Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 19

Kyle arrived at Gemma’s apartment at 7.01p.m. She hated that he was late, and barely let him take two steps inside her front door before she’d torn half of his clothes off. Shirts and boardshorts, shoes and underwear were scattered across the floor by the time they reached her sofa.

The next few days followed a similar ritual. Daylight hours were spent at meetings, nights were spent with Kyle. And at the end of the week, Gemma arrived at a very wet and rainy Maui, Hawaii, with the guys, their entourage, and production crew, ready to film a video clip.

Walking into the private three-bedroom villa she would be sharing with the guys, Gemma dropped her tote bag and placed her guitar case in the middle of the floor. She ripped opened the organza curtains that led onto the timber lanai and looked over the crystal blue plunge pool and beautiful gardens. All were getting a solid dousing of rain. This wasn’t your typical Hawaiian shower that disappeared within the hour; this was set in rain, and it didn’t look like it was going to clear anytime soon.

“Gem, want a beer?” Hunter called from the kitchenette.

“Hey, I’ll get her a drink,” Kyle dashed for the fridge and opened the door. “She’s my girlfriend now. Remember?”

“Dude. It’s a fucking drink.” Hunter splayed his hands out wide.

“I don’t care who gets me a beer. Just hurry up about it.” Gemma met Kyle halfway across the room and stabbed her finger into his chest. “You, behave,” she said, taking the beer from his hand. Having Kyle wanting to wait on her though, was kind of cool.

“Always.” He gave her an innocent smile and kissed her on the forehead.

“This villa’s huge. It’s a waste, isn’t it?” Hunter cracked open his beer and strolled over to the sofa. “You two will be sharing a room, and I intend to be with Amie whenever I get the chance.”

Gemma wrinkled her nose. “First of all, when have you cared about where we stay as long as it’s five-star, and second, I really don’t want to think about you tapping Amie. Ever.”

“Why?” Hunter lay his arm across the back of the sofa and gave her a playful smile. “Are you having regrets we broke up, babe?”

“Never.” She choked on a mouthful of her beer. Her time with him had been one crazy chapter in her life. Despite the drama and heart break, he’d helped her to believe in love and to open her heart again. Now she wanted to look forward to the future, not dwell on the past.

Kyle pegged the cap off his beer bottle at Hunter, then sat down beside him. “You had your chance with Gem, let it go.”

“Why? Are you afraid she’s going to come crawling back to me?” Hunter’s eyes shimmered with cheekiness. “She’d have to do it on her knees.”

“Ew,” Gemma sat onto the sofa opposite the guys. “There will be no crawling. Ever.”

But Kyle glared at Hunter. “Don’t talk to her like that.” The sinister edge to his tone made the hairs on Gemma’s arm prickle. She was not going to have these two fighting over her. Again.

“I’m just having a dig at you.” Hunter laughed, punching Kyle in the arm. “You two belong together. While I have no regrets being with Gem, I’m sorry I caused a hurdle on the way to the inevitable.”

She glanced at Kyle, her heart swelled in her chest when he winked at her.

“Hunt, it’s all behind us. Can we just move on?” Gemma said, fumbling with her beer bottle.

“Already have.” Hunter raised his beer, his curling smile ensured her there were no hard feelings. “Gem, you’ll always be my number-one girl. Kyle, you’ll always be my best bud. I swear to you guys, nothing will ever come between us again. Not even someone like Amie. She’s nothing but some fun for now.”

While Hunter acted flippant, Gemma sensed Hunter had fallen for Amie hard, and she wasn’t convinced that was a good thing. She cared about him a lot and didn’t want any more problems erupting within their band.

“Time for another beer.” Kyle leapt up, headed toward the fridge, and grabbed three fresh bottles. When he returned, he sat down next to her and grabbed his buzzing cell phone from his pocket. “Hey, it’s an email from Richard.”

Kyle read out loud, and Gemma’s heart sank to the bottom of her belly. There was no chance of getting a contract amendment. He placed his hand on her leg and gave it a rub. “We tried, Gem.”

