Princely Submission by K.C. Wells

Chapter Seventeen

Of all the people to run into, why did I have to run into him?

One look at Danny, and his pulse had quickened, his mouth dried up, and blood pounded in his ears. Stuart had ached to jab his finger in Danny’s face, and instead had clenched his hands so tightly, his nails had dug into his palms. He didn’t even notice the pain until they were halfway to the hotel.

Jordan hadn’t asked what was going on, but Stuart figured his reticence would last until they were alone.

Why the fuck am I so bothered by seeing Danny again? It’s been eight fucking years.

By the time they reached Jordan’s suite, all Stuart wanted was to go into his bedroom and lock out the world. There was little chance of that: Jordan was on the case as soon as that door closed behind them.

“What’s wrong?” he demanded.

“If I say nothing’s wrong, are you going to accept that response?” Fat chance.

Jordan’s eyebrows went skyward. “Let’s pretend for a moment that I’m your client, and you do what I say.” He folded his arms. “You’re so fond of telling me to talk to you—well, now it’s my turn.” He glared. “Talk.”

His fierce attitude would have been amusing if Stuart hadn’t been so pissed.

Jordan’s expression softened. “Who was that man? I know he said you served together—who was he to you?” His voice was gentle.

Stuart sank onto the couch and put his head in his hands. “Someone I didn’t want to see,” he admitted. He laced his palms, and Jordan caught his breath.

“Stuart, look at your poor hands.” Jordan went into his bathroom and returned with a damp washcloth and a tiny white tube. He took Stuart’s hand in his, and wiped his bloodied palm with such care and attention that Stuart’s throat seized. Then he did the same for the other, leaving pink stains on the white cloth. Finally, he removed the cap from the tube, squeezed a little of its contents onto his finger, then spread it so fucking carefully over Stuart’s palm.

“What is that stuff?”

“It was in my bathroom in New York, along with similar tiny tubes. Mother said to pack it.” He peered at the tube. “It says it contains aloe, and it’s supposed to help skin heal.” His gaze grew anxious. “It doesn’t hurt, does it?”

“No, it doesn’t,” Stuart assured him, and Jordan went back to his ministrations. It was such a surreal moment: being tended to by the man he was supposed to be protecting. The motion soothed him, and the scent was pleasant.

It doesn’t come close to the pain I’m already in. Danny was my secret for so long. It was about time Stuart told someone the truth.

He shivered. “Danny wasn’t just some guy in the Air Force. We… we were together for many years. And that’s not as straightforward as it sounds. Because in the US? Up until recently, if you were in the military and you were queer, you kept it to yourself. The powers-that-be had this ridiculous notion that having LGBTQ people in the armed forces would put morale and discipline at risk. So you had to be careful. You couldn’t do anything that would provide your superiors with evidence you weren’t straight as an arrow.”

“What could they do? Discharge you?” Jordan’s voice was laced with incredulity. When Stuart nodded, his eyes widened. “That’s horrible.”

Stuart shrugged. “It happened. They repealed the policy almost a decade ago, but it hurts to think of how many servicemen and women went through all that shit. I was determined not to be one of them. Being in the military was all I wanted to do, ever since I was a kid.”

“But you didn’t stay in the military. Was that because you didn’t want to hide anymore?”

Stuart touched Jordan’s face with his fingertips. “You’ve got good instincts." He withdrew his hand. “Yeah, I’d had enough. Secrecy wears you down after a while. Keeping the relationship hidden as long as we did was a fucking miracle. I didn’t want to push my luck.” Then he realized what had slipped out. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Jordan chuckled. “I’ve heard worse on your TV shows. And don’t apologize. Swearing just makes you seem more… human.”

Stuart blinked. “Don’t I seem human to you the rest of the time?”

Jordan bit his lip. “Don’t laugh, but in my head you’re perfectly professional. A rock to lean upon.”

“Even rocks can break, over time.” Jordan’s assessment of him sent warmth flooding through him. Stuart could cope with being Jordan’s rock.

“How long were you together while you were in the Air Force?” The compassion in Jordan’s voice made Stuart ache to hold him.

He struggled to breathe evenly. “Seven years.” When Jordan gasped, he frowned.  “What?”

Jordan stared at him. “You kept it secret for that long?” His lips twitched. “I can’t keep anything secret in the palace for more than a week.”

