Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 22

“SureHaven wants you to go solo.”

Gemma choked. Coughed. Whiskey burned up the back of her throat and into her nose. Her eyes bulged. “They want me to what?”

“Go solo. Hunter and Kyle can continue on as a duo.” Amie’s monotonous tone flatlined against the other patron’s loud conversations wafting up to the mezzanine floor in the busy Indian restaurant. “SureHaven wants to offer you a sizable advance, and a two-album deal with an option. They’ll give you one hundred percent creative control. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted.”

Gemma closed her eyes. Her heart thundered, and her pulse rang in her ears. The smell of Indian spices and Amie’s words made her head spin. “Stop!” Gemma’s hands shot up to cover her ears. “I don’t want to hear anymore. You’re not going to break me and the guys up. Ever.”

“You could have the most amazing career on your own. You could be the next Taylor Swift or Beyoncé.” Amie’s cold stare sent shards of ice splintering through Gemma’s veins.

Gemma sank in her seat. Solo? “I don’t want to go solo. Why can’t SureHaven give us as a group the same deal? Creative control is what we want.”

Amie shook her head. “Everhide is a product. A money-making machine. The guys as a sexy duo will be easier to market. A much more successful formula.”

Gemma gasped and clutched her chest. “A product. We’re not a product. They don’t own us to that extent, and they never will.”

“The boys can keep the name. But we want to open discussions with your lawyer and make the three of you see that this is a positive move for all of you.”

“How is this positive?” Gemma hissed through her teeth, keeping her voice low so no one around could hear. She peered over her shoulders to make sure no one was too close. “You do know I’m with Kyle? Going solo would separate us for lengthy periods of time and I don’t want that.”

“Of course, I know you’re together.” Amie’s lip twitched. “We’ve been covering your asses for ages. If all that emotional bullshit is your thing, you’ve found your man, because he’s as tragic as a Shawn Mendes song.”

Gemma’s blood boiled hotter than her Indian curry. “You wouldn’t understand the connection we have. He’s caring, and kind, and has a beautiful soul.” She waved at the waiter for another drink, then looked at Amie square in the eye. “SureHaven’s not going to break Everhide up, so deal with it. Get us the deal we want, not this bullshit.” Diners turned in her direction with how-rude looks on their faces. Undeterred, she inhaled sharply, about to give Amie another ear-bashing, but she stopped short. New thoughts bombarded her mind, and the blood drained from her face. “Holy shit. Is this to get me away from Hunt? Are you threatened by me?”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Amie folded her arms. “This has nothing to do with Hunter. He’s nothing but a bit of entertainment.”

“He’s what?” Gemma’s stomach lurched. “You know he really likes you.”

Amie shrugged one shoulder. “Not my problem. I made it clear to him from the start it was nothing but sex.” She leaned forward, the devil shining in her eyes. “We don’t date. We won’t stay over at each other’s place. We fuck. That’s it.”

Gemma’s fuse blew. “You’re such a cow.”

“No, I’m a business woman. I’m here to discuss your future. That’s my job. I’m not here to talk about Hunter.”

Gemma shook in her seat. “Fuck you and fuck your business. We’re done.” Gemma downed her JD, grabbed her tote bag, and dashed for the stairs.

“Gemma?” Amie called after her. “We’ve more to discuss.”

“Go to hell.” Gemma didn’t even look back over her shoulder. She scaled down the stairs, swung open the front doors, and walked out into her waiting car. She fell back against the soft leather seat and rubbed her aching leg. She probably shouldn’t have worn her 4-inch Gucci pumps.

The driver took off.

“You sick, Gem? You look feverish.” Chester, her bodyguard, asked.

“No. Just side effects from having dinner with Amie.”

“I can see how that would make you ill. She’s like a bad oyster in the belly.”

“You got that right.”

The city streets passed by as the car headed toward Tribeca. Gemma’s palms sweated, and her mind swam.

She grabbed her cell phone from inside her tote bag and tried to call Kyle.

No answer.

She tried calling Hunter.

No answer.

“Drop me off at Kyle’s, please,” she told the driver.

“You two are getting cozy.” Chester raised his bushy eyebrows and gave her a cheeky grin.

“Not now Chester. Not now.”