Gemma downed her beer, dousing her glimmer of hope. With no legal avenue available to them, she only had one option. Suck it up and get the job done. Twelve more months wasn’t long. “That’s not the outcome I’d hoped for. In fact, it sucks.” She slammed her beer bottle down on the coffee table. “But you know what? As long as I have you guys by my side, I know we’re gonna make another fucking awesome album. I’m just looking forward to the day that we don’t have to be puppets on SureHaven’s strings any longer.” She glanced at her watch, “Oh shit. Look at the time? We have to go and see Kate to review everything for this interview we have tomorrow with Gerard What’s-His-Face.”

Another day. Another interview. Easy.


Torrential rain continued to fall as Gemma walked out of the bedroom in Kate’s villa, glammed up in some-designer T-shirt and jeans, while Carla still fussed over her flat-ironed curls. Gemma made her way over to where Bec, their PA, stood with Kyle and Hunter off to one side of the room while Kate and Amie ordered the three Entertainment On-Show crew around. The villa had been transformed into an interview set—furniture rearranged, warm lighting set up on stands, silver deflectors directing light, boom mics dangling overhead, and two video cameras mounted on tripods.

“Ready? Let’s get this interview over and done with.” Gemma said, stretching her back after sitting still for too long while Carla did her hair and make-up.

“Always.” Kyle rocked on his heels.

“It will be a piece of cake.” Hunter flicked his hair back. “We’ve done a million interviews before. There’s nothing we can’t handle.”

Kate walked over toward them, stepping over cables and power cords, and ducking around a deflector. “You all set? We rehearsed your responses yesterday so you should be fine. This guy’s new, but he knows the rules for being here. As always, your personal life is out of bounds.”

“Can we have some fun with him if he’s a freshman?” Hunter’s eyes glinted as he rubbed his hands.

Gemma grinned. She loved it when they took control and direction of interviews, especially with inexperienced journalists and reporters who got nervous and tongue-tied around them.

“Oh, this guy’s experienced,” warned Kate. “So watch yourselves.”

The door to the villa swung open, and in walked a short man in a beige suit and black button-down shirt. His balding head shone in the bright lights, and his beady eyes surveyed the room. He strolled into the center of the room as if the world operated on his time schedule.

“Great,” Gemma mumbled under her breath. “This guy will give you a run for the title of Mr. Arrogance, Hunt.”

“He’s no challenge.” Hunter straightened to show off his full six-foot, two-inch stature.

“We’ve dealt with reporters like this before.” Kyle rubbed her back, but quickly drew his hand away. “Let’s get it over and done with.”

Kate led them over and introduced Gerard to them.

“Hello,” Gemma shook Gerard’s weak hand before she took a seat between Kyle and Hunter on the black leather sofa, and they wriggled around getting comfortable. Hunter grabbed a cushion and stuffed it behind his back, elbowing her in the ribs in the process. She grunted and slapped him on the arm. Kyle shuffled an inch closer, his leg brushing up against hers and the contact giving her the reassurance she needed.

Gerard sat on a chair off to the side, crossed his legs, and rested his leather-bound notebook on his thighs. His wrist hung over the end of the armchair, his nails well-manicured and polished. With a click of his fingers, he demanded herbal tea from one of his crew. If he was trying to channel Graham Norton, he was doing a fine job, but too diva-ish for Gemma’s liking.

With a tug on his shirt collar, Gerard cleared his throat and ran over the interview outline, and once everyone was ready, the questions and cameras rolled. Five minutes passed with the usual pleasantries like “What did you do after tour?” and “How’s your leg, Gemma?”, before the line of questioning deepened.

“You’re here shooting the film clip for ‘Rise Up,’ an amazing track off your album. Is it true you’re giving all the proceeds to the Children’s Leukemia Research Foundation?” Gerard tapped his pen against his notebook.

“Yes,” Kyle said. “We’ve been big supporters of raising money and awareness of leukemia since my sister’s death from the disease nine years ago.”

Gemma didn’t know how Kyle managed to keep his emotions under control when asked about his sister, or how much this song meant to him personally.

“Did you write the lyrics, Kyle?” Gerard looked down the bridge of his nose.

