Blue 42 by C.A. Rene

Chapter twenty-eight


“Lucky guy,” I say and hold in my smirk when Dani’s eyes fly to mine, “he doesn’t know what he has.”

“He’s been through a lot,” she defends him and excuses his dismissal.

“He should lean on you more.” I walk across the hall and stand in front of her, “I remember how good it felt.”

Her eyes darken and her tongue runs along her lip, so close. She still wants me and I know she’s never stopped wanting me. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that I was married, being the forbidden fruit and all, but I also know Dani is looking to be a trophy wife. She’s lucky because her father is in the position where she could easily find a husband that wants the same. That guy won’t be Dixon North, I’ll make sure of it.

I brush her hair back over her shoulder and internally pat myself on the back when she shudders. “I miss having you around.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Avando.” She whispers, “you’re married.”

“Just for convenience,” I shrug. “Is that what bothers you?”

“Of course it does,” she rolls her eyes.

“What if I said I would get a divorce?”

“Why?” her eyes are wide.

“I just feel something,” I motion my finger between us, “it’s never fully left me and now seeing you with North is so fucking hard.”

I step back and watch the uncertainty on her face, but it’s not a flat out rejection. I turn and walk towards the double doors and give her one more longing look over my shoulder. As I figured, she’s still watching me and finally ducks into her father’s office. I nearly have her eating out of the palm of my hand.

After practice, North is limping, and he looks a bit sick. I jog up beside him and walk with him back to the locker room.

“Did you push yourself too hard?” I ask.

“Probably,” he shrugs.

“Take it easy, you don’t want permanent damage.”

He scowls but nods and I know exactly what he’s feeling. He wants to be contributing to the team and he hates watching them do what he could only a few weeks ago. Being an athlete with an injury is incapacitating. You feel useless and guilty that your team is picking up your slack.

“I heard a few of the guys talking about Toradol.” He says as he drops his voice to a whisper. “Would it really help me get onto that field quicker?”

“Yes,” I answer him honestly, “but it’s only meant to be used for a short period of time. It eases the pain and drops the swelling.”


“When you don’t feel the pain, you lose the limit of your injury, and in most cases make it worse. It’s only meant to be a short-term drug but a lot of guys use it long term to cover up chronic injuries.”

“If I want some of that, do I ask Coach?” he asks and glowers when I laugh.

“Nah, Coach won’t give you that, he’s straight and narrow. I’ve advised you about it but if you still want to take the chance, hit up Jameson.”

“How’s the leg?” Dani appears again.

“It’s alright,” Dixon shrugs and stops to talk to her.

“You’re limping.”

“Just first day soreness,” he answers her as I step just inside the locker room. “Would you want to have dinner tonight?”

“Of course.” She answers quickly and I bite into my cheek. The whore.

So, he’s still wanting to date her and she’s still very eager to land herself a rich husband. That’s what happens when you amount to nothing and the only thing you can count on are your looks, which fade. Hope they don’t mind my third wheeling for their dinner tonight.

I followed him home and now I follow behind him as he weaves through traffic. He’s not going anywhere near Dani’s house and I laugh to myself when I realize he’s arranged to meet her. That must be a bit of a slap in the face for Dani who likes to be spoiled and pampered. He pulls into a steakhouse and I continue, pulling down a side street. I park the Hummer and walk back to the restaurant, keeping my hoodie firmly over my face.

Dixon gets out of his car as soon as he sees Dani’s car pull in and I watch as he goes and opens her door for her. The jealousy I’m battling is something I have never experienced and I want to kill her. Fuck, if he doesn’t stop this madness with her, I’ll kill him, too.

As soon as she stands up, he backs her into the car, and presses his mouth to hers. My fists clench at the sight; the only saving grace is that he’s kissing her with his eyes open, and he’s never done that with me. I know what this date is and what he’s trying to convince himself of, but it won’t work. She’s not me.

They head into the restaurant, hand in hand, and I lean against the tree. I got nothing better to do tonight, I’ll just wait here until they’re done, and then see if they end up together later.


Dani looks beautiful and when I kiss her, I should fucking feel something. Why don’t I feel anything? Sebastian’s face floats into my mind and I squash it quickly, I can’t keep thinking about him like this.

