Wicked Games by Jarica James


Everything seemed so much more manageable after my and Keir’s late night escapade. In fact, that was the deepest I’ve slept in days. I felt better today, much more grounded and ready to deal with everything and get back to our own place.

“Vincent said he’ll be back at lunch for the meeting,” Xander reported as he poked his head in. We were at the dining table gobbling down some breakfast. “He’s making sure everyone in the family is checked in now that Eros is gone.”

“Have you eaten?” I asked him and before he answered I could see his eyes flicker to the food. “No, you haven’t. Sit.”

“Yes, queen,” he laughed, taking a seat. Before I could even shout for the cook, she was sweeping in with a fully loaded plate.

“Thank you,” I called out as she slunk back to the kitchen. Clearly not everyone had managed to forget how the house was previously ran. That would take time.

“How are the Priamos handling the changes?” Keir asked. His eyes locked on Xander as he took a bite of toast, waiting for the younger man to finish his bite and answer.

“Divided,” he said honestly. It was one reason I trusted him so much, he wasn’t caught up in telling lies to sugarcoat reality. “Many have left the fold. Vincent told them now was their chance, and that the Priamos name was changing, but only growing in power.”

“I’m glad he gave them the option. I’m not looking to force people to stay,” I agreed. “Vincent was a good choice to help get us steady.”

“Agreed,” Xander said. “He’s been honest and open so far.”

“Well, then the meeting should be interesting,” Kill said. “I can’t wait to see their faces when you kick their sorry asses into gear.”

“Amen to that,” Ky agreed.

“What about the allies?” I asked. “Have they pulled out of Haverden?”

“They have,” Xander said. “Except the Lach’s. But their numbers are so low they are officially licking their wounds. If I may speak freely?”

“Always,” I agreed without hesitation.

“If you were going to take revenge on them for all the shit they’ve done. Now is the perfect time. Vincent knows where they’re staying.”

“Lovely. Have him send me that. I was meaning to tie up that loose end before officially handing over the Family.”

“The other allies were being blackmailed. Eros apparently has files and intel on each. If you trusted any of them, I’d suggest sending it back to them as a show of good faith.”

“He’s good,” I told Keir, nodding at Xander who actually blushed.

“Thanks, queen,” he said softly. “Just doing my job.”

“No, she’s right. You’re an asset,” Keir said firmly, the poor guy blushing even more but a look of pride was on his face now.

“How close is the Lachs’ place?” I asked Xander, glancing at my phone to check the time.

He pulled out his own phone and searched for a few moments before mine pinged. It was a location marker and when I opened it, I laughed. They’d fled the city entirely, in fact, they were settled in an old home nearby. Clearly the alliance with Eros and our marriage had brought them out here. But what better way to exact their revenge than to claim the Adrostos’ queen. They thought they had the perfect comeback and the best alliance behind them.

“Fifteen minutes away, guys. If we move now, maybe we can beat the news of Eros’ death,” I offered innocently, all four of them laughing. There was no innocence or naivety in the sweet justice I was about to serve.

“Let’s take Eros’ car,” Killian added with an evil grin. “Deliver the news in style.”

“Oh absolutely,” I laughed. “Xander, are you joining us? We could use a driver.”

“I’d be honored,” he said with conviction. He clearly hadn’t liked all they’d done anymore than I had. “I’ve lost my sister to those bastards, gutting them won’t bring her back, but fuck will it feel good.”

“Let’s go. If we leave now then we’ll be back in plenty of time to clean up and have lunch. Who is the head of the Family now?” I wondered out loud.

“Actually, I can help with that,” Xander supplied, flipping through his phone again. “It’s a Stanton Lach. He was a cousin of the previous ones and the highest ranking member left.” He flipped his phone around to show me a man who had to be in his early fifties. I’d give it to the guy, he was fit and fairly handsome as far as creepy old men who bought off alliances by marrying unwilling brides went.

“Backup?” Keir asked, but I shook my head.

“No, keep them here. We’ve got this,” I said quickly. Keeping the mansion clear was top priority. Plus, I knew the way to Eros’ personal armory. Everyone followed as I walked down the hall to the den. It had leather couches, a large fireplace, and a giant elk head that loomed over the room. Walking up to it, I tilted the antler, the book shelf on the back wall spinning to reveal a doorway.

