Bossy Baby by Athena Steller



“That’s it. That’s everything.”

Mac chuckled at his boy’s dramatics as Hayley threw himself to the floor of the living room. “Are you sure there’s not one more box to be brought in?”

“No!” Hayley shouted. “No more boxes.”

Winking at Lance, who Mac had roped into helping to move the last of his boy’s stuff into the house, Mac motioned for Lance to join him in the kitchen.

Lance followed him silently.

In the kitchen, Mac started to pour Hayley and Jayme cups of juice. Jayme had spent a lot more time over at the house the past week. He even had his own cup, with a lid and a straw, that was all his.

Mac had mentioned Jayme’s possible interest in puppy play and his boy had pushed until Jayme had admitted he was wondering about it, which had led the three of them down a worm hole of information. That had brought Jayme closer to the two of them. Jayme had even decided to stay in town, living in Hayley’s old apartment, and spending Christmas with them.

Jayme had made an off-hand comment about how often Lance was around the store, though, the previous night during dinner. Mac needed to make sure Jayme was safe, and find out exactly what Lance’s intentions were.

“What do you want to ask me?” Lance asked.

His defensive posture, arms crossed, back straight, didn’t put Mac on edge. No, Mac was good at reading people. Lance was uncomfortable. Well, if Lance got involved with Jayme, that would make him family. Weird to think about, but true.

“Are you interested in Jayme?” Mac questioned bluntly.

“That’s…that’s not your business.”

“Actually, it is. Jayme is now my family. He’s confused and searching for his place. I can’t allow him to struggle.”

Lance grunted.

“He’s my responsibility,” Mac stated.

“He’s weird.”

Mac lifted an eyebrow.

“I like it.”

Satisfied, Mac handed lance a bottle of water and Jayme’s cup. “Go give this to him. I’ll be in in just a second.”

“That’s it?” Lance questioned.

“That kid couldn’t be safer with anyone else,” Mac said. Lance had looked out for Mac’s interests for a long time. They might not have been friends, but that was because Mac didn’t have any. Or hadn’t, until Hayley came along. Lance and Jayme were going to have to figure out their relationship on their own.

Mac would make sure that Jayme’s interests were taken care of, but he wouldn’t meddle. He wouldn’t let Hayley meddle, either, which would be a harder problem to figure out.

“Just talk to him. You’ll both figure it out.”

“We’ll see.” Lance grabbed the drinks then walked out of the kitchen.

Mac finally smiled. Lance wasn’t going to know what hit him once he opened up to Jayme.

The boys he’d met, including his own, had a tendency to wrap them all around their little fingers.

Lance would be no different. He’d learn.

Mac checked the roast in the crockpot. He was getting very good at cooking. Luckily Caleb had decided that Mac would make a good student and was sharing his knowledge. Grant still hovered in the background, protective of his boy. But that was something that Mac respected, not minded.

Plus he really needed Caleb’s help.

Taking the responsibility of caring for his boy seriously meant feeding Hayley well-prepared meals.

Cooking turned out to be relaxing for him, too. He enjoyed the task.

Mac especially enjoyed meals that he could prepare and cook slowly throughout the day. Like the roast.

The house smelled amazing.


Mac picked up his own water and Hayley’s sippy cup before hurrying to the living room. “What’s wrong, baby?” Mac had watched Hayley closely through the day to make sure his boy didn’t overdo it.

He stopped in the doorway to the living room, surprised to see Hayley with a murderous expression.

His boy didn’t look upset. He appeared pissed off.

“What?” Mac asked again.

Hayley was opening and closing his mouth. He pointed toward the couch.

Mac walked around the couch and almost tripped.

Lance sat on the couch with…What the fuck! Socks was on Lance’s lap, purring as the assassin rubbed the kitten’s chin.

“Make them stop!” Hayley demanded.

Socks hadn’t warmed up to Hayley quite yet. If Hayley entered a room, Socks either ran out, hid, or attacked the boy’s toes. It didn’t seem to matter how many treats Hayley fed her, Socks had not taken to the boy.

Hayley stomped his foot. “I mean it! Stop petting the demon cat! She doesn’t like anyone!”

“She seems to like me,” Lance quipped.

Mac actually had to catch Hayley when his boy flew at Lance. Shit, this was a new side of his boy. And as sexy as Mac found him, Hayley needed to calm down.

“Let me go!” Hayley yelled. “That kitten is going to love me!”

“I love you,” Mac told Hayley, holding him tight. He didn’t want his boy attacking Lance. Only his boy wouldn’t be afraid of the hitman currently on their couch. “Cookies and Tyson love you.”

“I want Socks to love me!”

Mac pressed his lips together. He would not laugh. That would be wrong.

“I’m getting the meanest, ugliest dog I can find. And he’ll only love me!” Hayley declared.

That set them all off. Mac couldn’t hold back his laughter. Jayme and Lance didn’t even try.

“I hate you all.” Hayley pouted.

Mac kissed his boy softly.

“Okay, I don’t hate you. But you better make your evil kitten loves me!”

Well one thing was for sure—Mac’s life was never going to be boring with his bossy baby. “Whatever you say, baby,” he happily agreed.