She raced into the boys’ apartment but no one was there. For the next hour she paced the floor, drank JD, and sent a dozen texts to Kyle’s and Hunter’s cell phones. She changed into an old black T-shirt and a pair of denim shorts, ready to dash out and see if the boys were at their local bar or lurking in one of their favorite late-night cafes. She was ripping her brush through her hair when finally, at 10:07.p.m, her phone buzzed on Kyle’s bed. She raced out of the bathroom, kicked her toe on the side of the bed, swore like a trooper, and answered the phone.

“Hey? Where the hell are you?” She rubbed at her throbbing toe and squeezed back the tears in her eyes.

“Baaaabbbbyyyy. Wheeerrre aarre you?” Kyle’s drunken slur could hardly be heard over the loud music blaring in the background.

“I’m at your place. I’ve been trying to call you.”

“I went out for a few drinks. I’m in Brooklyn. With Hayden. At some bar . . . in Brooklyn. On some street . . . in Brooklyn. So we’re . . . in Brooklyn.”

“I got it. You’re in Brooklyn.”


“I need you to come home. I need to talk to you and Hunt. Now.” Panic seized her throat, and her mind spun at a hundred miles an hour.

“Wherrrre’s Hunt?”

“Isn’t he with you?” Gemma stared out the window toward Brooklyn.



“Gem, what’s up?”

“Just come home, please.”

Gemma tugged on a handful of her hair. Where could Hunter be? Hopefully he wasn’t at Amie’s, waiting for her to come home. “I’ll keep trying to find Hunt.” The elevator pinged, and she heard Hunter’s footsteps in the hallway. “Oh, wait. He’s home. Kyle, please get here as fast as you can.”

“I’m coming. Stay away from Hunt . . . I’m coming . . . home . . . now . . . I’m on my way.”

Gemma rushed out of Kyle’s room and met Hunter halfway down the hallway. She smacked her face against his chest, flung her arms around him and gave him a hug. “Thank God you’re home.”

“Babe, what’s happened?” Hunter squeezed her tight.

“Did you come from Amie’s? Did she tell you?”

“I’ve been out with the guys from the band.” Hunter ruffled her hair. “What’s up?”

Gemma slid out of his arms. “I’ll tell you everything once Kyle’s here. He’s out with Hayden in Brooklyn.”

Hunter smacked his lips together. “Let’s have a drink then, while we wait.”

“I’ll make ’em.” Gemma spun on her toes and headed toward the kitchen. Her hands trembled the whole time she poured the JD. She missed getting the ice cubes into the glasses, and spilled whiskey all over the counter. Her mind raced the whole time she drank, paced the floor, and listened for Kyle to come home.

“Gem, I can’t handle this anymore,” Hunter said from inside the kitchen, refilling his glass. “You’re as high-strung as a priest in a whorehouse. What’s bothering you?”

Gemma sighed, strode over to the kitchen and sat on one of the stools. Hunter folded his arms and rested his hip against the granite counter top. “I promise I’ll act surprised or excited or however you want me to when Kyle gets back. Don’t leave me hanging like this. Tell me what’s got you so worked up.”

Gemma’s gut flipped. Her palms sweated, despite holding an ice-cold drink. Maybe telling Hunter the news first was a good idea; he wasn’t as emotional as Kyle. But he needed to know about Amie and what she said about him. She licked her lips and swallowed the hard lump in her throat. “It’s about my dinner with Amie.”

“I gathered that much. What happened?” A deep crease formed between his eyebrows.

“You know she’s using you? You’re nothing but a fuck to her. She doesn’t view what you have as a serious relationship.”

Hunter lowered his gaze to the floor, and his shoulders slouched. He snatched up his glass and downed his JD. “Is that what she said?”


He nodded slowly, as if contemplating what to say. “Thanks for your concern, Gem, but I’m a big boy.” He lifted his chin, but the shine had disappeared from his gorgeous eyes. “I think I can handle Amie.”

Hunter poured another JD and placed his hands on the counter, leaning over as if he’d had a blow to the guts. His hair curtained his face. Gemma’s leg jiggled uncontrollably on the footrest and her heart sank knowing she was the bearer of bad news. And there was only more to come.

