Crossed Fates by Lexi C. Foss



Fresh air.

Familiar scents.

My wolf frolicked through the forest and along the banks of the lake, melting all my stress away. This place felt like home, yet brand new at the same time. A conundrum that enthralled me, encouraging me to explore every corner of the Silver Lake Pack lands.

I didn’t think about anything, just let my wolf’s instincts drive me. Eventually, I slowed to a more leisurely pace and basked in the warmth of the sun’s rays filtering in between the bare branches from high above.

Beautiful, I thought, almost purring with happiness.

Voices floated to my ears, drawing me toward a group of shifters in human form lounging around the lake. I remained hidden in the forest, not wanting to be seen.

Considering what the pack was going through, I doubted they’d be receptive to an outsider joining them right now. Not that I really wanted to talk to them either. I preferred my solitude. However, Alaric’s name from their lips had me pausing to shamelessly eavesdrop.



“Do you think Hardt will challenge Alaric?” a woman asked.


Quietly, I prowled to the edge of the tree line and peeked through to see a couple—one man and one woman—sitting on a blanket, lounging in the sun.

“Maybe.” The man, who I assumed was Paul, appeared thoughtful. “I mean, Hardt’s always been here for the pack. And Alaric… left.”

She nodded slowly, then asked, “Didn’t you two used to be close?”

He ran his fingers through his thick black hair and lifted his eyes to the sky while he contemplated. “Yeah, in high school. But he barely talks to me now when he visits, so I guess we weren’t that close. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t find another pack. Why is he even here?”

Maybe because his brother died, asshat?I swallowed a huff of annoyance and turned away to continue my meandering, no longer interested in what these two had to say. And how about saying, Thanks for coming, Alaric. Welcome home.

Exiting a copse of trees, I realized I’d ventured into someone’s yard, so I scampered back into the foliage. But I stopped again at the mention of Alaric’s name. Pivoting back, I spotted two men standing at a grill with another handful of people sitting in deck chairs nearby. Funny thing about shifter communities—a wolf wanders by and people barely notice.

“Do you want to follow Alaric as alpha?” one of the men—a tall, muscular blond, like a Viking—queried in a haughty tone.

The other man—shorter, but no less built and a cute, freckled ginger—sighed and shifted his weight from foot to foot. “He hasn’t been around much in the last few years, but Alpha Tyler trusted him.”

Viking grunted and flipped the meat on the grill. “Maybe, but does that make him alpha material? I mean, what does he know about being an alpha?”

Ginger scowled, and I nodded in agreement even though they couldn’t see me. “He grew up here. And you know Alpha Hawk taught them both until they were bitten and Tyler took over.”

Viking shook his head, his chin lifting to a stubborn angle. “Do you really want to follow a leader who was so jealous of his brother that he had a tantrum and took off when he didn’t earn the spot as alpha?”

Ginger looked unsure again as he ran a hand through his pretty hair. “We don’t really know—”

“That’s my point! We don’t know Alaric. Do any of us really know him?” He directed the last question to the group, who had been sitting quietly, listening to their exchange.

Eventually, everyone shook their heads.

Having heard enough of their nonsense, I trotted off. I felt a little offended on Alaric’s behalf. I barely knew the man, and I could already tell he was born to lead—to be an alpha. And underneath the grief and anger, I’d sensed that he’d missed his home. I didn’t know the story of why he’d taken off and hadn’t often returned, but I would’ve bet my favorite knife that he had a damn good reason.

“What if he doesn’t want the job?”

Another set of voices interrupted my alone time, and I sighed.

“Hardt will probably take it. He’s beta.”

I didn’t stay to hear more of their conversation, but the question percolated in my mind. Does Alaric want to be the Silver Lake Pack Alpha?

As his supposed mate, I personally rebelled against the idea of being tied down. I also had no desire to inherit the responsibilities that came with being in charge of a pack. I loved my job, and too many people needed me.

Alaric seemed to be in a similar situation—working for E.V.I.E., fighting the bad guys, living the life of a lone wolf. Would he give it all up?

Good thing neither of us wants anything to do with this fated-mate bullshit, I thought. My wolf snarled, and I rolled my eyes. She had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker.

I wandered for a little longer until a strange sensation skittered down my spine.


How I sensed his presence, I didn’t know.

But I felt him approaching, just like I caught his brooding, aggressive mood.

I inhaled deeply, his woodsy scent enthralling my wolf.


I glanced over my shoulder as a wolf with glistening black fur stepped through the underbrush, his body twice the size of mine. Definitely an alpha.

My wolf perked up, her intrigue piqued by the display of power and impressive strength. One step, I thought. All he needs to do is take one more step, and my wolf will roll over in a flirtatious display of submission.

Which would thoroughly embarrass us both.

Or at least me.

