Crossed Fates by Lexi C. Foss


Bad fucking idea.

I knew I shouldn’t.

I knew what would happen if I did.

But my instincts had me swaying closer, my wolf growling in approval.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her lips. Shit, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Those pert tits, rosy peaks, flat stomach, bare mound. Maybe I’d been wrong about fate, because damn if this woman wasn’t made for me. I cupped the swell of her hips and brought her flush against me before lowering my head and pressing my mouth to hers.

Really bad fucking idea.

Her body rubbed against mine, my cock kissing her pussy, her taut nipples scraping over my chest, and goddamn, she tasted so good. I deepened the kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth and devouring her as if she were my last meal.

Makayla moaned, and my wolf roared to the surface, his impulse overpowering my self-control.




I bit down on her lip—hard—and growled as her blood hit my tongue. My animal demanded more. But my mind rioted, reason struggling to fight my wolf’s possession and ground me once more.

I can’t.

I shouldn’t.

My muscles locked down.

My heart fucking stopped.

I was so hungry for her, starving for more than just a kiss. I needed to feel her body writhing beneath mine, to hear the sound of my name falling from her lips as she fell apart.

No,I told myself, pulling away, my need for control overriding my physical instincts. No.

“I shouldn’t have done that.” I forced the admission through my teeth and backed up several steps.

Makayla’s tongue darted out to clean her lips of the remaining droplets. “No, you shouldn’t have,” she agreed.

I didn’t have any words for her, so I nodded and waded out of the water, quickly shifting and taking off. It was a dick move, leaving her to find her own way home. But I needed some space before my wolf pushed me hard enough that I gave in and did more than kiss her.

It would’ve been so easy.

Palm her ass, lift her up, and slide right inside her tight, wet heat. She was my fated mate, the only woman I would ever desire again. Shit. Why shouldn’t I indulge?

Stupid question, and I knew the answer, but that didn’t stop me from considering it. Or fantasizing about it.

Letting Makayla leave wouldn’t be easy. Losing one’s fated mate could be devastating to a shifter. And the closer we grew to each other, the more difficult it would be. Even without our emotions involved, having sex would risk the plan.

Yeah, fucking is a very bad idea.

Except, with each step I took away from her, I wondered why I couldn’t just keep her.

She wanted me.

I wanted her.

Why not just… mate?

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I barely knew the woman. And on top of that, she wasn’t even from here.

Damn it.

How would this even work? Further, was she even my destiny? How could my fated mate be from another realm? Maybe another version of her existed in my world. A more appropriate choice. More submissive. Willing.

Well, Makayla was willing.

And did I really want a more submissive mate?

My earlier episode suggested I couldn’t handle a docile mate. I needed someone strong… like Makayla.

To hell with this.I didn’t want to think about her. I didn’t want to think about life. I didn’t want to think at all.

My paws pounded over the earth as I skimmed the boundary of the pack, searching for any and all threats, my wolf’s natural inclination being to protect. It didn’t matter that these wolves weren’t mine. I would forever want to serve them in some way.

This used to be my home.

It could be again, too, a softer part of me thought.

I shoved the voice away, locking it up with the others inside my mind.

And just ran.

I ran until I couldn’t breathe.

I ran until I ached.

I ran until I couldn’t do anything more.

And then I turned back to my cabin, the moon shining brightly overhead. My stomach growled with hunger, and my limbs screamed at me for overuse, but my animal spirit purred with contentment.

At least one of us is happy,I thought glumly as I shifted back into human form on my porch.

Makayla’s scent lingered by the door, suggesting she was already home.

Home, I repeated to myself. Not home.

With a growl, I grabbed the door handle, ready to stalk inside.

Only to freeze as someone called my name from the street.


Ah, hell. I did not want to deal with his bullshit right now. He could only want to talk for one reason. And it rivaled the one my father had earlier.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew the whole pack wanted to know if I intended to ascend. But I didn’t have an answer yet, nor would I have one anytime soon.

“Alaric,” he said again, like I hadn’t heard him the first time.