“Gem, thanks for heads up on Amie, but that wouldn’t have stressed you out like this. There’s something else bothering you. Please tell me.”

Kyle was taking too long. After all her pacing and a couple of drinks, an hour had passed and he still wasn’t home. Swiveling her glass around in front of her, her news gnawed away at her insides, stabbing at her ribcage.

“SureHaven want me to go solo.” She closed her eyes, hating herself for blurting it out.

Hunter choked and dribbled JD down his shirt. His eyes were wide and white. “They what?”

Shit! Gemma should’ve waited for Kyle.

“I said no, of course.”

“Oh, thank Christ.” Hunter ripped his hands through his hair. “I was about to have a heart attack.”

“Please don’t.”

“If you went solo, what would happen to Kyle and me?”

“They want you to become a duo. A more marketable product to please the female population.”

“We’re already fucking hot.”

“I know. And besides, it’s not going to happen. It’s not up for further discussion. I’m not leaving you guys. I stormed out of the restaurant before I could listen to any more of Amie’s bullshit. And there was a lot of it. Believe me.”

“What were they offering you?”

Gemma relayed the details to Hunter, and the color drained from his face.

“Are you sure about this, Gem?” His eyes glassed over and his shoulders drooped. “Creative control is what you’ve always wanted.”

Tears swelled and stung her eyes. “No, it’s not. I mean . . . yes, it is, but not as a solo artist.” But there was hesitation in her voice. She’d never considered the possibility of going solo. Now, the opportunity dangled like a carrot in front of her face. Was she throwing her own successful career away to stay loyal to her best friends?

Hunter’s eyes burned into hers, and prickles shot across her skin. “I bet this was Amie’s idea, wasn’t it? There’s something going on at SureHaven that’s to her advantage and she’s not letting on as to what it is.”

“I have no idea what is going on, but if I went solo there’s no way I’d have her as my manager.” Gemma blurted. “She’s not supporting us as a band anymore. I’m sick of her and think we should fire her.”

Hunter stared into his glass and swirled the whiskey around. She’d never seen Hunter look so crushed. “I’m sorry, Hunt.”

“Amie’s planted the seed, hasn’t she? For going solo?” Every word he said was like a dagger being twisted slowly into her heart. “Be honest with me, Gem. Can you walk away from your dream?”

Gemma’s mind was like a one-thousand-piece orchestra all playing out of time, but going solo was not an option. “Yes, it’s my dream . . . our dream . . . to get creative control. After one more album with SureHaven, that dream will become a reality. I know it will. But there’s no way I’m leaving you and Kyle. You’re stuck with me.”

Hunter stepped around the counter and held his arms out wide. She slipped off the stool and he wrapped his arms around her. Resting her head against his chest, he rubbed her back. “That’s good to know. You had me fucking worried. You make this crazy life of ours fun. It wouldn’t be the same without you.” He placed his chin on top of her head and stroked her hair. “We’re a trio. Nothing will ever break us apart. I promise.”

Gemma closed her eyes, and a tear escaped onto her cheek.

The elevator door chimed, and Kyle stumbled into the hallway.

Hunter kissed her on the forehead and took a step back. Gemma looked up and all she saw was Kyle storming toward her. Red rage flared in his bloodshot eyes.

“You.” Kyle pointed at Hunter. “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Gem. Now.” He spat each word through clenched teeth.

Hunter held up his hands and took a step back. “What’s your problem?”

“Don’t be stupid, Kyle.” Gemma said.

“You think I’m blind?” Kyle staggered and waved his finger between her and Hunter. “I saw you making eyes at each other all day. I’ve put up with your shit for weeks. You want Hunt back, Gem? Is that it?”

“What?” Gemma’s knees buckled. She stumbled back a step, her ass hitting into one of the kitchen bar stools. Why was he being so cruel?

“Kyle, you fuck-knuckle.” Hunter grimaced. “There’s nothing going on between me and Gem.”

Redness crept up Kyle’s neck like a nasty rash. “You had your chance with her,” he slurred. “It didn’t work out. So, what? Now you’re trying for seconds? When you two were together, I stood back, regardless of how I felt for Gem. I never crossed the line. I respected you. But no, not you. The minute I’m out of the room, you hit on her again.”

