Her Darkest Devils by Ginna Moran

Chapter 5


Dark Desires

“ANDRE, STOP! PLEASE!” Cool arms hug around my tail as Raven tries to stop me from impaling Zade. “Calm down. He’s been helping me. Lucian dropped me into a portal, and he answered my prayer. He only wanted to see you. He misses you.”

I roar, my deadly need to get my former brethren out of my kingdom and away from Raven’s soul all-consuming. Slamming the sharp point of my stinger into the ground, I rip up the road beneath Zade’s boots and send him sprawling backward. Raven dangles before me, swinging a few feet in the air.

I heave a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of her hands around my most powerful weapon. If she continues to mess with me, I might accidentally shoot venom from my retractable stinger. If that happens...I shiver in anticipation. All it would take is one prick to have a soul writhing on the ground in desperate lust, aching but never fully satisfied. Like me. At least, until now. I’ve been waiting what feels like forever for Raven to enter my kingdom in her physical form, because the lust I’ve been arousing in her during her sleep isn’t enough.

But she’s all I want. I will not accept anything less than her in all her delicious beauty. She is mine, and I’d rather starve and feel as if I live in torturous anticipation than find another relief. I just hope I’m not too much for her, because I know I’ll never get enough. I already want her so badly that I’m willing to release Zade, so he leaves and she stops worrying about the blasted bastard.

I can barely look at him. At his judgmental face. Surely he thinks of me as an abomination and a traitor, but I don’t regret my choice to save Raven.

“Andre,” Raven whispers. She releases my tail and drops down, stumbling back and falling on her butt. She doesn’t stay down long. Getting up, she raises her palms to me. “Andre, please. Just let him go. He was only helping me get to you, so you could open a portal to send me home.”

My body shudders as I gather my power and suppress my devilish nature. Striding forward, I gather Raven in my arms, pulling her up until she hooks her legs around me. The thought of her leaving so soon makes me ache everywhere but especially in my cock. My balls throb like I’ve been punched in them, and it takes her touching my cheeks to get me to focus on her instead of what she does to my body.

“You want to leave me already?” I murmur, groaning under my breath. “You just got here.”

“Of course I don’t want to leave you. I just—I need to get back to the Mortal Realm because Lucian gave Elias to Vincent. He is supposed to hide him until he dies. Kase and Dante—”

“If you let me go, I will find them and inform them for you,” Zade says, interrupting Raven’s pleas. “I want you to know that I’m not a threat, Andre.”

Raven’s heartbeat picks up speed, her mouth turning incredibly sexy with her pout. I imagine her lips parting for me to taste my body like she had done before. My muscles tense and flex, my desire eating away at my good senses. A sudden sweet fragrance permeates the air, wafting from Raven to me, and I lower her a few inches, letting her feel what she does to me. I realize the fragrance intoxicating me belongs to her, her body reacting to mine, and it gets more potent. I want to gulp in breath after breath. Just her lust helps settle the burning in my soul.

“Okay,” Raven says, her voice breathy. “You promise you’ll get them right away?”

Zade nods his head. “I do.”

Raven shudders a breath, her eyelids closing partially. She can sense my lust too. She craves me. Needs me. I can feel it in my carnal instincts. “Andre, please. If you let him go. I’ll stay until someone comes for me.”

“If you stay, I can’t promise not do with you as I please, Raven. You don’t understand what’s happening to me,” I mutter, locking my fingers through her hair and tilting her head to the side.

“But I do. You need me,” she whispers. “Your power comes from the sin you embody. Zade said so.”

I swallow and lick my lips, forcing myself to glance at Zade, but he’s already gone. Raven is now mine and mine alone in my kingdom. I’ve thought about this moment over and over since the second I claimed my throne and the energy that comes with it, zinging through every molecule on my body.

“I’ve been starving without you, little hellion,” I say, spinning on my feet. I’ve never been so excited to return to my empty palace, kept clear of anything that could test my restraint in ways I refuse to think about.

