Princely Submission by K.C. Wells

Chapter Nineteen

Jordan was used to waking up with an erection, but never this bad. His dick was so hard, it ached. Stuart was curled around him, his chest pressed to Jordan’s back, his arm over Jordan’s waist, his hand cupping Jordan’s pec.

Is it any wonder I’m like a rock, waking up to this?

An orgasm the previous night would have helped matters. Maybe.

He shivered as soft lips grazed his neck, leaving a gentle kiss there. “Good morning.” Stuart’s breath stirred his hair. “Don’t you smell good in the morning?” His hand was firm as he stroked Jordan’s belly, and like a heat-seeking missile his fingers went straight to Jordan’s cock. “Ooh, and look what I get to play with.”

Jordan turned his head to look at him. “Please, don’t tease.” He shivered as Stuart’s fingertips traced a line from root to slit. It wouldn’t take much to have him shoot.

“Who’s teasing?”

“But… last night you said—”

“That was last night. New day, new rules.”

If Stuart was trying to deliberately keep him off-balance, it was working. Then Stuart slipped his arm under Jordan’s neck, cradling his head in the crook of his arm. He reached lower to cup Jordan’s balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Besides, these cherries feel like they’re ready to pop.” He released them and grabbed Jordan’s thigh, hooking it over his own and spreading Jordan wide. “That’s better.” He pointed to the nightstand. “Grab the lube.”

Jordan almost knocked the bottle onto the floor, he moved so quickly. Stuart held his hand out. “Squeeze some into my palm.” When Jordan had done so, he dropped the bottle onto the tiles, and focused on Stuart’s face.

Stuart smiled. “That’s perfect. Look at me.”

Jordan caught his breath as Stuart’s slick hand enveloped his dick, pulling gently on it.

“Fuck, you’re hard.”

Jordan swallowed. “And this surprises you?”

Stuart worked his hand faster. “I was going to take my time, but I think you’re too close for that. And seeing as we’re supposed to be at breakfast soon, I’d better let you come.” Jordan rocked his hips, forcing his dick through Stuart’s slick palm, and Stuart nodded. “That’s it. Come on, beautiful boy. I want to see you shoot your load.”

Jordan picked up speed, driving his cock faster, the slick wet sound of its passage pushing him closer to the edge. And when he reached it, he arched his back, unable to keep silent as Stuart gripped his shaft, squeezing out every last drop onto his stomach.

Through it all, Stuart didn’t break eye contact, and that was perhaps the hottest thing. When his breathing returned to its usual rhythm, Jordan flung his arms around Stuart’s neck, and dragged him down into a fervent kiss, not caring about the stickiness that threatened to glue them together.

Stuart sighed against his lips. “Now I need to clean up before breakfast.”

“Do we have to move right now?”

Stuart laughed, and rolled on top of Jordan, pinning him to the mattress. “You survived then.” When Jordan frowned, he kissed his forehead. “Spending a night without touching yourself.”

“That was mean,” Jordan retorted.

“But you did it. That was why you got to come. And the next time will be even better.”

“How much time can we spend in the store?” Judging by the amount of time he’d spent browsing such stores online, this visit could take a while.

“As long as you want. The most difficult thing for you will be to know what to choose.”

“But whatever I buy, we’ll play with it tonight?”

Stuart kissed his nose. “That’s a promise—after we return from the bar.” He rolled off Jordan and lay beside him, his hand on Jordan’s stomach.

He froze. “What bar?”

Stuart’s eyes danced with amusement. “The Abbey? Dancing?” He let out a throaty chuckle. “I think that orgasm curdled your brain.”

Jordan let out a happy sigh. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“My father hired you to protect me—and to keep me out of trouble, I suspect. You’ve done so much more than that, and I’m not just talking about the other night.” Stuart stiffened, and Jordan cupped his cheek. “What did I say?”

“That last part was just a reminder that I crossed the line. A reminder that I’m a contract employee who shouldn’t be in your bed right now.”

Jordan sighed. “I thought we were past this.”

