Psync by Zile Elliven

Chapter Thirty-Three


He got to their room in under two minutes, phone in hand, ready to call if he didn’t find Haruka there.

The door slammed against the wall when he opened it, but when he got inside, he found Haruka sitting on the floor, playing his guqin. He looked up at Eli’s dramatic entrance.

“Uh, hi! Have you eaten yet? I’m starving.” Eli asked, feeling awkward as hell. Had he been overthinking things?

Haruka pointed to the table next to him. There was an open pizza box with half a pizza inside.

“Great, thanks.”

Eli sat down. It didn’t seem like anything was wrong. How was he supposed to ask why Haruka hadn’t been his usual, possessive self this evening? Was he finally getting sick of Eli?

“So . . . how was your evening?”


“That’s good.” Why Eli so awkward all of the sudden? “Did you finish studying?”

Haruka nodded and continued to play.

“So, why did you decide to learn to play the guqin?” Oh no . . . he was so stressed out he was doing the random babbling thing.

“I like historical C-dramas so—”

“Jace asked me out.” Eli said, half hysterically, jumping to his feet. He couldn’t sit still right now. Not when he felt like he was about to explode.

The music stopped, but Haruka didn’t say anything. He didn’t look at Eli either. Instead, he was motionless.

“I said no and he was really nice about it and then I came home and also why haven’t you texted me?”

“Did you want me to?” Haruka slid the instrument off his lap.

“No . . . I don’t know . . . maybe? Why are you asking hard questions?”

Haruka said nothing in the eloquent way only he was able to achieve.

“Didn’t you pick up anything when it happened?”

“I noticed you were surprised a few minutes ago, but I thought it was from the show you were watching. You’ve been feeling things all night long.”

“So, you were paying attention?”

Haruka gave him a Look.

“Don’t look at me like that. I can’t read your mind.” Unlike some people. “Are you mad?”

Haruka shook his head.

This wasn’t helping with the anxiety that had been creeping up on him for the past few hours. Jace’s announcement had made it worse. Right now, Haruka was turning it into torture.

Was Eli subtle enough to get his antianxiety meds without drawing attention to himself? Did he even know where they were? It had been weeks since he’d even thought about them.

“What’s going on then?” Eli asked in small voice. “Are you tired of me?”

Haruka went very still. “How can you ask me that?”

“I don’t know you as well as you know me. For all I know, you could get sick of me and decide to be with someone else.” His stomach was a wasteland of a million stabby little knives. Eating wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

“Tell me you’re joking.”

“Tell me what you were doing at the booth with Kate after the club fair.” Eli slapped both hands over his mouth. It was literally the last thing he’d wanted to say, and yet there it was, out and about like a park pervert in a trench coat.

“After the club fair.” Haruka tilted his head thoughtfully. “You saw that?”

“Yes,” Eli said miserably. Usually when he felt this bad, he’d crawl into Haruka’s lap. What the heck was he supposed to do when he felt this way because ofHaruka?

There was a long, horrible moment where Haruka did nothing. Then he gave a small laugh. He reached under the table and opened a drawer Eli hadn’t even known existed, pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper, and handed it to Eli.

“What . . .?”

“Open it.”

Hesitant fingers unrolled the paper to reveal the messy, splotchy kanji Eli had written that day at the fair. Eli traced the character for Haruka. “You kept this?”

“I went back to the booth to ask for it. That’s all.”

“Oh.” Eli’s mouth tasted like blood, and he realized he’d chewed the inside of his cheek to shreds. “Why?”

“You know why.”

“So, you’re not into Kate?”

“I don’t even know which one Kate is.”

“Then you’re not tired of me?” Eli’s feet brought him a step closer to Haruka.


“Then what happened tonight?” Everything around Eli felted warped and surreal. He was actually interrogating his boyfriend on why he wasn’t acting like a stalker, like it was a bad thing.

“I was trying to be supportive . . . and to show you I trust you.” Haruka unfolded himself from his position on the floor and stood up. “But it’s been challenging.”

