taking His Highness out of the equation?” Stuart scanned the room to locate Jordan. The prince was sitting at a table, watching the guests who were dancing in the center of the ballroom. He looked so regal in his tux, but something in his appearance touched Stuart.

He looks lonely.

Piotr nodded. “They love him dearly, but the king was convinced Jordan would be far happier exploring the city without his parents. Not that there has been all that much free time, but—”

“They made the most of what time they had,” Stuart concluded. He drank what was left of his champagne, and placed the glass on the bar.

“Indeed.” Piotr straightened as King Ludomir approached. “Your Majesty.” He bowed his head briefly.

The king beamed. “You are to be congratulated, Piotr. This is amazing.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty, but all I did was follow your instructions.” He gave another bow. “Now, I must see that the guests are kept supplied with champagne.” Piotr left them at the bar.

King Ludomir glanced at their surroundings before pointing to an empty table in the far corner. “Do you think we could sit over there for a moment?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Stuart followed him to the table, stopping now and then as the king greeted guests and shook hands. At last they reached their destination, and Stuart waited until King Ludomir was seated before joining him. A passing server placed two full glasses of champagne in front of them, then promptly withdrew.

Stuart took a drink. “I’m not usually a champagne drinker, but this tastes really good.”

“I’m glad.” The king sipped from his glass of pale gold bubbles, and Stuart got the impression there was something on his mind.

“Is anything wrong, Your Majesty?”

“Not wrong, as such. Our conversation this morning opened my eyes, I must admit,” he said in a low voice.

Stuart frowned. “You already knew he was gay.”

“Yes, but…” King Ludomir tilted his head to one side. “Do you know how the line of succession works in Elloria? The oldest child is the heir to the throne, whether they be male or female. In the past, consorts were chosen from European royal families.” He gave a sad smile. “Not so many of those left nowadays. When Jordan was born, I confess, my mind went instantly to the thought of who he would marry when he came of age. Somebody from the aristocracy, an old Ellorian family… I knew that one day we would have to nudge him in the direction of a wife.” His gaze alighted on Jordan. “All that changed this morning with one conversation.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Knowing my son is gay is not the same as accepting that Elloria will one day have a gay King. And today, that realization truly sank in. The monarchy of Elloria must change too, for there will be no queen. There can be offspring to ensure the continuation of the line—science is truly amazing—but I would not presume to choose Jordan’s partner.” He swallowed. “He has changed. It is as if in the space of two weeks, the boy has become a man.” His chest heaved. “Look at him. He seems so… solitary.”

“Then why don’t we walk over there and rescue him?” Stuart suggested.

King Ludomir smiled. “A good idea.” They got up, and he led Stuart through the assembled guests to where Jordan sat. He stood up as his father drew closer, but the king waved for him to sit. It seemed the queen had had the same idea, and she joined them.

“I think I have mingled enough for a while,” she said with a smile. “But when I get my second wind, I shall expect a dance.” She gazed pointedly at her husband, who laughed.

Stuart leaned toward Jordan. “Do you dance, Your Highness?”

Before Jordan could reply, the queen butted in. “He’s a beautiful dancer. One of his tutors taught him. And I can’t think why he hasn’t danced yet.”

King Ludomir raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps because he’s the youngest person in the room, and there is no one near his age to dance with. And please, do not embarrass him by asking him to dance with his mother.” He glanced at Stuart. “Do you dance, Mr. Whitmore?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Not very well, but… My mother made me go to dance classes before the prom.”

“Who was your date?” Jordan asked.

“Sarah Stronemeyer.” Stuart lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “She wasn’t my first choice, but that was never going to happen, so…” He shrugged.

The king’s eyes gleamed. “Who was your first choice?”

Stuart grinned. “Ken Lacey, the captain of the football team.” Stuart enjoyed seeing Jordan’s wide eyes and open mouth. He nodded. “And that’s probably how most of my classmates would have looked if I’d shown up to the prom with Ken on my arm. Not that he’d have gone with me. His girlfriend would have kicked his a—backside, and then he’d have beaten mine.”

The queen laughed.

“It’s a pity Jordan hasn’t had the chance to show how light-footed he is,” King Ludomir observed. “Unless…” That glint in his eyes was more noticeable. “Mr. Whitmore, would you dance with my son?”