“We were—we are. But this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this, and it wasn’t an easy decision.”

Jordan traced the line of Stuart’s cheekbone with his finger. “I did push you into that first spanking, you know. And that was the start of it.” His chest tightened. “Please… don’t regret what we have here. I couldn’t bear it if I thought you were worrying about it. My father will never know about this.”

Stuart snorted. “You think he doesn’t already? He’s a king. He has eyes and ears everywhere. And he’s not stupid.”

The idea that his father knew sent a shiver through him. “But… he hasn’t said a word.”

“Why would he? You’re happy, you’re not getting into trouble—and you’ve finally gotten what you were after, without creating a headache for him. Seems like a win-win situation to me.” Then his face softened. “Maybe he’s happy too because you’re living a little.” His lips twitched. “And you’re not being a royal pain in the ass.”

Jordan let out a mock gasp. “Me?” He grinned. “Are you saying I’ve matured?”

Stuart stroked his sticky belly with lazy fingers. “Now that you’re not fighting me at every turn, you’re quite… nice.”

Jordan blinked. “‘Nice’?” He pushed Stuart onto his back, then straddled his hips. Stuart’s grin was infuriating. “‘Nice’? I think you deserve punishing for that.”

Stuart smirked. “Oh really? And how exactly are you going to punish me, Your Highness?”

Jordan trailed his fingers down Stuart’s torso. “I can think of one way.” He hooked his fingers into claws, holding them above Stuart’s belly.

“Don’t do that.” Stuart’s voice was filled with menace.

“Do what?” he asked in an innocent tone before scraping his nails over Stuart’s quivering abs.

“You’re threatening to tickle me. Don’t deny it.”

“Aw, just a little tickle?” He repeated the action, only lighter this time.

“Don’t do that, I said.” The words came out as a growl.

“Or you will do what?” Another light brush of his fingertips, this time closer to his sides.

“I mean it.”

Jordan grinned. “All I’m hearing is empty threats.” Then the air was punched from his lungs as Stuart sat up, hauling Jordan over his lap. A second later the first blow landed with a crack on his ass cheek, followed by another, then another.

“I’ll teach you—” Smack. “—to tickle me.” Thwack. “You’re going to squirm all the way through breakfast.”

Jordan loved pushing Stuart’s buttons, but he suspected Stuart loved them to be pushed. The blows landed crack after crack, and when Stuart reached between Jordan’s legs to tug on his dick, it was no surprise when Jordan came all over his hand.

Stuart stroking his back with one hand while he licked the other clean was all kinds of hot.

Then Stuart rolled himself off the bed in a languid motion, and strode into the bathroom. “I’m going to grab a shower in here. Your bathroom’s fancier than mine.”

Jordan sat up in bed, wincing as his rump connected with the sheets, a little put out by the suddenness of Stuart’s departure. Then Stuart strolled into sight, standing in the doorway, his hard cock jutting out, flushed and heavy. He grabbed it, sliding his hand up and down the shaft. “Why are you still sitting there? You need a shower too, and this won’t take care of itself.” He grinned. “I think every day should start with a prince on his knees, servicing my dick with his pretty little mouth.”

Jordan couldn’t agree more.

Jordan wandered up and down the aisles, unable to keep his hands to himself. There was so much to be touched, stroked, picked up and examined… Stuart was down another aisle, which suited Jordan. He didn’t want an audience. Each time something interesting grabbed his attention, he stopped and inspected it before moving along, only to come to a halt a couple of steps farther on.

One item caught his eye, and he pulled it from its display rack. What on earth…?

“Stuart?” A moment later, Stuart was there. Jordan held up the box. “What would somebody want a Cock-Lock for?” It was black and shiny, clearly made to fit over a limp dick, and possibly the balls too.

Stuart leaned in, lowering his voice. “It’s a chastity device, for fitting on naughty little subs who can’t leave their cocks alone. Or for Doms who don’t want their subs to come.”

Jordan gaped. “That’s barbaric.”