“Hardt,” I returned, very aware that he’d said my name twice without addressing me as Alpha. That shouldn’t have bothered me since I wasn’t sure if I wanted the job or not, but somehow… with him… it bothered me a whole hell of a lot. “How can I help you?”

“I’m hoping you have a few minutes to chat.”

I don’t, I nearly replied. Instead, I pushed open my door and said, “After you.” Because I didn’t quite trust him at my back.

It was just an instinct.

Probably because I rarely trusted anyone at my back.

Once inside, I left him in the foyer to go grab a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved cotton shirt. Hardt had made himself at home in my kitchen when I returned, his hands all over my fridge as he searched for something.

When he pulled out two beers, I cautiously accepted one, then stared at him as I popped off the tab. “How’ve you been?” I didn’t actually care, but it seemed like the right thing to ask.

“Good,” he replied. “Well, minus… everything.”

“You mean my brother being murdered?” I arched a brow. “Yeah, that sucks.” Dick thing to say, but I wasn’t in the mood for small talk right now.

He didn’t flinch, but his brow did come down. “Look—”


My body stiffened—all of my body—at the sound of Makayla’s husky voice. The way she said my name reminded me of hot, sweaty sex. She joined us in the kitchen, and I nearly swallowed my tongue.

That towel… needs… to drop,I thought, eyeing the too-small fabric wrapped tightly around her long, lithe frame. She had her arms folded across her chest, accentuating her full breasts and providing a sinful display of creamy flesh.

Hardt released a low sound, almost like a growl.

And I found myself wanting to march into my living room to wrap Makayla up in a blanket. Shifters were usually pretty cavalier about nudity, but something about him seeing her in this state had all my hackles rising.

Which smacked of jealousy, and that irritated the hell out of me.

“What do you need, Makayla?” The question came out in a harsh tone, my wolf striving for dominance as I attempted to force him to heel. Not. Now.

Her eyes narrowed, but she smiled—a smile I imagined would shrivel a lesser man’s balls. “I don’t have any clothes.”

Oh, right. I set my beer on the counter and stalked past her without another look, going straight to my room. After searching through my things for something small enough to fit her, I finally found a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants that were too feminine to have been mine at any point, which probably meant they belonged to a girl I’d slept with on those rare occasions when I’d come home. For a brief moment, I wondered if that would bother Makayla, then chastised myself for caring at all.

Clothes in hand, I retraced my steps to find that Makayla had stolen my beer. She’d also ventured from the kitchen into the living room. Hardt must have followed her because now he stood near a window. He was smiling and his eyes were undressing her—not exactly difficult in her skimpy attire—and possession welled up inside me.

I hated Hardt for ogling her.

I hated myself for being jealous.

And I hated Makayla for being so damn gorgeous.

To her credit, she looked uncomfortable, which should probably have made me less of an asshole. But I was agitated and feeling hostile. And since I couldn’t show weakness by attacking Hardt, Makayla became my target.

I reclaimed my beer and set it on the table. Then I slapped the clothes against her stomach, gripped her elbow, and walked her into the hallway.

“You should cover up the goods, or we might get the wrong idea and you’ll find yourself being double-teamed,” I drawled. Then I raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Unless you’re into that kind of thing, then by all means, baby, drop the towel.”

Makayla rolled her eyes and marched past me. “In your dreams, mate,” she tossed over her shoulder. I snagged her arm before she went too far and maneuvered us around until I had her pressed up against the wall. I shackled her wrists with my hands and held them above her head, letting the clothes and towel pool at our feet.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll dream of you tonight. But it won’t be about sharing you. It’ll be about chaining you to my bed and using your body like my own personal playground.” I placed my lips at her ear and ground my erection into her naked mound. “And you know what I’m going to do, Makayla? I’m going to make you climax over and over until you beg me to stop. Or maybe I’ll push you to the edge, only to drag you back down, then do it again and again until you beg me to let you come. Either way, you’ll beg, baby. You’ll crawl, too.”