We’re taken to our table and once we’ve both ordered, Dani leans forward on her elbows.

“Did you want to talk about what happened to your brother?”

The question is directly to the point and I’m a little surprised by the anger that rushes through me, “not really.”

“You should talk about it, Dixon.” She says as she sips her water.

“I have been.” I shoot her down and look around the restaurant.

“What’s it like having your mother living with you?” she crinkles her nose and chuckles.

“I’ve always lived with my mother,” I tell her, “except college and being out here.”

“Oh.” She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, “I bet she’ll want her own place eventually though, huh? I mean, every parent must look forward to the day their kids leave the nest.”

Is she dense? “Probably not since she just lost a kid.”

“Right.” She takes another drink of her water.

The silence becomes uncomfortable and I exhale with relief when our food shows up. Dani is not your typical girl, she picked the most expensive dish on the menu, and she’s eating every damn thing on that plate. Her most redeeming quality so far.

“Do you think you’ll be able to play next week?” she asks.

“Maybe.” I shrug. Which reminds me, I should talk to Jameson tomorrow.

“We need you.”

Now, I don’t know if it’s the fact that she’s already rubbed me the wrong way or if I’m just in a foul mood, but I am starting to get pissed.

“I’m no good to the team if I permanently injure my knee.” I say through my teeth.

“Of course,” she nods.

“Listen,” I push my plate aside, completely ready to put a stop to us dating.

“Yes?” her foot skims up my leg and presses into my cock. I’m surprised when it begins to swell.

What does that mean? Am I over Sebastian? Was it just a weird phase?

“Let’s get out of here.” The words are out of my mouth before I can even try to take them back. I need to know if I can follow through.

“Is your mother at home?” she asks.

“It’s a big house.”

I pay the bill on our half-eaten plates and she follows me out of the restaurant. My cock pulses in anticipation and I practically shove her into her car, then jog to mine. I don’t want this moment to be spoiled and I will take any assurances that I’m not gay. I know I was supposed to end things tonight but my reaction changes everything and I need to put my mind at rest. The confusion has been too damn much.

I pull out of the parking lot and she follows close behind me. She hasn’t been to the new house yet and to be honest, I hadn’t planned on ever inviting her. I grab my dick through my pants and give it a good squeeze. I’m still hard and so ready to plunge inside of her.

Finally, my street pulls up and usually I drive it slowly, staring at the large, opulent homes. Not tonight. I need to get to mine and get Dani into my fucking bed.

I don’t have to worry too much about Ma, she’s been spending a lot of time in her room praying, and I made sure to put her on the other side of the house. No matter how much I want my mother with me, she’s nosy, and doesn’t need to be in my business. I pull into my driveway and check the lights on the second floor. Ma’s room faces the front and right now all the windows are dark.

I park the car and step out just as Dani is rolling in. She gives me a sly look through her windshield and my cock swells again. Maybe all I needed was time and space away from Sebastian, his presence always clouds my thinking. She steps out and her bared legs gleam in the moonlight. I don’t know how girls wear skirts when it gets this cold, but I’m going to have fun getting her out of it. She walks towards me, her hips swaying, and those long legs eating up the interlock driveway. If she keeps her mouth shut tonight, I will fuck her into tomorrow, and then decide where I want this to go.

I pull her into my arms and slam my mouth onto hers, my tongue slipping past her lips immediately. I swallow up her moans and grab her ass, it’s so plump. I grind my cock into her belly and yank my mouth off hers.

“Inside, now.” I sound like a fucking caveman.

She giggles behind me and I open the door, yanking her roughly in the direction of my bedroom.

“Nice house,” she says with awe in her voice.

“Shh.” It’s harsh I know, but I don’t want her voice to change what my body is reacting to.

I pull her up the stairs and she stumbles a bit, whispering my name harshly. I don’t stop as I push open my bedroom door and haul her inside, closing it quickly behind me. I press her into the door, my chest crushing hers, and my hands sinking into her hair. She moans my name as I kiss her, my movements becoming frantic, and my hands gripping the fabric of her shirt. I pull back and rip it off over her head, throwing it behind me, and groan when I see she’s not wearing a bra.