Gemma couldn’t believe what she was hearing. After talking to Kyle about his concerns earlier in the afternoon, she couldn’t understand where all this jealousy was coming from. “Kyle, stop. We’re just talking. I was upset.”

The whites in his eyes flashed bright. “Are you upset over him? Next time you want to be alone with him, don’t call me, begging for me to come home.”

Every word was a harsh blow to her solar plexus, and she tried with all her might not to take them to heart. This was one thing she’d never had to deal with before. This streak of jealousy had infected Kyle like a crippling disease.

“Enough.” Hunter shoved Kyle hard on the shoulder. “Get your head out of your ass. There’s nothing going on.”

But Kyle ignored him. Swaying in his stance, he edged closer to her. His whiskey-laced breath was like fire against her face. “You want Hunt? By all means, go for it. Go fuck his brains out. But I’ll be no part of it. Ever. I’ll not be part of this game. I’m not into sharing.”

“Kyle, please stop.” A tear fell onto her cheek as she watched Kyle’s face contort with pain, rage, and disbelief. She reached out to comfort him, but he brushed her hand aside.

“Listen, you shithead.” Hunter shoved Kyle on the shoulder again and stabbed his pointed finger toward Kyle’s face. “Gem’s upset about her dinner with Amie. You need to listen.”

“Listen to what?” The veins on the side of Kyle’s neck protruded like sinewy, snaking vines. He spun back to face her and searched her face.

She trembled and swallowed hard. Saying it out loud still felt like a surreal dream. “Amie . . . SureHaven . . . ” Her voice quivered and quaked, “. . . want me to go solo.”

Kyle stumbled forward, his hands catching hold of the edge of the counter. With an almighty growl, he picked up her glass of JD and hurled it against the kitchen pantry door. Glass shattered into a thousand pieces across the floor.

Shuffling back a few steps he sank to his knees on the floor. “Solo? No. Gem. No.”

Gemma’s heart lurched so hard she thought every one of her ribs cracked.

“I said no.” She reached out and touched his cheek, but he turned his head away.

He buried his face into his hands. All she could hear was his loud, rasping breaths. Then he turned to look at her, his eyes swollen and dark. “Why?” His lips twisted. “Why did you say no? Maybe we should take a break from each other.”

“No,” Gemma cried. “I don’t want that.”

“Never.” Hunter said at the same time.

Kyle looked at her with a cold stare that sent a chill down her spine. “You’re the one who’s career hungry. The one with all the talent. Maybe you should do it.”

Her breath snagged in her chest. She didn’t know where to look—out the window, the JD trickling down the pantry door, or at Hunter, who was in as much shock as she was. “Kyle, do you hear what you’re saying? You want to break us up? Go our separate ways?” She glared into his red eyes. “No. We’re united. Together forever.”

“Oh, come on,” he snarled. “The three of us have never fought this much in our lives. Maybe we’ve run our course.”

She went to touch him again, but he grabbed her hands and pushed them away.

“I don’t believe that for a second,” she said. “We’ve had some big changes. Me and Hunt. Hunt and Amie. Me and you. So much has happened. But you know what? We always get through it. We always do.”

His eyes bore into hers. His jaw ticked with tension. “Maybe not this time, Gem. You’ve fucked around with Hunt. You’ve fucked around with me. You’ve fucked around with everyone to get what you want. Now you’ve got it, you can leave. You’re just like your mother.”

Her chest seized, and she stumbled backward. Kyle had tasered her heart.

“Asshole.” Hunter’s fist flew downward and socked Kyle in the cheek. “Don’t you ever talk to her like that. You shithead.”

Holy fuck! Gemma clutched at her hair. Hunter had never socked anyone. Ever. And Kyle was out of control.

But Kyle got one thing right.

She was just like her mother.

Feverish chills shot over her body, and numbness consumed her. Unable to feel the ground beneath her feet, she backed toward the hallway. “No, Hunt. Kyle’s right. He’s absolutely right. I’m so sorry. I gotta go.”

She turned and raced toward the elevator. Her feet couldn’t carry her fast enough. At the street, she ran. Ran and hobbled and jolted along as fast as her aching leg allowed. And with tears streaking down her face, she disappeared into the darkness.