Clearwater’s Redemption by Tiffany Casper

Chapter 19


Watching Fiona’s belly grow every day with my child was something of a miracle. Every month we took pictures with Kida showing the progress.

When she had been five months along, the breeder had contacted her that they had a female that was ready so we drove to Virginia to allow Kida to mate with her.

Luckily in three days’ time, that was all it took. However, while she was talking to the owners they were amazed with Kida and the connection he shared with Fiona that they had ripped up the contract and offered one of their females to us so that the breed could be expanded, we would be picking that female up after our baby was born.

And that was how Fiona went from working in a diner to being a registered breeder and running a program. A program that Jacob had backed and had found us the top dog trainer to train the puppies for special needs. whether the dogs needed to alert their handlers for seizures, blood pressure dropping, panic attacks, and anxiety attacks.

Sorcha had finally settled in Clearwater with Saxon and wouldn’t you know it that Jacob flew to Clearwater not only to see us, but to see Sorcha and Saxon. She was giving the man a run for his money.

Three months later the owners in Virginia, sent us pictures of Kida’s first litter of puppies.

We were sitting with our doctor going over the birth plan and everything, since it was time to choose.

“I want a natural at-home birth. Even though we don’t know who my people are, the Apache did this all the time.”

I wanted to argue with her. Tell her that I wanted the best in the field to take care of her and our baby, but it was her call. I would be there all the way.

“Your call sweetheart.”

“Then you’ll need a midwife, and I’ll be here ready and able if god forbid something happens.”

And that was how an hour later we had a midwife.

The nursery was ready, we had gone with a white crib, a white dresser, with warm colors for the bedding things Fiona called accents.

Now we were just waiting for our baby. The midwife had told us that once Fiona hits thirty-six weeks the baby could come at any time. We had just hit our thirty-seven-week mark. It was about to become all surreal for us.

“Sweetheart?” I had just stepped in the house after taking out the trash to see Fiona with her hand on her stomach at the sink.

“These contractions are no joke. I thought those Braxton hicks contractions were strong, but these…” She had been complaining of back pain all morning.

“Do I need to call Helen?” Helen was the midwife we had chosen.

At Fiona’s nod I did just that. Helen answered on the second ring, “Hey Knox.”


“Has her water broken yet?”


“Okay, I’m about thirty minutes away, be there soon.” Then I went to the bedroom, stripped the sheets off and laid down what we would need so that the mattress wouldn’t be ruined.

Walking back out to the kitchen it was to see her breathing in and out with Kida keeping pace beside her.

Sending out a text to my brothers that it might be time for our baby to arrive.

“What do you need Fi?”

“Washcloth.” Nodding, I grabbed her one, ran it under cold water and then I pulled her hair up in a messy bun as she called it and placed the washcloth on the back of her neck.

Within minutes, the roaring of pipes could be heard as they came up the mountain.

Walking to the front door I opened it, then I walked over to Fiona as I wrapped an arm around her back as I walked with her, she stopped, then doubled over, her arms going to her knees.

It was then that I saw liquid rolling down her legs and hitting the floor. “Got it.” Cooper said as he went straight to the paper towels and grabbed a trash can.

“Thanks Cooper.” Fiona breathed out.

Grabbing my cell I walked Fiona to the bedroom, after I helped her down on the bed I called Helen, this time, she answered on the first ring, “Water break?”

“Yes.” I stared down as Fiona breathed through what had to be another contraction.

“Fifteen minutes away.”

“Y’all need anything?” Novalie asked as she walked into the bedroom.

“Can you…. can you grab the things in the chair over there and place them on…. the bed.”

“Sure.” She grabbed the blankets and the things the midwife had said she would need.

“I texted Jacob, he’s on his way.” She told me as she breathed through another contraction.

It was then that I heard Helen walk through the door. Phoebe entered with Helen on her heels.

“Let's check you out sweetheart.” Since Fiona had on a wrap day dress Helen climbed on the bed and checked her over.

“You're already eight centimeters dearie. Won’t be long now.” Helen climbed off the bed then she checked her blood pressure.

“Novalie, Phoebe, can y’all stay in here with us please?” Fiona asked. They had both agreed wholeheartedly.

Over the next hour sitting there on the bed with her, my heart was breaking, she was being so strong and battling everything like the warrior queen she was. We were on five hours of active labor now after her water had broken.

The brothers had been walking in and out checking on things. The other women, Sorcha included, had been in the kitchen making us meals for the next few days.

Then suddenly Fiona said, “I need to… I need to push.”

Helen smiled then said, “Okay, let’s check you out dearie.”

Helen climbed in the bed as she checked, then looked up with a smile,  “It's time, I can see the head. Okay, Knox, can you grab her leg and hold it up, Novalie can you grab the other?”

After Novalie and I had Fiona’s legs, Helen turned to Phoebe, “Phoebe, can you get a blanket ready?”

“Okay Fiona, with your next contraction, I want you to bear down with your bottom and push until I tell you to stop, okay?”

Fiona nodded while sweat beaded up on her forehead. I saw her face tighten and then she started to push. She yelled out while she did it, “That’s it sweetheart.”

“Good Fiona. Keep pushing.” Helen did something and then she said,” Okay stop.”

