Father and Son by S.E. Law



Igrip the steering wheel hard as we race through the streets of Manhattan, my knuckles turning a dangerous shade of white.

“Yo, you need to relax,” drawls Braden at my side. “We can’t do anything if we die on the way to the hospital.”

I grit my teeth.

“You heard Sarah’s sister on the phone. She could be really sick, and we need to be with her.”

Braden rolls his eyes but pipes down because I know he’s just as concerned as I am. It’s been less than ten minutes since Sarah’s younger sister, Colleen, called Braden to tell him about her violently ill sister. It was a surprise because we’ve never met Colleen before, but evidently she was able to track Braden’s cell from his company website, and ring him up. But now, I’m desperate to get to my girl because Colleen sounded worried. She didn’t say anything specific, but it sounds like something serious is going down with Sarah.

The tires squeal as I pull into the parking garage, and Braden and I practically break into a sprint as we head into the hospital. It takes a while, but we’re able to locate Sarah and burst into her hospital room to find her pale, but otherwise okay, in a hospital bed. Her eyes go round when she sees us. “Braden? Grant? What are you doing here?”

I glare at her.

“Your sister called us and told us you were seriously ill. Why didn’t you phone, honey? You know Braden and I would want to know if you were in the emergency room.”

She bites her lip.

“Well, how much did Colleen tell you?”

Braden growls.

“Nothing, just that you were really sick.”

Sarah seems to relax a bit back on the bed.

“I’m okay,” she says with a small smile. “They did some tests on me, and I’m just resting now as I wait for the results. I’m sure it’s nothing. There was no reason for you to come.”

But my brows lower as I go to one side of her bed, taking a small palm in mine.

“There was every reason for us to come, sweetheart,” I rasp. “You mean the world to us. How could we rest, knowing you were laid up like this? You call next time, you hear?”

She nods, smiling sweetly as Braden strolls to her other side, taking her other hand in his own. His eyes are fierce as they shine with barely restrained fury.

“You mean the world to us, Sarah. We couldn’t rest knowing that you were so ill you had to rush to the hospital. How do you think it makes us feel, knowing that you didn’t even bother to drop us a line?”

Sarah’s face falls for a moment, but then she looks up and there are tears in her eyes.

“I had no idea you felt this way about me,” she says in a whisper. “I thought I was just a girl to have a good time with.”

I shake my head furiously.

“No, we’re way beyond that, honey. You mean the world to us Sarah, and Braden and I adore you. We adore your stubbornness, your tenacity, your grit, and your commitment to your family, even when your parents do you wrong. We love you, honey, and we want to keep you.”

The beautiful brunette gasps, her eyes wide, but before she can open her mouth to speak I lean down and seize that plush pout with my own. Sarah tastes like honey and cream, and I moan deliriously while sampling her sweetness.

But Braden wants in on the game too. He checks to make sure the hospital door is closed, and then slowly peels off Sarah’s thin paper gown, revealing her enormous creamy orbs. Without another word, he bends to suckle a pink crest into his mouth, making the woman jerk and then moan with delirium.

“Yes,” she whimpers softly, her hands stroking through my stepson’s black hair. “Oh god, yes.”

But I want my due as well. Slowly, I trail kisses down her neck, and then over her collarbone before stopping to suckle her other nipple. Sarah jerks, her back arching, as we alternately lick and suck those hard pink nubs. But it’s not enough, and I want more. My tongue trails down again as I lift her hospital gown, and then I push her knees apart to reveal that glistening pink slit.

“Oh sweetheart,” I rasp, taking in the hard nub peeking out between her swollen folds. “You’re so wet for us already.”

With that, I lean down for a taste, savoring her sweet cream. Sarah gasps, almost sitting up in the hospital bed, but my stepson pushes her down once more, still worshipping at her breast.

“Just relax,” he murmurs. “We’ll be fast, don’t worry.”

With that, I lick slowly through her folds, enjoying the sweet flavor of her vaginal walls while teasing her pink hole with my tongue. Then I push her knees up even further so that I can slide all the way down to her back buttonhole, and gently lap the pleats there.

“Oh god!” Sarah screams. “Yes!”

But suddenly, there’s another scream blending in with that of our curvy girl. At first, I don’t realize it because I’m so focused on pushing my tongue through the tight ring of muscle in Sarah’s back end, but then my ears register a horrific sound.

Grant?” the woman at the door shrieks. “Braden? Why the fuck are my son and ex-husband molesting a patient at my hospital?”