“Why? I mean, supportive is great, I love support, but why all of a sudden?”

“Because I don’t want you to leave me.”


Now that was more like the Haruka he knew. His stomach stopped trying to claw it way out of his throat, which allowed Eli a chance to calm down enough to really look at his boyfriend. Up close he didn’t look as relaxed as Eli originally thought when he came home. His eyes were tight at the corners and his fingertips were white, like he’d been clenching his hands recently.

“Leave you? I love you, why would I leave you?” Just the idea made him sick. “You might as well ask me to chop off a hand—” Eli stopped as Haruka’s eyes turned predator bright.

What had he said? He rewound the past few seconds in his head. Eli’s cheeks burned when he realized what he’d just confessed to. Until that exact moment, he hadn’t fully realized exactly how true they wore.

Eli loved Haruka.

“Say it again.” Haruka drew so close his toes were nearly touching Eli’s.

“Well, I do!” Eli stuck his chin out. “Love you, I mean.”

“And here I thought you were going to make me say it first . . .” Haruka whispered, closing the distance between them, stopping when there was only a hairsbreadth of space between his face and Eli’s.

English was too limiting sometimes. Japanese had several ways to confess—from the cute suki that meant I like you, or daisuki which sort of meant love, but was closer to I’m super into you and want to get more serious. Then there was the term that meant a lasting, forever kind of love.

“Aishiteru.” Eli touched Haruka’s chest, willing him to hear that Eli understood exactly what he was saying.”

Haruka placed a hand over Eli’s. “Watashi mo aishiteru.”

I love you too.

It was so simple and incredibly sweet.

They were simply two college kids confessing to one another in their dorm. It should have felt anticlimactic—their beginning had been rocky and at times even explosive. So, this felt right. Like they’d found a balance.

“And I’m going to rip Jace’s arms off next time I see him.”

“There’s the Haruka I know. I was wondering where he was hiding.” Eli went on his toes and nudged Haruka’s cheek with his nose.

“I wasn’t hiding, I was being respectful.”

“You’re so respectful. Should I go back upstairs so you can keep practicing?” Eli teased.

Haruka growled. “Don’t push me, Eli.”

“Or what?” Eli was suddenly very interested in knowing what would happen if he kept pushing.

They’d had a lot of naked fun together, but they’d never gone further than getting each other off. There were more fun things they could get up to—Eli had done extensive research on the matter. But Haruka had never pushed for anything more. What if he was only being respectful?

There was such a thing as too much respect.

“You don’t like thinking about me being with someone else?” He was going too far, he knew he was, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Haruka was so contained. Eli wanted to see what it would take to make him lose control.

“Don’t even joke about it.” Haruka grabbed Eli’s arms and hauled him against his chest. Eli’s toes were barely scraping the ground.

“You’re always so careful with me. Aren’t you afraid I’ll get bored?” He wasn’t bored, not even a little, but he was curious. Curious enough to ignore the fire igniting behind Haruka’s eyes and the warnings he kept giving and continue to push to see what it got him. And since Haruka was touching him, he trusted the man would understand that Eli was actively trying to provoke him rather than suggest he was actually bored.

I want this. Show me the fire you keep trying to hide. Eli gazed into Haruka’s eyes as he thought the words at him.

Haruka’s fingers dug into Eli’s arms with bruising force, and Eli gasped, but not in pain.

“Fire burns, Eli.”

“I trust you.” There was no world where Haruka would continue to do something if Eli wanted him to stop.

Haruka nodded, as if it were a contract they’d just agreed on. “I will never break your trust. If your heart asks me to stop, I will, but if your mouth does, I will find it something better to do.” The fire in his eyes had transformed into a flaming tiger, pacing back and forth, waiting for its moment to strike.

“Game on, then,” Eli whispered.

Eli closed his eyes and took a breath. Then another.

“Let me go, Haruka.” Eli opened his eyes and gave him a little push.

Eli’s toes left the floor. His feet dangled in the air as Haruka brought Eli’s mouth to his.

“I don’t think so,” Haruka said between one kiss and the next.

