Accidental Acquisition by Evangeline Anderson


Gods, was she all right? Had the intense orgasms put too much strain on her body?

“Mistress? Jillian?” Kalis withdrew his fingers and looked down at the little female with deep concern. She had seemed fine up until her second orgasm and then she had suddenly fainted. Though to be honest, he didn’t feel so good himself, he suddenly realized.

Looking around the room, he saw that everything had an odd rainbow tinge to it. The taste of the massage oil—which was slightly floral—was heavy on his tongue and he felt strangely lightheaded. It was as though he was back in the ring at the Blood Circuit and an opponent had struck him in the head.

Kalis frowned. What in the Seven Hells was going on? Why was he suddenly so dizzy? Had there been something in that lapsong oil? Had it been lapsong oil at all?

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that his old Mistress had lifted her head and was watching him closely. But she didn’t look upset or concerned. Instead, her lavender eyes were narrowed in a calculating way, as though she was waiting for something.

“Mistress…Douchenbag?” he mumbled and then fell heavily to his knees. “What…?”

“Almost,” he heard her say, but she wasn’t talking to him. “In just another moment it will finally have taken effect.”

“I thought it would take much sooner.” The voice that answered her was that of Torris, the head bodyslave who ran the Yonnite spa for his Mistress, who owned the establishment. He was the same one who had let them in and assigned them to the rose-gold relaxation grotto in the first place. And apparently he had been plotting something with Mistress Douchenbag.

Kalis tried to focus on the other male, who was standing beside Mistress Douchenbag’s massage table, but the rainbows were too bright. His vision was filled with them and every image he saw was doubled and then trebled. What in the Seven Hells was happening to him?

As he wondered this, he lost the last of his balance and fell heavily to the floor.

Never, he thought groggily. Never been knocked out by an opponent in the ring! I’m undefeated—how can this be?

Yet somehow, it was happening. He felt his eyes closing, but he could still hear. He tried to get up but his limbs were too heavy to move—he couldn’t even twitch a finger.

“Finally!” he heard Mistress Douchenbag exclaim. “Why did it take so long?”

“The molock oil is a topical agent,” Torris answered. “It takes time to soak into the skin and take effect and it’s more effective once it comes in contact with mucus membranes. Though I did put twice as much as I thought was necessary into the massage oil,” he added. “But Kindred are tough—it takes a lot to knock them out.”

“Well, now that they’re both finally completely out, we need to dispose of them,” Mistress Douchenbag said.

“Are you certain about that, Mistress?” Torris asked, sounding worried. “You know the penalty for harming another Mistress.”

“Oh, that little bitch isn’t really a Yonnite Mistress,” Douchenbag hissed spitefully. “She’s some little humanoid from a backwards planet where they don’t see fit to subjugate males. Everything would have been fine if she would just have agreed to take that stupid Kindred off my hands. But, nooo— she got up on her high horse and started lecturing me about how owning males as bodyslaves is ‘wrong’ and ‘reprehensible’. Imagine!” She snorted in derision.

“Yes, well, some people have strange ideas,” Torris said neutrally. “But are you sure you’d rather dispose of the Kindred rather than sell him? His reputation as a champion in the Blood Circuit makes him quite valuable.”

“Not anymore,” Mistress Douchenbag scoffed. “He’s too old to fight now and I can’t sell him to any other Mistress as a bodyslave because of what happened last week. Why, it was the talk of every Yonnite in the market—all my peers know about that horrible beast he changes into!”

“Yes, I had heard about that from my own Mistress,” Torris admitted. “A massive Ursus was it?”

“Huge!” Mistress Douchenbag exclaimed. “He burst the pain collar right off his neck—his last Mistress never said anything about needing an expanding one, you know, so I chose a cheaper model because you know how expensive those collars can be!”

“Having worn one all my life, I know a little something about pain collars,” Torris said dryly.

“Anyway, I haven’t dared to put another one on him or to turn my back on him ever since I saw him change,” Mistress Douchenbag said. “I haven’t gotten a wink of shuteye in over a week for fear he would murder me in my sleep! And since everyone knows about his condition, there’s no selling him—not even to that little humanoid idiot, ‘Mistress Jillian’. So we must get rid of them both—at once!”

“But what would you have me do with them, Mistress?” Torris asked. “At any moment your two friends are going to wake up from the dose of sleepytimeI put into their tea and you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do.”

“Have several of the bodyslaves bring them through my private tunnel to my stall,” Douchenbag answered. “I’m close to the Dark Market—we can dump them in there and let fate take care of them. They won’t last long on the wrong side of the barrier.”

“I don’t have enough bodyslaves to bring them both at once,” Torris objected. “The Kindred alone will take six of my strongest to carry—he’s build like a Tenebrian ox!”

“Well then, dispose of the female first,” Mistress Douchenbag directed. “Oh, and be sure you take her clothes and all her other things with her—I don’t want any traces left behind. Of course, there is the matter of my ion-scoop…” She sounded like she was deliberating.

“Do you wish me to get it for you from her clothing before we take her?” Torris asked.

“No…no, let it stay among her things,” Mistress Douchenbag decided. “I can always say that she stole it and ran into the Dark Market to try and evade me if any of this ever comes to light. And I think I’ll take a little vacation back to Opulex as soon as you leave with her—just to be on the safe side.”

“Understood,” Torris said. “We’ll bring the woman and dump her first and then come back for the Kindred. They’ve both had enough molock oil that they shouldn’t wake up for a while.”

“Not until it’s too late, anyway.” Mistress Douchenbag snickered nastily. “This will teach that nasty little female to be so self-righteous! I hope she enjoys her time in the Dark Market—short though it will probably be!”

Though he was drugged and unable to move, Kalis tried desperately to open his lips and protest this idea. He could survive the Dark Market—well, if he could regain the functions of his body, he could—but Jillian would be in terrible danger. Anyone who entered the Dark Market was considered fresh meat and the rightful prey of whoever got to them first—a female alone without someone to protect her had next to no chance of survival.

But even as he thought this, the drug in his system seemed to grow stronger and he felt his consciousness fading.

No! he thought. No, I can’t pass out—I must be awake to protect Jillian! Please, Goddess…

But then even his hearing seemed to fade and he knew no more.