“It was a collaboration. Gemma and I wrote it with Deeno Clark. He’s a sick producer, and we were stoked to work with him.”

“Were you involved, Hunter?” Gerard clicked and spun the pen around in his fingers.

Gerard’s constant pen-tapping niggled at the base of Gemma’s neck. Her hand twitched, wanting to grab the pen and throw it across the room.

“Nah,” Hunter said. “But it’s a wicked song to sing live. We’re looking forward to doing a promotional tour when it’s released.”

“How does that make you feel, when Gemma and Kyle are off writing songs without you?” Gerard’s tone took a sharp turn. Gemma wriggled on her seat. This question wasn’t on their list. While they were happy to ad lib and go with the flow, something in Gerard’s attitude set off an alarm inside her head.

“It doesn’t faze me.” Hunter never missed a beat with his quick responses. “We work on different tracks with different people. We mix it up and get to work with the best in the industry.”

Gerard turned over a page of his interview agenda but didn’t even glance at it. His eyes locked onto Gemma, and a crooked grin inched across his mouth. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

“The three of you obviously get on very well,” he said. “Gemma, how do you cope with hanging out with two of the best-looking guys in the business?”

Queasiness flooded into Gemma’s stomach and she took a calming breath. This question was not on their agenda either, but this one she could handle. She’d been asked this question a hundred times before. “I’ve known these two guys since high school. Our friendship goes deeper than the surface of our skin and our body parts.”

“Hmm. I bet it does.” Gerard gave that pause—that disbelieving pause they’d all heard before. Gerard poked the air with his pen in her direction. “Can you honestly tell me you’ve never had a relationship with either Kyle or Hunter? Can you sit there and tell me that all the photos and rumors flooding the Internet are idle gossip?”

Gemma glanced at Kate, who stepped forward. “Gerard.” Her voice acidic, ice hardened her eyes. “This line of questioning is inappropriate. If you wish to continue, I’d take an alternate route. I’m not sure your boss, would like a call from me canceling this interview.”

Gerard held up his hands. “My apologies. But if it’s such a touchy subject, there must be some truth to it.”

Gemma’s pulse pounded, and her palms perspired.

“None,” Kyle snapped. “Get on with your interview, or we walk.”

Hearing Kyle lie was like poison to her blood. She hated that she was the reason for the lie. Her blood pressure skyrocketed, and she dug her fingernails into her hand to prevent herself from jumping up and socking Gerard in the face.

“This is obviously a sensitive topic for you, Kyle.” Gerard leaned forward. “I’ve seen the photos of Hunter and Gemma together over the past few months. Is there something going on with these two you’re not happy about?”

Kyle laughed and brushed his hand over his thigh. “There is nothing going on between Gemma and Hunter. I can assure you of that. Now get on with it.”

“You’re quick to defend. Do I detect a hint of jealousy? Or are you the one with Gemma?” Gerard’s eyes glistened and his wicked grin widened.

Kyle shook his head. “No. I’m not with Gemma.”

Gemma’s throat ran dry. While they’d all lied to the cameras before, the ease with which Kyle did it sent a chill through her bones.

Kyle continued without missing a beat. “I’m pissed off that you’re more interested in our love life than the cause we’re trying to raise awareness for.”

Gerard rubbed the side of his cheek. “Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great what you’re doing for sick children, but why is it that you never discuss your relationships? There are rumors flooding the Internet, and I want to get the truth.”

Gemma’s mind searched for her focusing techniques she’d learned in media training. She tried to visualize a pinpoint of light. Tried to breathe evenly. In. Out. In. Out. But nothing worked, and all her self-control vanished. Rage shot through her veins and burst like the banks of a flooded river. She leaned forward and gave Gerard a frosty stare. “There’s nothing going on between us. We’re the best of friends. Why can’t you or anyone else in the media accept that? Are you just a prick trying to create unwarranted gossip to sell your stupid magazines? We’re tired of defending ourselves. Tired of telling you the truth over and over again. It’s exhausting. I’m done. This interview is over.” Gemma jumped off the couch and stormed toward the door.

“Gemma, get back here now,” Amie called out.

