Wicked Games by Jarica James


“Another fucking shooting!” I yelled, slamming my fist into the wall, the plaster shattering under my fist. It was satisfying, but did nothing to curb my anger. Including the night club, our body count was nearing the seventies and we were losing our credibility and the safety of the empire we’d created here. It was fucking infuriating.

“It’s not going to stop until Eros makes another move,” Sana said. She was calm and cool, barely showing a reaction anymore. And that was honestly more terrifying than anything. She wouldn't admit it to us, but the fact Dani blamed her and left was a hard hit. Not only was she the only real family she considered from that life, she’d tried to save Helena the best she could. We weren't naive enough to think all the work she’d put in lately was selfless. She was working herself to death to not have to think, and we were too busy to stop her. Not that there was any stopping that woman when she was determined.

“How is this Eros not making a move? He’s sending people after her,” Keir countered.

Sana let out a hollow chuckle. “Oh, this is just the appetizer, babe. Just wait. Something big is in the works. I’d bet my left tit that it’ll be something much worse than a few assassins.”

“And why is our plan not to just go to the Priamos estate and end him?” I asked, over this cat and mouse game he was forcing us to play.

“Eros would know you’re coming. He has eyes everywhere and I doubt we’d make it out alive.” Her words settled like a storm cloud over our heads. If she thought he was as dangerous as she made it seem, then he truly was. Not a lot scared her.

“So we sit on our asses?!” Keir thundered, throwing up his hands in frustration. She shrugged, dropping her clothes before walking into the bathroom and locking the door. The fact she bothered to lock it was yet another warning sign.

“What the fuck?” I growled, gesturing to the door and gripping my hair in frustration. “How the fuck do we fix this?”

“We don’t,” Ky said with a defeated sigh. “She’s stubborn as fuck and she would see right through us. She’s strong, she’ll snap out of it in her own time.”

Keir’s phone rang and we all froze, holding our breath as we waited to hear about yet another massacre or murder. But it was Joe’s voice that echoed through the speaker.

“Meeting. ASAP.” He hung up, giving us nothing and I was already heading out of the door. Otsana could be pissed later, but she clearly needed to sort through her shit before being in the field. Distractions like that were how you wound up in a casket and I’d seen enough of those lately.

Ky practically flew to the bar, coming to such an abrupt stop we slammed against our seatbelts. No one dared to say anything, even Keir, as we climbed out and rushed inside. Greg wasn’t at the bar so we walked into Joe’s office, starling at the wires hanging around the ceiling with printed out pictures lining them. They were stills from all over the city, each one showing someone wearing black and trying to blend in.

“Good, you’re here,” Joe commented before standing up and gesturing to the photos. “After the other night I wanted to dig deeper into Sana’s theory. I found a multitude of people, all similar styles and mannerisms. Half seemed to be hellbent on murder, the other half on surveillance.”

“What are they watching, then?” Ky asked. He was leaning in close, studying the closest images.

“You. Otsana. The Family.” His words had the tension rising again. “I have a theory, but it’s just that. I obviously am going off of video feeds.”

“We trust your opinions,” I promised, urging him to continue.

“The ones killing citizens are doing it as a distraction. The other ones blend in better, but not good enough. I think they’re hunting down someone in particular. But the way they’re approaching it, I would wager it’s capture, not to kill. Their weapons aren’t in hand and I’ve seen zip ties poking out of one of their pockets.”

“Otsana,” we said together. The news had me worried, even I could admit that. I dropped into the nearest chair, clenching my teeth so hard my jaw ached. This was the last thing we needed, because she was the least likely to stay put, even if she knew she was being hunted.

“Exactly. And from what she explained of her grandfather he groomed her to be what she is. I’m assuming he wants her back.”

“What do we do?” I asked Keir. He stared at the pictures then glanced at me, a slow evil smile curling his lips.

“We go hunting.”

Keir’s words filled me with a stroke of excitement and I matched his sadistic grin with one of my own, my hand caressing the knife in my pocket. This would be fun.