I jerk my head up to stare, and sure enough, it’s my ex, Mira, standing at the door in a white lab coat with a clipboard in hand. Oh fuck, she’s Sarah’s doctor? The shit just hit the fan for sure.

Poor Sarah is looking between the three of us, trying to figure out what’s going on. I can see on her face that she understands, but she can’t quite believe it’s true.

Meanwhile, I straighten quickly, pulling Sarah’s gown back in place. I had no idea that Manhattan Hospital was where Mira worked. Besides, what are the chances my ex-wife would be assigned to take care of the woman that her son and I are sleeping with?

It’s a lot to take in, but I’m not going to let this detract from the quality of the curvy girl’s care.

“Mira, you were coming in to tell Sarah what’s going on and why she’s so sick. If you’re not able to keep things professional, we’ll have to ask that another doctor come look at Sarah.”

Mira scoffs. “You’re going to lecture me on professionalism right now? Really, Grant? Do you even understand how utterly fucked up this situation is?”

Meanwhile, Sarah pulls the hospital gown tighter around her curves, her face sheet white. She looks between me, Braden, and Mira with utter shock and horror on her pretty features. Not that I blame the curvy girl, seeing that this is akin to the worst episode of Punk’d.

“It’s not that bad,” I begin, but my ex isn’t having it.

“You and Braden are fucking the same girl, and you don’t think that’s fucking WRONG? She called you her boyfriends, and that’s disturbing. I expected more from you. From both of you.”

Sarah looks horrified. “Please, I want another doctor. It isn’t appropriate for you to treat me.”

My ex-wife snorts derisively.

“I’m the best doctor at this hospital, sweetheart. But it doesn’t matter. You’re going to need a whole different department because I run the ER here.”

Mira’s grin is devious and my heart sinks. Damn. There’s a reason why I divorced her, and this is it. She has a mean spirit and cold heart, and I’ve always detested that about her. But I have to try and make nice, given the uncomfortable situation.

“Mira, let’s put aside all our issues for a minute and talk about Sarah. What’s happening with her?”

But Sarah says no and starts ripping all the monitors off her chest. The machine beeps like crazy but the buxom brunette doesn’t seem to care.

“I’m getting out of here. This is your mother, Braden, and your ex-wife, Grant! You could’ve warned me.”

I hold my hands up.

“We didn’t know, sweetheart. It was a surprise for everyone.”

“Still! You knew the second she walked in, and you just let me blurt out that we’re all dating. This is messed up, and I’m leaving. Send me the bill, Mira, but I’m going home.”

Sarah tries to get out of bed but she’s connected to an IV and gets hopelessly tangled. Meanwhile, Braden and I push her back down.

“You’re not leaving until we figure this out.”

Mira laughs hysterically. “I should call the psych department. You all clearly need help. Don’t think I don’t know about that threesome you had when you were both living under my roof. It’s only fitting you’ve turned it into a long-term thing.”

I pale. I had no idea Mira was aware of what Braden and I did with his girlfriend so long ago. At that time, Mira and I were already separated, and I’d been in the process of moving out when it happened. Besides, my ex was working such long hours then that we rarely spoke anymore. I swallow hard, ready to apologize, but my ex sneers.

“Don’t worry, Grant, it’s not like I didn’t have my fun, too. Those TV shows aren’t all wrong about how convenient the on-call rooms are for a quickie.”

I stare at her.

“If that’s supposed to hurt me, it isn’t going to work. Our love died many years ago, if it was ever there in the first place,” I reply in an even tone. But my ex-wife just cackles maniacally.

“Well, it’s a good thing you two are so in love with Sarah, because you’re in for a wild time.”

Immediately, Braden straightens, his eyes intense.

“Is she okay? Do we need a specialist?”

His mom giggles evilly again.

“Yeah, you do, and it’s called an OB-GYN.”

I furrow my brow. “What are you saying?”

Mira grins like she thinks she’s about to ruin our lives. “Well, my dearest ex-husband and son, it seems that the two of you are in quite the predicament. Sarah here doesn’t have a stomach bug. She’s pregnant, and that’s what’s been causing the nausea and vomiting.”

The room goes silent as we digest the words. Mira then flounces out triumphantly, having delivered her coup de grace.

Holy shit. Sarah is pregnant, and one of us is the father.

I check the pretty girl’s expression, and it echoes the shock I’m sure she sees on mine. Braden is looking just as stunned.

Mira was right, we are in for a wild time, but a part of me is excited about it, and I only hope Braden and Sarah feel the same.