Wicked Games by Jarica James


Two Weeks Later

After the nightclub shooting, our lives had changed drastically. The guys were rarely here and outside of Angelina the house was empty. They were true to their word and had stationed men around the city, working with their police contacts and trying to get a handle on the invading rivals.

Dani hadn’t shown back up and there was only so much I could do from the apartment. Work was impossible, the shop reminding me so much of Dani and a life I no longer led, that I didn’t want it. I’d had the Family lawyers write me up a contract to sign it over to Gabe officially, if he was still willing.

“Where to, Sana?” Xander asked when I started to walk out of the front door. I tried to bite back a groan, knowing the extra detail should be something I was used to by now.

“Can we head to the coffee shop first, then my shop?”

He nodded and pulled a set of keys out of his pocket. “Of course.” He seemed to pick up on my quiet mood and didn’t even try to chat with me as we walked to the car and climbed in. I barely noticed the music he turned on as I stared out of the window.

Gabe loved the shop, possibly more than I did, but what I was asking was huge. And if he had changed his mind since the last time we talked, then I’d probably just sell it. Keeping up with the Adrostos was enough work that I didn’t have time to do both, and the Sana who poured her heart and soul into that shop was like a different person now.

Fifteen minutes later, armed with a hot chocolate and a latte, I walked into the shop. Gabe’s entire face lit up when he saw me, rushing over and enveloping me in a hug. He almost spilled the drinks but somehow managed to keep the cups from bursting open and covering us in piping hot liquid.

“I’m so glad you’re safe. They said you were fine but your friend died and I’ve been so worried.” I handed him his drink and smiled. It was nice to have someone who cared about me like he did. Despite all the crazy I’ve introduced him to, he still kept his positive demeanor. I don’t know what I would have done without him here.

“It was awful,” I said as tears burned in my eyes. He brought me over to the counter to sit, handing an actual handkerchief from his pocket in a very Gabe-like move. “Dani left after Helena died and she blames me for it. She won’t be back,” I said sadly. It was blunt, but I refused to lie to him or lead him on. He’d be waiting every day for her to walk into our store otherwise.

“No,” he frowned. “Why would she blame you?!”

“She thought they were after me and because of that Helena died. Or at least, I think that’s it. I’m not positive and grief doesn’t always hold much logic,” I said with a sigh. “She might realize someday that it’s not a fair grudge, but Dani sticks to her guns. I’m not hopeful.”

“Good point,” he agreed, taking a slow sip of his coffee. Even he had lost his smile now and I hated that. “It’s been so quiet here.”

“We are the life of the party,” I teased, trying to lighten the mood. “Sorry I’ve left you here alone.”

“Not alone, there’s always some tall, dark, and handsome man in a suit working with me,” he laughed, gesturing to the two men guarding the front and the third helping stock. Most days we had actual workers and other days only bodyguards.

“At least it’s around the clock eye candy,” I laughed, his enthusiastic nod of agreement making me choke on my sip of cocoa. “But if you need to, don’t hesitate to hire a few people. It’ll help if you pick them yourself. We have the budget for it.”

“I’ve thought about it, I have an ad drafted up, I just haven’t taken the leap.” My heart sank… did that mean he didn’t want this anymore?

“So, did you change your mind about running the store?” It was a bit more blunt than I anticipated but he just laughed.

“No, I was waiting to see if you two would return first,” he explained, shaking his head and taking a sip from his latte. His eyes drifted to the folder in my hands. “Now, tell me what you’re hiding in there. You’ve been white knuckled clutching that thing like a lifeline. So, what’s up?”

“Listen, Gabe,” I said, staring hard at the folder to avoid looking at him. This was painful enough and I knew he was going to love and hate this decision. “My life is a mess and I’m struggling to keep up with it all. With Dani leaving and things in the city so intense, I can’t be here anymore. I want you to take over now if you’re willing?”

“Sana, are you sure?” he asked as a few tears slipped free before he gave me a stern tone. “You can’t just give whole businesses away to people.”