“You haven’t found...sustenance elsewhere?” Her voice remains soft like she’s afraid to ask or know the answer. “I understand if you did what you had to.”

I cock my head and look at her. Her beautiful eyes look toward the browning sky, the winds of lust separating the damned souls again, ensuring they’ll never get their fill for their wrong-doings—those who’ve done vile things in life fueled by their passion and desire. All here for eternal punishment. And I make it hurt.

“Are you suggesting that I could possibly find a cure for my unrelenting ache for you through one of these miserable souls? Or a bottom feeder demon? You’re it for me, little hellion. I would never betray you.” I search her eyes, wishing I could listen to her thoughts. “I’d rather go weak and suffer.”

Her frown softens as she thinks about what I say, and then she graces me with the most stunning smile that lights up her soul so brightly that it helps keep my urge to take her as my mate in the most intimate way in control.

“Thank-fucking-fuck,” she says, giggling in my arms.

She plants her palms to my cheeks and pulls me to her face, crashing her lips to mine in a kiss that quickens my pace. I will not give any of the damned the satisfaction of me getting my fill.

I chuckle against her soft lips. “I should punish you for even thinking for one second that me being with another could possibly be okay. Your soul is mine. My brethren didn’t even have to warn me about the rules of our eternity together if I chose a place by your side, which I have, Raven.”

She crinkles her nose, narrowing her eyes. “Fuck no, I didn’t think it was okay. I hated the thought. I wanted to cut a dick or bitch or whatever damn thing that could get you off. You think I’m yours, but you’re mine. That intimidating, rock-hard, enormous cock is mine. I licked it, so you know I’m serious.” She laughs with her words, her playfulness so endearing that I could let her take control of me however she wants. “I earned it. Corrupting you as an angel, and now I’m getting my reward by corrupting a devil too. Your virginity is mine.”

“You naughty little hellion, so boldly pointing out how ironic it is for me to take a seat on the throne of lust when I’ve never truly got to reap the benefits.” I ease her away from me until I surprise her by plopping her seductive ass on the black stone throne that I claimed as my own. “Since that’s the case, I must declare you as queen of my kingdom.” As much as I want to grab her knees and burn off her clothes to have my way with her, I don’t rush or push her. Micah warned me that I must proceed with caution and not overwhelm her. He had made the mistake of showing her more than she could handle, and it left a scar on her soul.

So following his advice, I’ve decided that I’ll make her want to stay. I’ll make her crave to come back to me. This will be our paradise.

“I love the sound of that...as long as I don’t have to control the masses outside these walls. That was...scary as fuck. I thought I was going to get trapped in a damn orgy.” She purses her lips with her words, her face flushing.

I can’t hear her thoughts, but whatever it is she’s thinking sets her body off again, her aroma not only sending a shockwave through my groin but also to my mouth. I swallow, my hunger growing.

“You are curious,” I say, touching her chin, leaning in to lock her in my gaze. “I am curious too. Do you think Kase and Dante would ever invite me to join the three of you?”

She tips her head back and laughs, the musical sound more breathy. Her face reddens even more, and she slides off the throne and in front of me. “What is it with you devils all wanting to ravish me at once? Kase will never let anyone fuck me with their cock around him unless he gets to do the same. At once.” She bares her bottom teeth. “And if I let the three of you, what about Micah and Elias? I don’t even know how that would work. Two holes, my mouth, and my hands. I won’t be able to do anything but lie there.”

I moan, imagining her beautiful body lying exposed and quivering in anticipation before me. “You won’t know unless you experience it. It might surprise you, like you have surprised me. I still think about you on your knees before me. I’ve been longing to reciprocate. I want to taste your desire. Just talking about all of the possibilities...” My words trail off. “Let me show you my wing. I need to forget about the world outside us. All I want is to think about you and your beautiful soul. It helps ease the beast within me.”