“Take the comms. I’ll work from here,” Joe said, exiting out of his screenshots and pulling up the grid of feeds again. “The moment I spot one, you’ll know.”

We didn’t need further direction from him. Our comms were in the back cabinet and I grabbed three sets, taking them over to his desk. He paused his search long enough to get them connected to his computer before handing them back. His eyes were focused on the computer screen again in seconds, so we let ourselves out.

Since we didn’t have a place in mind, Ky leisurely drove away and down the main drag of the city. Everyone I glanced at on the sidewalk was looking suspicious to me, so clearly Joe was the better judge of what we should deem as a suspect.

“Got one.” Joe’s voice echoed in my ear.

“Damn, that was fast,” I said as Keir clicked his comm to answer.


“On the road to the estate,” he said. The words hung in the air like a ticking time bomb, all of us freezing and Ky nearly driving off the road.

“Fuck, she’s there without us,” Ky growled, veering back onto the road and weaving in and out of traffic. Keir was already on the phone barking orders at the guards. I tried to reach Sana but of fucking course she wasn’t answering.

“Not at the estate yet, bosses. They’ve parked on the side of the road,” Joe added, like he could hear our freak out from there.

That didn’t even take the edge off, she’d been taken from us before and Eros was hellbent on taking her for different reasons this time. The fact we didn’t know what those reasons were drove me toward madness.

Once we managed to get on the side road heading to the outskirts of town, traffic was nearly nonexistent and the streetlights started to dwindle. We’d chosen to keep the estate because of its detachment from the city, but now it seemed ominous. The night was cloudy and it made everything darker.

“Still in position?” Ky asked into his comm.

“Oddly, yes. It’s like they’re waiting for something. Maybe try pulling over and giving them a moment?”

“He’s got a point,” I offered. Keir’s glare was immediate but he didn’t argue. “I’m just saying we might find who is actually behind this bullshit.”

“Maybe, but what if they are onto us and they’re the distraction?” Kyrell pointed out.

“We’ve got guards at the estate and security. Sana will be safe. I’ll keep trying her cell, but she’s either still in the bath or has fallen asleep. Xander will be getting her to safety then calling.”

“It was smart putting him as her personal guard,” Ky said reluctantly. “They get along which seems to keep him closer to her.”

“She’s stubborn, it had to be him,” Keir said with a sigh. “They have fifteen minutes before we intervene.”

Ky pulled down a farm road and navigated to a spot near a tree so our car wouldn’t cause a reflection on the headlights of anyone driving past. As each minute ticked away, I could feel the tension in the car building. I held back from cracking jokes, knowing it wouldn’t be well received. I had a feeling Otsana’s pussy would get wrecked tonight when we all got back if this kept up. Then again it likely would anyway.

“Someone’s coming your way,” Joe said, his voice anxious. “One car, at least two inside.”

We didn’t say anything back, or to each other, our focus on the car speeding by and stopping in front of the other. They made a show of trying to ‘help’ change a tire in case anyone else drove by, but no one paying attention would buy what they were trying to sell. They were simply banking on the human race to stick to their usual ‘pretend you don’t see it and someone else will handle it’ model.

“I’ll take the front tires, you take the back, Kill. Ky, two shots front and back of the second car,” Keir ordered. We got out and went on foot, giving us a chance to take out their escape plans. Can’t drive away with several flat tires.

“There’s no way,” Ky muttered. “We have to take the first car and move in before the second leaves. The way they’re parked and the framework, there’s no good angle to hit it.”

“Alright,” Keir bit out like Ky was being an ass on purpose. He moved faster now, anger fueling his movements.

Keir and I had our guns ready. Once we were in position, I aimed for my target, waiting for his signal. “Now.” With that, I shot two consecutive shots, the tire deflating on impact, as did Keir’s.

“Move.” Ky’s order was followed by all of us sprinting that way, but the assholes were already piling into the second car, but not before I caught a glimpse of who was in it, startling us enough we didn’t fire as they escaped.