Stuart wasn’t sure who was the more shocked—him or Jordan—but he recovered his wits. “Only if that is what His Highness wishes too.”

Jordan blinked. “We’d look a little strange out there.”

“Yes, we would,” Stuart agreed.

His eyes sparkled. “Then let’s do it.”

Stuart laughed. “That’s the prince I’ve come to know.” He got up and held out his arm. “Your Highness.” Jordan shivered, and Stuart grasped his hand. “Now, before you change your mind.”

Jordan rose gracefully, and Stuart led him toward the dance floor. As soon as they reached it, the applause began, swelling in volume.

Jordan frowned. “Why are they clapping?”

Stuart put one hand on Jordan’s waist, and the other on his shoulder. “They’re applauding courage, Your Highness.” When Jordan gave him a puzzled glance, Stuart gestured to the room. “How many other same-sex couples do you see here? None. To step out onto a dance floor in the arms of another man takes courage.”

Jordan swallowed. “There are other people dancing? I hadn’t noticed.”

The gentle strains of a waltz filled the air, and Stuart moved as smoothly as he could over the varnished wooden floor.

I didn’t see this coming. He was still reeling from the fact that the king had suggested it. But why did he do that?

Jordan didn’t break eye contact as they danced, but Stuart figured that was more to do with focusing on what his feet were doing, and on not getting distracted by their fellow dancers.

“You do realize how strange this is?” Jordan observed. “Last night, you were… you know, and tonight we’re dancing.”

“And you’re trying to lead,” Stuart commented.

“That’s because I’m the Prince.”

Stuart snorted. “I don’t care. I’m older and wiser than you are. So let me lead.”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know bears could dance.” He gazed in his father’s direction. “I thought I knew him. This was the last thing I expected.”

He leaned into whisper. “Let me give you some advice. Trust your father. Don’t hide what you feel from him. There is more support there for you then you can know.” When Jordan’s breathing hitched, Stuart nodded. “I think he’s finally realizing your future reign will be very different from his.”

“I don’t want to think about the future, not right now.” He bit his lip. “Not when I’m trying to work out what my feet should be doing, because someone insists on leading.”

“Your father was right. You’re very light-footed. My compliments to your tutor.”

Jordan cleared his throat. “The lessons were an excuse,” he said in almost a whisper.

“For what?”

He glanced around him, but no one was looking their way. “I wanted him to hold me. Which he did, just not in the way I wanted.”

Stuart remembered the first pangs of unrequited lust. “Did he ever know you had a crush on him?”

Jordan sighed. “No, but I think my father knew. The tutor was sent away.”

“What was he like? How old was he?”

“I never knew his age, but he was starting to go gray—here,” Jordan said, touching Stuart’s temple lightly with the tips of his fingers. “And there was a lot of gray here.” Another light touch, this time to Stuart’s beard. “But not so much here.” He touched Stuart’s upper lip.

Jordan’s actions were deliberate, thought-out, and sensual, and Stuart’s heart beat like a drum. He was acutely aware of the scent that clung to the prince, a mixture of soap, the hotel shampoo, and something else, an underlying smell that Stuart wanted to bury himself in and let it seep into his skin. “So he was my age?”  He struggled to keep his voice even.

Jordan nodded, and Stuart put two and two together. Drake had been in his forties. Jordan prefers older guys.

Stuart didn’t know what to make of that revelation.

Jordan’s gaze flickered to Stuart’s eyes before looking away. Stuart knew the signs by now. “What’s on your mind, Jordan?”

He bit his lip. “At first I was certain you were straight. You didn’t react when I—”

“Flirted with me? Batted your lashes?” Stuart snorted. “Which was so not subtle, by the way.”

Jordan laughed softly. “Damn. You saw through me. But later, there were moments when I felt something, saw something in your eyes, and I doubted my conclusions. And now I find I was right all along.”

“But me being gay doesn’t change anything, just like me discovering that you are gay didn’t change how I was around you.”

Jordan expelled a breath. “For which I was grateful.” The music came to an end, and the dancers applauded. He smiled. “Well, I got my first dance after all.”

What shocked Stuart was that he also wanted to be the one to give Jordan his first kiss.

Not to mention a few other firsts.