Despite his turbulent emotional state, Stuart smiled. “I can believe that. And we didn’t end it once we were civilians. I had another two years with him before… before he decided to be an asshole.”

Jordan’s breathing hitched. “That night in the gay bar… Was Danny the boyfriend you spoke of? The one you said didn’t work out?”

He nodded. “That was him.”

“Can you tell me what happened?” There was no trace of his earlier attitude. Jordan’s hand was at his back, stroking him, his touch light as a whisper.

“There’s not much to tell. I loved him. I thought he loved me. Turned out I was wrong.” He couldn’t go into all the details. Then he swallowed hard past the lump in his throat. “What I don’t understand is why seeing him should turn me inside-out like this.” His raw emotions had caught him off-guard.

“He broke you, didn’t he?”

Stuart blinked. “What do you mean?” He hadn’t ever thought of himself in those terms.

“He’s the reason you’re alone. He broke your heart, your spirit, your belief that you’d ever find anyone to love like that again…” Jordan’s eyes glinted. “And he’s a fool.”

“You met him for all of three seconds, and that’s your conclusion? Not that I’m disagreeing with you, but you’re going to meet a lot of people. You can’t size them all up so fast.”

Jordan’s eyes blazed. “He’s a fool if he let you go.”

“But he didn’t let me go—he fucking ran.”

“Then he’s an even bigger fool,” Jordan retorted.

Stuart had no idea which way was up anymore. What really got to him was the irrationality of the situation. He knew Danny was done and dusted, relegated to the past, yet part of him could still feel the hurt their breakup had inflicted. Seeing him had triggered memories Stuart had fought so hard to bury.

“Can we not talk about him anymore, please?” he pleaded.

“Let me make you feel better.”

Stuart smiled. “And how are you going to do that? You got a magic wand hidden someplace that you’re gonna wave over my head? Or maybe some fairy dust?”

Jordan’s face was so solemn. “I can’t take away the hurt you suffered. And believe me, I would if I could. But I can let you know how amazing you are.” He stroked Stuart’s cheek. “How caring.” His fingers grazed Stuart’s temples. “How beautiful.”

Stuart knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. He pulled Jordan to him, until he sat in Stuart’s lap, then enfolded him in his arms, their lips meeting in a gentle kiss. Jordan responded, opening for him, their tongues sliding together as heat blossomed between them. Stuart inched his hands under Jordan’s tee, encountering warm, bare skin. There was the smell of the ocean still caught in his hair, and underneath it, a warm, comforting scent that made him yearn for them both to be naked beneath white cotton sheets, exploring each other with hands, lips and tongues.

Then he stilled. “I can’t do this.”

Jordan froze. “What’s wrong?”

“We shouldn’t be doing this.” Because this went beyond being Jordan’s first.

This would be crossing a line.

Jordan swallowed. “Why are you fighting it? Why won’t you let me in?”

Stuart cradled Jordan’s head in his hands. “Danny hurt me, but not half as much as it would hurt if I let you in. Why would I want to put myself in the path of that pain again? Because you have no choice. You will leave.”

“Then I’ll share that pain,” Jordan flung at him. He grabbed Stuart’s hand and brought it to his chest. “Because you’re already in here.” Then he moved it to his head. “And here.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I need you, Stuart. And I think part of you needs me too. We both know it won’t last, so let’s make the most of what time we have.” And before Stuart could respond, he mashed their lips together in a kiss that took Stuart’s breath away.

There was a limit to Stuart’s powers of resistance, and he’d just crashed into it.

He slid his arms around Jordan’s back and under his knees, then stood, holding Jordan against him. Then he headed for the bedroom, Jordan cradled in his arms.

“What do you need?” he demanded as he lowered Jordan to the bed.

Jordan grasped him by the wrist and dragged Stuart’s hand to his crotch, where his dick jerked beneath Stuart’s fingers. “Don’t you think it’s time for another first?” His eyes glittered. “Don’t you want to know how I taste?”

He molded his hand around Jordan’s shaft. “Are we talking about your cock, or your cum?”

It was as if someone had flicked a switch. The air crackled with electricity, and Jordan’s breathing quickened. Stuart popped the button on Jordan’s jeans, yanked the zipper down, then tugged the denim over Jordan’s hips, dragging his briefs with it. His half-hard dick quivered as it jerked up from his belly, and Stuart didn’t waste a second taking the head into his mouth, feeling it swell and throb on his tongue.

