To Bleed a Crystal Bloom by Sarah A. Parker

Thank You

Thank you for reading To Bleed a Crystal Bloom! I hope you’ve enjoyed Orlaith’s journey so far.

This story first came to me in a dream, and it hasn’t let me go since. I’d planned the entire series before I wrote a single word—it just spoke to me.

The characters.

The world.

The relationships.

There is so much story left to tell. In many ways, I’ve barely chipped the surface with the first installment, but I really wanted to give Orlaith’s origin the justice it deserved. These characters have a long way to go before we reach that final full stop. I can’t wait to take you all on this journey with me.

The next book in the series is To Snap a Silver Stem, and the preorder is already available here.

For anyone who wants to hear the songs that inspired me while I was writing this book, here is my To Bleed a Crystal Bloom playlist.

To keep in the loop with teasers, signed paperback forms, and giveaways, join my reader group or follow my Instagram.

Again, thank you for reading!