“Put me down.” Eli twisted, trying to get free. The burn against his skin as he fought the hold on his arms was fucking perfect. How did he make Eli feel like being small was such a good thing?


How far could they go?

“As far as you want to go, chibisuke,” Haruka said as he began to nip his way along Eli’s jaw. “You can’t even imagine some of the things I want to do to you.”

Eli thought sticking him in a cat-maid costume was somewhere on the list.

Haruka pulled away from Eli’s neck. “You’re not wrong.”

Eli took the small distraction as an opportunity to shove Haruka’s chest as hard as he could and twist his lower body to gain the momentum to tear himself loose—gambling Haruka would choose not actually hurting him over holding on.

His feet hit the floor, and he sprinted for the door. He made it two feet before Haruka grabbed him by the waist, dodged his flailing arms, and threw him over his shoulder.

“Clever kitty. But not fast enough.” He tossed Eli onto the bed and pinned him with ease. “Now that I know you might run, I have to do something about it.”

Haruka reached for his nightstand and pulled out something fuzzy that clinked faintly as he brought it out. He held his hand up, making sure Eli got a good look at two sets of fur-lined, padded cuffs.

Eli’s heart skipped a beat. When did he get those? “Don’t even think about it.” He hissed.

For a split-second, Haruka paused, and the fire in his eyes banked. He raised an eyebrow at Eli.

Oh my god, fucking yesssssss. Eli shouted in his mind.

Haruka’s mouth twitched, and the hesitation was replaced with smug amusement. Then the flames turned into a bonfire.

Eli fought as Haruka trapped both hands in his and expertly put the cuffs on, then attached each to the bed posts.

Eli pulled at his restraints as hard as he could, but they didn’t budge—he was splayed out and vulnerable. Haruka could do anything he wanted now. White misted over his mind, and he hovered on the edge in the delicious space between busy thoughts and blissful peace.

Haruka took the collar of Eli’s shirt in both hands and tore it down the middle.

Eli tipped over the edge, spiraling into a world where he didn’t have to think or make decisions. Haruka was in charge now. All Eli had to do was be good for him.

Hands unzipped his pants and pulled them down his legs, leaving him in nothing but a pair of thin boxers and the remnants of a torn shirt. A small needy noise escaped him as his cock sprang free from the opening in his boxers.

“You’re already so hard for me,” Haruka said as he took Eli in the palm of his hand. “What a good kitty.”

His grip tightened.

“Ahhhhh . . .” Eli keened, arching his hips up into Haruka’s grasp, desperate for friction.

A large hand wrapped around his hip and pressed him back down.

Haruka took his hands off him completely and sat back on his heels, one knee on either side of Eli’s legs. He wasn’t crushing Eli, but he had him thoroughly pinned.

Haruka looked Eli in the eye and gave him a saturnine smile. There was a tearing sound, and Eli’s boxers became a thing of the past.

His breath came in short little pants as he watched Haruka free one of Eli’s thighs and press a kiss onto it. He traced his tongue up the soft, sensitive skin of Eli’s inner thigh and sank his teeth in right before he reached the apex.

The first bite was light, testing.

The second one was not.

Eli’s world whited out, and he nearly came on the spot.

“Be good, Eli. I haven’t given you permission yet.”

“T-trying . . .” Eli panted.

Haruka kissed the abused spot and moved onto the other thigh to give it the same treatment.

Eli was ready for it now and rode the waves of pleasure and pain until he could barely breathe.

His cock was leaking steadily, and Eli would have given anything if Haruka would just touch it—or let him touch himself.

“Anything?” Haruka had moved until his mouth was poised over Eli’s aching member, his warm breath on it amplifying the already unbearable torture.

“Anything you want, I promise.” Eli begged.

Hot lips descended on him, and it was like the heavens had opened. If this was what dying felt like, he was fully onboard.

“Haaaaaa . . .”

Haruka’s tongue swirled around the head and dipped briefly into Eli’s weeping slit. Then he pulled away.

