Bossy Baby by Athena Steller

Thank You

Thank you for reading Bossy Baby: Daddy’s Boy Four.

I hope you enjoyed watching Mac finally open up and get his boy as much as I did. I never know where these crazy characters are going to take me or who will demand a story of their own.

The Daddy’s Boy series will continue next with a special Christmas edition.

All four couples and Jayme will appear in the Christmas short.

I thought I was wrapping up the Daddy’s Boy series and had already started working on a spin-off series featuring the men that Avery works with.

This series isn’t done with me, though.

So the good news is now you’ll be able to enjoy both series until each character is happy that their entire story has been told.

For more information on this series, please check out the Daddy’s Boy tab at my website:

And please find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more updates.

Thanks again for reading!
