The Alien’s Seduction by Zoey Draven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Cruxan’s blood was roaring in his ears, deafening everything else around them.

His luxiva was watching him, her fingers on top of his beneath the surface of the hot spring, holding them to her cunt.

Vrax, she really would be the end of him.

Ever since his female had surprised him by undressing, his blood had all but drained from his head, straight to his cock. He barely thought himself capable of words of that point, especially remembering the sight of her nude.

Vellixa. She was…everything.

Her beauty, her quiet sensuality, the way she’d taken his lips in a kiss as if she knew exactly what she wanted…it had stunned him speechless.

How had he ever thought that the Fates had made an error? At the time he’d thought that, she could barely look at him. Every little thing he’d said seemed to make her retreat more and more. Everything about them had seemed different, polar opposites.


Vrax, she was a goddess and he couldn’t imagine any other female capturing his soul like she’d already done.

It humbled him. It shamed him that he’d ever thought them a hopeless match. Because he never wanted another but her.

And if she left him…he knew without a doubt in his mind that it would destroy him.

Nix, he had to ensure that she would never wish to leave him. No matter what.

Crystal gasped, arching into his touch when he brushed across her slick folds. He began soft and gentle, but when she released his hand to clutch onto his shoulders, he pressed harder, circling a hard little bud that seemed to bring her the most pleasure.

He focused there, observing her through the steam and haze of desire. His varx drew up tightly against his body, making his cock pulse and throb. He felt her warmth against him. Every squirming movement from his touch made her press harder into him.

And when she reached between them and grabbed his cock in a tight fist? Stars burst into his vision, making him bellow out his surprise and pleasure, his cry echoing around that quiet place, carrying over the water, drifting between the trees.

Her small, soft hand only fit around half of him, but it was more than enough.

Luxiva,” he purred, a strangled groan falling from his throat. He actually felt his cum rise up his shaft and he stopped her hand to still it. “I am already on the edge, female.”

“And I want to see you go over it,” she whispered, licking her lips, her own gaze unfocused from the way he flicked her hardened nub back and forth. “Ohhh.”

“Not tonight,” he murmured. “I have dreamed of watching you cum again ever since the tevvax. This is about you.”

She groaned, but then gasped when his finger curled deep inside her, trying to distract her away from his cock before he lost his damn mind.

Her fingers loosened and he dragged her hand away, bringing her wrist up to nibble on the delicate flesh. He wanted to lick and bite and claim every inch of her, that was how much he needed her.

“I want to watch you cum,” came her strangled whisper.

“You will. Eventually,” he rasped. “Very many times, I promise you this, female.”

She bit her lip, holding back another moan, when his finger curled again. Vrax, she was tight. Tight and hot and wet.

He wanted to taste her. He wanted to lick out her cunt until she was trembling on his tongue.

His groan was harsh with wanting. He licked his bottom lip, his mouth watering at the thought.

He needed to.

Luxiva,” he rasped, licking at the seam of her lips until she opened for him and then he kissed her deep, making her gasp. “I need to lick your cunt. Vrax, I need to. Will you let me?”

Her cheeks were flushed, her lips plump and red and shining from the steam.

It took her a long time to answer, almost long enough that Cruxan believed she would deny him, but her soft reply met his ears, making him shiver in anticipation.

“Yes,” she said.

He didn’t wait. She gasped in surprise when he hefted her out of the water with ease, laying her back on the surface, his hand supporting her from underneath as she floated.

“Cruxan,” she whispered, her lips parting.

His gaze caught on her body, laid out before him like a feast. He leaned over her, kissing her once, twice, before running his lips down her neck, her collarbone, to between her breasts.

Her breaths were ragged, her golden hair floating around her like a halo in the water. And when he closed his mouth over one of her dusky pink nipples, she arched into his kiss as he suckled her gently.

She trusted him enough not to let her sink below the surface, so her hands came to his hair, his horns, which made him thrust his hips unconsciously. Vrax, that felt good. He felt her touch all the way to his cock.

He switched to her other breast, wanting to kiss every part of her, listening to her moans rise, the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

Soon, he grew greedy, though another time he would explore her at his leisure. He would learn every last inch of her.

He sunk down in the water until he was eye level with her cunt and brought her legs over his shoulders, keeping his hands underneath her back to keep her floating on the surface of the hot spring, keeping her steady.

Then his mouth was on her and she let out a cry of pleasure which rung in his ears.

He growled and groaned at the same time, the noise tearing from his throat.

“Cruxan!” she cried.

He looked up at her from between her thighs. Her beautiful eyes were dark with disbelief and ecstasy as she watched him lick a long line up her swollen slit.

Vrax, her taste! Sublime. Absolutely sublime.

Her thighs tensed around him. Was she close already? Cruxan was determined to find out. He wanted to discover everything that made her crazed. He wanted to discover everything she liked, every little thing that made her need him.

He eyed the hardened little bud he’d felt earlier and he watched her as he leaned forward, lapping at it slowly. Her stomach tensed and she panted and squirmed. Desire curled hot in his belly and he brushed his lips over it, her scent all around him.