With the rest gone, we were left with one remaining asshole trying to get his car to start. We surrounded him, Keir in front, Ky on the roadside, and me on the inside.

“I have information,” he offered, his voice practically shaking with nerves. I let out a hollow laugh.

“Why do they always go for squealing first?” My question was met by a snort from Ky.

“Because they think it’ll save them torture, but I find a little torture loosens the lips, don’t you brothers?”

Keir’s smile had the man swallowing hard. “I… I can tell you whatever you want to know.”

“Alright,” I said. My voice sounded interested but we weren't known for leaving our interrogation victims alive. He would be no different. One less traitor was hardly a sad thing. “Tell us who you were meeting and why?”

“Our contacts from the Priamos Family. Tony promised he’d bring his second, but I didn’t catch her name. We were discussing plans to disband the Adrostos leaders,” he said, glancing wearily at us. He clearly had no idea who we were.

“Have you heard much about them?” Keir asked. His feigned innocence was hysterical, but I managed to keep my amusement under wraps.

“That they’re ruthless, but they give the people too much freedom. There’s no fear there, so we call them weak,” he said. “Wait… who are you?”

“Step out and we’ll introduce ourselves,” I offered, giving him a good natured grin. The dumbass gave a tentative smile before slipping out of his seat. He clearly thought we’d take it easy on him, that we were just making friends. That was the problem with clans like the Lachs and Therons. They led by fear and intimidation, but they also took anyone and everyone into their fold. These low level lackeys would fold like a deck of cards at the first sign of pain or danger.

“Listen, it’s all a misunderstanding. I’m sure we can come to an agreement. The Priamos think a bit too highly of themselves if you know what I mean,” he scoffed. “All this to capture one girl? Ridiculous.”

“Oh, really. That’s what they’ve been asking us about? One girl?” I asked. Ky was now holding Keir back while I kept the idiot distracted.

“Yeah, apparently she’s worth a fortune if you capture her. He wants her alive and it’s a bounty he sent out to the Families on his side. Eros’ girl has no chance,” he laughed like it was a funny joke. It was like watching a fly buzzing too close to a spider’s web, too oblivious to know the danger he was really in. The element of surprise would only make his torture more exciting… for us.

“Listen, it’s been fun catching up, however we have a job to do and you’re clearly a wealth of knowledge.” His eyes widened at the unspoken implications, backing slowly toward his car but we were done playing this game. I wanted his darkest secrets and only pain seemed to loosen their lips to the real answers.

“Not so fast,” Ky said, his voice low and cold. The guy froze before he was snatched up by my brothers and slammed onto the hood of his car. “Hold him boys, I have a car to fetch. It has our… tools.” The man paled at the word ‘tools’ and he started to fight against us, but Keir wasn’t having it, slamming his fist into his throat so he was gasping for air, his fight gone.

“Behave. Fun hasn’t even begun,” Keir chastised softly, his voice far too calm for a moment like this. The danger around Sana was getting to him, that much was clear, I just hoped he didn’t take this too far before we had any clear answers. Though it was already an insightful night. Joes’ hunter theory was right and the fact that Dani turned. Sana would not like that one.

The sound of tires on gravel alerted us to Ky’s arrival. He backed up to the front of our new friend’s car and popped his hood, coming out with a length of chain, jumper cables, and a carabiner. He always had a plan, so we pinned our victim down while he wrapped the chain around his middle, winding it under the car and securing it with the carabiner clip. It wasn’t as easy with him fighting back as he realized what was about to happen to him.

“God, no. I told you so much already, what more do you want?!” Each plea was made with more thrashing against the chains, but he had no hope of making it budge. We stepped away as Ky handed over the jumper cable to Keir. He took it and smiled with a sinister glee that would scare most people, stepping up to his victim.

“Hold this for me,” Keir asked, handing over the cable to me. I wrapped my hand around the plastic cover and watched in fascinated horror as he ripped the man’s pants down, exposing urine soaked boxers. “That’s alright, it’ll only make this worse.”

“Please,” he tried again, “I can give you their movements, names, locations, you name it.”