Fiona tipped her head back as she breathed through the pain. This was fucking killing me.

“What can I do?” I asked her with sorrow etched in my voice.

Turning her head, her eyes softened, “You’re doing it honey.”

I leaned down and kissed her temple.

“Here comes another one.” She said suddenly.

“Okay… push…” Helen called out.

“Shoulders are out.”

“Fuck this hurts.” I saw tears come out of the corners of her eyes.

“One more push Fiona. Push as hard as you can.” Phoebe had the blanket ready.

“Ughhhhh….” And then I heard it, the sweetest sound filled the room.

My child had just entered this world. Turning my head to look at it, “You have a beautiful baby girl.” Helen had grabbed something then looked at me, “You want to cut the cord?”

Nodding, but first I leaned in and kissed Fiona, “Thank you my love.”

Her smile was breathtaking as I pulled away and cut my daughter's chord.

After Helen had her wrapped and swaddled she handed her to Fiona.

While Helen was cleaning everything up, I lifted both my girls in my arms while Novalie, Phoebe, and Lucy stripped the sheets from the bed as they replaced it with clean ones.

Carrying her to the bathroom I held on to my daughter while I helped Fiona into another wrap dress so she could breastfeed easily.

Once that was done, I carried her back to the bedroom to see our makeshift family in the room, I laid them back in the bed so she could rest.

Cotton stepped closer so he could see her, “Well what’s her name?”

Smiling down at my girls I said, “Please welcome Kiiri Alea McCord.”

“She’s beautiful brother.”

Giddily Cree clapped, “I was right.” She smiled as she held a little pink gift bag out to me.

Grabbing it I smiled, opened it, and pulled out a pink onesie with the word’s Icer’s Princess written in black ink.

“Fucking perfect Cree. Thank you.” I told her as I showed it to Fiona.

Grabbing my daughter I brought her little head to my lips as I placed a kiss on her forehead, she was so tiny that she didn’t even span the length of one of my forearms.

“I’ll let Clutch know to be on the ready for my ink.” I growled.

Even though I knew Fiona was wiped, she still tossed her head back and laughed.

The room filled with chuckles at my comment. I fucking meant it too.

That night while Fiona lay beside me sleeping, I couldn’t help but place Kiiri on Kida who hadn’t left her side at all since the moment he padded into the room.

Pulling out my phone I snapped the picture.

“That’s going on the mantle.” Fiona said drowsily.

After the two of them were checked at the hospital for their twenty-four-hour check-up to ensure both of my girls were healthy, we drove to the clubhouse for a welcome home celebration that Novalie had thrown for us.

Since we were also having an all-welcome celebration later on in the day so that more members of the community could see who we were and what we were about, the place was jam-packed.

Glancing up after everyone had welcomed Kiiri home, it was to see Fiona walk out of the kitchen. I was sitting there with Kiiri in my arms when I caught some assholes leering at her.

Where they fucking oblivious to the property kutte she had on and the giant as fuck ring on her finger?

Then my baby girl Kiiri woke up and apparently wanted her momma. Holding her protectively in my arms, the moment I made it to Fiona I handed her Kiiri then I turned and glared at the stupid little dumb fucks.

“Honey…” I growled as I turned my head to see Fiona chastising me with a look.

“Don’t honey me sweetheart. I get they want to look at you. I know your fucking breathtaking. What they are not going to do is disrespect you by undressing you with their eyes. Cause if they don’t stop, I'll pop their eyes out of their sockets.”

When one of the little boys scoffed at me, I slowly turned my head, and advanced.

Wrapped one hand around his neck and squeezed.

“Feel that?” I could see the capillaries in his eyes start to bust.

His face started to turn purple.

Growling I said, “Look at her one more damn time.”

As soon as I let go, the other little punk that was with him, grabbed him by his arm and dragged him out of the clubhouse.

An hour later Fiona sidled up next to me, looking up at her I could see that she was tired, “Ready to head home honey.” She was worn slap out. A lot of the women had been amazed that she had elected for a home birth and hadn’t, not once, asked for any pain medicine.

Ten minutes later blue lights were coming into the driveway.

An officer stepped out, put his hand on his gun as he made his way over to where we were standing.

“Got a call about an assault. Boy claims you almost choked him to death. Here to take you in.” I looked at his name plate, it was Goldman.

But before anything else could be said, my woman spoke up, making me want to spank her ass.

“He’s mistaken, he didn’t want to admit that it was a female that almost choked him out, he shouldn’t have been leering at me like that and eyeing my daughter in my arms.” Fiona said without urgency, and without a stutter.

The officer took in her small stature as she held Kiiri in her arms, “That the way of it?”

“It sure is. The boys kept eyeing my daughter as well.” Phoebe walked up with Pebbles at her side.

“That’s right. It was creepy.” Pebbles even shuttered.

It took everything in me to not bust out laughing. This cop was putty in all of their hands.

“Well then, in that case, I think it was justified.” The cop nodded as he walked off, climbed in his car, and left.

“I gotta watch you.” I chuckled.

She winked, “No one takes you from me.”

“Miss Fiona is right Uncle Knox. You are ours.” Pebbles said around her lollipop.