King Ludomir approached them. He placed his hand on Jordan’s shoulder. “My son, you have done your duty for tonight.” When Jordan gave him a quizzical glance, the king smiled. “Go to your room and get changed, and Mr. Whitmore here will take you somewhere that you might enjoy a lot more than this.”

Stuart caught his breath. “You’ve made a decision then?”

“Yes, I have.” He locked gazes with Stuart. “Take care of my son.”

“I will, Your Majesty.” King Ludomir walked away, and Stuart turned to Jordan. “Ready for a visit to your first bar?”

He’d been right about Jordan’s reaction.

Best birthday gift ever.

Jordan kept wanting to pinch himself. I’m finally in a gay bar. And best of all, he was there with Stuart.

God is on my side today. It didn’t matter that they weren’t dancing as closely as Jordan had envisaged—Stuart was there, in a pair of jeans that showed off his firm backside and equally firm thighs, and a T-shirt that clung to him like a second skin.

But the way he smelled…Jordan wanted to bottle it and stuff it into his suitcase.

Don’t think about going home. There are still two weeks. And he aimed to cram as much into them as he could.

“I can’t get over how many men are in such a small space,” he yelled to be heard above the music.

Stuart laughed. “This is just a fraction of the number of gay men in New York. I’ve been here on nights when you could hardly move because of all the bodies.”

He knew it was stupid to be jealous of men he’d never met, but the thought of Stuart dancing with another man caused a burning sensation in his chest. “Do you have anyone?”

Stuart arched his eyebrows. “I believe I answered that question the first time we had lunch in Elloria. I’m not married, remember? No family.”

“No, but you could have a boyfriend. You might not have wanted to admit that in front of my parents.”

“Nope, no boyfriend. I did once. Well, I thought I did. It didn’t work out. But that was a long time ago.”

There was an uncomfortable lump in his throat at the thought of Stuart all alone. “Has there been no one since?”

“I’ve gotten used to being on my own. It makes the job easier. No one to worry about when I’m away.”

“No one to come home to either.” It didn’t sound like much of an existence.

Stuart gave him a mock glare. “You’re here to dance and have a good time, not ask questions about me.”

“Maybe I’d have a better time if you bought me a drink,” he suggested.

Stuart laughed. “Didn’t you guzzle enough champagne at the ball tonight?”

“Hey, I wouldn’t say no to a coke, but if you managed to slip some rum into it, even better.”

Stuart shook his head. “Nice try, but I’m still looking out for you, remember. There’s no way I’m taking you back to the hotel even slightly tipsy. Your father would have my balls on a plate in seconds.”

“Are you scared of my father?” Jordan demanded.

Stuart barked out a laugh. “Duh. Now dance your way over to the bar with me, because I am not leaving you alone in here for a second.”

If Jordan could’ve had his way, he wouldn’t have left Stuart’s side all night long.

“Did you enjoy it?” Stuart asked as they strolled along West 53rd Street, heading back to the hotel.

“Yes, but I should have picked a bar that was farther away. We’d have a longer walk that way.”

Stuart laughed. “It’s two in the morning, and we have to be up early to go to the airport. I want my bed.”

Jordan sighed. “It was a wonderful night.”

Warmth surged through him. “I’m glad. I wanted your first visit to be good. But it needn’t be the last. We still have Los Angeles. I’ll take you to the Abbey in WeHo.” When Jordan’s brow wrinkled, Stuart explained. “West Hollywood. It’s a great gay bar.”

“Really? We’re going to another one?”

“Why not? I’ve got a friend out there too. Rhys. I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“A friend?”

“We served together. He runs a bar now in downtown LA.”

“Can we visit it?”

Oh hell. “It’s not like the one we just went to.”

“What does that mean?”

Too late to stop now. “It’s a leather bar.” He peered at Jordan. “Do you even know what a leather bar is?”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “You have no idea how much research I did for this trip. Of course I know what it is.” He went quiet for a moment. “I think I need to see it though. For my education.” That made Stuart smile. Jordan paused. “Do you have to wear leather?”

Stuart let out a wry chuckle. “I thought you’ve researched such things? I’ll ask.” Stuart wasn’t about to tell him just how well acquainted he was with such bars. Let me keep some secrets.

Jordan beamed. “Suddenly I’m really looking forward to LA.”

And I get the feeling I’ve just opened Pandora’s box.