Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


“I’ve been dreaming of you for the past two years…”

The words hung in the air between them. Jillian stared at the big Kindred, not at all sure what to say.

Those eyes, she thought, looking into their silver-green depths. Where have I seen them before? Was it in my dreams?

But surely not. She knew the Kindred had some kind of superstition about sharing dreams with the man who you were destined to be with, but that was all it was—just a superstition, right? Still, the way he was looking at her…

“You’re not just saying that to get me to take you back with me to the Mother Ship, are you?” she whispered.

He shook his head.

“No. I’m saying it because it’s the truth. Been dreaming of you, little Mistress—waiting for you.” He shrugged. “Sorry if that’s a lot to take in.”

“It kind of is,” Jillian admitted breathlessly. “I mean, what are you saying? That we’re, uh, meant to be together or something?”

“I’m saying, why don’t you relax and let me massage you some more?” he rumbled softly.

Jillian caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Massage my back…or my front?” she whispered.

“Which do you want me to do?” he murmured, his silver-green eyes going half-lidded. “I don’t want to take more than you’re ready to give, but pleasuring you would be my privilege, little Mistress.”

“How…how would you touch me?” Jillian’s eyes strayed to where the other three Mistresses were getting their nipples sucked and their pussies stroked by their bodyslaves. God, she couldn’t believe she was even considering this, but there was something about the way he was looking at her—it made her feel so hot and wet and ready she could barely stand it! She’d thought the sexual side of her was dead after Brad, but nope—apparently it had just been asleep and now the big Kindred had woken it up in a big way.

“I’ll touch you however you want me to,” Kalis rumbled. “We could start with me just massaging your breasts. Would you like that?”

Jillian considered—would she like that? If someone had asked her when she woke up that morning if she would like to get an erotic massage from a huge Kindred warrior she’d never met before, her answer would have been a definite “no.”

But for some strange reason, she almost felt like she knew Kalis now. She had seen his past in her head so vividly while he talked to her and massaged her and right now he seemed to be staring into her soul with those deep silver-green eyes. And she felt so relaxed when he touched her. He might be registered as a deadly weapon, but he had been nothing but gentle and considerate with her.

Still, should she do this?

“All right,” she heard herself whispering. “We…we could try it, I guess.”

Kalis’s eyes were half-lidded again.

“Turn over then, little Mistress,” he murmured in that deep, rumbling voice of his. “So I can pleasure you.”