Stuart took it from him, turning it over in his hands. “Hmm. Maybe I should get one of these for us.”

Jordan snatched it from him and rehung it on its rack. “Don’t even think about it.” He didn’t miss the evil glint in Stuart’s eyes. Jordan strolled along the aisle, stopping at a display of little silicone rings in varied colors. “What are these?”

“Cock rings. They’re stretchy. You put them over your cock and balls, and they give you a bigger and harder boner that lasts longer. You can get them in metal too, and leather.” Stuart pointed to a set.

Jordan burst out laughing when he saw the leather band with its shiny little studs. “It’s like a little harness for your cock and balls.” He picked it up. “I should get this for you. Then your chest and dick would match.” He grinned. “I think that’s a great idea.”

Stuart grabbed a black silicone ring. “I’ll stick with one of these.”

Jordan continued on his voyage of discovery. The most fascinating section was the toys that required power. There were vibrators, dildos, and all kinds of cunning little devices for insertion. One in particular caught his eye. “A prostate rabbit?”

Stuart picked up the package and read the information. “It has a remote too.”

“How does that work?”

“You lube it up, slide it into your hole…” He tapped the clear plastic cover. “These little ears here rest against your perineum.” Stuart bit his lip. “Do you know where that is?”

Jordan rolled his eyes. “Firstly, I did study biology. And secondly, I’m not six years old. Of course I know where it is.”

“Just checking.” Stuart pointed to the remote nestled in plastic. “You work it with this, changing the mode.” He peered at the back of the pack. “It has six vibration modes, five levels of intensity, and a choice of constant/pulses/waves. I like the sound of this.” He grinned. “Imagine sitting down to breakfast with your parents, with this in your ass—and I have the remote. They’d spend the whole meal wondering where the buzzing was coming from, and you’d spend the whole meal trying not to come.”

Jordan’s mouth fell open. “You wouldn’t.”

Stuart hung it back on its rack. “No, I wouldn’t. I’m not that cruel.” He peered at his phone. “Seeing as we’ve been in here for over an hour, are you any closer to deciding what you want to buy?”

Jordan had almost made up his mind, but needed a little advice. “Come with me.” He led Stuart to the dildo section, which came in all shapes, sizes, and materials.

Stuart laughed. “I wonder what made you go for one of these?”

Jordan gave him a hard stare. “Can you be serious for a minute? This is important.”

He folded his arms. “What’s the problem?”

Jordan flung out his arm to encompass the vast range before them. “I can’t decide. Do I go for one that looks like it’s real? Or do I choose something totally different? And if I go for a realistic one, do I choose one that resembles a normal penis, or something that looks like it belongs to King Kong?”

“Do you want my opinion?” Jordan nodded, and Stuart went without hesitation to a glass dildo. It was long, with a bulbous end that Jordan could imagine stretching him. At its widest part it had more girth than Stuart’s cock, but then it tapered until about three quarters of the way along where the glass flared into a wide ring. Beyond that was the handle, resembling three glass balls in a row.

“This one,” Stuart said as he handed the package to Jordan.


“Because you can run it under hot water, or cold, and it will feel very different. However, I am slightly biased.”

“In what way?”

“I’m imagining how it will look when I push it inside you.” Stuart adjusted his crotch.

That did it. Decision made.

Jordan headed for the cash desk, and Stuart came with him. It was only then that Jordan noticed the bag Stuart carried. “What have you bought?”

Stuart’s eyes glittered. “You’ll find out later. Now pay for your pretty little dildo, and then we can go have lunch.” When Jordan attempted to pout, Stuart snorted. “No, we are not going back to the hotel now. I said tonight, and I meant it, and pouting lips and puppy dog eyes will not work on me, so don’t even try it.” He cocked his head. “Did that work on your father’s security guys?”

It was Jordan’s turn to snort. “How do you think I managed to get out of the palace for my tattoo?” They reached the desk, and Jordan removed his wallet from his jeans pocket.

Stuart leaned in, his breath warm on Jordan’s ear. “You are a handful.”

