Madness of the Horde by Zoey Draven

Chapter Fifty

“You need to wake now, Vienne,” Devina told me, her voice soft. “You have been asleep for a very long time. They are waiting for you.”

I felt her touch in my hair though I could not see her.

He is waiting for you.”

“What about you?” I struggled to ask her.

“Once you wake, my brother will be whole. You are tied to him now. Always,” Devina told me. “He will always see me. You will always feel me. But I am no longer trapped in this place. I feel untethered. Unchained. I feel the veil closing. Soon, it will be harder to return to this place. And I long to see what happens next.”

I felt a stirring. Something beginning to awaken in my mind.

“Go, Vienne,” came Devina’s whisper, her hand in my hair. “They are waiting for you.”