“No dying, Eli. I’m not done with you and won’t be for a very long time.”

:Not ever.: Haruka’s mental voice was loud and stamped onto Eli’s mind like a brand.

His mouth engulfed Eli fully, swallowing him to the base.


Eli slowly lost his mind to the way Haruka devoted every ounce of his attention to wringing every bit of pleasure he could get out of the boy’s body. Eli was like his own personal instrument, and Haruka seemed to thrive on each noise he couldn’t hold back.

And if he didn’t slow down Eli was going to lose control.

“Please, please, I’m close, just let me . . .”

Haruka hummed and picked up the pace.

“No . . . stop . . . I’m—”

Haruka’s sucked harder and gave just a hint of teeth, and Eli went over the edge. He watched Haruka’s throat work as he swallowed every last drop.

The world went a bit slow and a bit soft for a while as Eli struggled to pull his brain back together. Finally, he said, “You did that on purpose.”

Haruka ran his tongue over his lower lip and smiled lazily. “My mouth was occupied, or I would have given you permission.”

“You’re still going to punish me, aren’t you?” Why did his heart rate pick up like that?

Haruka’s smile went positively feral. “Would I do something like that?” He prowled his way up Eli’s body slowly, and the buttons on his shirt dragged against Eli’s skin. “Is it a punishment if I make you beg me to do it?”

Eli couldn’t take his eyes off of the curve of Haruka’s mouth as he spoke.

“Wh-what are you going to do?”

“Wait and see.”

Haruka locked eyes with Eli and began to unbutton his shirt. He seemed to love having Eli’s eyes on him and only him. Nearly every time they played together, he would make sure Eli was naked and quivering below him before he removed a stitch of his own clothing.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want Eli to touch him. It was because he wanted Eli to be gagging for it before he did.

Eli was already gagging for it, and he only wanted it more as more smooth, glowing skin was revealed. But he had a strong feeling Haruka wouldn’t allow any touching this time.

“You’re very smart.” Haruka pulled his shirt off one arm and then down the other before letting it fall to the floor.

Dude had a sadistic streak for someone who spent so much of his time taking care of Eli.

“I’m planning on taking very good care of you tonight, Eli.”

The dark promise Eli found in Haruka’s eyes made him shiver in all the right places.

Haruka traced a finger over Eli’s lower lip, dipping into his mouth briefly to wet it. Then he trailed his hand down Eli’s chest and ran his spit-slick fingertip over one of Eli’s nipples.

His eyes were half closed, and he watched Eli writhe under him with a gleam of satisfaction.

“Sometimes I want to keep you here, just like this. My toy. Mine to use and use and use until you beg me to stop.”

Eli was finding it difficult to think through the beautiful haze, but it didn’t sound like a bad thing to him.

Haruka laughed darkly. “Don’t tempt me, Eli.

:Mine. If anyone ever tries to touch him like this, I will kill them.:

It wasn’t as loud as the last time Eli heard his mental voice, but it was still crystal clear. Haruka’s iron control over their bond was slipping.

Good. Eli wanted Haruka to fall apart for him too.

Eli bit his lip and didn’t try to hold back a moan when Haruka pinched his nipple cruelly. When he knew he had Haruka’s fully attention, he ran his tongue over his lower lip slowly, taunting him.

:I’m going to fucking wreck him if I’m not careful.:

“Yesssss . . .” Eli didn’t care what happened to him anymore, all he wanted was to be closer to Haruka, to be possessed and claimed, to be owned so fully, he’d never doubt how much Haruka wanted him.

Haruka made a strangled sound in his throat, closed his eyes and turned his head away, inhaling deeply. When he turned back, his eyes were calmer.

That wouldn’t do. The soft haze Eli had been drifting in had morphed into something primal when Haruka’s control started to break. He wanted—no, needed to know what would happen when it did.

Eli did a slow roll of his hips and arched into Haruka and got the pleasure of watching something akin to lightning flash in Haruka’s eyes.

“You’re not being good for me, Eli.” Haruka warned.