I cup both breasts in my hands and lean down, taking a dusty rose nipple into my mouth. I nip it with my teeth and she gasps, grabbing my head, her nails digging into my scalp. The feel of her long-pointed nails on my scalp has my mind pausing, like it doesn’t feel right, and I shove the thought aside, latching onto her other nipple. Once I’ve ravished it, I grab her waist, and hoist her in the air, bringing her to my bed. I lay her on her back and bite into my lip as her tits bounce with the motion of the mattress.

I grab the waistband of her skirt and pull it down, letting it skim over her legs. She’s not wearing any panties either. Usually, that would send warning bells off in my head, like this one is too eager, and she was so sure this was where we would end up. I don’t care though, right now I want the same thing, and I don’t even want to think beyond that. She yanks my shirt over my head and then literally purrs, running her fingers down my sculpted chest and stomach.

I work on my belt buckle and let my pants fall to the floor, my boxers tented with my erection. It feels so good to fucking see it. Her pussy glistens with arousal and I spread it open with my fingers, preparing to dive right in.

“No,” she whines and pulls on my chin, “I need you inside me.”

My cock jerks at her words and I yank down my boxers, preparing to sink inside her. I need a condom and then I groan remembering I never got the chance to buy any.

“Condom?” she leans up on her elbow. “My purse.” She nods at the bag on the floor.

I race to it and toss it to her, watching as she pulls it out. She hands me the condom and I have it unwrapped in record time. Once I’m covered, I fall over her and slam inside. She screams my name and I cover her mouth with my hand, I don’t need the noise spreading throughout the house. I really don’t need to hear it, either.

She’s mumbling behind my hand, but I don’t give a fuck as I lean up, and start thrusting like a madman. She’s screaming and her eyes are rolling into the back of her head. Then I see another, the way his mouth turns up on one side, and his eyes when they land on mine, heated and raw. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out the image, and concentrate on the warmth of Dani’s wet pussy.

It doesn’t work.

I begin to soften and no amount of playing with her tits is helping. So, I fake it, I throw my head back, and moan loudly, her name mumbled in between. I look down into her face and she stares up at me, her mouth slightly opened.

“I’m sorry,” I slip out of her, “I know you didn’t finish, you’re just so fucking fine. Let’s fix that.”

She looks at me through hooded eyes as I kiss my way down her chest and over her stomach, my tongue dipping into her belly button. I don’t really want to do this, the mood is gone for me and my dick is flopping against my damn thigh, but I brought her in here. I spread her open, her juices running toward her ass, and bend forward. I swipe my tongue through her folds and then concentrate on that little hardened nub. I used to enjoy eating pussy, the taste, and even the way the juices would run into my mouth. Not anymore.

It takes me holding my breath as my tongue flicks against her clit and my fingers pump furiously into her, to get through it. I pray she finishes before it becomes obvious I no longer want to be anywhere near her pussy. I’m an idiot for forcing myself into this, all because I’m so worried about the things I’m feeling, and my obsession with blocking Sebastian from my mind.

Finally, I feel her tightening, and her pussy clamps down on my fingers. She lets out a moan, long and raspy, and I pull my head from between her legs. Breathing a sigh of relief. I get up and immediately head into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I wash my face and gargle with mouthwash because the taste of pussy is something I no longer care for. When I come back out, Dani has my t-shirt on, and lounging on my bed. Fuck, how the fuck do I tell her she isn’t staying the night?

“Want to give me a tour of the new house?” she looks around with a wide smile.

“Tonight’s not a good night,” I answer her.

She stares into my face and gives me a small smile, “sure, is it because of your mother living here?”

I grind my teeth and school my features, “yeah, she would give you the ninth degree and I’m not ready for that.”

“I should go then?” she asks with her brow raised.

“If you don’t mind?” I smile, “just until I formally introduce you guys.”

She rips off my shirt and begins dressing back into her clothes, “and when will that be, Dixon?”

“When I’ve gotten to know you better, Dani.” I retort, “we’ve barely been dating, chill.”

“Chill?” she shrills and I cringe. “I’m leaving!” she huffs and pushes by me.

I follow her down the stairs and she yanks open my front door, “do you have anything to say?”

“We’ll talk later, Dani.” When I dump your ass. She growls and stomps off back to her car, never giving me another glance.

I can’t even bring myself to care.