Jordan smiled. “And you like it.”

Stuart’s lips ghosted Jordan’s neck. “Oh yeah.”

It was difficult to concentrate on choosing the correct bills to hand over when Stuart was so close that Jordan could feel the heat radiating from him.

Night wouldn’t come soon enough.

Jordan had to admit, Stuart had chosen the perfect spot for lunch. The Fig Tree Café on the boardwalk at Venice Beach came with amazing views of the ocean, and delicious food. He couldn’t fault his avocado chicken sandwich, and had even tried a couple of Stuart’s spicy pickles. But as the meal drew to a close, his mind wandered.

It seemed Stuart was his default.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

Jordan jerked his head up. “I’m sorry?”

Stuart smiled. “You zoned out. I got a little worried. You seemed so serious.”

He was about to brush off Stuart’s concern when he reconsidered. “Can we talk?”

Stuart put down his napkin. “Okay, now you sound serious. What’s on your mind?”

Jordan studied him for a moment. “Has there really been no one since Danny?”

Stuart blinked a couple of times, then leaned back in his chair. “No one.”

“But why? You can’t tell me no one has been interested in you. Any man would be crazy not to want you.”

Stuart’s eyes twinkled. “You’re good for my ego, you know that?” He took a sip from his water glass. “I guess… he’d hurt me so badly that I decided I would never let anyone hurt me that much again. And if that meant being alone? So be it.”

Jordan stared at him, his stomach churning. “But it’s wrong. No one is meant to be alone. Why should you be any different?”

Stuart leaned forward, his elbows on the table, his bearded chin resting on his laced fingers. “For a while back there, I was certain he’d left not because he couldn’t cope with the fallout when his parents discovered how he was living, but because of something in me—or not in me. I don’t know.” He gave a bitter laugh. “There were signs, I suppose, if I think back. That tattoo should have been a huge clue.”

“What tattoo?”

“We’d just gotten our papers, and Danny decided he wanted a tattoo. I was coming up with all these ideas: a rainbow heart, rainbow rose, rainbow dove—you get the idea.”

“What did he get in the end?”

Stuart’s face tightened. “He came home with a heart on his right hip, just below the waistline. Didn’t even have my name through it, or anywhere near it, if it came to that. A nice, generic red heart.”

Jordan’s heartbeat sped up. “Can I ask something very personal?”

Stuart gave a wry smile. “You know more about me than most people. So ask.”

“Would Danny have worn his hanky on the right, or the left? And what color would it have been?”

Stuart’s smile reached his eyes. “A very astute question. On the left. And if it wasn’t anal or oral, he wasn’t interested.”

“And did you ever dance with him?”

Stuart laughed. “On occasion. He tried to lead too.”

Jordan nodded. “So maybe his family was only part of it. Maybe you two would never have made it as a couple. Maybe you were… incompatible.” Surely the same thought must have occurred to Stuart?

Stuart was silent for a moment. “When we served together, chances to fuck were few and far between. We took what we could get. And possibly the danger that laced every encounter was part of what made it so hot. Once we got out… our sex life was pretty sporadic.”

Jordan’s chest felt a little lighter. “There is nothing wrong with you, Stuart. You know what happens if you hold two magnets the wrong way around—they repel. It’s as if there’s an invisible rubber layer pushing them apart. And maybe that happens when you have two dominant men in a relationship, with no one to act as a buffer.” He reached across the table and took Stuart’s hand in his. “You and Danny were never meant to reach each other. So don’t cut yourself off from love. There is someone out there for you, I’m certain of it.”

Someone like me.

Jordan ached to say the words that came from his heart.

I’m a much better fit for you than Danny could ever have been.

He didn’t want to spend the rest of the day seeing the sights of Los Angeles. He didn’t want to spend his night at a bar, dancing.

Jordan wanted to be alone with Stuart.

“Take me back to the hotel. Please.”

Stuart looked him in the eye. “Why?”

Jordan swallowed. “Because I need you…sir.”