Eli laughed. “Would you want me this much if I was always good for you?”

“I will always want you . . . but if you want to play this game,”—Haruka leaned forward, released Eli’s hands from the headboard, and flipped him over effortlessly—“you have to be prepared for the consequences.”

“Wait—” If he couldn’t see Haruka’s eyes, how would he know when he pushed him over the edge?

Hands went over his, covering them and pinning them once more. “Oh, you’ll know . . .” Haruka’s breath was hot against Eli’s neck.

Eli cried out as teeth clamped down on the back of his neck. They held him firmly, and Eli’s body went limp as the fight began to drain out of him. He struggled, trying to fight off subspace. He couldn’t give in so easily, or he wouldn’t get what he really wanted. He bit his lip in order to focus.

Haruka released his neck. “Let go, chibisuke, you know I’m going to win. Make it easy on yourself.” The heat of Haruka’s body left Eli’s back, and he felt his hands being drawn together behind his back and heard a click as the cuffs were connected.

Haruka’s weight shifted, and Eli heard the nightstand open. “What are you doing?”

“You said anything I want. I want everything.” Haruka’s hand smoothed over Eli’s ass.

They’d never done that before. Eli was so small and Haruka so big, it had been too daunting—until now.

Right now, Eli wanted it so badly his mouth watered.

So, of course he said, “Get fucked!” and struggled to reach the end of the bed.

Haruka laughed softly and stopped him by grabbing the links between Eli’s cuffs and pressing them against his back. “You first.”

Eli felt something cold and wet press against his back entrance, and he tensed.

Haruka’s restraining hand shifted from Eli’s hands to the back of his neck. “Be good Eli, or you’ll get hurt. I’d hate to have to stop now.” His hand circled Eli’s small throat and tightened his grip.

Eli went boneless.

“Good boy.”

Haruka continued to slide a finger inside him. Eli hissed at the slight burn and tensed again. Even with lube, it still hurt. He was rewarded with soft laughter.

“You’d better relax, you’ve got a long way to go.”

“Asshole,” Eli said into the pillow, but did his best to relax.

More laughter and another finger made an appearance.

“Ahhhh . . . mmhh!”

How fucking big were Haruka’s fingers? And how was Eli’s cock this hard after coming his brains out only a few minutes ago?

Haruka spread his fingers apart slightly.

“Fuck!” Eli ground his hips against the bed and knew he wasn’t far from making a mess of the comforter.

Haruka clicked his tongue. “Not yet, chibisuke. There’s so much more I want to do to you first.”

“You are just . . . the worst . . .”

“If you can still talk, I’m not doing my job properly.”

He worked a third finger inside Eli, forcing him to keen loudly the whole time.

As Eli panted and cried his way through the third finger splitting him open, he felt something night-black roil inside Haruka.

When Haruka withdrew his fingers, all Eli could do was breath into the comforter.

There was a crinkle of foil behind him, and he made for the edge of the bed again. He wasn’t being a brat anymore; his body was trying to escape all on its own now. He knew first-hand how big Haruka’s cock was, and if it was too big for his mouth . . . Fucking hell, what had he gotten himself into?

Fire-edged shadows rolled through him, wave after wave battering him down as firmly as the hand on his neck had. Eli’s body went loose and plaint, welcoming the shadows and letting them fill him. They were Haruka’s shadows. Somehow that made them different than the ones Eli had to deal with. Instead of being overwhelming, they felt right. He felt hands lift his hips and a pillow was placed under them.

When Haruka pushed into him, Eli couldn’t have fought him if he wanted to. All he could do was make small cries that seemed to egg the shadows on as they swirled through him, making the soft place their own.

It was better than anything, and Haruka wasn’t even all the way in.

“Haaaa . . .”

Haruka’s hands tightened on Eli’s hips pulling him backward slowly, splitting him open inch by inch until Eli’s ass was flush against Haruka’s hips.

“Please . . .” He didn’t even know what he was asking for, all he knew was he never wanted this to end. If the flashes Eli kept getting from Haruka of Eli chained to his bed were any indication, Haruka didn’t want to stop either.