Not. Now,I commanded her. She might be the one people saw, but I was still in charge. Well, I should be, anyway. But she certainly wasn’t making it easy.

Which explained her wolfy little grin—both a taunt at my thoughts and a statement out loud.

Mine, she was saying. That wolf is mine. And I want to play.

I wanted to bang my head against a wall. Have some dignity! Act like an alpha, for fuck’s sake! I shouted at her.

Alaric narrowed his all-black eyes at me, the human blue completely eclipsed by that midnight color. His big head cocked to the side, and he studied my wolf curiously.

My animal didn’t care what I wanted, and since she was in the driver’s seat at the moment, I sidled up to him and leaned close, inhaling deeply because he just smelled so damn good. Blue flashed in his eyes, and heat blasted through me at the desire and possession I glimpsed in both the black and blue irises.

Blood thundered in my ears, my heart raced, and my body throbbed with need. If I didn’t get the hell out of here, our wolves were going to fuck, and I had no idea how that would affect this whole mate business.

Lifting my ears, I glanced at the path in front of me, then back at Alaric. He hesitated for a beat, then began to trot in the direction I’d indicated. We ran for a while, enjoying the companionable silence between us.

My wolf wanted to flirt and encourage him to chase, but I held tight to my resolve. Our animals were simple creatures, their needs uncomplicated. However, their emotions were also powerful and wild. They had an innate desire to dominate, and to be dominated, to go hard and fast, and to possess each other in every way because they saw no need to hold back.

If I ran, he would chase. I knew these woods like the back of my hand, and I was fast, so he likely wouldn’t catch me. But it seemed better not to tempt fate since she’d already fucked up our lives. My wolf disagreed adamantly, her desire to play nearly overriding my ability to think.

I need a distraction. Something familiar.

I slowed to a walk and changed course, deciding to search out my secret spot, hoping it existed in this reality. It was secluded and peaceful, a perfect place to think and just be. Perhaps sharing it with Alaric would be a bit of an olive branch. Or at least help him lose some of the weight pulling him down.

When I neared the watering hole, I broke through the trees and ran to the water, dropping my head to take a drink of the cool liquid. I felt, more than heard, Alaric join me—something that shouldn’t have been possible. Only mates who had completed the second stage could sense each other like this in my realm. The sensory bond grew with each stage and could eventually result in telepathy between the mated pair.

I tried to clear my mind and enjoy the stillness and beauty around me, but my head wouldn’t stay empty. Maybe I just need to stand on my own two feet.

After taking a few steps back, energy hummed through the air as I engaged my shift. Alaric watched me through midnight eyes until I’d completed the transformation.

Then his blue irises began to bleed into the black as his beautiful fur coat disappeared and he righted himself on two legs within what was only seconds. That alone proclaimed him as an alpha—his ability to transition so quickly without even a flinch—but as he stood to his full height and folded his arms across his broad chest, his dominant persona lashed at my senses like a razor-sharp whip.

He was hot as hell.

All hard, toned, masculine alpha.



Fucking ripped and beautiful and well-endowed, too.

Definitely a prime specimen of a man.

My wolf purred in agreement.


My heart pounded in anticipation.

And my thighs clenched with an ache only he could satisfy.

Yeah, shifting was a stupid, stupid idea, Makayla.

A slow, wicked smile tugged at the edges of Alaric’s full lips. “What’s wrong, Makayla?” he asked, arching a brow. “Did you swallow your tongue?”

Yes. “No.”

I swallowed hard, wishing really damn hard that I wasn’t naked. His wolf senses would allow him to scent my arousal, just as he could see every goose bump on my skin, my beaded nipples, and maybe even... My tongue darted out to check, and I almost sighed in relief. No drool.

Alaric’s gaze glittered as he blatantly explored my body. He opened his mouth to speak, and I had no doubt that whatever he said next would turn me on even more.

We needed to focus on something else. “How did the meeting with your dad go?” I blurted out.

Wrong. Question.

His amusement died beneath a wave of palpable tension. Without a word, he walked into the water and sank under the surface, emerging half a second later with water sluicing down his perfectly sculpted body, his arms bulging as he pushed his hair back from his face.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Sexy, hot, wet, naked man.

What had I been thinking? Oh, right. I’d lost my damn mind to chiseled abs, a sexy V, and, good grief, how could anyone have an ass that perfect?! I shut that train of thought down before I jumped on for a ride.

Wait, why can’t we fuck?

I can’t remember.

There’s a reason. Right?

Yeah, it’s time for me to go. Byyyyyye.

I started to back up and Alaric turned, his eyes narrowing, causing me to freeze midstep.

“Don’t.” He uttered the word tightly, his jaw clenched, and his blue orbs flickered with an internal fire. “Don’t or I’ll chase you.”