Crown of Thorns by E.M. Snow


I stare downat my phone, bile stinging my throat. A text from my boss glares up at me, each word a brutal swipe on my already frayed nerves.

Rick Parker: Hey Joss, FYI, there’s no need for you to come in this weekend. The store will be covered. Thanks for understanding.

How the hell can the store be covered the entire weekend? Mr. Parker has one other employee apart from me, and Kyle never works weekends because it’s his only chance to see his daughter.

This isn’t a great way to start my Saturday. I figured it was going to be a tense day anyway, after what happened at the party last night. Phoenix was so furious, he practically chased everyone away, bellowing and crashing through the house like a rampaging bull. I’d retreated to my room before he had a chance to turn his wrath on me, but I don’t know what’s waiting for me today. Or rather, what else is waiting for me today apart from this infuriating text message.

Fueled by another disaster that Phoenix caused.

I’m still staring down at my phone when I’m startled by a knock on my door. Shit, what now? My first thought is Phoenix, come to inflict his punishment for whatever transgression I committed last night, but then reason manages to push its way into my racing thoughts. If it were Phoenix, he wouldn’t be knocking. He’s already warned me that locked doors can’t keep him away, and I believe him.

“Who is it?” I cautiously call.

“Your favorite person in this hellhole of a house!” I perk up at the sound of Reina’s voice. “Now open up.”

Throwing my phone onto the comforter, I push off the bed and hurry across the room to answer my door. “You’re back!”

I don’t bother asking where she’s been because she never tells.

Beaming, she waltzes into the room, sweeping past me toward my enormous bed. “Just got home,” she explains, plopping down and crossing her long legs at the ankles. “Thought I’d come and check on you. I heard about the drama last night with the douchelord’s car. Kind of bummed I missed all the fun.”

I snort. “Yeah, fun times had by all.”

“Did Phoenix really go all Hulk on everyone?”

“That’s a pretty spot-on description, actually.” I nod, moving to sit next to her. “I’ve never seen anyone freak out like that before.”

Her hazel eyes roll up toward the chandelier. “He does have a flare for the dramatic. He’s such a fucking baby, I hate him.”

I grin. Reina has no fear of Phoenix. As far as I’ve seen, even Alaric is cautious of his cousin and doesn’t defy him, at least not to his face. Reina, though, doesn’t give a shit if he’s pissed at her.

“He didn’t come after you, did he?” she questions when I join her on the bed.

I grimace. “I came up here and basically hid the rest of the night. I was afraid he’d come banging on my door, but he never did.” But I had watched my door, my heart beating wildly in my chest because I was sure he’d come bursting in at any moment.

I still can’t decide if my body’s response was due to fear or anticipation.

The thought turns my stomach.

“Probably went after Aric instead,” Reina’s saying when I focus on her again. She gives me a pointed look. “And don’t play innocent, I’ve already heard he was with yxou while dickbag’s car was getting fucked up.”

Wonderful. That’s just what I need. Everyone thinking I’m hooking up with Alaric now.

I consider her words carefully. “Would that really make him angrier than his car getting vandalized?” But I already know the answer to that. I think Reina does, too, but she still lifts a shoulder.

“He’s got plenty of other cars. He’ll be pissed about it for a while, no doubt, but I don’t think he’s going to get over you sneaking away with my brother anytime soon.”

“I didn’t sneak away with your brother.” But my face is hot, so I’m sure I’m cherry red. “I went into that room to get away from everyone and hide from Phoenix. Alaric just happened to be in there at the same time. Trust me, I’m interested in your brother about as much as I am in Phoenix. Which is, of course, not at all.”

Liar, my subconscious mind snorts.

Reina claps me firmly on the shoulder. “That’s good. I knew you were a smart girl.”

“Definitely,” I breathe, willing the voice in my head to go away because I don’t want to ruin this relationship, too.

* * *

While I hadn’t gonefor a run my first few days living with the Townsends, I’d restarted my early morning jog toward the end of last week. It gave me a chance to get my mind in the right place before school began, and these days, I need that more than ever. The grounds are massive–fifteen acres, according to Gideon–so I never even have to step foot off the property.

This morning, though, I wish I had run far, far away.

Because just as I start toward the gardens, Phoenix bursts out of one of the guest cottages and joins me. He’s dressed only in gray sweatpants that leave nothing to my imagination, and my cheeks flush when he catches me studying him out the corner of my eye.

“Curious, Luna?”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” I increase my speed, squinting at the greenhouse looming in the distance. It’s crazy that these people are so rich they have a damn greenhouse.