Laughter bubbled out of me at his tearful admonishment before he was walking off. I only laughed harder as he started angrily restocking the shelves, mumbling to himself about rich people and their weird habits.

“Does that mean I should sell instead?” I called out after him, laughing as he flipped me off over his shoulder but shook his head no. We both knew this was more his dream than mine and he deserved a gift like this.

Hopping down from my spot on the counter, I went around to the register and tucked the folder underneath it so he could look it all over whenever he was ready. We wouldn't leave him to handle it all regardless, he was taken into the Family and the Adrostos treated their people well. Gamester’s Paradise would thrive under the Adrostos investors and his ideas.

“I have to get to the office, Gabe. Everything’s on the counter,” I called out, a customer walking in before he could argue with me further. I took that as my sign to get out of there and slipped out. Xander fell into step beside me before opening the door to let me in the car.

“So, where to now?” He gave me a genuine smile which was surprising since the poor guy was forced to babysit me every day. Chaperoning me around and sitting in a quiet office couldn’t have been the highlight of his life.

“The office,” I said as I scooted into my seat. Pulling out my phone, I started checking my notifications and messages. The guys hadn’t checked in once, which was not surprising anymore. They were so busy we only really talked at night or early in the morning.

Just as I started to tuck my phone away, it rang. Killian’s name lit up the screen and I swiped the screen to answer.

“Hey, baby girl,” he started. His voice sounded so fucking tired. “We’ve got another dead body. It seems someone is single handedly trying to raise our crime rates.”

“What the fuck,” I grumbled. “I wonder if it’s Eros, like he used to send his people after me. I’m guessing there’s an assassin in the city.”

“We’ve got Joe on it,” he said, not disagreeing. “But we won’t be home right away. Keep Xander with you until you get back to the estate. Be safe, baby girl.”

“Love you, Kill,” I said, hanging up. “Xander, change of plans. Head for Greg and Joe’s place.”

He didn’t hesitate to make a U-turn and start in the opposite direction and I was feeling better now that I had a purpose in mind. I wasn’t positive Joe would appreciate the invasion, but he wouldn’t send me away either. Being their queen had its benefits at times like this.

When we walked in, Xander did a quick sweep of the building while I made a beeline for Greg.

“Whiskey?” he guessed, giving me his lazy grin.

“Not today. Can I just get a Coke?” He raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it further, preparing my drink and sliding it over. “Joe is in, right?”

He snorted. “Joe lives here, he’s always in.”

“Good,” I laughed, taking a sip of my soda and heading for the side room. When I walked in, Joe was hunched over his keyboard, headphones in his ears. Judging from the lack of response, he didn't even realize I was there. Not wanting to freak him out, I flashed the light switch by the door and he turned and waved me over.

“Hey, Otsana. Have a job for me?”

“Sana,” I corrected as I grabbed the extra chair and slid closer. “And sort of. Bear with me, it’ll take a minute to explain. You got time for me?”

“Always,” he said, setting his headphones down and closing out of the audio program he was messing with. “Go ahead.”

With a deep, fortifying breath, I gave him everything. From the deal I made, to the moment I arrived, and ending on the assassins. I’d followed a number of them to their cars so I knew the type, their behaviors, the works.

“So, I was hoping you’d have eyes all over the streets,” I concluded. “I think I could pick them out before they strike.”

“It’s a long shot, you’d be surprised how suspicious people are in general,” he warned, but didn’t hesitate to pull up the feeds. It was essentially a huge grid of camera angles, all with a different view, scrolling across his screens. I took one while he took the other, both of us falling silent as we closely watched the live feed.

He was right about one thing, people were shady in general. We witnessed a few pickpockets, catcalling, one man who looked like he was stalking another guy, and some guys painting a mural on one of the buildings in the Lachs.

“Here?” he asked, pointing out a man wearing all black as he walked down the street. He seemed to be trying hard to blend in, but he didn’t have the precision of Eros’ usual fodder.