“Oh.” Jordan shuddered, and it was enough to bring Stuart to his senses for a moment. He paused long enough to remove Jordan’s shoes, jeans and briefs, then stripped off his own clothing while Jordan hurriedly pulled his tee up and off. When they were both naked, Stuart took Jordan’s wrists and pinned them above his head on the pillow.

“Keep them there.”

Jordan’s chest heaved, and his eyes grew huge.

“Good boy. Now spread for me.”

Jordan’s heart pounded. “But if I have my arms like this, I can’t easily lift my head from the bed, and I want to watch.”

Stuart regarded him for a moment, then clambered off the bed and went to the bathroom, returning with the robes they’d worn the previous night.

“What do you want with those?” Then Jordan’s heartbeat stuttered when Stuart slid the soft belts free of their loops.

He returned to the bed and stood beside it. “Lean back against the pillows.”

His heart hammering, Jordan did as instructed. Stuart grasped Jordan’s left wrist, and looped the belt around it. He made a loose-ish knot, then tied the other end to the bedpost.

Oh dear Lord.

Jordan shivered as Stuart repeated the action with his other hand. He studied the scene. “Not too tight?”

It was all Jordan could do to shake his head.

Stuart grinned. “Now you can watch.” He gestured to Jordan’s outstretched bare legs. “I thought I said spread ’em.”

Jordan complied instantly, his dick standing at attention. Stuart climbed onto the bed, got on all fours between Jordan’s legs, and curled his fingers around the rigid shaft. He met Jordan’s gaze, his eyes gleaming as he slowly moved closer to the head, the slit already showing pre-cum. Stuart lapped it up, and the sound he made only served to harden Jordan’s cock even further.

“Delicious.” Stuart flicked the head with his tongue, sliding his free hand up Jordan’s torso, heading inexorably toward Jordan’s nipple. He grasped it with firm fingers and squeezed, forcing a moan from Jordan’s lips, which swelled into a multitude of moans as Stuart took the head of his cock into his warm, wet mouth.

Jordan tugged at his restraints, arching up from the pillows. “Oh my God.”

He was lost in sensation, unable to tear his gaze away from the sight of Stuart licking up his shaft with long strokes as though it were a lollipop, while he stroked Jordan’s belly and chest; Stuart sucking Jordan’s balls into his mouth, one at a time, then releasing them with a pop; Stuart’s head bobbing as he slid soft lips up and down Jordan’s dick, his hand working the shaft; and oh my God, Stuart rubbing Jordan’s dick over his beard, the soft hair grazing his length.

It was so good. Too good, in fact, and Jordan tensed, aware of the approaching orgasm he knew was about to overwhelm him.

Stuart paused, his lips glistening with saliva. “I want you to come in my mouth. You got that?”

Jordan nodded, his breathing erratic.

Stuart took him deep once more, before giving the head a couple of hard sucks, and that was all it took for Jordan to cream Stuart’s tongue. He cried out as Stuart swallowed every drop, violent shivers wracking his body with each lick of Stuart’s tongue over the sensitized head, until at last, Jordan was spent, and he sagged against the pillows.

Stuart was gentle as he released Jordan from his bonds, rubbing and kissing the delicate skin where the blood still pulsed quickly, his heartbeat rapid as he shuddered his way through his climax. Stuart tugged Jordan into his arms, and Jordan was aware of Stuart’s heart beating so strongly against his own.

Then Stuart’s lips were on his, and he tasted his own cum as they kissed.

“You did it,” Stuart murmured, pressing his lips to Jordan’s forehead.

Jordan frowned. “Did what?”

He smiled. “You made me feel better.”

Jordan slid his hand up Stuart’s neck, cupping his nape. “And I’ll do the same thing again, any time that you need it.” He bit his lip. “I don’t mind making sacrifices if it helps you.”

Stuart’s eyes glinted. “Sacrifices, huh? Maybe I need to reconsider my plans for this evening.”

He stilled. “What plans?”

“Well, I was going to take you to that leather bar I mentioned, but if this is your attitude…”

Jordan straddled Stuart’s waist in a heartbeat. “Please, let’s go there. I’ve been thinking about it ever since you mentioned it.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Stuart smiled. “You say you know what a leather bar is. What exactly do you know?”

He was puzzled by the question. “It’s a bar where gay men wear leather. What else is there to know?”

Stuart’s grin left him with the feeling he’d missed something vital.