Phoenix is by my side again before I can blink an eye, his scent wafting over me. God, why does he have to smell so good? Why can’t he smell like sweat and grime? I mean, he is sweating. I can see it trickling down his muscular chest, past his abs, and toward the deep V that goes…

I release a groan of frustration that he latches on to. “You’re being uncharacteristically quiet this morning. What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll actually say something intelligent?” he drawls.

I roll my eyes so hard, it’s a shock they don’t tumble right out of my skull. “I see you’re hitting the ground running with your usual dickishness today. Here I was thinking you would just keep on ignoring me. Or rather, praying you would. But you’re here. Ruining my jog.”

“I have wrestling coming up, Luna. Me running has nothing to do with ruining your ass. Although, what an ass it is. My brother and cousin can’t seem to stop staring at it.”

I have a sudden urge to tug my shorts down, but that’s what he wants. A physical reaction to his words. “You’re foul,” is all I say before focusing my attention on my breathing.

This is the first time I’ve really seen him for any significant amount of time since the party. It was a relief not to have to deal with him, but at the same time Phoenix was seemingly ignoring me, so was Alaric. I can’t help but be confused and somewhat annoyed by that. I thought Alaric and I had reached some sort of understanding or truce after Friday night. It quickly became clear that wasn’t the case.

More than once, he literally walked out of a room as soon as I stepped through the door.

At least I had Reina. For the first time since I arrived at the Townsends’ home, she was around the whole weekend. I didn’t mention anything else to her about her brother because I didn’t want her getting the wrong idea about my interest in him. I did plenty of complaining about Phoenix, though. It might be one of our favorite pastimes. Pointing out what a complete shithead he is.

“Where were you?” I eventually blurt out.

“You’re going to have to elaborate. I go many, many places.”

I roll my eyes at his suggestive tone. “This weekend,” I grit out.

“Why? Were you missing me?” He’s not even winded, as if this is the easiest thing in the world for him. Then again, the fucker is a track star. “Had I known you cared so much; I might have made an effort to remember you were around.”

He’s intentionally being a jackass. I realize this, but it doesn’t make him any less infuriating, though. Wanting to get a jab in myself, I pant, “Don’t worry, I understand. You were distracted with police reports and auto insurance stuff. By the way, any idea who busted up your car? What does eleven, eleven even mean? Some kind of code from your secret admirer? Maybe it’s part of one of those Angelview conspiracies you’re so ridiculously fond of.”

His muscles tighten, from his shoulders to his abs and even his forearms. “Doesn’t matter.”

But I can tell by the tension in his broad shoulders that whatever that message was, it’s a bigger deal than he wants me to think. Interesting. I pick up my pace, but he matches my strides with zero effort.

Since it’s obvious he’s here to stay until one of us passes out from exhaustion—probably me, since the bastard is probably invincible—I decide to press this new button that I’ve discovered to see if I can get him to crack. “It seemed to matter Friday night. You accidently showed people that you can feel things every once and a while. It was almost impressive.”

“Careful, Luna.”

“Did anyone see anything?” I’m genuinely curious to hear his answer to this one. There were a ton of people at that party. Surely, someone had to have witnessed who went after his car.

“Just drop it,” he snaps.

“Why? What are you going to do? Throw another tantrum and hide in your room?”

Turns out, that’s one step too far. With a rumble, he comes to a halt a few feet from the greenhouse entrance. I almost believe he’ll let me keep going, but that’s just wishful thinking because he snags my wrist and yanks me inside. It’s déjà vu at its finest. Only this time, our backdrop is a canvas of flowers and not a classroom.


Backing me against a long potting bench, he covers my lips with his fingertips, offering me a taste of his salty skin. “Shh. You only get to listen, understand?”

The Townsend greenhouse is huge, but in this moment, it feels as if the glass paneled walls are shrinking around us, confining us to this single space. I try not to let his size intimidate me. And I fail miserably.

His breath brushes across my lips and a shiver runs up my spine. I don’t like that sensation. Nor do I like the way his free hand snakes around to rest on the small of my back. I swallow a gasp when he pulls me against him, and my core tightens because I realize there’s nothing but a few scraps of cloth separating us at this point.

“Why are you touching me?” I murmur, my lips skimming his finger with each syllable.

“Because I want to. Because you’re mine. You seem to have forgotten that, but what you are to me hasn’t changed.” His finger lowers to my chin, which he tilts until we’re eye-to-eye. “You also forgot that when I tell you to drop something, you will. It’s cute that your kink is disobeying me, but it will end badly for you. I guarantee it.”