But Gemma rushed out the door and stormed across the lawn over to the main resort pool. She turned her face up to the sky and let the heavy droplets splatter her face. The warm summer rain was a welcoming remedy to help cool her raging body temperature. Finally, she could breathe.

She paced back and forth along the edge of the pool and talked to herself. “The nerve of Gerard. How dare he ignore our interview conditions? He’ll never do it again. He’s blacklisted forever. What was he trying to achieve? I don’t care who he works for. He’s a dickhead.”

But all this rambling was not the real reason for her reaction. It was Kyle. And hearing him lie. Herself lie.


She stopped pacing and turned to see Kyle walking toward her. His black T-shirt clung to his toned arms and shoulders. Rain dripped from the tips of his hair and his dark eyes flooded with concern. “You okay?”

“No. I’m not. Who the fuck does that guy think he is?” She flicked her hand toward the villa.

“He’s a jerk. We sized him up before the interview started. You can’t let him get to you otherwise he’s just going to write bullshit about us.”

She pressed her clenched fists into the sides of her head. “He’s not the main reason why I’m upset.”

He took a step toward her. “Then what is?”

Gemma’s hand shook, wiping the rain from her eyes. Looking at Kyle standing in the rain made her heart ache, and tears threatened to fall. “It’s the first time we lied about being together, and I wasn’t prepared for how that would make me feel. I hated hearing you lie.”

“Must admit it sucked.” Kyle rubbed her arm. “I want to hold you right now, but I can see that prick’s photographer standing in the doorway with his telescopic lens pointed in our direction.” He gave her hand a squeeze before he let his fall away. “I’m like you—I don’t want another Ben situation and a media fiasco focused on us. You and I, and the people who matter, are the only ones who can know the truth.”

Gemma sniffled and rubbed her nose. Damn it, she was not a crier. “I keep telling myself that. It was so much easier when we were just friends. I should’ve never got involved with you or Hunt.”

Kyle ran his hand through his wet hair, pulling it back out of his face. “Gem, stop it. We went through this shit when you were with Hunt.” Gemma flinched, knowing that still didn’t sit well with Kyle. “And now you and I are together, we’ll do the same. You can say whatever you have to in an interview to keep those journo-pigs off us. But what you need to know, at the end of the day, is when the doors close and the cameras are off, I love you and I’ll be there for you.”

In the heavy rain, Gemma’s long hair hung in droopy curls and stuck to her arms and neck. “Kyle, I so want to hug you right now, but knowing that prick is watching us pisses me off. I can’t believe I let this Gerard-fucker get to me.”

“Hey.” Hunter jogged across the lawn underneath a green golf umbrella. “You two done? Amie and Kate want you back inside now. Amie’s not happy, and Kate’s threatening to pull the interview. But I think it’s all back under control.”

“I need a few more minutes, please Hunt,” she said, digging deep down inside herself to regain her composure.

“Babe,” Hunter’s tone softened. “Don’t let that jerk upset you.” Then his face lit up with his gorgeous wide grin. “I loved that you stormed out on him though. That was brilliant.”

Gemma did get a small sense of satisfaction from her actions. “It’s the first time I’ve ever walked out on an interview.” Warmth hit her cheeks, and she wrung a handful of water out of her shirt. Pointless, considering they were still standing in the rain.

“He deserved it. Let’s put that asshole in his place.” Gemma could see Hunter’s brain ticking overtime with ideas and options. “You’re upset so we’re not going back in there. Amie can deal with him. Gem, we need alcohol and some fun, and I’ve got the cure.”

A curious smile curled at the corner of Kyle’s mouth. “What did you have in mind?”

“Gem? You game?” Hunter’s eyes sparkled, which was a sure sign he already had a plan.


He hurdled the umbrella into the garden, dipped his shoulder, and grabbed her around the waist. He tossed her over his shoulder and ran toward the pool. She squealed and without breaking stride, he leapt into the air with her and splashed into the water.

Breaking above the surface, Gemma laughed and wiped her eyes. “This wasn’t what I thought you had in mind.”

“You were already wet.” Hunter flicked water in her face again.

