The Alien’s Seduction by Zoey Draven

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Oh my God, you guys had sex, didn’t you?” came a familiar female’s voice. “It’s written all over your face.”

Even from the sleeping quarters, Cruxan could practically sense his luxiva’s flush.

“No, we haven’t,” she said. “And you know he can hear you, right?”

Cruxan grinned, tying up the laces on his leg coverings before strolling out from the sleeping quarters, into the central hub. There, he found Beks standing in the doorway, conversing with his female.

He could hardly restrain his purr at the sight of Crystal, though she’d been in his arms moments before, right before he’d heard Beks approaching the dwelling. All morning and afternoon, they’d stayed tucked away in his sleeping platform, under his furs. Talking, eating, sleeping, kissing, and Cruxan had insisted on licking her cunt at least five times.

His female was smiling when she turned to peek over her shoulder at him. Her skin was soft, pink, and glowing. She had the look of a good, thorough mating, so he couldn’t blame Beks for thinking they’d had sex.

Beks turned to look at him with a discerning, pinched look and promptly said, “You know if you hurt her, I’ll rip your balls off, right?”

Cruxan raised his brow, his hand coming to rest on the swell of his female’s backside when he came to a stop next to her. He was pleased when she didn’t shy away from his touch. Rather, she leaned into it.

“You are a frightening female, you know that?” he murmured.

Beks smiled but it seemed more like she was baring her dull, little teeth. “And don’t you forget it, darling.”

“Consider it noted, female,” Cruxan said before his gaze strayed past her. “Is your mate at your dwelling?”

It was late afternoon, but the sky was already darkening. The towering trees spread throughout Kroratax only made it seem that much darker.

“Yes,” she said. “He just returned from the training pits, so he’s bathing. I think he wanted to speak with you actually. He said he’s going to come over once he’s finished.”

“I will go see him now,” Cruxan said, wondering if it was news of Jaxor’an, or perhaps the Mevirax. He brushed his hand through Crystal’s golden hair and said, “I will return shortly.”

She nodded and he sensed her gaze on him as he left.

When he reached Lihvan’s dwelling, he heard Beks say, “Girl, you totally want to jump his bones. I can see it.”

Crystal sighed. “He can still hear you.”

“Dammit,” Beks murmured. “It’s just not fair he has crazy ninja senses.”

Cruxan shook his head in amusement, briefly looking over his shoulder to his luxiva, who looked embarrassed by her friend’s comment.

He pushed back the door of the dwelling and went in search of Lihvan, the females’ voices growing fainter and fainter until he couldn’t hear them anymore.

He found Lihvan in the washing quarters. The fellow Ambassador didn’t look surprised to see him, just tipped back his head in the water to rinse his long hair, before addressing Cruxan with, “I half expected you to be chained to your sleeping platform with your mate.”

Cruxan leaned against the stone wall, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

“A tempting idea,” he said.

Lihvan grunted. “I never thought I would see the span.”


His friend smirked. “Where you gave up jumping from one female to the next. I believe you have told me on more than one occasion that you could not fathom being with one female for the rest of your life span.”

“So did Rixavox,” Cruxan pointed, “and look at him.”

Lihvan made a sound of agreement in the back of his throat.

“I feel vanquished,” Cruxan told him. “An unsettling feeling for a Luxirian…but one that I welcome nonetheless. Especially if it is at her hands.”

“I am happy for you, my brother,” Lihvan told him, wading to the edge of the bathing pool before pulling himself out. “You deserve happiness after much has been taken from you.”

Cruxan didn’t say anything. He didn’t know how to tell the other male that he feared his luxiva would still leave. He didn’t know how to tell him that he feared it would destroy him.

“You wished to speak with me,” Cruxan said.

Lihvan dried himself off with clean furs and then pulled out a fresh pair of leg coverings from a hidden compartment in the wall.

“You remember the blood sister of the warrior who stole the Luxirian crystal from the command center?” Lihvan asked.

Cruxan’s brow furrowed. “Tev. She had gone to seek out the Mevirax because she heard rumors that their females were cured.”

Her blood brother had stolen the Luxirian crystal because the Mevirax had asked it of him. They had told him that if he stole it, then they would heal his blood sister.

Cruxan’s lips pressed together, remembering having to extract that information from the young warrior. He was still housed in the dungeons in the Golden City, awaiting trial for his betrayal.

But truthfully, Cruxan didn’t know if he could blame him. If his own blood sisters had wanted something so deeply, wouldn’t he have done anything for them?

“Well, Vaxa’an informed me just now that she has returned to the Golden City,” Lihvan said.

“What?” Cruxan hissed.

“She claims the Mevirax lied. Their females cannot bear offspring. That there were not many of their females left even,” Lihvan said, his nostrils flaring. “She said they are dishonorable, that they no longer follow the path of the Fates, that they only seek to live from one span to the next. She said…they abused her.” Cruxan’s belly burned, thinking of his female, his fists clenching at his sides. “They are no more Luxirian than the Jetutians are. Not anymore.”

“I do not want to believe it,” he said. “Many Luxirians have gone to seek them out over the rotations. From all outposts. What did she say of them?”

Lihvan shook his head. “She said most never made it. She said she only found the Mevirax with her blood brother’s aid and that she escaped them by the Fates’ mercy only. It is a miracle in itself she managed to return to the Golden City. Vaxa’an said she had almost wasted away from crossing the Black Sands.”

Cruxan blew out a sharp breath. “And her brother?”

“Reunited, for now,” Lihvan said. “He still must go through trial. You know that.”

And it likely wouldn’t be a happy outcome. His best chance was exile. Perhaps his blood sister would accompany him.

“What need do the Mevirax have for a Luxirian crystal of that power?” Cruxan questioned out loud, something he thought of often. “Did she say?”

Nix, she did not,” Lihvan said, but something in his voice made Cruxan look at him. “She did report, however, that they have a Com communicator.”

Which meant they had access to off-planet systems.

“They could be in contact with any number of species,” Cruxan realized.

And many, many species would pay generously for a Luxirian crystal of that size, the most reliable fuel source to reach as far as the Fourth Quadrant.

Vrax,” he cursed, running a hand through his hair.

“My thoughts exactly,” Lihvan said. “We have to get the crystal back before they have a chance to sell it.”

“I know,” Cruxan gritted out.

“Vaxa’an is preparing an infiltration of their camp in the coming weeks,” Lihvan said. “He wanted me to tell you to ready your best warriors and send them to the Golden City at the first opportunity. I will be doing the same here in Kroratax.”

“You should have told me earlier when you received the message,” Cruxan said.

Lihvan said, “You deserve a rest, brother. You most of all, especially with your female. I am telling you now.”

Cruxan closed his eyes, already feeling the weight of his responsibilities resettle on his shoulders. It had been a nice reprieve with his luxiva. Wonderful.

He had never felt happier than when he was with her.

He swallowed at that realization, feeling it punch him in the gut.

“I did not tell Vaxa’an that you are still here,” Lihvan said quietly next. “He believes you are journeying to Otala as we speak.”

He blew out a breath.

“You must leave soon. Tomorrow,” Lihvan said. “Or else he will know.”

“I know,” Cruxan said, feeling dread weigh heavy in his chest. Because he knew there was a chance his luxiva would not come with him.

Lihvan tilted his head to the side, studying him. “I assume you will take your female with you.”

Cruxan held his gaze. “We have not discussed it yet.”

Lihvan’s brows raised. “Then you best discuss it soon.”

“I know,” Cruxan growled, already feeling the weight of that conversation.

And he couldn’t help but wonder…would this be their last night together?