Father and Son by S.E. Law



Six months later.

“God, I’m huge,” I say, looking at myself in the full-length mirror in my old bedroom at my parents’ house. My belly is indeed so mountainous that it looks like a giant beach ball, and I giggle.

“Yes, but you’re beautiful,” says Lucy, combing my hair over one shoulder so that it falls prettily. “You’re absolutely glowing.”

“Thank you for setting up this baby shower,” I say, turning to look at my kind friend. “I know Judy and Bill weren’t easy to deal with.”

After all, my parents were generous enough to offer their house for the baby shower. Of course, Braden and Grant suggested we have it at the Manhattan penthouse, but my parents insisted, and Lucy gave in. Sometimes, it’s easier not to fight with Judy and Bill, and my friend was smart enough to see that straight away.

But now, the guests are downstairs, waiting for me as Lucy helps me put the finishing touches on my hair and makeup.

“You look gorgeous,” Lucy coos. “And soon you’ll have a baby of your own!” she says, nodding to the bassinet on the floor where her newborn sleeps.

I look down and smile.

“He sure is cute.”

Lucy grins. “He is, and he takes after his daddy. Can I tell you a secret, girlfriend? But it’s super-dirty and you can’t tell anyone else.”

Of course, I’m immediately intrigued. “Spill it, Luce.”

My buddy smiles secretively, twisting a brown curl around one finger.

“Well, sometimes after the baby’s done breastfeeding, Brandon will come over and drink some of my milk himself. It feels nothing like when the baby’s at my breast, and Brandon looks really hot when he’s sucking.”

My eyes widen.

“Oh my God, that’s dirty! But it’s also sexy and I can totally see it. I wonder if Braden and Grant will want some of my milk when the time comes?” I muse, looking at my enormous bosom in the mirror. After all, Braden, Grant and I take the prize for most illicit romantic arrangement. After discovering I was pregnant, Grant immediately moved me into his penthouse on Central Park West. It’s a huge place, and I was afraid Braden would feel left out, but actually, Braden bought the penthouse right next door, so he’s always around as well. Not only that, but my boyfriends built a door connecting the two apartments, so we go in and out non-stop.

It works well because I’m absolutely over the moon for my two men, and adore spending time with them. Many people were shocked when I announced I was pregnant, and they were even more astonished when I said the father could be one of two men I was in a relationship with. But the naysayers began to drop away when they saw that our love is real, and now, we live in idyllic tranquility.

Suddenly, my sister pops her head inside.

“Sarah, everyone is waiting for you downstairs, but I wanted to ask if I could invite someone over for the party? Oh hi, Lucy.”

I shoot my baby sister a look.

“Yes, definitely. I mean, the party’s already started, but your friend is certainly welcome.”

Colleen grins and grows pink, her brown curls bobbling.

“Oh thanks,” she chirps. “I’ll be sure to introduce you when the time comes.”

She leaves and I share a look with Lucy.

“Friend?” my buddy asks, one eyebrow arched.

“It’s more than a friend,” I say ruefully. “I’ve been chatting with my sister more, and it turns out that we have a neighbor who is rumored to be … well, very endowed, let’s say. Colleen’s been consumed with curiosity, and I think that’s who she wants to invite.”

“Oh my God!” Lucy gasps, her eyes wide. “Are you serious?”

I nod.

“Not only that, but this neighbor is something like forty years old. A little too old for my sister, don’t you think? Given that Colleen just turned nineteen?”

Lucy giggles.

“Well, you know that Grant’s double your age, and my husband’s double mine, so it’s not that weird. Or at least, we’re not the ones to talk.”

I laugh too, and the baby kicks then.

“You’re right,” I acknowledge. “But come on, let’s go downstairs before they have the party without us.”

We descend to the first floor, and immediately, my two boyfriends come over and press kisses to my cheek.

“You look gorgeous,” Braden whispers in my ear. Meanwhile, Grant lightly skims one large hand over my generous rump, squeezing the luscious peach.

“Absolutely goddess-like,” he rasps, those blue eyes eating me up. “We love your pregnant shape, honey.”

I giggle again because it’s true. My two men are incredibly turned on by my new body, and if anything, Grant and Braden make love to me even more because of it. I keep joking that the baby’s going to be born with a crater in his head from his father’s cocks pushing against it constantly, but the two men merely smile and offer to take me from behind then. It’s a dirty idea, and I must admit I’ve acquiesced more than once.

But unfortunately, things aren’t so kosher with Mira, Braden’s mom. The female doctor hasn’t exactly come around, and despite his attempts to reach out, she’s maintained a cool façade. She and Braden talk occasionally on the phone, but she hasn’t inquired about my pregnancy, nor is she going to be in attendance at this party. I sigh. Win some, lose some. Right now, I just want to enjoy this bash before getting off my swollen ankles and letting my boyfriends pamper me.

The party is fun. Lucy put a lot of effort into it, and there’s a cornucopia of food, streamers and balloons everywhere, as well as a huge, rainbow-colored cake at the end.

“Thank you so much!” I enthuse, giving her a hug around my beach-ball belly. “This is wonderful and I had so much fun!”

“It was my pleasure. Thank you for being my best friend,” Lucy smiles.

Then, Braden and Grant come to take me home, gently helping me put on my coat before escorting me to the car. I feel like a whale getting into the low-slung vehicle, but both my men treat me like spun glass, their eyes devouring me.

“You’re going to be an amazing mommy,” Grant rasps, getting into the driver’s seat.

Braden agrees from behind.

“Absolutely wonderful,” he adds. “And thank you for taking time off from school to have our child, honey. We appreciate it.”

After all, I’ve put my studies on hold and quit City Girls in order to focus on the pregnancy. In fact, I haven’t ever had a client through City Girls that wasn’t Braden or Grant, so handing in my notice was really only symbolic. These are the men who love me, and I’m grateful to the agency for the opportunity. With that, I settle back with contentment as Grant eases the car from the curb. But then he turns to me once more, his blue eyes filled with emotion.

“I love you, Sarah,” he says, before pulling onto the street. “With all my heart.” Braden repeats the words, and my soul overflows with emotion.

“I adore you too,” I murmur, casting them loving looks. “Always and forever.”

After all, what could be better than this? I’ve met the two men who are my life, and we take care of one another. We braved an improbable set of circumstances, from escorting, to menage, to dating a father-son duo, to an unexpected pregnancy. Now, everything’s settled down, and with Grant and Braden at my side, I only have peace and light to look forward to.


If you enjoyed this story, then pick up Colleen’s story next! She’s intrigued by men who are HUGE, and won’t give up until she satisfies her curiosity. Pick up Big Neighbor Daddy, available here.

If you liked Lucy, then you’ll love her taboo tale of finding love with an older man in My Boyfriend’s Dad, available here.


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