Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 25

“Don’t answer it.”

Kyle kept his eyes shut, not letting Gemma go from his embrace to answer her cell phone vibrating on his nightstand. Pulling the bedsheets over them, he nuzzled into her neck, her soft hair brushing against his face.

“O-kay.” She drew his arm closer across her chest and entwined her fingers with his.

But Gemma’s phone rang again. And again and again. Then his cell phone rang too.

He flopped onto his back and grabbed his phone to turn it to silent. But seeing Kate’s caller ID light the screen at 7:04a.m. made him think twice. Had he and Gemma forgotten to be somewhere?

He swiped the screen. “S’up, Kate?” Kyle yawned, rubbed his eyes, and pulled his arm out from underneath Gemma to shake it free of pins and needles.

“What the hell did you two do last night?” Kate’s voice fired out of the speaker. “You. Gemma. Pier 97. You’re on every God damn gossip, entertainment newsfeed and Internet site. Gossipline broke the story, and they’re having a field day.”

Kyle sat up with a rush to his head. Nausea flooded his stomach. “They what?”

“Kyle?” Gemma sat beside him, tucked her arm around his back, and kissed the tip of his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“Quick, Gem. Get up.” Kyle jumped out of bed. “We got photographed last night. We have to see what we’re dealing with and come up with a plan.”

Gemma froze and stared off into the distance.

Kate screamed from his cell phone. “This is great. Just fucking great. You’ve got interviews lined up all this week. They’re going to eat you alive with this.”

Kyle’s heart raced. His pulse rang in his ears. Shit!

“I’ll talk to Gem,” he said to Kate. “I’ll call you back soon.”

Kyle threw his phone on the bed and turned to Gemma. Her face was pale and tinged with green. Her eyes had clouded over like a bleak winter’s day, and she drew the sheet up to her chin.

“Gem? We haven’t seen the photos.” Kyle tried to keep his voice calm, but his insides were in knots. He should have known better than to get carried away like they had last night. “Don’t panic. It can’t be that bad.” Kyle rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Her pink lips turned gray.

“Let’s go check the Net.”

They scrambled to get dressed, opened Kyle’s laptop on the dining table, and stood waiting for it to load.

Hunter mumbled something as he walked down the hallway. “Why is Kate calling me at this hour?” Hunter dragged his feet into the kitchen to make coffee. “She’s ranting about you two. What the hell is going on?”

Standing beside him Gemma’s shoulders slouched, and she stared at the laptop screen.

“Gem and I got papsed last night,” Kyle leaned over, his fingers trembled as he typed in his password.

“Doing what?” Hunter asked. Then he gasped. His face transformed from one of innocence to one of sheer shock. “What did you do?”

Kyle Googled his name. There, highlighted at the top of the browser, were headline after headline, image after image of him and Gemma on the pier. Pictures of them fighting. Hugging. Their kiss. And then there was Hunter’s car. Kyle looked closer, but all he could see in the photos were the steamed-up windows and Gemma’s hand pressed against the glass. There was nothing more incriminating than that.

Gemma’s hand shot over her mouth. Hunter walked over and peered over Kyle’s shoulder. Kyle’s hand shook as he clicked on the lead article by Gossipline, the tabloid giant claiming the scoop. Together, they skimmed through the article.


Kyle and Gemma from Everhide are HOT for each other and sizzle under the stars.

Kyle McIntyre and Gemma Lonsdale, two of the three lead singers in the world-dominating pop–rock band, Everhide, have had us all fooled. For years, they have claimed to be nothing more than friends, but last night the duo was seen in the early morning hours on Pier 97.

At first, the two singers seemed to be having an argument, but matters quickly turned and they proceeded to kiss and make up . . . and things got steamy inside Hunter Collins’s car.


Speculation about the trio’s friendship has always been rife, and now we can see that they are clearly more than friends. Our sources tell us the couple have been together for more than a month since they went to Hawaii to film the video for their latest single “Rise Up”.

Millions of fans across the globe will be devastated to learn that these two are off the market.

#Everhide #RockstarRomance #KyleandGemma #KyGem #FriendsWithBenefits #MoreThanFriends #BustedBigTime


Kyle rested his hands on the table either side of the laptop, lowered his head, and closed his eyes. How were they going to deal with this? Gemma didn’t want to go public with their relationship. Neither did he. He wanted to protect her from public scrutiny, not create it. So, what were their options?

Hunter clipped Kyle hard on the head. “You fucked in my car. Not even I’ve done that . . . no . . . wait . . . yes, I have. I think her name was Mandy, or Mindy, or something like that. But, it’s not the point. You. Had. Sex. In. My. Car.” Hunter jabbed him in the arm. “You better not have left cum stains on the seats.”