“Whatever you want and need, Andre. You’re here because of me, and I’m sorry it took all this bullshit to get me here. I was afraid.” Her honesty digs deeply into me, her soul, body, and mind open to me in a world where souls try to remain guarded.

“Let me change that,” I say, entering the opened double doors to my suite, still bare because adding things felt too permanent, especially because I hadn’t seen Raven apart from visiting through a portal.

Raven nods with a smile, hugging me close as I carry her to the bed fit for an army of devils. The thought of sharing Raven with the others has crossed my mind along with everything I want to experience with her. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands, just watching those entranced with burning lust from my palace balcony. It’s how I spotted her like a beacon of pure ecstasy among the tarnished mass of the damned.

“This place is astounding, Andre. Did you build it? I’m not sure how that works.” She caresses her fingers over my shoulders, drawing them over the spot I hide my wings with Hell power.

“Yes, in a way.” Setting Raven on the bed, I stand before her and close my eyes, tapping into the invisible energy coursing around us. “Hell power allows me to manipulate the energy around us.”

I press my palms together and gather enough power to turn it palpable in my hand until a glowing flower forms in between my fingers. The fire dissipates, leaving behind a delicate, velvety black rose, blooming just for Raven.

Her face lights up as I offer the rose to her, loving her reaction to the pure magic of a mortal soul. “That’s incredible.”

“You want to try?” I ask, sitting beside her. “You’re not just a soul in my kingdom. You’re my queen. It will work for you.”

Her eyes widen, and she bounces a little in anticipation. “Do I just think about it?”

I nod my head. “Yes. Absorb the power inside of you.”

Raven closes her eyes and rubs her palms together, concentrating on something in her mind’s eye. Her body bursts into a fiery light, and she gasps and reaches for me. I stare in awe as the Hell power fades. Flipping her midnight hair behind her shoulder, she exposes her breasts now adorned in black and red lace.

She scoots more onto the bed and rests on her elbows, rubbing her smooth thighs together. “What do you think? You gave me a rose, so I thought...I’d give you this.”

My breath catches at the sight of her beauty and how she wraps her body like a gift just for me. It sets off my carnal desire, and I can’t stop my body from taking control of my mind. A deep groan reverberates up my throat. I need her more than I ever knew, my desire banishing all my hesitation to give her what she wants.

Lunging forward, I surprise her by grabbing her ankles and dragging her to the edge of the bed. She will see me kneel before her and bury my face into the sweet warmth of her pussy. I can almost taste her, her scent more powerful the closer I get. Gasping, she laughs in surprise only to have me steal her voice with a kiss. I taste her mouth, gliding my tongue over hers, enjoying her lips while my hands explore the smoothness of her skin.

“You’re so hypnotic,” I murmur, breaking from her mouth to kiss her jaw. “I’m going to eat you until I get my fill. I want to hear you scream my name in vain.”

Raven moans as I ignite Hell power like a candle on the tip of my finger. I draw it down her clavicle, leaving behind a pink trail in my wake. The front of her bra snaps open, and I bow forward, sucking her breast into my mouth and rolling her tight, pebble-like nipple with my tongue.

Moaning, Raven arches her back and eases her legs open with her desire, silently inviting me to her. She blindly reaches for me. I give her what she wants by undressing with the help of my Hell power. Her small hand laces around my hard-on, the sensation zinging a burst of energy right to my balls. I groan and break from her nipple, working my way down in fast desperation. I want her so badly. It hurts me in a good way. I’ve been so pent up with this need that all it takes is for Raven to stroke her finger down my shaft and to my balls to send me over the edge.

Another shockwave courses through me, and I grunt as I cum all over Raven’s stomach. The release shadows the edges of my vision as ecstasy feeds into me. But it’s not enough. It’ll never be enough.

“I’ve been dying, little hellion. Everything about you...I need more. I need your pleasure. That’s what will fulfill me.”