“Let’s test it out,” Keir mused, reaching for the cable and holding it out just above his pelvis. “Tell me what you know about Eros Priamos.”

“H-h-he called us to join him. Found some shit on the boss and used it to convince him to ally with them.”

“And?” I prompted. He’d given us nothing new, clearly his self preservation instincts weren’t high.

“The reward for finding his girl, some strange name I-I-I can’t remember it, but it’s high. Millions high. Boss talked about not being sure if it was real, but warned us Eros had his own hunters on it. He paused all movement and shifted us here. There are Families all over your city.”

Keir clenched his jaw and slammed the cable into the man’s balls, a sizzle of burning wet fabric followed by the burning smell of flesh and the baritone of his screams. It took effort, but he managed to pull it away mere seconds later, the man whimpering and near hysterical, snot and tears cascading down his face.

“I told you what I knew,” he slurred, fighting through the pain and trying to take in a full breath.

“You told me what you thought I wanted to know,” Keir corrected. “I don’t want a fucking play by play, I want the important details, my friend.”

“Like what?” he pleaded. I smirked, the pleas making Keir’s smile widen as he waited for the chance to do it all over again. This man wouldn’t have the information we needed, but we did need to leave an example. He would be our shining beacon. A sign to the others that coming for what was ours, and trying to take over our territory, wouldn’t serve them well. Our retribution was swift and deadly and we’d happily end their lives to save hers.

“Who else is involved in this hunt? I want names,” Ky demanded, his knife slowly tracing down the man’s cheek, a trail of blood dripping down, tears mixing with it as he blubbered.

When he didn’t answer, I took my own knife and stabbed it into his meaty thigh. His screams were now so high pitched his voice was going out, but it wasn’t even close to over. We needed everyone involved and what their games were. This was our one shot before we moved our own men into place.

“The Volantes, Priamos, Therons, Castillos, Lachs,” he said, the list going on and naming nearly every Family around us. It seemed we were now in an us versus them battle, but we wouldn’t go down that easily. Once Eros was eradicated, this would all be over. It made me sick how little honor the other Families had, they needed to give up their territories out of principal alone at this point.

His screams reached a new crescendo as Keir held the cable against his balls again, the smell nearly turning my stomach until he finally relented. The man was drifting in and out of consciousness now, his resolve not high enough to withstand what we had to offer.


“He’s low level, an errand boy,” Ky sighed. “This is disappointing.”

“Do it,” Keir said, turning and unhooking the cables and dropping them to the ground. He faced us again just in time to watch Ky’s blade slice through the man’s throat, gurgles and blood the last sounds before he was gone. Tugging on my gloves, I positioned his hands out wide and gave Keir his usual canvas. He walked up and carved two words into his flesh, the blood making it hard to decipher but the intention was clear.

We know.

With that, we silently climbed into the car and sped toward home, dropping our comms onto the ground. We’d update Joe later, for now we were ready to see our girl, to know she was safe.

Sana was waiting in the living room when we got back. She seemed anxious, pacing back and forth until she saw us, relief crossing her face as she studied us. I doubted Xander gave her much in the way of answers so she was probably ready to shoot him just to get out of the door and help us. She’d never been the sit back and take it type.

Judging from the blood covering our hands and clothes, there was no question needed to know that we killed a target. She chuckled and turned, heading toward our suite, ready to play just as much as we were. My dick twitched as I watched her walk away, ready to help each other wind down after a rough night. Tomorrow we could focus on relocating her, for now we would work out our adrenaline on her perfect body.

“Where do you want me?” she offered, letting us take the lead. I liked that she still let us dominate her during sex, though it was with a lot more sass than I remembered. That only made it more fun though.

Keir didn’t answer, instead pulling out his knife and cutting through her long tee and shorts. If she had a bra or anything else on underneath he’d apparently cut through it too. She narrowed her eyes and huffed but didn’t complain. In the next breath Keir was on her, claiming her mouth with his usual intensity.