“I think we have more important things to deal with than my cum, Hunt,” Kyle said, then turned to Gemma. “Hey . . . these pictures . . . they’re not that bad.”

Hunter leaned over and peered at the screen and laughed. “Come on, Gem. These are fine. At least you weren’t caught full-on naked like you were with Ben. Your tits aren’t all over the Net again.”

Gemma winced and chewed on her thumb. “Everyone’s going to assume Kyle and I had sex in your car.”

“You did have sex in my car.” Hunter pointed out the fact. He turned and slapped Kyle on the arm. “You owe me a new car, bud. You said not a mark.” Hunter stormed back into the kitchen, mumbling all the way, “You got yourselves into a corner on this one. I’d love to see how you’re going to get out of it.”

Kyle turned around and leaned back against the table, pulling Gemma into his arms.

“What are we going to do?” Gemma asked.

Over the years, so much gossip and slander had been published about the three of them. It had never bothered him when it involved someone he didn’t know or care for. All the one-night stands, the kisses with strangers at parties, and the wild rumors had never mattered because there was little or no truth to the stories, and his heart had never been involved. But now . . . this was different. This was about him and Gemma. He hated her stressing and never wanted to see her humiliated again. Not after Ben. And now, he’d do anything to make it right.

He rubbed her arms. “We can deny it. We can admit it. Say we were drunk. Say it was a lookalike. I’ll take all the flack if you want me to. But whatever it is, we need to get our story straight.”

Gemma slipped out of his arms and leaned on the chair beside him. “Last night, one minute we’re on the brink of breaking up, the next . . . this happened.” She waved at the image of Hunter’s car on the screen. “How do you expect me to admit we’re together when you and I are standing on fragile ground?”

Kyle grabbed her shirt near her belly button and drew her towards him. He tucked her hair back behind her ear. “Because last night proves we can work through things. I’m not walking away from you. We’re still together. If anything, we’re stronger.”

“Oh puh-lease,” Hunter said, standing by the coffee machine. “You’re going to make me vomit. You two are seriously fucked up. Just admit being together. No one will care.”

“No.” Gemma snapped.

Kyle lifted Gemma’s chin with the tip of his finger. Her green eyes flickered with fear, worry, sorrow, and shame. His heart clenched. “Maybe Hunt is right. It’s out there so let’s go with the flow. It’s not how I would’ve liked the news to break, but the media has been saying shit about us for years anyway. Why is this any different?”

“Because it is. We are together. Think of all the hate mail. The reaction from fans. The social media meltdowns. The death threats. Then there’s the paparazzi—they’ll be relentless.”

“Who cares?” Kyle dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “They do that anyway. You have to stop worrying about what other people think. All that matters is you and me.” He jerked his head in Hunter’s direction. “And to some degree . . . you can give a shit about Hunt. Because we’re the only ones who count.”

“Feeling the love, guys.” Hunter headed over with coffees.

Gemma’s cell phone buzzed. She looked at the screen. “Fuck. This is the reason why I didn’t want to say anything.” She picked her phone up and waved it at Kyle. “No surprises as to guess who?” She swiped the screen and put it on to speaker. “Mom. How are you?”

“How do you think I am?” Janine’s shrill voice filled the room. “The news has gone crazy. Pictures of you and Kyle are everywhere. Is that you two having sex in Hunter’s car?”

Kyle lowered his chin. They’d made world news in less than five hours. Seriously, didn’t people have better things to do?

Gemma folded her arm across her belly, slipped away from him, and paced. “Mom, no—”

“Just tell me,” Janine said. “Is it true? I have to know.”

Kyle sucked in a deep breath and watched Gemma walk back and forth across the room.

“Why, Mom? So you can run and tell your friends?”

“Of course. They’ll be dying to know what’s going on.” Janine’s callous voice sent a chill through Kyle. “Gemma, you’ll never last in the music business if you can’t handle the gossip.”

Gemma stopped and looked at him. Her beautiful eyes lost their glint. Kyle’s skin prickled, and he knew what was coming. He hated it, but they needed to get Janine off their case.

“Mom,” Gemma said, holding her phone in front of her. “Kyle and I aren’t together.” She gave him an I’m-so-sorry-I-have-to-lie look. “It’s all bullshit. Kyle and I were fighting, not making out.”