“Damn,” she whispers, but it’s not in disappointment. She’s amazed with me, her heart picking up pace.

“What’s on your mind, little hellion? I’m no good at guessing and don’t have the luxury to know what you’re thinking.” A part of me knows that she might compare me to the other devils or maybe even bastard, unworthy mortals. I won’t let it bother me, though. I’m ready to prove why lust is my kingdom. “I’m not a naïve feather-head anymore either.”

She laughs breathlessly and grabs the blanket, wiping off the cum on her stomach. “I’m sorry. It was unexpected.”

“That’s how starved my body is for you. I must warn you, I might be different, but I lack the experience to really let you know.” I trace my finger along her hip and over her thigh.

She shifts her knee, giving me a view of her delectable body I want to acquaint myself to. I keep my eyes glued to hers as I quietly memorize every inch with my finger, feeling the dampness of her folds as I spread her pussy lips apart and rub my finger across the pink nub of her clit.

Gasping a moan, she says, “Different doesn’t scare me. It excites me. You excite me. I’m so fucking horny just being close to you. It’s unlike anything I’ve felt. Almost torturous. It’s taking all my willpower not to knock you on your back, climb on top of you, and see how much of you I can take.”

“I think I’m in love, little hellion. Your words—fuck. You’re mine.” I slip my finger inside her, the slippery warmth of her excitement making my cock pulse. My mouth water. I want to gorge on every one of her sexual desires. I watch her chest rise and fall, her fingers scrunching the blankets, and then I bring my wet finger to my mouth and suck it, closing my eyes as I savor the sweet nectar of her pussy. “You can live your darkest desires...when I’m through.”

A sexy whimper escapes her lips as I spread her legs wide enough to fit my broad shoulders between them. She remains upright on the edge of the bed while I kneel. Starting slow, I familiarize myself with her seductive beauty, gliding my tongue over her knee and licking my way up to her thigh. Her fingers run through my hair in anticipation. She craves me as much as I do her.

“My stunning, delicious soul,” I murmur, gliding my tongue over the seam between her legs until I reach the spot I know she favors attention. Her moan strikes me in the balls, and I groan and bury my face, sucking and licking her clit, letting her moans guide me in satisfying her desire.

“Oh, God,” she says, arching and yanking my hair.

Her words sting my ears as she unintentionally calls out to the Higher Power. And I hope It listens now. I yearn for the saviors to know exactly what I have become and what I get with this beautiful soul. She fulfills me unlike anything ever has in my eternity. Her light feeds my darkness, giving me more power than I’ve ever had. I feel like a god—like her god—as she whimpers in ecstasy, worshipping and praying for the pleasure I arouse in her.

Raven’s body tenses, and she thrusts herself back, clutching the bed and lifting her hips as the magic of her bliss showers me in a mist of pure, hot passion. If I could lick myself clean, I would. The taste of her on my lips is better than anything.

“Holy shit,” she exclaims, gasping and squirming, extending her arms to me. “I think my soul left my body for a second. It was like I saw Heaven again but it wasn’t Heaven. It was you. It was—fuck.”

I grin and hook my arm around her, dragging her onto the bed by her waist. She doesn’t let me get on top of her but pushes me onto my back with the strength of Hell. I moan, my muscles rippling, my body humming. She straddles my legs and uses both her hands to stroke my cock as she bounces slightly, using my shaft to rub her clit.

“Are you ready to be fucked by your queen?” she says, her voice sultry and breathy. Her incomparable beauty enthralls me as much as her excitement does. She’s anxious and needy, and I know I’m the only cure for her unrelenting lust, triggered by my kingdom. “I’ve been dreaming about corrupting you, Andre. Fucking you how you want.”

Fire flickers in her eyes, her newfound dominance so sexy. It’s the only reason I want to give in and let her have her way with me. At least this once. Letting her have her way will help guide me into discovering what exactly sets her off. I want to satiate her and then take my fill.

