Ripped: The Price of Loyalty by Tania Joyce


Chapter 23

Kyle pounded his fist against the elevator. She was gone. Gemma was gone. What had he done? He curled his arms, covered his head, and slumped against the doors. His head burst with pain as if he’d been struck by an electric guitar. Every breath hurt. Every muscle spasmed. His heart screamed.

Hunter came toward him down the hallway. “Good one, dickhead.” His bitter tone was nothing compared to how Kyle felt on the inside. “What were you thinking? You just lost the best thing that ever happened to us.”

“You were all over her, asshole.” Kyle stabbed at the elevator button. He had to go after her. He had to.

“I was not. I was giving her a fucking hug. Like she said. Like I always give her.” Hunter grabbed him on the shoulder and pushed him toward the kitchen. “Get in here and sober up.”

“I’m not that drunk. I haven’t been gone that long. I’m more pissed off at seeing you together.”

“Whatever. But you’re not going after her like this. Don’t be stupid. You’ll only make it worse. Move it.”

Kyle trudged out to the kitchen and fell onto a stool. He stared at Hunter through stinging eyes, searching for signs of guilt on Hunter’s face. But there were none. No shifty eyes. No beading brow. No jittery hands. Hunter ignored him, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and the packet of Tylenol from the pantry, and slammed them down on the counter top. “Take these. Drink this.”

Kyle swallowed two tablets with mouthfuls of water.

Hunter stood opposite him with his arms crossed, his eyes cold as an arctic blast. “You’re the biggest idiot I’ve ever known. What the fuck happened to you?”

“Pier 115 happened.” Kyle sunk his chin.

“What? Gem said you went out in Brooklyn. With Hayden.” Puzzlement flashed across Hunter’s face. “How did you end up in Jersey?”

Kyle downed more of the water, then wiped his mouth on his T-shirt. “We started at Pier 115 and then headed to Brooklyn. We’d just got to some bar and had ordered drinks when Gem called.”

Hunter tilted his head toward the clock. “You took your time getting home. We waited for ages.”

“Yeah, I saw you two waiting.” The vision of Gemma in Hunter’s arms was worse than it ever had been before. Worse than when they were a couple. Because now, Gemma had total control of his heart and he’d never felt so betrayed. Betrayed by his best friends.

“For the hundredth time, there’s nothing going on between me and Gem.”

Kyle slammed the water bottle down and it splashed over the counter. “I saw you two at rehearsal today. The way you looked at each other—”

Hunter threaded his fingers into his hair, grabbed a handful, and pulled it. “Bud, you’re insane. You’re concocting all this shit in your head. Yes, I had something on my mind today, but it wasn’t Gem. It was Amie.”

“What? She offered you a solo career, too?”

“No.” He scratched his chest. “She’s just . . . been on my mind all the time, and it’s driving me crazy.”

Kyle laughed, one of those you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me type laughs. “If you’ve fallen in love with her then you’re the one who’s gone insane.”

“I’m going to plead temporary insanity. Because after what Gem told me tonight, I’m done with her. I thought it was serious between Amie and me, but it’s not. She doesn’t give a shit about me, or anyone else for that matter. So before I end up a head case like you, it’s over.” Hunter kicked his boot hard against the kickboard.

Kyle closed his eyes. Vertigo made him sway. “But you and Gem—”

Hunter clenched his jaw, and the veins in his neck protruded. “For the last time . . . Nothing. Is. Going. On. With. Me. And. Gem.”

Kyle pulled his shoulders back and his nostrils flared. Holding his breath, he stared at Hunter. The agony, frustration, and pain in Hunter’s eyes hit Kyle like a stinging slap across the face. It was what he needed. He slumped and buried his head into his hands. “Everything is so fucked up.”

“You’re out of control.”

“No, I’m not. It’s only when you’re around her, I get so protective and jealous and defensive. I know you care about her—”

“You’re right. I do care about her. I love her like a sister. And like you said to me when I was with her, I’ll beat the shit out of you if you hurt her.” Hunter pointed his finger at Kyle’s cheek. “Consider that shiner on your face the first warning, because you acted like a real fuckhead tonight.”

Kyle winced and rubbed his forehead wishing it would erase the pain. Hurting Gemma was the last thing he ever wanted to do. “What the hell have I done?”

“You’re going to have to suck up real hard to make it up to her. If that’s even possible.”

The thought of losing Gemma crushed him. All because of his own stupidity. He couldn’t lose her. He’d fight for her until he drew his last breath.

“Hunt? What if . . . what if she does want to go solo? We can’t stand in the way of that.”

“She said no. No to going solo. We don’t have to think about it.” Hunter held up his wrist, showing him their tattoo, the GKH inked on his wrist. “We’re united forever.”

Kyle rubbed at his own tattoo hidden underneath his watch, wishing for the first time he could erase it. “We’ve been at this for five years with SureHaven. Maybe it’s time we let Gem go.”

Hunter reached over and slapped him on the top of the head. “Do you hear what you’re saying? No. No way are we breaking up.”

Gulping hard hurt his dry throat. “She never wanted being involved with you . . . or me . . . to affect us as a band, but there’s no denying it has.”

“It’s affected you.” Hunter straightened. “Gem and I were smart enough to walk away before I fucked up more than I did. But you can’t help who you fall for, and I fell for Amie. And Gem is yours. Seeing you together doesn’t bother me. In fact, I think it’s awesome. I don’t know how you’re going to fix up this mess, but you have to.”

Kyle blinked. And blinked again. Hunter’s cold, blunt truth and sincerity was the jarring jolt Kyle needed. He rubbed his tattoo again. Sense slowly returned. “You’re right, Hunt. I’m sorry. I’ve fucked up so much.” He raked his fingers down his face. “Shit . . . I need to go and find Gem. I need to go. I need to go now.”


