Father and Son by S.E. Law



Islip into my favorite little black dress just as there’s a knock on my door. It took me a while to get ready because I want to look good for my first threesome date with Braden and Grant. I can’t believe this is happening. I’m going on a date with two men, who are also father and son. Of course, they’re not biologically related, but still. How did I get to this point?

Nerves flutter in my stomach, but I zip up my dress and mince over to answer the door in sky-high heels.

“Hi!” I smile shyly.

“Hey sweetheart, how are you? You look beautiful,” Grant growls, stepping inside. He kisses my cheek and then Braden does the same.

I shut the door and smile happily at them.

“Thanks, you two look great, too.”

It’s true because both men wearing dress pants that highlight their long legs and button down shirts that show off those broad shoulders. Both Grant and Braden have dark hair and blue eyes too, so they could be father and son although they share no DNA. How did I get so lucky?

But based on how both men are raking their eyes over my body, this dress is a success. I love the way it hugs my curves, and wiggle my hips teasingly a bit.

“You like?” I coo.

The blue in their eyes flares hotly.

“Yes, baby,” Braden rasps. “Fuck, you’re hot.”

“I can’t wait to get a taste,” Grant adds, his hands already reaching out for my hips. But I slip away at the last moment.

“Yes, but we should get going so we’re not late! Let me just grab my purse.”

I have a little wristlet that I use on the rare occasion that I get dressed up, so I take it from the table by my door and follow the guys into the hallway. Downstairs, there’s a sleek Beamer parked at the curb, and the three of us get in. It’s luxurious inside with buttery leather seats and that tell-tale new car smell.

“We could’ve taken the train,” I say shyly.

Braden shakes his head, blue eyes fierce. “Absolutely not. Tonight is special, so we want to pamper you.”

I smile happily again, my heart blooming. “Well, thank you. This is really nice and I’m looking forward to it.”

Within minutes, we’re at the restaurant and it turns out, the guys made a reservation so we’re seated immediately.

“I haven’t been here in a while,” Braden says, looking around at the elegant décor. “Good choice, Grant.”

“You know Gotham Bar and Grill is my favorite,” his dad nods. “This place never gets old.”

Braden laughs. “I remember. You’ve always appreciated a good, juicy steak.”

“Is that the best dish here?” I ask shyly.

Grant nods. “Yes. I’ll order for you, honey. I think you’ll enjoy the king-size prime rib. It’s delicious and completely worth it.”

I color.

“King-size?” is my stammer.

Both men nod.

“Yes, sweetheart. Most women order the petite cut, but I don’t think that’s necessary in this case,” Grant states. “We love your appetite, honey, and trust me – the king-size isn’t even that big.”

“Okay,” I say, loving that these men support me. “Sounds delicious.”

When the waiter returns, our order for three king-size steaks is put in, along with mashed potatoes, lobster mac and cheese, and an iceberg salad. My mouth is watering, and my stomach beginning to gurgle, but there’s something I’m curious about.

“So, can I ask how you two became stepson and stepfather? Or ex-stepson and stepfather? I know you used to be married to Braden’s mom,” I say, trying to ease into the topic.

The older man chuckles. “Sure, but you already know most of the story. I used to be married to Mira, who’s an incredible woman. But she’s driven. Too driven. She’s a doctor and absolutely obsessed with her career, which is part of the reason why she packed Braden off to boarding school. It turns out, she didn’t have much time for a husband either,” he adds ruefully.

Braden nods.

“I respect my mom and how ambitious she is, but yeah, Mira’s not exactly the easiest person to get along with. I’ve seen her berating my stepdads, and it’s not a pretty sight. She can really lose it and fly off the handle. It’s like watching a witch go berserk.”

I look at Grant.

“But you were attracted to her at some point, right?”

The older man nods and shrugs.

“Yes, and I think she had fewer job responsibilities way back when, which is when we started dating. But soon, things ramped up and the alpha female workaholic burst into full form. It was pretty fucking terrible, so we divorced shortly after. But I don’t regret it. I got to meet this guy, after all,” he says, raising a toast to Braden.

The younger man grins.

“Yeah, you’re as close to an old man as I have. My other stepdads were ridiculous sometimes. Do you remember that one who was literally the pool boy? He came by our building to clean the pool once a week, and my mom got to talking to him. They were married within months, even though he was twenty years younger and closer to my age than hers. So not much of a father figure, I’d say.”

“Wow,” I marvel. “Mira sounds like a piece of work. Not that I’m trying to insult your mother,” I add hastily. “But do you still talk?”

“I don’t,” Grant growls. “We finalized our divorce ages ago.”

Braden shrugs, his blue eyes casual. “I do, because she’s my mom, but not a lot. She’s just too in your face, and I’m not a kid anymore, so I limit our interactions. Mira was supportive about me starting my own brokerage though, so that was a plus.”

But then I look curiously at both of them. “But does she know that you guys talk to each other? How does she feel about that?”

Braden shrugs, black hair glinting in the light.

“No, I don’t think she knows. I mean, I didn’t see Grant much before today, so it wasn’t an issue. We only occasionally crossed paths before, so this arrangement is new to us too.” But then he leans forward. “Enough about us though. How about you, Sarah? Any juicy family secrets?”

I giggle a bit, cheeks going red.

“Nope. I have regular parents who do regular things, and a little sister who’s finishing up high school. No stepdads, stepmoms or step-siblings at all.”

Grant nods. “That’s good to hear. But what about your career, honey? Does your family know you’re escorting?”

I bite my lip.