“I’m more than ready,” I murmur, groaning as she bows forward to kiss me, aligning her body to mine. “Feed into my desire and take what you may.”

Half-squatting, she eases my tip into her hot pussy, slowly at first as her body stretches to accommodate mine. We moan together, the sensation of how tight and wet she is sending electricity through me. She pants, rocking her hips, moaning with every inch she takes in and out.

“You’re so fucking big. It feels so good,” she says, biting her lip as she picks up her pace. “I thought it would hurt.”

“You’ve been chosen by the devil of lust. There is no pain in your pleasure unless you enjoy it,” I murmur, lacing my fingers through her hands. “Your body will bend to our desires. There are no limitations in my kingdom.”

Her brows furrow together. “It will?”

I lick my lips and send Hell power burning across my fingers. “Do you want to find out?”

Her eyes widen as the thoughts cross her mind. My skin hums, the energy around us so intoxicating that I can only think about what it’ll feel like to enter her in my entirety. My power won’t hurt her. I am made of pure pleasure. She will see.

“Whatever you want, but not my ass,” she says, smiling. “It’s been claimed.”

“For now,” I tease.

Arching forward, I crash my lips to hers and flip her on her back, using my Hell power to awaken her body in a way that makes her startle and scream in bliss. I thrust into her, knowing how she likes it rough and wild. Her desires run clear and hot through my mind, playing out everything she wants from our passion. I gasp and intake a breath, the energy alone enough to fill the ache in my body.

“Whoa, fuck! Fuck! That feels fucking incredible and strange at the same time,” she says, hooking her legs around me. “What is happening, Andre? God.”

“Embrace your darkest desires,” I whisper. “Shout it to the Heavens. Louder. I want you to scream.”

“You’re my darkest devil, aren’t you, Andre?” she asks, moaning and tipping her head back. “Your need unlike anyone’s.”

“And you are my light.” Grabbing her leg, I stretch it up over her head as I rock hard and fast, stealing her ability to do anything but scream her pleasure. “My eternity. I’ll starve without you.”

Our gazes lock, and I lose myself in the beautiful depths of her eyes, my body frantic with need, my cock finding such relief. Heat grows in my balls, the sensation stealing my breath. I’ve never felt anything like it, and the most thrilling explosion shudders through me as Raven grows even tighter...no, I grow bigger. I can’t see my cock, but the sensitivity increases, and I cum so hard that the bed rocks and Raven yells my name, scratching me hard enough to make me bleed.

She screams her moan, her body stiff and arched and trembling. “Fuck, Andre. What’s happening? My body. The orgasm.” She heaves a breath between each set of words. “It’s lasting forever.”

“It’s my venom,” I say, moaning, drowning in both our pleasure. “I didn’t realize...”

I ease my hips, starting to slide out of her, but another explosive sensation quakes through me. Shit. It feels so good.

I try to slide out to thrust back into her, wanting to hear her scream in more intense pleasure, but the tightness persists and I can only move a few inches.

“Raven,” I murmur, my mind hazy with lust. “The ache in my being hasn’t subsided, and...I think I can’t let you go.”

She pants, her pouty mouth puffing with each of her breaths. “You don’t have to. It feels so good. Incredible. I need more of you too. I want you to bend me over.”

I groan at the thought of hitting her spankable ass with my hips, and once again try to slide out of her but my cock throbs. Tightening my jaw, I slowly keep trying, ignoring the discomfort. Raven might freak out if I can’t figure out how to get my body to release her. I knew I might be different. I can taste lust and desire. Passion fills a void inside me. And Raven? Maybe I really can’t truly bear eternity without her.

“Uh, Andre, you okay?” she asks, her eyes still heavy with the pheromones emanating from me. “You stopped.”

