Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 20


Two months later, I had just fed Kida and Kaya the female Lycan Shepherd that we had received and was pleased that Kida was being extra attentive to his mate. However, the moment they were full, they broke apart. Kaya went to rest outside of the nursery. Ever since we had brought Kaya home, she had made it clear that she was loyal to Kiiri.

Kida had stayed with me when I walked to the nursery, peeked my head in to see Knox with Kiiri in his arms as he rocked her to sleep, singing softly to her.

Over the last two months we had come to a routine. I would get up with Kiiri to feed her and if she wasn’t tired, Knox would always walk in the nursery to rock her until she fell asleep.

Smiling I left them to their daddy-daughter time as I made myself a cup of coffee and made my way to the front porch swing. Kida jumped up with me as he laid his head in my lap.

About half an hour later, Knox walked out with his own cup of coffee just in time to see Jacob coming up the drive.

Smiling at him my jaw dropped as I saw Jacob round the car as he helped Sorcha out of the car, and then he helped Saxon out who immediately held his hands up for him to carry him.

“So you finally gave in?” I smiled at Sorcha.

“Yeah he has a way about him.” She said as she sighed at the vision of Jacob holding Saxon.

“Daddy… spin.” Jacob laughed as he spun Saxon around.

“Daddy?” Knox rumbled out.

“Yep.” Jacob grinned happily.

“Happy for you brother.” Knox nodded at him.

Sitting with Sorcha in the backyard she asked me, “Saw the news, Cole was killed.”

I lifted my decaf coffee to my lips and looked at her. “Something you want to ask?”

“I’ve seen killers. See it in Knox.”


“He the reason Cole is dead?”

I stared at her, “Not sure what you’re talking about.”

She smiled ear to ear, “Yeah you do. Tell him thank you.”

It was then that I felt his presence walk up behind me, “Welcome.” He handed Kiiri to me.

After they left I had just laid Kiiri down for her nap. Just as I walked in the front door  Knox’s phone pinged with a text, he looked down at it then he put his phone back in his pocket.

Walked over to me, and whispered in my ear, “Dove.”

“Be careful. We love you.”

He grabbed the back of my neck with his hand and kissed me hard.

As I watched him walk out the door I knew that I would always be proud of what he did, even though it meant that it took him away from us at times.

Five months later, walking into the clubhouse after I dropped off our newest adoption with Kiiri in my arms I had a surprise for Knox.

The moment I spotted him, I smiled at him, walked up to him, and then pulled the pregnancy test out of my back pocket.

He shook his head as he did the same thing that he had done when we found out we were pregnant with Kiiri. There in the middle of the clubhouse, he dropped to his knees as he placed a kiss on my stomach and muttered., “Mommy and daddy love you.”

Nine months later we hadn’t been able to do a home birth due to the size of our second baby. Kase Graham McCord had come into this world at nine pounds and five ounces.

Thirteen months later we welcomed our last addition to our family, Kynnydee Felicia McCord, and I was able to have our last child in our home.

Jaya, Kiiri and Kida’s son from their first litter had formed a connection with Kase.

Two months later we had made the drive to pick up another set of Lycan Shepherds, Toko and Tamala. Toko was about twenty pounds lighter then Kida and Tamla was almost the same size as Kaya. It had been Toko that had bounded with Kynnydee.