Kyle stared at the floor wondering why his heart felt so heavy, as if it dropped to his feet. Was it because Gemma wouldn’t admit being together? Certainly. Was it regret for putting himself and Gemma in this situation? Definitely. Was it because he loved Gemma so much, he didn’t care who knew? Absolutely.

“Oh, baby girl,” Janine whined. “Well, that’s boring. When are you going to get yourself a boyfriend so we have something fun to talk about? You need to stop thinking you’re better than everyone else and find someone to take care of you.”

A stab of pain shot through Kyle’s chest. No wonder Gemma was afraid of love when Janine was constantly at her like this. He clenched his fists around the edge of the table to stop lunging forward, grabbing the phone off Gemma, and telling Janine to go to hell.

“I don’t need anyone to look after me. I can take care of myself.” Gemma fumbled with her necklace, rubbing her thumb over the gold pendant.

“Well, then, I want to know what happened between you and Kyle. These photos have a story behind them, and I want to know what it is.” Janine’s voice carried way too much delight. “You can tell me all about it when I come to New York in a few days’ time. Will you be in town? I’d love to catch up when I fly in from Rome.”

Panic shot through Gemma’s eyes. “You’re coming here? Why? You never want to see me. If it’s just for some gossip, forget it.”

“Oh no. I haven’t seen my baby girl for ages. I’m coming over to be interviewed by a magazine,” Janine said. “It’s something about mothers of famous daughters. They’re paying all my expenses and putting me up in the London Hotel. Will you meet me there for brunch on Sunday?”

Kyle shook his head and folded his arms. There it was. Janine wanted to be seen with Gemma at a trendy restaurant.

“Why can’t you come to my place?” Gemma said, staring at her cell phone.

“Oh, no. You must come to The London. Their brunch is amazing. You could bring Kyle with you.”

Gemma groaned. “Nice try, Mom. But no. There will be no Kyle. And no Hunter.” Kyle glanced over at Hunter who pouted like a schoolboy. Gemma tugged on her hair and grimaced. “I suppose I can come. Send me the time and I’ll put it into my schedule.”

“Will do,” Janine said. “Send my love to the boys. Bye.”

Gemma ended the call, came over, and buried her head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on top of hers. “Gem, don’t go and see her if she’s going to upset you.”

“I haven’t seen her in over a year. I’ll be fine.”

A short sharp “ha” burst from Hunter’s mouth. “You think Janine’s bad? She’s nothing to worry about.” Hunter slurped on his coffee. “We’ve got a week full of interviews coming up, and you two are going to be the number-one topic, whether you like it or not. We better go and see Bec and Kate and set your story straight.”


Gemma clung onto Kyle’s hand. His fingers fidgeted with hers. The limousine made its way steadily along the narrow street leading up to the studio’s entrance. They were appearing tonight, live on the Jimmy Royson Late Night Show. This was their first interview since she was photographed with Kyle on the pier two days ago. Panic had her stomach knotted like a twisted power cord.

The sidewalk near the studio swarmed with screaming fans waving posters of all colors, pictures, drawings, and magazines in the air. The car’s windows offered little protection against the shrill voices calling out their names and the strobing camera flashes which blinded her.

“Another day at the office,” Hunter said, peering out the window.

“You three will be fine.” Kate gave Gemma a reassuring smile. “We’ve run through and rehearsed how to handle the questions during the interview.”

“Idiots.” Amie tapped her nails on the back of her cell phone. “I’ve no sympathy for you, Gemma. Or you, Kyle. You should’ve known better.”

Gemma let go of Kyle’s hand and wiped her sweaty palm on her jeans. Amie was right. Gemma couldn’t blame Kyle for any part of what had happened down at the pier. This was her fault. She was the one who’d kissed him. The one who’d crawled onto his lap in the car. The one who’d seduced him.

But maybe none of it would have happened if it wasn’t for Amie in the first place. As far as Gemma and Kyle were concerned, Amie’s days were numbered as their manager. They just needed Hunter to agree, but he wanted some time to think it through.

“Well, it’s a good thing we have you to help cover it up, now, isn’t it?” Gemma snapped with acid on her tongue.

“Unlike you, Gemma . . .” Amie blinked her false eyelashes, “I’m not afraid of the truth.”

Amie’s words stung. Gemma had been lying and denying and covering things up for months. But with Kyle . . . everything was different. He had more of a hold on her heart than she originally thought, and that petrified her.

“We’re here,” Kate said. “Let’s get this over with.”

Their bodyguards were the first to move. Sam slipped out of the front seat. Chester and Mick rushed over from the car in front and opened the door of the limousine.

