To Bleed a Crystal Bloom by Sarah A. Parker


This story took an entire year to create, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends and family.

My babies—thank you for being so patient while Mummy wrote her book. Thank you for the endless supply of jokes and loves and hugs.

Josh—my love. Thank you for supporting me, for loving me, and for always believing in me. Thank you for being two whole parents in the last few months leading up to my release. You’re amazing, and I’m so lucky to be doing life with you.

Raven—honestly … words evade me. What would I do without you?

Thank you for being my rock, for bringing a brightness to every day, and for the endless deep belly laughs.

Thank you for talking me out of a ditch a thousand times over, for standing up for this story when I was at my weakest, and for giving me the courage to make it across that finish line. Your friendship means the absolute world to me, and I can’t wait to be back in the sprint room together, quoting Pride and Prejudice, and drinking all the coffee we were meant to give up six months ago.

Mum—thank you for your unending support. For knowing when to empathise, and when to tell me to pick myself up and keep going. Thank you for all the heartbeats you poured into helping me polish this story. I love you.

The Editor & The Quill—Chinah, thank you for everything you poured into this story. Thank you for your friendship, your mastery, your attention to detail. Thank you for digging so deep and for the late nights and early mornings. You go above and beyond, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

Brittani—thank you for your friendship, your laughs, your listening ear, your attention to detail. Thank you for listening to hours and hours of voice messages when I first came up with the idea for this story and had to blurt it all out. You’re amazing, you really are!

A.T. Cover Designs—Aubrey, thank you for the stunning cover. For pouring so much heart and soul into every single one of my graphics, and for bringing my story to life visually. You are incredibly talented, and I’m constantly blown away by everything you do!

Affinity Author Services—thank you for going out of your way to make things as easy as possible for me when I had to push my release date back! And for the words of wisdom that were priceless and so very needed.

Philippa—thank you for your eternal support, and for giving our babies a change of scenery when you knew I needed to knuckle down and reach that finish line!

Sarah. Xo