I shake my head and push deeper, rocking my body until she clings onto me. Adjusting my legs, I get on my knees and reposition her, gripping her knees to pick up my pace again, able to slide in and out of her but not all the way. The sensation sends another round of shudders through me, my nuts tightening, and I grunt and lose myself to her body again, pushing away the fact that I’m stuck. Does it matter? Not until she figures it out.

Thrusting into her over and over, I savor the sensation of her light caressing my skin. The position exposes her clit to me, and I take my time stroking her, hearing her passion sing through the air with every melodious, sexy moan and groan, every pant and gasp. I don’t need Heaven anymore, and it’s clear why. Raven is my Heaven. My paradise. The only eternity I can imagine.

“Andre,” Raven murmurs, stretching her arms out to me. “Cuddle me for a minute. I need to catch my breath. You’re insatiable.”

“You have no idea.” I lie on top of her, resting on my elbows. Brushing my lips to hers, I kiss her softly and sensually, slowing down my passion to just enjoy her.

But then she tries to pull away from me.

I groan, my body throbbing again. It’s no use. I have to tell her before she accidentally tries to rip my cock off. She could hurt herself in the process. I’ll heal, but her? I need to protect that delectable, sweet, perfect pussy of hers until she can claim her throne in Purgatory when the rest of the sinners jump from grace. Then she’ll be able to handle every devilish piece of me.

“Andre, you didn’t transform partially or something by accident? I can’t seem to move. The pressure increases when I try. It’s like you’re getting bigger.” She releases a light giggle. “That’s ridiculous, right?”

I deadpan, meeting her eyes. “I’m not sure.”

“You’re not sure?” she asks, her voice rising in confusion. She puffs out a breath. “Of course you’re not. You’ve never...damn. This was so fucking amazing that I forgot you were a virgin.” Her bubbling laughter rings through the air, slightly maniacal, but she doesn’t start whacking me like I expect. “But there must be something.”

I close my eyes. “I don’t know.”

“This can’t be our lives now.” Her comment comes out a whisper like she’s speaking only to herself. “Maybe you just need to cum again.”

“Maybe.” I don’t want to admit how much I’ve cum in her already. It’s the reason she still pants heavy breaths and squirms beneath me. Her mouth says she wanted to rest but her body begs for more.

She laughs again and smiles, cupping my face with her hands. Kissing me, she sucks my bottom lip into her mouth, setting me off again. My body hums and I start again, rocking slowly at first until I can’t control my need and thrust hard and fast. Raven gasps her moans, clinging onto me, just whispering my name.

I grunt, my body exploding with the mind-blowing sensation as I cum again.

Fuck. It’s all I can think. I worry she’s not going to be able to take much more of me. What if this ruins my chance of getting her to return to me? I’ll experience eternal torture. All because my damn cock refuses to let her go.

“I’m sorry,” I say, gasping breathlessly against her shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

“Andre, it’s—”

“The most unsexy thing ever for you to apologize for a poor performance,” Kase finishes, putting words in Raven’s mouth. “Devil up and keep that ass going.” His voice echoes through my vaulted chambers. “Come on. Don’t make me show your virgin ass what to do.”

“Kase! Fuck, Kase. You came,” Raven says, wiggling beneath me.

“What are you talking about, angel-girl? I didn’t cum, but if you invite me over...” Kase’s teasing voice calms Raven’s racing heart.

“You better not fucking leave me out,” Dante says, humming. “This kingdom gets me right in the nuts. I mean, shit, Andre. I’ve had an uncontrollable boner since we arrived.”

Raven groans. “Don’t you two even think about it. We’re stuck. Like fucking dogs.” Her exasperation tells me that she’s silently freaking out and didn’t want to make me feel badly.

Bellowing a laugh, Kase flops on the bed and rolls by our side. “Of-fucking-course. Your cock is huge.”

Raven whacks Kase in the shoulder. “No, seriously.”

Dante climbs on the other side. “King of Lust is a knotter. Fucking awesome.”