“What in the secret tunnel bullshit is this?” Killian laughed, walking in first . A low whistle echoed out behind him as he took in the long trophy room. It was Eros’ pride and joy. Guns and knives hung on one wall, each displayed in pristine condition. Display cases lined the center of the room, gold plated guns of his personal supply inside. The back wall held kevlar vests and protective SWAT gear.

“Eros’ armory, take what you want,” I offered, but I went right for the heart of the room, his most prized possession and likely the gun that he used to kill who I thought was my father. The metallic finish on the custom glock glinted under the light, looking far prettier than a gun ever should. I picked it up and tested its weight in my hand before making sure the safety was on and tucking it in the harness and dropping the Hellcat I’d snagged yesterday back in its place.

“Does that even work? It looks fake,” Ky scoffed as he sneered down at the gaudy piece. I slid the extended magazine in place and nodded.

“This gun has seen more death than any other in the room,” I said, already heading out while they picked their poison. As soon as they were finished, I closed the false door and led them to the garage, eager to check the final bit of revenge off of my list. I’d more than earned a fresh start and I intended to take it by whatever means necessary.

Xander got in the driver’s seat as we settled in the back. Apparently, Eros only reserved the shitty cars for traveling outside of his city, because this car was nicer than all the rest.

The drive was quick, but tense, the guys thankfully not bothering to small talk me through this. They’d agreed to stay in the car, even if they had to hold Keir back, at least for a moment.

When Eros’ car turned onto the driveway, two men stepped outside to meet us. They at least weren’t waving their weapons out in the open, especially since it was in the middle of a fucking neighborhood. Once I made my move, we’d have to clear the place and leave before the police arrived. With all the guns and shit in the building they’ll assume gang violence and call it a day if we were lucky. If not then Eros’ ties to it will do it for them.

“What’s your business?” one of them called out, trying to sound tough with his harsh tone but he couldn’t have been old enough to even buy cigarettes. In fact they were both relatively young.

“Otsana Priamos. Here to see Stanton Lach,” I said confidently, walking right up to them. The name apparently did the trick because they nodded and turned their backs to me. I couldn’t handle seeing babies go inside so I stopped them. “Hey, just point me in the right direction, don’t leave your post.”

“Shit, you’re right,” the second said, pulling his friend with him. “Just head straight through the foyer to the kitchen. The door in the back. They’re in the basement.”

“Thanks, boys,” I said, heading further into the house. They’d done nothing to update it, the inside practically gutted and riddled with dust and trash. Apparently a temporary home or they thought once they had me, they’d have riches to find a better place.

The door was easy to find and I opened it, the loud creak from the old hinges alerting those below that I was coming. I kept my steps slow and measured, my glock tucked away. Going in guns blazing was more Keir’s style than mine.

“Who are you?” someone bit out from the bottom of the stairs and I smirked at him, not saying a word. I kept my demeanor relaxed, but Eros had taught me to always take in my surroundings.There were five guys down here, including the man I was after, guns laying on the tables nearby, not in hand. Papers were strewn next to him, apparently they were having a meeting of some kind but I wasn’t sure what it was about. Yet.

Stanton grinned as he noticed me, rubbing his beard and leaning lazily against the table they’d brought down. The exposed bulb swung above him, hardly a sexy setting for the amount of allure he was trying to show me right now.

“Ah, my future wife. Eros sent me a gift early, eh?” His voice was warm and deep, and he’d almost be endearing if I didn’t know who the fuck he was. “You look much healthier than the last time I saw you. Those pictures weren’t of your best angles.”

“Oh, the time I was tied up in captivity? Before I slaughtered half the compound?” I offered with wide eyes, my face sweet and innocent. He snorted, knowing damn well it wasn’t real.

“Yes, exactly.” His words confirmed any suspicions I had about what kind of person he was.

“Actually, I came to deliver news,” I said. My focus was on him, but I was taking stock of the room in my periphery. Five men, including the one behind me and the creep I was talking to. Pretty good odds five to one. I could end three before two reacted, I’d just be taking a risk if the one behind me had good reflexes.

“And what news is that? Trying to get out of this wedding? You’d regret that,” he said, all smiles gone as he leveled me with a glare. “Your grandfather wouldn’t allow it.”

“Father, actually,” I corrected with a laugh. “And my news is that he is no longer alive. I am now head the Priamos Family.”

His grin was back, clearly misreading between the lines. “Even better, sweetheart. That means we can rule together, two strong Families tied together.”