For twenty minutes, Gemma, Kyle, and Hunter worked the crowd. They posed for photos, snapped selfies, signed autographs and ignored any reporters calling out unwanted questions. They were then ushered into the green room to kick back until they were due on set. Rehearsals for the show earlier in the afternoon had gone off without a hitch, but Gemma had this niggle at the base of her neck—a superstition to be prepared. She poured herself her third JD and knocked it back to settle her nerves.

“Gem, you ready?” Kyle asked, clinking his glass against hers.

“No. You?”

Kyle’s eyes glinted. “Not exactly.”

“I’m sorry for getting us into this mess,” Gemma said.

“It’ll blow over in a couple of days. It always does. Just know that I love you, and that’s all that matters.”

The show’s producer walked in, fitted them with lapel mics, and led them out to the main studio. Gemma glanced over the set, and her palms turned clammy. Four telecast cameras stood positioned on the floor out front. Sound booms and lights hung overhead on trusses. The live audience sat huddled in tiered rows. Jimmy, with his thick bushy eyebrows and cheesy smile, sat behind his desk, engaging with the crowd. His famous orange sofa waited for its visitors.

“And now I’d like to welcome our special guests for tonight,” Jimmy hollered. “None other than global rock sensation, Everhide. Please welcome Gemma Lonsdale, Kyle McIntyre, and Hunter Collins.”

The audience erupted with clapping, screaming and whistling. Gemma followed Kyle, and Hunter came in close behind her as they walked onto the studio set.

She took her seat on the sofa between Hunter and Kyle, making sure she was sitting right in the middle, not closer to one than the other. She feigned a smile in Jimmy’s direction and took a deep breath to lower her racing heartbeat. The JD had kicked in, and she was ready to get this interview over and done with. The first interview after any gossip was always the worst.

“It’s great to have you back, guys. Can you believe it’s been nearly twelve months since you were last here?” Jimmy sounded genuinely pleased to see them, but after rehearsals this afternoon, he’d told them he wasn’t looking forward to the uncomfortable interview either. He had assured them he’d maintain his professionalism. That was why they’d agreed to come on his show and hopefully put an end to the rumors flooding the Internet.

“It’s great to be back,” Hunter said, resting his arm along the sofa behind Gemma’s head. “Last time we were here we announced our world tour.”

“That’s right.” Jimmy nodded. “Your third tour, Endless Road, was amazing. Did anyone here in the audience see the show?” He looked out to the stands.

The crowd erupted with cheers and claps, but it did nothing to settle Gemma’s stomach.

“And you’ve recently finished a promotional tour for your single ‘Rise Up’ to raise awareness for leukemia. Great cause, by the way. Is there anything else interesting you’ve been up to this summer? It has been a particularly hot and steamy one, hasn’t it?” Jimmy grinned, his words loaded with cheeky innuendo, and tilted his head in Kyle’s direction. The audience’s nervous laughter made Gemma’s palms turn clammy.

“Yeah, the balmy nights have been tough.” Kyle shuffled around in his seat. The touch of his arm against hers the sign she needed that all would be okay. A few more minutes and the interview would be over.

Gemma let out a slow breath and tried to keep her focus.

“Hmm . . . your idea of tough must be very different from mine.” Jimmy’s eyes glinted. He pursed his lips together and tapped his cue cards on the table. “Because the three of you have heated up the headlines lately. Some of it’s been good. Some of it bad. Some days, I can’t keep up with it all. Firstly, Hunter, I don’t want to disappoint any of your female fans, but is it true that you’re dating Amie, your manager?”

Hunter leaned forward and grabbed the glass of water off the table. “We had a thing for a while, but it didn’t work out.” His tone was full of nonchalance—impressive, considering how cut up he was about Amie. He sipped his water, then moved back on the sofa.

“You win some, you lose some.” Jimmy seesawed his hands in the air as if he was balancing something in the left then the right.

Gemma’s eyes widened, and her stomach clenched. Jimmy brushed over Hunter’s sexcapades without biting and digging for more information. They’d come up with some playful remarks during rehearsal, but Jimmy skipped over the lot. Why was that? Was it because Hunter had so many girls no one cared anymore? Maybe . . . just maybe, Gemma should take some notes from Hunter about being honest about relationships after all.

“You’re back on the market then?” Jimmy asked.

“I’m always available.” Hunter gave the audience a flash of his charismatic smile that sent them into a frenzy of squeals and whistles.

“And what about you two?” Jimmy leaned forward onto his elbows. His eyes darted from Kyle’s to hers. “What. Is. Going. On?” His voice rang loud in Gemma’s ears, and sweat beaded underneath her ponytail.