“Screenshot him, he’s not doing anything good. But he’s not an assassin. Maybe he’s a rival Family? It seems we have those in abundance lately,” I guessed with a shrug. He took a screenshot and marked down some notes before continuing.

“Wait. Where’s this, Joe?” I asked, zeroing in on a woman who checked all of the usual boxes. “She’s one, I would bet money on it.”

“That’s,” he started, trailing off as he brought up only that feed. “Right outside.”

We were both up and bolting out to the main room right as the door opened. My hesitation was only quick enough to realize who it was, my gun already in hand and aimed. When I saw it was the same woman, a gun in each hand. I took the shot, a bullet hitting her right in the forehead as Xander shot her three times in the chest. My ears rang from the shots and we all stood in silence, staring at the blood spatter in shock. When I said I wanted to check into this, I hadn’t expected it to pan out so soon, but with her showing up when she did, I had no doubt that she followed us here. Even with Xander’s eagle eyes, I was being followed.

“Who’s calling?” Xander finally asked, turning to me. “Me or you?”

Grumbling under my breath, I pulled out my phone and dialed Keir, figuring the boss was the best option.

“Hey, princess,” he started, but I cut him off.

“I need a cleanup crew at Joe and Greg’s place,” I said. “We took out an assassin.”

“Shit,” he cursed. “On it.” He hung up without another word and I had a feeling he’d beat the crew here. Xander was already locking the door while Greg shut off the neon lights that lined the windows. Joe didn’t bother to get involved, he wasn’t really the hands on type from what I could tell.

My adrenaline was still at a high as I stood there watching, waiting for the crew to show up. Sounds from behind the bar had me spinning around and aiming at the door leading to the back hall. Xander was next to me a moment later, gently moving me behind him. On the off chance it was Keir, I didn’t fight him on it, but my gun didn’t lower. When the door swung open, a wild eyed Kyrell was coming in, a small army behind him.

Letting out a sigh, we lowered our guns. Ky stopped long enough to kiss me and make sure I was alright before barking orders at his crew. The body was wrapped up quickly and carried outside before they started spraying down the wall and door with soapy water. I hoped they had another crew outside working because there was no way the sidewalk hadn’t been painted red.

“Who was she?” Keir barked out, bursting into the room next. He rushed forward and glared from me to Joe, demanding someone explain further.

“After I talked to Kill earlier I had an idea. I figured Joe’s monitors picked up the main streets and we might be able to pick out a few assassins if they were behind all this. Kind of like when Eros was sending them after me. Turns out I was right,” I explained in a rush. Joe stayed silent, letting me do the talking and explaining.

“So you see her and the next moment she walks in?” he asked, his voice full of skepticism.

“Actually, yes. We think she was likely stalking us. We went to get cocoa, go to Gamester’s, then here. She approached on foot and likely parked a bit back, giving us time to spot her.”

Ky’s lip turned up in a half smile. “Nice job. That was a good idea. We should set up a crew to watch feeds and pick out potentials. It’s one less dead body to add to the media’s growing death tolls.”

“That’s what I thought,” I said. Honestly, I was doing anything to make up for the fact I’d gotten Helena killed but I wasn’t going to say that out loud.

“Who got her in the forehead?” Keir asked. He must have made a pit stop on the way in to check her out.

“Me. Xander hit her in the chest at the same time.” He smirked at my answer and kissed my forehead. “Who would have thought that quiet little Sana would turn into this?”

“Eros,” Ky deadpanned. “It’s always the quiet ones, brother. We should have known.”

He snorted but didn’t disagree. “I’d say that warrants a night off. Someone call Killian. Let’s go get dinner at La Nostra Tavola and head back for the night. Angelina’s out and we have the place to ourselves.”

“Add in alcohol and it sounds like heaven,” I said. It was exactly the kind of night I needed after all the bullshit I’d handled today. I was still running on the notion that if I kept myself busy enough, I wouldn’t have time to think about Dani, Helena, or the fact that Eros was escalating.

Ignorance is bliss, right?