“Oh no,” I laughed. “I’ve already been promised and if I’m in charge, any deals you had are gone. In fact, I’m only here in person to tell you all that Priamos always exact their revenge.” My gun was out and three shots fired in quick succession before they’d even registered my words. I spun and took out the one behind me before holding my gun out at the youngest member backed against the far wall and looking way out of his element. He was lucky I was trained to take stock of my surroundings in fine detail upon arrival.

“Please,” he begged, his hands shaking as he held them up, his gun already on the floor.”

“How old are you?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“Nineteen,” he stuttered out and I shook my head sadly.

“Upstairs, kid, if you want me to spare you. Nothing funny or I’ll shoot and I’ve proven my accuracy is quick and efficient.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he promised, taking the stairs two at a time. After a quick glance at the four men bleeding out on the dirt floor, I was right behind him. We nearly ran into the two front guards as we stepped into the kitchen, both looking at us with wide eyes. “Don’t shoot her.”

“Listen to him, lower your guns.” They complied without hesitation, further showing they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing in all this. “How the hell did you guys get wrapped up in this? Are you even Lachs?” They looked alike, but nothing like the Scottish assholes we’d just wiped from the earth.

“We aren’t,” the oldest confirmed. “We, uh, just didn’t want to live in the streets. Stanton killed my uncle, their father. This was our only option.”

“You from Haverden?”

“No, from Billings, but there was nothing there for us anymore.”

“Come on, let’s go see what my men have to say about this. No guns or you will be shot, they’re not the hesitation kind of people.”

“Noted,” the youngest said, shaking as he dropped his weapon to the floor, his brother following suit.

When we got back outside, the guys were walking up, an angry Keir in the lead. I held my hands up to stop them and he actually listened for once.

“What’s going on? We saw them run in after some gunshots.”

“Only four shots,” I defended. “Four bodies in the basement.”

“And the strays?” Kyrell drew out, assessing the boys behind me.

“They’re not Lachs, but apparently, Stanton killed their guardian and gave them no choice. They deserve a second chance.”

Killian huffed out a laugh. “The queen’s got a heart after all.”

“I’ve always had one, Eros just made sure it stayed locked away,” I said. It was a much darker statement than I meant to say, but it was true. This was going to go my way from here on out, no more silent and just surviving.

“Two options,” Keir offered. “If this is the kind of life you want, just not so heartless, you can join us either here or in Haverden for a fresh start. If it’s just a fresh start, Sana can help with that in Haverden. Make a choice, kids.”

“Oh shit,” Kill laughed. “The tin man has a heart too.” Keir elbowed his brother in the gut, leaving him wheezing. I shook my head in amusement and turned back to the kids. They were talking to each other, looking frantic and unsure.

“Hey.” They turned at the sound of my voice. “You can think on it, but why don’t you come back with us and have a meal, clean up, then decide? And that fresh start? No strings attached. I hated the Lachs and you deserved better.” I put every ounce of conviction in my words and they visibly relaxed.

“Yeah, okay,” the oldest said. “I’m Reid. My younger cousin is Grant and this is Cy.”

“Sana. This is Keir, Killian, and Kyrell Adostos.” The name must have meant something to them, all three expressions faltering for a second. “I’d hold back judgment, the Lachs spit lies like it was their job.”

Reid nodded and followed when I turned. The car was a small limo, so it was big enough that they all crammed into the back bench seat while I sat on the guys’ laps. Xander took off at our signal and headed back. The ride was tense, the boys so unsure, but the moment we turned up to the mansion their faces were downright comical. Eyes wide and jaws dropped, a huge contrast to the old hovel we’d just left. It was kind of ironic that something so innocent and good could come from all of this. They had likely done and seen more than they should have for their age, but they weren’t like the rest of us yet and it gave me a sense of hope that I was happy to grasp onto.

Vincent met us at the door, looking wary as we brought more people with us this time. “Who do we have here?”

“The lost boys,” I said. “Give them a wing. And have food sent up. They’ve got some things to think over and we have a meeting to get ready for. Be down in twenty.” Vincent nodded and beckoned the boys forward. They didn’t hesitate to follow and I couldn’t hide my smile if I tried.

“Let’s go get ready, Kitten,” Ky urged, leading us up to my room. They’d had their men bring them clothes and since they didn’t get involved, it was just me that needed to clean up a bit. I was far enough that blood spray wasn’t an issue, but my clothes were covered in dust. After a quick shower and change I was ready. But now my body was tense with nerves, unsure the kind of cooperation we were about to get. I still had the issue of a Priamos leader to figure out and no one was exactly vying for the job. Eros had left a mess to clean up and there would be a lot of repercussions to the changes I was intent on making.