“I’m not…”

“You are, Luna,” he husks. “Mine.”

He hesitates before stepping away from me, his hands slowly gliding from my body. It’s almost intimate. The way he takes his touch away. What’s not at all intimate, though, is his expression. I gulp down a lump in my throat because his eyes spark and burn.

I’ve hit a nerve. Big time. Was it talking about the car? Or talking about who it was who attacked his car? Taking a chance, I cross my arms and muse, “You know, the more I think about it, the more I think it must’ve been Jasper.”

To my surprise, instead of getting angrier, Phoenix actually throws his head back and laughs. It’s not a pleasant sound. There’s anger and bitterness blackening the tone, and I can’t help but wonder if he ever laughs with genuine happiness. If he’s even capable of feeling that.

“And not visit his precious baby sister while he was around? Your idiot brother wouldn’t dare. People who cross me tend to wind up in a whirlwind of pain.”

“Do you really think you can keep this up?” I demand, every cell in my body sparking now. I’m glad the bench is behind me. I need all the support I can get around this bastard. “Ordering me around and pretending you’re some sort of almighty dictator? That might work at school, but step into the real world, and you’re nothing. Just another pretty rich boy who thinks he’s entitled to more than he deserves. Just. Like. Saint.”

Once the words are out, there’s no taking them back, even though I’m fully aware I’ve gone too far mentioning a boy he hated so fiercely.

But Phoenix deserved them.

He deserved those words and so much more.

The corners of his lip quirk in that sadistic grin I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. “You’ve got some balls on you, Luna? But all that bravado is a waste of your breath and my time. Maybe you’re right, and in the big, wide world, I’m nothing. But here?” He stretches his arms wide, the muscles in his chest flexing. “In this room, that school, this fucking city? My word is law. When I tell you to do something, you do it, or you suffer.”

“Suffer?” I rasp. “How much more can you possibly make me suffer?”

His green eyes darken, coated in black, filled with something I’m terrified to interpret. “Just be a good girl, and you won’t have to find out all the ways I can make you bleed. As far as you’re concerned, I’m the only person that matters right now, so stay the fuck away from anyone else. Especially Aric.”

I swallow hard. “How the hell am I supposed to stay away from him? We’re living in the same house.”

He shrugs, but I don’t miss the way his jaw clenches. “I don’t care how you do it. Just that you do.”

With that, he backs toward the entrance. For a moment, I try to come up with some kind of response, but nothing pops into mind. I don’t like how capable he is of rendering me speechless. It’s a definite weakness that he can exploit if I’m not careful.

“We’re leaving in thirty, so you might want to get ready,” he growls, giving me his back, his scent intermingling with the roses and devastating my senses as he goes.

I watch him stalk off toward the house and pretend not to care about what he’s said to me. Except, I can’t help but give a damn. His words have my stomach grinding with worry because, even though I would never admit it out loud, he’s right. For the moment, he owns me. I can’t risk him hurting Jasper, and even though I’m furious at my brother and don’t owe him a thing, he’s still my family.

I have so little of that left.

As long as Phoenix is holding an axe over my brother’s head, I’m trapped.

* * *

“Hey, Joss, got a minute?”

I stiffen and for a second, consider just walking away. It’s really what she deserves, but I can’t quite shake the lingering affection I have for her. Apparently, it’s not that easy to get over the person that’s been your best friend for years.

Plus, I’m a softie.

Slamming my locker shut, I turn and face Margaret. “What?” I say, my voice cold and hard.

“Look, about Friday night … I’m sorry, okay?”

I stare at her and just keep myself from scoffing at her half-assed apology. What happened to her? This petty bitch is not the Margaret I know. My Margaret wouldn’t treat someone the way she’s treating me—especially not over a guy. Phoenix Townsend is poison. He rots people from the inside out.

With that in mind, I try not to put so much of the blame on Margaret. It’s not her fault. It’s his. Somehow, someway, this is all his fault. Everything is.

“It’s fine,” I stiffly reply, even though it’s not. It’s not fine at all. Still, I want to get this over with and avoid the confrontation.

Margaret furrows her brow. “Jesus, Joss, lighten up. I said I was sorry.” She gives my shoulder a playful nudge, but I push her away.

“And I said it was fine.”

“It’s not like it was that big of a deal, so stop acting like you’re some fucking victim,” she snaps because she can’t let it go.