When he softly closed his lips around the bud and gave it a gentle suckle, her hip jerked immediately and then she was crying out, her face scrunched up in pleasure as she orgasmed.

He purred, delighted with her, delighted that she was such a sensitive little creature. The things he would show her…the things he would do to her…

Once she lets me, he thought.

She was gasping as she came down from the high of it, but Cruxan didn’t stop. A strangled moan tore from her when she realized he had no intention of stopping. Not yet.


Her nipples were pebbled tight and her chest was heaving.

“I am just beginning, luxiva,” he growled.

Crystal shivered,already feeling her next orgasm build. She’d lost track after four. She guessed this impending one might be her sixth or seventh.

Her body ached, sore from tensing and writhing through the pleasure. Her pussy tingled constantly and Cruxan had begun to soften his strokes around her, as if he sensed she was nearing her limit.

It was strange. She was in some kind of euphoric state where everything seemed calm and yet nothing was. She was still floating on her back in the middle of the hot spring. Steam rose around her and her skin was so sensitive that she swore she felt the tendrils of it curl over her.

Above her was the night sky of Luxiria. Bright stars, so incredibly bright, of constellations she didn’t recognize. A bright moon that made the the sky look like it was from a dream.

Was this a dream? She couldn’t tell. It felt like one…one of her good ones, at least.

But no, this was reality. And reality was Cruxan, hot and strong and commanding her body in ways she never thought possible. She felt his arms underneath her back, holding her steady, though her arms drifted, weightless, across it. She felt his tongue deep inside her, lapping at her sensitive, clenching walls, wringing more and more pleasure from her than she’d thought possible.

His tongue was hot, hotter than the water of the hot spring and she squeezed her eyes shut when she felt another orgasm cresting.

Her back arched, her head tipping back into the water until it rushed in her ears. Sound muffled underneath the surface, mirroring the calm chaos that was building inside her.

Her eyes flashed open as her next orgasm came. In disbelief, she looked up at the night sky again and she was so overwhelmed that she felt tears well up in her eyes and drip down her temples, into the water.

On and on, pleasure pounded her, tearing away everything.

She heard a noise from Cruxan and then, suddenly, she wasn’t floating anymore. She found herself in his arms, trembling from it all, as he wiped her cheeks. Her tears, she realized.

Luxiva,” he rasped. “What is wrong? Did I do something?”

He’d stopped immediately because he’d seen her tears and she wanted to cry even more because of that.

God, she was a mess. But she supposed that six or seven or eight orgasms in a row could do that to a woman.

“N-nothing,” she breathed, wanting to reassure him. “No, you are…”

Amazing. Kind. Sexy as hell. Unlike anyone she’d ever imagined.

“You did nothing wrong,” she whispered, but his brows were drawn tight over his dark, wild eyes. She cupped his face and kissed him as reassurance, tasting herself on his tongue, which made her breath hitch. “I-It was amazing.”

“Tell me,” he murmured against her lips, obviously not convinced.

How could she when she didn’t even know?

She caught her breath in his arms, leaning her forehead against the side of his neck, feeling safe yet vulnerable at the same time. She still felt the remnants of her orgasms, little tendrils of pleasure that zinged through her body.

Luxiva,” he murmured, his own breathing ragged. Between them, he was still so hard. Impossibly so, but he’d already denied her touch once.

“You’re,” she started because she thought she should at least try to explain the bubbling of emotions inside her. “You’re the first male I’ve been with since…”

She didn’t want to say his name. She didn’t really want to think about him ever again so she told herself that she wouldn’t even say his name.

He blew out an unsteady breath, his muscles going tight against her. “Really?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I feel like I’ve locked myself away because of it, that I’ve built up these high walls around me to keep me safe…and yet right now, with you, I feel like I’m…”


“I feel like I’m free,” she whispered, looking up at him, her voice almost awed. “I wasn’t crying because of what you were doing. It was amazing. You are amazing. I just…that feeling overwhelmed me because it’s such a frightening but wonderful thing.”

His expression changed, though it was still unreadable. But there was something raw in his voice when he said, “I do not…I do not know if I can ever let you go, luxiva.”

Her belly tightened.

He meant back to Earth, if she decided to return home.

What would happen to him if she did?

She blinked back fresh tears and pressed her cheek to his chest so he wouldn’t see them. She didn’t reply because she didn’t know what to say. There were too many things to think about in regards to that and she didn’t think she had the energy to. Not after what they’d just done.

She felt raw and aching, yet charged and blissful. So why did she suddenly feel so sad? Was it because when he said those words he made it seem like she’d already made up her mind to leave?

Crystal thought of Lauren, back on Earth, though it was such a strange time to think of her. She would be seven months pregnant soon, unless she’d lost track of time, and Crystal would become an aunt to a beautiful little girl.

Would she ever see her though? Would she ever hug her sister again or laugh and play with her niece?

She let out a shuddering sigh into his skin and she listened to the sound of soft water trickling around them.

“Tell me about your sisters,” she asked.

If the request seemed strange, he didn’t comment on it. Instead, his hand ran through her wet hair, his dulled claws scraping pleasantly against her scalp.