Kyle inhaled deeply and rubbed his hand down his thigh. “Not much. It’s just been business as usual.”

“Damn . . . I’m in the wrong business then.” Jimmy smiled, showing off his overly bright white teeth, but quickly put his poker face back on. “Come on, we’ve all seen the news . . . so what’s the deal? You’re young, you’ve had a late night, lost a shirt, let off some steam, got caught parking on a pier—”

“Well—” Gemma grimaced.

Jimmy held out a placating hand. “Look, I don’t want to embarrass the two of you, but we’ve all seen the photos in the news; I’d be surprised if anyone hadn’t. And, like me, I’m sure there are many concerned fans who just want to know if everything is okay. Because one moment on the pier it looked like you were ready to kill each other, then . . . well . . .” His eyebrows wriggled. “Did Hunter’s car have no air-conditioning?”

The blood drained from Gemma’s face, and she couldn’t move. Any form of reaction would only create more speculation. Thankfully, her years of media training kicked in. She inhaled. Slowly. Calmly. Deeply. Kept her focus on the red light on the wall behind Jimmy’s shoulder . . . and let the lies roll off her tongue. “Hunter’s car’s fine. It’s great to ride in . . . I mean . . . great to drive.” She made a bit of fun at her own expense, but the heat in her cheeks was real. “But this is one of those situations where not everything is as it seems,” she said, keeping her voice level and consistent even though her heart pounded hard against her ribs.

Kyle stretched out his legs and ran his hand over his thigh. “We’ve nothing to hide,” he said. “The other night, Gem was upset. I still have the mark on my face from her right hook.” He pointed to the bruise from Hunter swiping him one, not Gemma.

“But you kissed and made up. Right?” Jimmy smirked.

“It’s questionable.” Kyle grinned and avoided looking at her.

Gemma forced a smile and elbowed him in the arm. “We’re fine.” She ignored the perspiration running down her back. “But to set the record straight, earlier on that evening I had dinner with Amie, and she’d told me about the changes happening at our record company. I wasn’t happy . . . at all.” She paused for dramatic effect. “Because . . . they asked me to go solo.”

The crowd gasped. Several people cried out. “Noooo.”

“They what?” Jimmy’s eyes widened, his splayed hand slapped hard against his chest.

For the first time since walking on set, Gemma’s breathing eased. The news of going solo had the desired effect. The crowd’s interest was no longer focused on her and Kyle.

“I said no, of course,” she said. “I was so pissed, and Kyle kept on badgering me to see if going solo was something I really wanted to do. That was what we were fighting about. That’s it. End of story.”

“I’m in shock.” Jimmy gasped. “Solo?”

“There’s no need to worry.” Gemma shrugged. “I’m not going solo. We’re not breaking up. These two guys are my world. We’re stronger than ever and aim to be around for a very long time. Just like the Rolling Stones.”

“You’re stuck with us.” Hunter leaned in and gave her a noogie.

Kyle play-punched her in the arm. “We’re not going anywhere.”

“Don’t scare us like that. That’s mean.” Jimmy loosened his tie, relief washing over his face. All staged, of course, for dramatic effect.

“So now the slate is clean . . . well, until one of us does something stupid again.” Hunter smiled and placed his arm on the sofa behind Gemma again. “The good news is that we’re about to hit the studio next week and start recording our fifth studio album. We’re excited about the songs that we’re going to record. The first single will be released in a couple of months, and the album will be out before Christmas.”

“Brilliant. Because we want you to keep producing hits like ‘Rise Up,’ now, don’t we?” Jimmy hyped up the crowd by circling his hands in the air. They cheered and clapped and whistled. “Who wants to hear Everhide sing?” The roar grew louder from the stands. Jimmy turned back to them and waved toward the band area. “Why don’t the three of you head on over to the stage and sing for us?”

“We’d love to.” Gemma led Kyle and Hunter over to the mics.

They grabbed their guitars, stuffed their in-ear monitors in, and gave each other we-nailed-it smiles. Together, they’d survived another interview. But despite the fact they’d pulled it off without too much drama, Gemma could tell the lying was getting to Kyle. He’d gone along with the story their team had come up with and everything she’d asked without question. But every time he had to cover up the truth, Gemma saw the spark in his eyes fade.

If they could get through the next few days, the gossip would die down. Then they could put all their jealousy and hurt and fear behind them. Stay low and get their relationship back on track.

Gemma and the boys would be hitting the studio next week to start their new album and that was always so much fun. They could put the turbulent past few months behind them and look forward to the future. All she had to do was complete a few more interviews. And survive Sunday brunch with her mother.