Her words are like a punch to the gut.

How dare she? How dare she? She knows firsthand how difficult it’s been for me putting up with the mocking and bullying from the other girls. She’s been on the receiving end of it herself plenty of times. I don’t know how she could justify treating me like this. What is going through her head right now that’s telling her this shit is okay?

What’s she telling herself that’s allowing her to push away our friendship so easily?

I’m seething, and I’m so done with this shit. I’ve put up with a lot from the people in this school, but I won’t take it from her.

“You know what?” I hiss. “You’re right, because it’s not fine. I don’t know what’s made you turn on me like this, but I can assure you it’s not going to get you Phoenix. He cares about nothing and nobody but himself. You’re pushing away the only true friend you have in this hellhole, and you’re going to regret it. I swear to God, you will.”

Margaret reels back like I’ve struck her. She’s … shocked. Shocked that I’ve actually stood up for myself. That only makes me angrier because she just expects me to lie down and take it. Just like everyone else in this school. Like Jasper. Like Phoenix. Her expression darkens as we stare each other down, and her lips twist into a cruel smirk.

“I was just doing you a favor,” she says in a voice loud enough that anyone standing nearby can hear. “Unlike some people, I had other friends to turn to once Gia left. Meanwhile here you are, desperately clinging to the Townsends like you’re worth something.”

My stomach pitches because I hate everything about this. Hate that it brings up my last argument with my brother and all the shit my dad used to say under his breath about me. “Do you even hear yourself? Do you know how arrogant you sound right now?”

She shakes her head, her ponytail swishing around the starched white collar of her uniform blouse. “I’m not treating you any differently than anyone else in this school. You’re a nobody, and you don’t matter. Why should anyone treat you like you do just because you clean house for a few rich boys?”

People are ogling us. Watching as my once-best friend completely guts me and my backbone slowly shrivels to dust. I have no idea what to say or do. I’m rendered mute, standing motionless in the middle of the school hallway, unable to do anything but take the cuts she’s inflicting on my soul.

“I should have known I’d find you conversing with one of Kallista’s plebeian sluts, Luna,” a deep voice suddenly booms. Margaret’s eyes widen, and her pale cheeks flush a deep crimson. “Why are you still just standing here? The bell fucking rang.”

Did it? I didn’t even hear it.

As if in a daze, I glance over my shoulder to find Phoenix standing at my back, slanting me with a glare. “Phoenix—”

“Let’s go,” he says, and I suck in a harsh breath when he slips beside me and drapes an arm over my shoulders, sending shockwaves through my system and Margaret’s eyes popping even wider. He bends his head slightly, until his lips brush the shell of my ear. “Unless you’d rather I carry you, but then the bell can truly go fuck itself,” he drawls suggestively.

That gets me moving. I stumble forward and we move past Margaret, who stares at us, clearly stunned. The crowd around us disperses as everyone either hurries to go to class or rushes to get out of his way.

He has that damning effect on people.

When we’re out of earshot of Margaret, I hiss, “What the hell was that?”

“A necessary kindness. You’re welcome, by the way.” He drops his arm from my shoulder and sneers down at me. “I didn’t realize you were so fucking weak. Do you let everyone chew you up and spit you out like that? What’s their secret and how can I unlock that shit to get you to obey?”

“None of this would be happening if it weren’t for—” I let out a strangled cry when his fingers close around my wrist. He pulls me into the hallway we’re passing and backs me into the narrow space under the stairs. By the time my shoulder blades touch the wall, my heart is in my throat.

“Go on,” he rasps. “Blame all your problems on me, Luna. That’s the only thing your good for.”

I think of Gia and her dad. Of my current situation. Of Jasper. And I clench my teeth until it feels like they’re close to cracking under the pressure. “That’s because you are the problem. The fact you can’t see that blows my mind! Everything would be just fine if you hadn’t come and fucked everything up!”

“You should be grateful,” he retorts. “I’m doing you a favor letting you live in my house and keeping you safe while your brother works through his mess.”

“Grateful!” I scoff, splaying my hands on his chest when he tries to close the distance between our bodies. He regards me with an arched brow but doesn’t move another inch. “Are you kidding me? You’re all but keeping me captive and threatening my family. What if I just said screw this entire arrangement and left? Just went home? What would you do then?”

At first, he doesn’t say anything. Just focuses his attention down on me with an incomprehensible look on his face. Then, very slowly, he leans down so that we’re eye-level with each other.

In a low, dangerous voice, he promises me, “I’d fuck up your entire world.”