“You’ve got this, baby girl. Don’t look so worried. You are a natural, and you’re simply cleaning up a mess before moving on.”

“He’s right,” Keir said reluctantly. Kill wasn’t usually the one with the pep talks, but it seemed we had all changed a bit over the last few months. “Go show them that you’re not the monster Eros claimed to have created.”

“I’m a bad bitch. Let’s do this,” I summarized, shaking out my shoulders before holding my head high and walking out.

“That you are,” Ky agreed with a gravelly chuckle. “Fiercest kitten I know.”

* * *


The meetingso far had consisted of a lot of protests and yelling. The moment Sana caught wind of trafficking she ordered that to be disbanded, the girls released, and compensated. Money might not give them their innocence back but it sure as hell would find them some help.

Those who didn’t storm out and cut ties offered to help make her orders a reality, while Sana and the others discussed big changes. The way Eros ran things was deplorable and the city was a cesspool of crime and poverty.

“This isn’t happening, the Family should never have been run this way,” she growled, facing off with the man in charge of their drug trade. “You don’t fucking sell to pimps and kids.”

“I don’t know who put you on you pedestal, princess, but you don’t fucking know a thing about my trade.”

“Vincent, I’m going to shoot him,” Sana bit out, pulling out the golden glock and holding it at the man’s forehead. I don’t know if it was something in her gaze or the sight of Eros’ gun, but he sat down and swallowed hard.

“She does, in fact, know a thing or two about your trade,” Vincent corrected him. “Eros trained her to do this. She just has different ideas on how to do it.”

“Why, because of these clowns?” he bit out, gesturing to us. Sana growled, finally having enough, this time pulling the trigger. The man slumped over in his chair, as the others around him were covered in blood.

“Don’t. Insult. My. Men.” she huffed, breathing like a pissed off bull. “I’ve had just about enough of the pushback You don’t fucking like how I do things? Then fucking leave. You don’t have to be involved. I’m not picking someone to run this shit until someone shows me they can handle it.”

No one moved or spoke. The men who were still here just stared at her with a new respect as Vincent calmly wiped the blood off of the side of his face. She sat down and took a dainty sip of her wine, I fucking lost it at the pinky up grip on the stem of her wine glass. She was a beautiful hurricane and they were learning the hard way she wasn’t one to be fucked with. She smirked at my laugh but otherwise kept her focus on the Priamos leaders… or what was left of them.

For our part, we’ve been silent. This was her mess to clean up and we were simply her support. She’d seen how we kept our city and run our Family, and she was using that to reshape them into something they could be proud of.

Before anyone could speak, the door to the dining room slammed open and Dani walked in. She was dressed in her usual sharp suit, eyes fierce as she stalked into the room. Vincent stood to greet her, bowing slightly.

“Why am I not surprised to find you four here.”

“Well, seeing as how my last name is Priamos, it shouldn’t surprise you,” Sana said coldly. The change had Vincent and Dani both raising their eyebrows. “I didn’t see you here cleaning up the mess.”

“Touché, cousin,” she said with a shrug, stepping around the body to take an empty chair. “Someone catch me up on the fun.”

“Eros and Tony are dead, I’m picking up the pieces and taking out the trash. There. Done,” Sana said, turning back to the other men. “I’ve got your reports and we will reconvene. It seems our meeting needs to be postponed. In the meantime, I want results on the trafficking. Now.”

“Yes, ma’am,” they muttered, practically running out of the room. The silence they left behind was awkward, both Dani and Sana locking eyes on each other and refusing to look away.

“Look,” Dani finally relented. “I came when I heard. Did you kill him?”

“No,” Sana said simply, still guarded. Dani sighed, a flicker of sadness on her face.

“I know I took Helena’s death out on you unfairly. I’m sorry, but it was bullshit. You running, joining them, it all cascaded into an avalanche of bullshit.”

“As opposed to what? The lack of a future we had waiting for us here?” she scoffed, crossing her arms.

“She didn’t deserve that,” Dani said quietly and Sana hummed out her agreement.

‘No, she didn’t. But I didn’t kill her and I killed the man who did it. I tried to stop it,” I said. “You’re angry at yourself for not protecting her, for letting her fall behind.”

Dani narrowed her eyes, pure venom in that gaze. “Fuck you, Sana. Don’t read me, you know nothing about me.”