“Well, no, but I kind of don’t care if they find out because it’s actually my parents that got me into this line of work.”

Braden furrows his brow. “Your parents encouraged you to join City Girls? Really?”

I shake my head quickly, brown curls bouncing. “Oh, absolutely not. Judy and Bill don’t know and it’s for the best, because they would absolutely freak out if they knew. But yeah, they’re the reason why I’m in this pickle. My parents ran into some financial troubles from a bad investment recently, and were going to lose their house. So I stepped in to try and stave off foreclosure.”

Grant frowns.

“Honey, you haven’t mentioned any of this before. Do you need money? We’re happy to help,” he says, nodding at Braden.

But I shake my head.

“Oh no, you guys have been very generous already, and I’ve already made several payments on their mortgage, so we’re okay for now. Thank you for offering though. It’s really Bill and Judy’s problem now because I managed to get the monkey off their backs, meaning that the bank has halted the foreclosure, for now at least. I just hope they’re able to maintain the status quo.”

At that moment, the food arrives and my stomach rumbles at the delicious aromas. The steak Grant ordered for me is huge and juicy, with a large serving of mashed potatoes and garlicky green beans on the side. My mouth begins to water.

“Goodness, have I died and gone to heaven?” I breathe.

Grant chuckles. “I hope you like what I picked for you.”

I nod and dig in ravenously. It’s absolutely delicious, the steak meaty and tender, and the potatoes fluffy like a cloud.

“Mmm,” I moan deliriously, my eyes almost closing with rapture. “This is so yummy.”

Both men chuckle as they cut into their own steaks as well.

“We knew you’d love it,” they growl. “Even watching a woman like you eat is utterly sensuous, Sarah.”

I giggle a bit before helping myself to some mac ‘n cheese.

“I love this dish so much,” I moan again with rapture. “I swear, I could climax from this alone.”

Both men’s expressions go hungry, their eyes flaring.

“Seriously honey? Do you like food that way? Whipped cream on your tits and a cherry in your pussy?” Braden asks.

“No!” I squeal, giggling. “Oh my god, you have to be quiet because what if someone hears? But now that you mention it, maybe. That sounds like it could be fun.”

Both men smile, but then I lean forward conspiratorially then.

“Just for the record, have you guys done this before?” I say in a low tone. “You know, threesomes? I know you’ve talked about it at least, but you seemed pretty experienced the other night. Or am I wrong?”

The two men look at each other and begin to chuckle.

“You’re right, honey. Your bullshit meter is right on target. We actually have, but only once before and it was so long ago that it almost doesn’t count,” says Braden.

“Also, it was by accident,” growls Grant. “It was totally unexpected.”

I giggle.

“Yes, but how do you accidentally have a threesome?”

The men share another look.

“Well, it was a long time ago. For some reason, I was staying at my mom’s apartment and I had my girlfriend over,” Braden explains. “Anyways, I thought no one was home, so she and I were hooking up and going at it hard in the kitchen. I don’t even know why we didn’t use a bed, but who knows? I was a horny teenager. As you can guess, Grant ends up walking in on us.”

The older man chuckles.

“I felt so bad about interrupting your passion because I was a high school boy once, so I know how rock hard you are at that age, not to mention that the girl was quite sassy and curvy,” Grant adds. “But she was more than sassy – she was a gorgeous slut.”

I gasp.


“Yes,” answers Braden. “Because instead of being horrified at being discovered, my girlfriend caught a glimpse of Grant and giggled. This is when I literally had my dick in her, but then she cupped her tits and asked if my dad wanted to join! It was so fucking wrong.”

I gasp, turning to the older man.

“So you did?”

Grant shrugs, his broad shoulders going up and down.

“She was cute, and yeah, she made it clear that all her holes were available, so I did. The three of us had a menage going right there on the kitchen counter.”

My eyes are wide as my jaw drops. “Wow, that is not what I was expecting at all.”

Both men shrug.

“We haven’t done it again since, but the idea has lingered in the air. Honestly, we’ve talked about it a few times in passing, but never found the right woman again,” Grant says casually.

Braden winks at me, his blue eyes flashing.

“But now, we have you, sweetheart. It’s a perfect alignment of the stars and we’re so grateful you came into our lives.”

I blush. It’s easy to forget they’re paying me for my time when they start saying things like that. It almost feels like a relationship, even if every week, a huge amount of cash hits my bank account.

“And this is what makes you happy?” I ask tentatively. “Menage?”

Grant and Braden exchange another look.

“Yes, actually,” the older man says, his eyes darkening. “I mean, don’t get me wrong. Neither of us have to share a woman, but it’s a nice change. Plus, you’re absolutely amazing at handling two men at once, honey. Your pussy actually gets wetter when you’ve got a second man’s cock in your mouth. Did you know that?”

I gasp, cheeks going red.

“Oh my god, people will hear!”

But Braden shakes his head and takes my hand under the table.

“No one can hear us, sweetheart, because we’re too far from the other diners. But yes, my dad and I want to explore this with you, if you’re game. We think you have just the body and the personality to accommodate both of us, and it’s worked so far. Would you be interested?”

But of course, my handsome lovers already know the answer because I’m flying on Cloud Nine in their company.

“Yes, Braden. Yes, Grant,” I murmur sweetly, looking at them from under my lashes. “I love being with you too, and I want to explore with you at my sides.”

With that the men’s eyes flash and I giggle because I know that dinner is going to end abruptly tonight. Of course, we’re only halfway through our food, but judging from Braden and Grant’s hungry expressions, they want to feast on my curves now, and nothing will stand in their way.