“Why . . . you—” She swam toward him, placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed down hard, dunking him under the water. But he slipped easily from her grasp and resurfaced.

“Hunt, you crazy son-of-a-bitch.” Kyle laughed and waved from the edge of the pool. “Come on, let’s go get a drink.”

Gemma swam to the edge of the pool, struggling in her heavy, wet clothes. Kyle held out his hand, but when she grabbed it, she put her foot against the edge of the pool and pushed backwards. Kyle lost his balance and plunged into the pool beside her.

“Is this what I get for trying to be nice?” He grinned, flicking the water out of his hair. His eyes glistened at her and dimples formed at the sides of his mouth. “We’ll see about that.” Kyle dove toward her. She squealed again and tried to escape, but Hunter caught her ankle. The three of them splashed and charged and dunked each other under the water. Gemma hadn’t laughed so hard in ages. Mucking around like this was the medicine she needed and reinforced the bond they shared.

“Hunter. Gemma. Kyle. Out of the pool now!” Amie glared at them from underneath an umbrella at the edge of the pool. “We have an interview to get through and you’re acting like immature teenagers. Get. Out. Now.”

“No. Sorry, Amie,” Kyle said. “We’re done for today.”

“That interview was shit.” Hunter swam up to the side of the pool and rested on his elbows. “Gerard’s a dick. You can go and tell him that he needs to pull his head out of his ass if he wants to come on the video shoot with us tomorrow, or you can send him home.”

“This PR opportunity is huge. The three of you are not going to fuck it up. Now, get out of the pool.”

Hunter slapped his hand on the edge of the pool. “Not going to happen. Gem needs a break.” Hunter pushed off the side and swam back to where Gemma stood in the chest-deep water next to Kyle.

Amie pointed her finger to the ground. “Hunter, get over here now.”

“Later, babe,” Hunter turned to Gemma and Kyle. “That swim-up bar over there looks open. How about that drink? Let’s go.”

With a salute to Amie, Hunter dove underwater and headed toward the bar. Amie swore, turned, and stormed back toward the villa.

Gemma spun around to face Kyle. “Can you believe Hunter just did that? He hates confrontation.”

“I know.” Kyle swirled his hands around in the water. “Maybe him sleeping with her is a good thing after all. It will keep Amie in her place.”

“We can only hope.” Gemma narrowed the distance between her and Kyle, but still left a foot-long gap. Her mind still rattled after the interview. More than anything, she wanted Kyle’s arms around her to make her feel better. She wanted to be able to float with him like honeymooners over near the pool’s infinity edge or kiss him underneath the waterfall. But that would never be possible without it making headline news or letting him completely into her guarded heart. And both ideas still scared the hell out of her. “Hey . . . I’m sorry about today. I’ll be better prepared next time.”

“Think nothing of it.” Kyle brushed the tip of her nose with his fingertip. “We all have our good and bad days.”

With her hand underwater, she reached out and tugged on his shirt near his waistline. “I so want to kiss you right now.”

“Please don’t tempt me.” He lowered his voice. The seductive tone rippled throughout her entire body. “There’s nothing in the world I’d like to do more, but we’re too exposed out here.” She let go of his shirt and he swam back a foot. “How about we go get that drink with Hunt, then head back to our villa? Hunt’s going to have to go and have some serious make-up sex with Amie, so we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

“Let’s have one drink, then go and give that spa in our room a workout.”

Gemma glanced toward Kate’s villa and could make out the shape of Gerard standing by the window, his photographer next to him with his lens poised in their direction. She smiled and flipped them the bird, then swam toward the bar with Kyle beside her.

After their atrocious interview, Gemma knew Kate would be disappointed in her. But what gave Gemma the strength to go through it all again was her unbreakable bond with Kyle and Hunter. Tomorrow, she’d have her emotions in check and be more prepared to take this dipshit Gerard head-on. He’d be going home with nothing but a professional interview. Because this wasn’t about her or Kyle or Hunter—this was about their music and to raise awareness and money for sick kids. It was a cause close to Kyle’s heart. He’d be going through a lot having to remember the loss of his sister. And she’d be there for him, giving him the same unrelenting support, he always gave her.