:You’ll be lucky if I ever let you leave here.:

Haruka pulled out most of the way and slammed home harshly.

Eli only kept from coming by biting his lip until he tasted blood.

Haruka fisted a hand in his hair and pulled Eli’s head back until he could kiss him on the mouth, licking at the spot Eli had bitten.

Then he drove into him again. And it hurt. It hurt so bad? Good? Eli didn’t have a hope of bracing himself. All he could do was take it as Haruka took Eli’s bound hands and pulled Eli back onto him, setting a brutal pace. Tears flowed freely down Eli’s cheeks, and his surroundings drifted away from him. He couldn’t have told anyone his name right now if his life depended on it. All he knew was that he felt alive. More than he ever had in his entire life.

Haruka found a spot inside Eli that made every cell in his body sing.

Eli cried out so loud his throat hurt, and Haruka paused, pulling Eli back further and further until he was almost touching Haruka’s chest.

He held him there, on the brink of heaven and hell, keeping Eli’s arms safe and secure in his hands.

“You’re mine, Eli.” Haruka growled into Eli’s ear.

Tears streamed down Eli’s face. It was so much, so good, but he wanted—no needed—more.

“Say it.”

“. . .”

“Tell me you’re mine, and I’ll give you everything you want.”

He knew Haruka wouldn’t move until he did, and Eli was pretty sure he would die if he had to wait any longer. “Y-yours . . .” He panted.

A deep shudder went through Haruka’s body, and the fire inside him took Eli completely. Haruka lifted Eli’s body up until he was almost off his cock and then brought him back down again brushing against the spot that made Eli soar. He lifted him again, but this time slammed him back down harshly. Eli cried out, nearly blacking out from the sensation.

Time lost meaning as Haruka drove into him over and over again using Eli like a toy made for his own pleasure, just as he’d promised.

Haruka let Eli’s knees drop back to the mattress, gathered the boy’s hands in one of his own, then took Eli’s poor neglected cock in the other.

“Sing for me, Eli,” Haruka pounded him from behind while stroking him in the front. Eli gave him everything he asked for, crying out as he emptied himself onto the bed.

Haruka fucked into his abused hole, hands on Eli’s hips with bruising force, until he came a few seconds later.

Eli dropped toward the bed, and Haruka followed him down, breathing hard, shifting at the last second so he didn’t crush him. He rolled onto his side and wrapped himself around Eli.

Shadow and fire had combined with soft light to make a nest for Eli to rest in—safe from anything that would ever dare try and hurt him.

“I will always keep you safe, Eli.” Haruka murmured into Eli’s hair.

Eli’s body trembled as he tried to turn over and curl up against Haruka’s chest. But something was stopping him. His hands were still cuffed behind his back.

“Um . . .”

Haruka huffed into Eli’s hair and sat up so he could release him. When the cuffs came free, Eli’s arms flopped to his sides.

“Ow.” He was going to have so many bruises.

His sense of Haruka cut off so quickly it was like a switch had been flipped.

Haruka ran his hands down Eli’s body, moving him this way and that as he examined every inch of his body.

“I’m fine.” Eli protested weakly, face burning when Haruka inspected his ass for tearing. He swatted at the larger man’s hands, but they were brushed aside until Haruka was satisfied Eli was undamaged.

Haruka left for a minute and came back with a washcloth and a bowl of warm water and cleaned Eli off, his gentle hands a strong contrast to how he’d been handing Eli moments ago.

When he finished, he cupped Eli’s bright red face and forced him to look at him. “Are you okay?”

Words like, amazing, brilliant, and completely fucked out, but great jammed up inside his head, and Eli found it impossible to speak. So, he nodded.

Haruka’s face softened from the worried frown that had been building.

Eli found his words again. “The comforter isn’t though. I should have let you pack mine after all.”

Haruka cocked an eyebrow. “I can go upstairs and get it now if you want.”

“Don’t you fucking dare.” Eli punched Haruka’s chest with the strength of a kitten.