Makayla scoffed, but it came out breathy, almost like a moan. “Not happ—”

“Are you sure, sweetheart? Because I’m willing to bet you’re fucking drenched right now.”

She sank her teeth into her bottom lip, drawing my gaze to the freshly healed skin. My wolf growled in disapproval, eager to bite her again and ensure the claim lasted this time.

Then she shook her head, denying her arousal.

I smirked, fully aware of the lie. “If you’re not dripping for my cock, then you won’t have any need to get yourself off, will you?”

Her jaw hardened, her teeth digging deeper into the pink flesh. “Nope,” she managed to croak.

I shrugged and released her. “Okay.”

With murder in her pretty blue eyes, she bent down and gathered up the fallen clothes, giving me an exemplary view of her spectacular ass. She straightened and walked toward her room.

“Makayla,” I called after her. Tensing, she stopped but didn’t turn around. “Just remember, I’ll smell the heady scent of your orgasm and hear the moans you make when climaxing. And I’ll know it’s my tongue, my fingers, my cock that you’re wishing was pumping between those silky thighs.”

Makayla walked stiffly into the guest room and slammed the door so hard it rattled the windows. Satisfied that her night would be as miserable as mine, I returned to the living area to find Hardt making himself at home on my sofa.

“Just making sure she knew where to find everything,” I explained coolly as I picked up my beer.

“Right.” He leaned back in a display of cocky nonchalance, the neck of his bottle clasped loosely between two fingers. I’d never cared for this guy in high school. And I really didn’t care for him now.

How was this guy Tyler’s beta?

“I just stopped by to see if you need anything. You haven’t been around for a while, so it may take some time for you to get reacquainted with the pack.”

Hmm, really? Because it sounds like you’re trying to make a statement about my prolonged absences, Hardt,I thought, nodding along.

“As you know, it’s the job of leadership to ensure all pack members feel welcome and at home. So I’m just doing my job.”

“Your job?” I repeated. “As beta?”

“Well, technically, I’m acting alpha at the moment, what with your brother’s death and all.”

“Yeah?” I took a sip of my beer while holding his gaze, daring him not to look away. “I could have sworn that honor fell to my father, Alpha Hawk, right?”

“As Tyler’s beta, he frequently left me in charge when out of range for a meeting, like the one he just took in New York City.”

“I see.” That doesn’t make you alpha, buddy, I thought, and I allowed him to see that knowledge in my gaze now. I definitely won’t be bowing to you. Ever.

I didn’t break our stare, just continued to test his mettle, wondering how long he could play this dominance game.

A beat passed.

Then two.

“I’m just here to help, man,” he said, his gaze finally leaving mine. “The pack can use more of what they know right now, and I’ve spent the last decade maintaining the order under Tyler’s direction. I’m a good resource, is all. So I just wanted you to know that I’m here. To help, I mean.”

Uh-huh. I took another drink, then set my beer to the side once more. “Well, I appreciate the offer, Hardt,” I told him, not giving anything away while ensuring he knew I saw right through his bullshit.

He wanted the pack.


Maybe I’d let him have it.

Or maybe he’d piss me off enough to ensure I fought for it.

Time would tell. If I chose to stay, he didn’t stand a chance. And the way his gaze had flickered away from mine confirmed he knew it, too.

“So thanks for stopping by,” I added with a lazy smile, not so subtly kicking him out. Wants to help, my ass.

Fortunately, he showed some intelligence and chose to let me escort him out.

“Seriously, let me know if you need anything.”

“I absolutely will,” I replied, forcing a grin. “Have a good night, Hardt.” And maybe find a cliff to jump off of while you’re at it.

He started down the sidewalk, and a final thought occurred to me. “Oh, and, Hardt?”

His hazel eyes glowed in the moonlight as he glanced over his shoulder, his long hair twisting with the wind. “Yeah?”

“The next time I catch you checking out my mate, I’ll castrate you with my teeth.” This time my smile was genuine. “You feel me?” I didn’t wait to hear his reply, just shut the door and turned around to find Makayla standing behind me with an arched brow.