“Wrong,” Sana said calmly. “I know more about you than anyone else. Blame me if you must, but get your shit together. You have a Family to run.”

“Excuse me,” Dani laughed incredulously. “How do you figure that one?”

“There’s no one else for one. For two, no one else I’d ever let take it.”

“No, you were made for this role. Not me,” Dani protested, her fight gone and replaced with shock.

“I have a Family and a position. I’m not running two. Vincent is happy being second and we’ve already weeded out the bullshit. I’ve made strides to set up a similar structure to what we have in Haverden and disbanded any ties with trafficking and have them releasing girls in our possession. I intended to have Vincent compile and turn over the Families still in it after cutting those ties. We don’t sell people.”

“Our Family’s golden rule,” Keir said with a nod. Dani flickered her eyes to us, then Sana again, taking it all in.

“I’m not prepared for this. I don’t know what I want to do with my life,” she said. But Sana wasn’t letting her off the hook. It was like watching a tennis match, the two of them going back and forth.

“You are prepared.”

“No, I’m a fucking mess. Helena’s death broke me.”

“It did, and you are. But you’re strong and right for this. Change it up, Dani. Make this an empire you’re proud of. Helena would not want you to self-destruct.”

“Don’t talk about her like you know what she’d want,” Dani said. The threat was half-hearted, almost a knee jerk reaction.

“But I did,” I said, cutting in. “She was too kind not to, and she’d slap the shit out of you for talking like this.”

Dani chuckled before her eyes turned glassy. “She would have.”

“Then you’ll do it? We can stay and help get shit together. An alliance, even if from afar.”

“An alliance,” Dani agreed, holding out her hand. Sana placed hers in it and shook, a smile on her face.

“Let’s break down Eros’ empire piece by piece.”

* * *


Several Days Later

Workingalongside Dani wasn’t easy at first. She was hellbent on being miserable and fighting me every step of the way. But the more she’d seen had changed, the more willing she became until glimmers of her old self started to shine through. The moment she brought me a hot chocolate, I knew we were on the right track.

“Uh, Sana. Who are the kids?” Dani asked, glancing out of the window at the guys diving into the pool, Reid, Cy, and Grant with them.

“Victims from the Lach’s. We couldn’t kill them or leave them, so we gave them some options. The oldest, Reid, is coming back as a part of the Adrostos Family. His cousins are coming too, but starting fresh. Finishing school and all that,” I said. We’d sat them down last night to check in and they were pretty set on their final decisions.

“Eros would have killed them,” she said with a sigh, before stepping back and glancing around his old office. Hers, now.

“Yeah, and that’s why he’s dead,” I said with a laugh. “I hope he’s being tortured in hell as we speak, alongside Tony.”

“What the fuck was up with his fascination with incest?” Dani asked, both of us laughing now that it was over.

“I don’t know, he had to go.”

“Well, this is nice,” Vincent joked as he came in. “Haven’t heard real laughter in here for years. Even if it’s at the expense of the dead.”

“Things are changing, Uncle Vinny,” Dani said with a shrug. “Got something for us?”

“Actually, yes,” he said. “It’s only been a few days, but the girls are free. We’ve got a shelter in town funded to help them now. They just hired a few new therapists and got a sizable donation for supplies.”

“And the cops?” I asked, worried it’d come back on us.

Vincent grinned. “Well, thanks to Xander and someone named Joe, it’s been pinned on the Theron’s. They were a big player in it and they’re working on a few other Families. We didn’t make a lot of friends doing it, but I’d say you asserted your dominance.”

“Joe is the best,” I hummed, unable to hide my grin. It was nice to actually do something good for once, especially with Eros’ money. We’d been digging the past few days and he’d had more stored away than we realized, more than enough for Dani to do what she needed and keep the Family well supplied.

“Vincent, can you get me a list of some local businesses on the edge of failing? Ones the city needs. And I need a team ready to step in, invest, and get them back on track.” Dani asked. “I think the Adrostos have a few things right.”

“That they do,” I agreed. “I think we are going to head out tomorrow. You and Vinny have things in hand now. And we’re a phone call away.”

She nodded, standing and coming around the desk to meet me. She wasn’t a hugger, but she pulled me in for one and I melted into it, glad we both were free. I had to cut her some slack for how she reacted to her grief, she was just as fucked up from Eros as I was.

“You’ve got this,” I promised. She chuckled softly as she stepped back

“I’ll give it my best,” she shrugged, taking her seat behind her desk again. “That’s all I can do.”