Bratva Boss’s Secret Triplets by Bella King

Chapter 30


Ipractically fall through the front door ready to confront April about the ring. I need to know why she thought she needed to keep a previous marriage a secret from me. Was Dean the heir to some kind of fortune that April was entitled to? Did she think I would try to use her for it? I have more money than I know what to do with, and she knows it.

When I reach her bedroom, I’m shocked to find that she’s missing. All of her stuff is still here, and the clothes I put out for her are gone, so at least I know she’s getting some use out of them. That makes me happy.

But I can’t lose focus.

Where I thought April would be more of a static individual, I feel like I have a really difficult time locating her when I haven’t been watching her myself. She isn’t a child, but with the kinds of risks involved in her association with me, I can’t allow her to be harmed. It would be entirely my fault.

“April, where the fuck are you? I shout down the hallway.

I’m terrible at regulating my tone when I speak to people who aren’t my men, but I need to stay angry. If April is refusing to stay with me and enjoy my wealth, does that mean she’s going to try and pursue whatever it was Dean had left her? He couldn’t possibly have had something that I couldn’t give her, except maybe an STD.

I can’t hear April replying to me, even from a distance.

“April! What the fuck!” I shout again. She can be so annoying sometimes. What could she even be doing? Running up and down the hallways like a caged animal?

“She left with Dr. Paul, I think,” says Damien from behind me. I jump a little at his sudden interjection.

“What do you mean she left with Dr. Paul? Where the fuck could he have taken her?” I ask, insulted that nobody told me she had left. Nobody tells me anything around here anymore.

“She was having some kind of problem and he couldn’t help her, so he offered to take her somewhere else,” Damien replies, growing irritated at my incessantly aggressive tone.

“What kind of problem?” I ask. Now I’m worried. Was I too rough with her last night? I’ve heard of girls who get fucked too hard and then die because they bleed to death internally or go septic. It’s definitely within the realm of possibility.

“I don’t know? I don’t ask women what kind of health issues they have, that’s rude as hell,” he replies defensively. “My mom had ovarian cysts when I was growing up and they ruined her life. I wouldn’t press April too much about it.”

That’s not good enough for me.

With April out of my grasp, I panic for her. She has no idea what’s out there right now, especially not if there’s a whole other Family coming into play. If any of them have so much as seen her with me anywhere, she’s a target.

I turn and leave without another word. I can almost hear Damien rolling his eyes at me behind my back. He’s such a fuckin’ punk ass.

Fortunately for me, I’ve installed tracking devices underneath every car that I’ve purchased for any of my men. It’s the least I can do for them to have unlimited access to all my cars. Dr. Paul is partial to one in particular, so it’s not hard for me to figure out where he is once I pull up his location.

A little red dot places him all the way on the other side of town.

What the fuck is he doing?

I practically sprint back out to my car and pull up the location on the screen in my car. I’ve never seen the place he’s at before, and I thought I knew everything about the guy. Why would he bring April to a house for medical care?

Before I start the car, I see Eric and Luke returning from their investigation of the bombing that took place last night. “Hey! You two get over here!” I shout at them from the window. They walk over, looking confused and absolutely done with my shit at this point.

“Don’t you want to know what we learned about the bombing today?” says Eric, unable to hide how exasperated he is that the prospect of another adrenaline-fueled escapade.

“Not right now, someone let Dr. Paul take April and I have no idea what he’s doing with her,” I reply.

“So we’re chasing down Dr. Paul? I’m good with that, he always gave me the fucking creeps,” Luke replies as he climbs into the passenger side of the car.

Eric rolls his eyes and follows suit, sliding to the middle seat in the back.

“Do we have everything we need?” Eric asks.

“I mean, you two are always armed, as am I. I’ve got extra shit in the back of the car, but I think we should try to travel light this time so we can get in and out as quickly as possible. This isn’t like the day we tried to raid the clinic. We’re trying to save April from a potentially hostile situation,” I say as I peel out of the driveway.

I watch Dr. Paul’s location on the map closely to ensure that he doesn’t leave the place he’s at. I’m in no mood to chase him around all day, especially not if he’s posing a threat to April. I need to do everything right, or she might have to pay for it.