Kyle rushed back from the skate park near the Hudson River, stress throbbed through his head. He couldn’t find Gemma anywhere. Not at her apartment, Kara’s, Lexi’s, or any of their regular bars and cafes. Not by the pool or the rooftops of their buildings. Nowhere.

Where could she be at two o’clock in the morning?

Then he remembered something she’d said. About a place she liked to go and be alone. The pier.

God, he hoped she was alright.

As he jogged down the lane to his building, a taxi pulled up outside. He broke into a run thinking it was Gemma, but he slowed to a walk when he saw Amie.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he snapped, walking toward the door.

Amie pulled her shoulders back and stood on the curbside, hand on hip. With too much makeup on, a low-cut blouse, and a skirt too short, she’d give any Hollywood hooker a run for their money. “I’ve come to see Hunter.”

“He doesn’t want to see you.”

“I’m sure I have something to offer that will change his mind.”

“What? You going to make him an offer to go solo, too?”

An evil smile slid across her face. “Ahhhh. Gemma told you.”

She took small, slow steps toward him. “You know she’s the most talented. You know she could go far. You know she could be a mega-star.”

Amie wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know. But the mega-star thing? They were already a global phenomenon; how much bigger did Amie envision? Was it even possible? “She said no.”

“I can give her everything she wants.” Amie tilted her nose into the air.

Kyle stood his ground but his gut felt like lead. “Why are you trying to break us up?”


Kyle puffed through his nose. “Don’t you make enough off us all ready?”

“What can I say? I’m an ambitious woman and want to see a fellow female be a success.”

The cockiness in her tone made Kyle spit. “Bullshit. You don’t give a fuck about Gem.”

“I do if I make money out of her.”

“Get the fuck out of here.” He pointed down the street.

“I came to see Hunter, not you.”

“I’m not letting you in. Hunt doesn’t want to see you. And Nick, the night man, won’t let you in either. If you’re wanting sex, go work the avenue up at Times Square.”

She stepped an inch closer and got in his face. “If Gemma won’t go solo, maybe you will. You and me. We’d make a great team. We’re both business-minded.” She placed her hands on his chest, but he grabbed them and held her back. “If I can’t come up and see Hunter, then you’ll do for a bit of fun.” She leaned in and tried to kiss him, dipping and darting, aiming for his mouth, his neck, his face again and again, trying to break through his hold.

“Get your hands off me.” He pushed her back, not wanting her foul filler-filled lips or her horrid hands anywhere near him.

“I think I could change your mind, if you let me show you.” She grabbed his neck and tried to kiss him again. His clenched fists shot up between them, stopping her. Her venomous mouth hovered an inch from his.

“You’re pathetic.” Kyle voice dripped with disgust.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Gemma walk around the corner. She froze when Amie lunged at him again. His heart lurched. Fuck! What must this look like from where Gemma stood?

“Gem, wait,” he called, pushing Amie aside.

But Gemma took off at a run.

Kyle raced down the alleyway. “Wait. Gem. Please.”

When he reached the street, Gemma had hailed a taxi a few hundred yards away. She jumped in and sped off around the corner.

“Fuck!” he roared and punched his hands through the air. Why was nothing ever easy?

He looked up and down the street for another taxi. Not one was in sight. He sprinted back to his apartment, going in through the garage entrance to avoid Amie at all costs.

Upstairs, the apartment was shrouded in darkness. Kyle hit the hallway light on, headed straight for Hunter’s bedroom, and bashed on the door twice before he charged in.

“Give me your keys.” Kyle held out his hand.

“What?” Hunter jolted from his sleep and rubbed his eyes. “No. Get the fuck out of my room.”

“I couldn’t find Gemma. I searched everywhere for hours. Then I saw her coming back, but she took off when she saw your wonderful girlfriend trying to kiss me.” The recollection made his skin crawl. “I think I know where she’s gone. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.”

“Catch a fucking taxi.”

“I hate taxis.”

“You’ve been drinking. You know better than to drink and drive.”

“I’m sober now. I swear. It’s been over four hours since I had a drink. You know I’d never get behind the wheel if I was drunk. Not after—” Not when his parents were killed by a drunk driver. “Just give me your keys, or I’ll just take them.”

“You need to buy your own damn car.”

“One day, but right now, I need to borrow yours.” He searched the top of Hunter’s drawers for the keys.

“Hang on a sec.” Hunter wiped his eyes again. “What’s Amie doing here? You didn’t let her up here, did you?”

“No. I wouldn’t let her in. She’s a real number.” Kyle paced. “I told her you didn’t want to see her. After tonight, I don’t want to deal with her ever again. In my opinion, she’s history.”

“Whatever.” Hunter tugged his sheet up and pulled his pillow underneath his head. “Now fuck off.”

“Give me your keys.”

“No. I love my car more than anything.”

“If I put a scratch or even a mark on it, I’ll buy you a new one. Promise.”

Hunter grunted. “I’ll hold you to that. They’re in the top drawer.”

Kyle yanked the drawer open and grabbed them. “Thanks, man. Don’t wait up.”

“I’m not. I wasn’t.” Hunter turned away from him.

Kyle paused at the doorway and spoke over his shoulder. “What do you want me to do about Amie? When I came in she was still downstairs.”

“She can stay there. Don’t let her in.”

Kyle grinned and took off.

Jumping in Hunter’s electric blue Ford GT supercar, he revved the engine, sped out of the garage, and gave the bird to Amie on the way past. Planting his foot down on the accelerator, he headed for the West Side Highway. He hoped he was right and knew exactly where Gemma would be. He had to make everything right. Had to. He hit the highway and headed north. To Gemma.