Wicked Games by Jarica James


Three Months Later

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn’t help but think for the first time, I looked like a queen. The gold dress I had on was elegant, my long hair straight and flowing down my back. My makeup was done to perfection and with the confidence I now had, the freedom, I looked unstoppable.

The guys had called a Family dinner and meeting and it felt like the first time all over again. Everything felt different, in fact, the trip had changed me, and not because I had a second lease on life, surviving nearly taking my own, but without the constant vigilance, I felt like I could just… live.

Glancing at the clock, I slid my feet into my heels and walked out of the room. The smell of home cooked food and the chatter of the family made the entire house come alive. It felt like a home.

“Ah, our queen,” Xander cheered, his cheeks rosy. He’d clearly had a little too much wine but it was nice to see the man let go a little.

“Sana!” Cy called out, smiling and waving. He was a genuinely sweet kid, all three of them had changed a lot since we got back. Reid had become Xander’s right hand man and the other two were both thriving. They’d taken over Gamester’s Paradise since it was just sitting there, and they’d already drawn in some crowds.

After greeting several people, I realized that my guys weren’t anywhere around. Worry hit me for a second, but the crime rates in town had gone down so much they rarely had to rush out to deal with Family emergencies. In fact, outside of small issues they hadn’t been called away much. No more roadside shootouts or missing Family members.

“Excuse me!” Keir’s voice rang out, everyone falling silent at once. I turned to see them walking into the room, all three looking sexy as hell in their fitted suits. They’d clearly taken effort to clean up, fresh haircuts, and shoes impeccably shined. They commanded the room with little effort and I couldn’t seem to look away.

They stayed in their spot as they waited for everyone to quiet down, the entire room turning to face them.

“We’ve got a few announcements, but we wanted to start with a big one. Come here, kitten,” Ky said, gesturing for me to join them. I walked over and stopped in front of them, my heart pounding in my chest. As soon as I was in range, they fell to one knee in perfect synchrony, Keir extending a ring box in his hand to show a massive rock that glinted in the light.

“Holy shit,” I whispered, Killian laughing at the eloquent reaction.

“Otsana Priamos,” Kill started. “I’ve loved you since I was seventeen. It’s been a long time since those days, and we’ve both changed in a lot of ways. But now, I just love you more. You’ve proven yourself to be a worthy queen to this Family, this city, and for those who don’t even deserve your forgiveness.”

“I’ve never met someone who possesses the strength you do,” Ky added. “We’ve loved you as long as Killian has, but getting the chance to know you over the last year has changed me. Before you we just existed, doing our jobs and losing ourselves in our roles. With you here, it feels like we’ve really had a chance to live.”

“I’m not always good with words,” Keir took over. “However, I don’t think I need many. They’ve said it all. We love you and you’ve more than proven yourself worthy. Be our queen, officially. Marry us, Sana?”

Tears fell down my cheeks as the warmth of their words settled in my chest. They were perfect in so many ways, but the words they just spoke chased away any lingering demons I could have had.

“I’d love to,” I finally managed, grabbing Keir and pulling him to his feet before crushing my lips to his. He took over, the kiss now hard and possessive. But soon I was pulled away, Killian demanding attention. His kiss was sweet and passionate, telling me with his body exactly what he’d said out loud. Then there was Ky, taking over from his brother and stepping up the heat until I was moaning into it. When he pulled away I was needy and breathless. He smirked at the sight and winked.

“Later, Kitten.”

Going back to a regular dinner after that wasn’t easy, but Angelina had outdone herself. The feast was fit for royalty and I was starving. Within thirty minutes I was sitting in front of a second plate of food and a wine glass into the night. I’d never felt happier than I did in that moment, even if it took years of darkness to reach the light, I managed to find my way. The Adrostos had shown me as a girl that there was something out there for me, and as adults they’d shown me that life was worth fighting for, that they were worth fighting for, and I was forever grateful for that lesson.

“What’s wrong?” Ky asked, leaning over and brushing a kiss on my cheek.

“Nothing,” I said, and I meant it. My demons were dealt with, I was living my life for me, I’d finally found a home, and I loved my men with my whole being.

Life was fucking perfect.