Marked By Rejection by Avery Stone

Entry 1003: Mysterious Man

Dear Kyle,

I think I died and went to Hell, Kyle.

Honestly, if I did, that would suck cause you certainly aren't there.

I don't understand why I'm still alive. Even thinking about it scares me

because I was ready for Death and well, he's not here.

Do you think Death doesn't like me? Death probably doesn't like anyone but is just doing his job.

I'm disappointed. A little bit.

I was ready to see you.

Someone saved me.

I've yet to figure it out, but it was more than one person. There was a woman and two men. One was the leader and well...

I'm not sure how to explain it, little bro.

His voice was like melted chocolate, flowing from a fountain and making me wish to have a taste. The sound of it made my chest feel weird.

Not tight in an uncomfortable way, but it grew warm.

Everything around me was already burning away, but his voice…

It lit a flame inside me that doesn't want to burn away.

Is this what love is? Weird, right?

How do you love someone you've never seen before?

I...don't know what love is, Kyle.

Well, I do in a way because I loved you, Mom, and Dad.

Even without our parents, I still love them.

It's not their fault that they're...gone.

I think I know who the culprit of that is.

It hurts to admit it, Kyle.

Hendrick wants me dead because he did something wrong.

I hope I never see him again.

He and Travis...I'll forget them, but I’ll never forgive them.

But that man...

The mysterious man who became my saving grace.

I hope I remember him.

That I find him.

And I promise...I'll survive.

Just so I can thank him.

- Wren