Just the sight of her naked and moaning into his kiss had me hard and ready. To save time I shed my clothes, Ky doing the same while we gave Keir his moment. As soon as he came up for air I was there, gently moving him aside to throw her on the plush rug and settling between her thighs. She let out a needy sigh and let her legs fall open for me. A sense of satisfaction hit me that she could read what I wanted without words, our dynamic so much better than it was years ago.

I heard my brothers shift next to her, but my focus was on the pretty pussy in front of me. She was shaved bare and already glistening with her arousal, begging me to taste her. I licked long and slow over her, savoring the taste of her on my tongue. My dick ached at the sound of her whispers and moans, but for now I ignored it, wanting this more.

She tried to buck her hips as I fucked her with my tongue, but I held her down with my hands on her thighs. Having her at my mercy only made it better, the sounds sweeter as I tortured her to near madness, the power heady as I forced her to break for me. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I shifted one hand away to slide two fingers into her core, sucking and stretching her for us. My pace was merciless and demanding, not letting her build up but throwing her over the edge. She screamed out against the onslaught, her pussy pulsing around my fingers and her juices covering my face.

Shifting away, I wiped my face with my hand and grinned down at her. She was still shaking from the aftershocks, Ky and Keir still teasing her tits as she gazed dreamily up at me. When Ky noticed I had moved, he rolled over and pulled Otsana on top of him. She didn’t hesitate to shift over his thick cock. She took him, hands drifting to her nipples and rolling them between her fingers as she rocked. Keir waited for a few moments to give her a chance before he got up and walked away, coming back with lube. I chuckle as he pushed her forward to lay over Ky so he could uncap and drip lube down her ass. He rubbed it between her cheeks before starting to prep her. When she tried to protest, Ky pulled her down and distracted her with his mouth. She needed to relax more, so I moved next to her and slid my hand between them, teasing her clit again. She visibly relaxed, her hips rocking slightly as Keir scissored his fingers in her ass and I teased her. He watched and waited, and the moment she started to come, he lined himself up and thrust into her in one movement. She cried out, a mix of excitement and pain as he stilled, letting her have a quick moment to adjust before fucking her hard and fast. Ky found their rhythm and matched it, slamming his hips into her from below while she moaned like a fucking pornstar, full of cock.

Keir glanced over at me slowly pumping my own cock and pulled her against his chest. She looked dazed, but didn’t complain, watching as I stood over Ky, not giving a fuck how he felt about it and Keir helped her shift forward again. She opened her mouth and I slid my cock into the warm wetness, sighing as she wrapped those full lips around me. She was so preoccupied, even with them slowing down so she could manage all three of us, that she was only able to half focus on sucking me off. But I was fine with that, picking up the slack but setting my own pace, using her to gain my own orgasm now that she’s had a few of her own.

My skin was covered in sweat and pleasure already coiled through me as she started to swallow me down. It didn’t take long before I had to slow down so I didn’t end it too early. But she wasn’t having it, knowing my game and hollowing her cheeks and giving me everything she had. Her movements got jerky as my brothers fucked her relentlessly. I tightened my fists in her hair as I started to cum, spilling my seed down her throat. I caught my breath for a few moments before pulling away. She smiled up at me, cum dripping down her chin. I swiped it off with my thumb and she sucked that into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. Even half dazed she was a fucking tease.

Since I was already satisfied and happy, I stepped back to enjoy the moment. I watched as Keir held her to his chest again, hand around her waist as her tits bounced from their frenzied fucking. Ky was close, his hands tightening around her thighs before he let out a low groan. His orgasm setting of Keir’s, who bit down on her neck as he filled her ass with his cum. She didn't even have the energy to scream out, going limp against him until he finished and eased her down to Ky.

Knowing where this would be going next, I walked away to the shower and turned it on. I washed quickly, finishing just as they walked in with a wobbly legged Sana. They took care of cleaning her while I went to get dressed. Our girl did so good and she’d need food and water, so I took care of that. Thoughts of torture and the hell taking over our city were far away, even if just for the night.