“Awesome? Are you serious? You know this means I can’t have sex with you, right? He’s stuck.” Raven purses her lips.

“Aw, come on, angel-girl. You know that bitable ass of yours wants me. Maybe this was destiny.” Kase grins, stroking his finger along her jaw. “What do you say?”

“Damn it. You know what? Get your asses out. I accept that this is my life now.” Raven flicks Kase’s shoulder. She turns back to me and kisses me, purposefully egging the other devils on. “Just ignore them, Andre. They’ll get anxious and take this more seriously.”

I nod, loving her need to punish Kase and Dante for their flippant attitude. “Anything you want.”

“Orgasms,” Dante says, his voice gruff. “Give her more orgasms. We all get our power from our sins, and you’ve been without for too long. You’re like an incubus in a way, feeding off her sexual desires. So make her cum.”

Determination courses through me, and Raven kisses me again, unfazed by being watched. She enjoys it. I can sense it in her dark desires. She craves the attention Kase and Dante live to give her. Using my hand, I rub Raven’s clit until her body tenses with her orgasm. I moan with her, inhaling deep breaths of the incredible scent wafting from her.

“Here, I’m dying to help. Just pound the Hell into her,” Dante says, flicking out his forked tongue.

Raven doesn’t stop him, so I nod and move my hand, watching him lick her body, not even caring how close my cock is. Arching, Raven screams in pleasure, her ecstasy overpowering my racing thoughts. Kase cheers like a fucking bastard, getting off on watching me devour Raven’s sexual appetite along with my own.

My muscles tense and pulse, a wave of the most indescribable pleasure crashing through me sends me bowing forward. Dante swears and manages to move before his head gets caught between us, and I cum so hard that my cock finally releases Raven, and I slide out.

“Spill in the Lust Level,” Kase says in amusement. “Damn. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Get our soul a towel or some shit. She’s not going to want us to watch her drip.” Dante summons a blanket with his Hell power and drapes it over Raven. He leans over and kisses her forehead. “I’m going to reward you with the best fucking bath of your life, pretty soul.”

Kase slaps my back, chuckling. “And as for you, fucker. I hope you got your fill. It’s taken us damn near three days trying to find Raven. I had to fucking barter with Lucian to tell me what level she fell.”

“She’s been here three days?” I ask in surprise. “Impossible. I didn’t feel her until she entered my kingdom not long ago.”

“Don’t know why. She’s different,” Dante says.

I know immediately that it’s not due to her angel-kissed soul. It was Zade. He was shielding her the whole time if they came from Wrath’s Kingdom. Was he trying to keep her hidden on purpose? Protecting her? It doesn’t matter.

“So Zade never went to you?” Raven asks, her soft voice drawing everyone’s attention to her. “You don’t know about Elias?”

“Zade? What the fuck were you doing with him? And Elias?” Kase cocks his head. “He’s not with you?”

“Fucking Lucian said he’s punishing you both for trying to send him home through a portal.” Dante growls under his breath.

“We have to go. Now!” Raven screeches, wrapping the sheet around her.

I don’t have a chance to react as Kase opens up a portal to the Mortal World right before me. Anger rushes through me, and I swing my arm, trying to snatch Raven from the bed. She can’t go yet. I need her.

Kase lashes his tail, snapping it against my hand, leaving a welt. “Don’t start, Andre. She’s not yours alone.”

“But I need her!” I shout, my skin rippling.

“Get her out of here. I’ll keep him back,” Kase says, transforming into his true body. He roars, swiping his dagger nails at me. “Go!”

I summon Hell power, letting it rip through my body, revealing the monster I’ve become. Whipping my tail, I aim my stinger at Kase. He jumps out of the way and through the portal as my stinger sinks into the floor. I was too slow.

Raven is gone, and it’s Lucian’s fault again.

He thinks he’s the most powerful, but he will break.

Hell’s mine now. I will make him suffer.