“Their names were Kihxa and Ruttana,” he said, his voice quiet, deep. “They were younger than I. They should have survived it, most of the young did, but they did not.”

She heard the grief in his voice and she pressed her palm to his chest, feeling the thumping of his heart against it.

“Kihxa was kind. She was quiet and soft spoken. She liked to walk along the cliffs of the Otylia and I would walk with her sometimes when I was free of my training. She liked to talk about the others in our outpost, about those she knew or wished to know. She liked to think about their lives, about what they might become. There was a male in warrior training who she loved, but males in training are not allowed to take mates, unless they are fated. Not until they complete their required rotations. He loved her too, long after she died even.”

“What happened to him?” she asked, heartbroken for the both of them.

“He died during the war with the Jetutians,” Cruxan said, his voice gruff. “During the first rotation of it.”

Crystal pressed her lips together, thinking about all the tragedy that Luxirians must’ve experienced during that time. The tragedy that Cruxan had suffered…

“Rutanna…” he trailed off, a strange sound emerging from his throat. “She was like me, though that is not something to be celebrated. We were the complete opposites of our lovely Kihxa.” He gave her a sad smile that she felt pull at her chest. “She was mischievous. I do not know how many times I, or my mother, or my sire, or my sister had pulled her from some scheme or another. She stole a hovercraft once from the command center, left us a Com message that she was leaving Otala, to go live in the Golden City, though she knew no one there, though she had no where to live. I managed to track her down near here, near Kroratax, and I dragged her home, though she screamed at me the whole way back that I was ruining her life span.”

Crystal couldn’t help but chuckle, especially when she saw the rueful smile on Cruxan’s features.

“And she liked the males, believe me,” Cruxan murmured, shaking his head. “I have fought more males than I care to admit because of Rutanna. My father would have locked her away had he known how many,” he added, his lips pressing together at the mention of him. “I loved them both. I miss them often. Especially in Otala, where the memory of them is everywhere.”

“And your mother?”

“She was the best of us all,” he said simply, looking down at her. And that was all he needed to say to convey his love for her. She saw it there, his respect, his loss, his grief…

She reached up a hand to touch his cheek. “You sounded like you were a good brother. A good son,” she said softly.

“Is it strange that I still try to be, though they are all gone?” he asked.

“No,” she whispered. “Not at all. I try to do the same too.”

She tried to make her mother proud every day…because she’d let her down before. Too many times. She had failed her, but Crystal was doing what she could to make up for it.

Cruxan went quiet, though his hand still stroked through her hair.

“We never talked about that night,” he reminded her.

She sighed, heavy and short.

“We need to,” he told her.

“What is there to say? It happened. I just thought you should know about it, considering…”

He made a sound in the back of his throat. “There is much to say.”

She remembered the way he’d left their camp shortly after she’d told him. She remembered feeling hurt, though Beks had told her that it was Cruxan’s own perceived helplessness in the situation that had caused him to pull away.

“This…” he started before his mouth tightened. “He is a part of you.”

“I don’t want him to be anymore,” she whispered, panic fluttering in her belly.

“I wish I could take him away from you,” he told her gently. “I wish that more than anything, luxiva. I wish…” he broke off with a growl, his body tightening. “I wish I could do a lot more than that.”

The veiled fury in his voice told her exactly what he wished to do.

She thought that maybe Beks had been right.

“Why did you leave?” she asked, wanting to know for certain. “After I’d told you?”

His brow furrowed.

“I was a little hurt by it,” she admitted quietly.

An anguished expression came over his features. He expressed his emotions so readily, so freely…something she envied and admired about him.

Luxiva, I did not realize that,” he said. “I thought you would want time. I needed time too. I felt rage and grief and frustration. I did not think you needed to witness it, after what you had revealed to me.”

“I realize that now,” she said softly.

“I had never felt the need to do violence so powerfully before that moment,” he confessed to her. “It scared me, if I am being honest. I knew that violence was the last thing you needed.”

She appreciated his honesty, like always. She was beginning to believe him when he’d told her he would never lie to her. She thought him incapable of it.

“I feared you thought differently of me,” she admitted. “I feared you thought I was pathetic or weak.”

He made a sound of protest in the back of his throat, his hand tightening in her hair.

Never,” he growled. “I think that you were young. That you gave your soft heart to a male who did not deserve it and by then, it was too late.”

She blew out a shuddering sigh against his skin.

“You cared what I thought?” he asked softly next. “At that moment?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I did.”

He dropped his forehead down until it touched her own. He did it so often that she wondered if it was an intimacy among Luxirians, if it was their version of a kiss or a hug.

Either way, it made her feel warm and safe. It made her belly flutter and she was done fighting against those feelings.

“I think you are strong,” he murmured. “I think you are kind. I think you struggle to trust others but I think that you want to. And I think that you are the most beautiful being in this entire universe. That is what I think of you, luxiva.”

And just like that, Crystal thought the last of the thick walls she’d built up—the walls that Cruxan had slowly chiseled away since she’d met him—crumbled.