Crown of Thorns by E.M. Snow


“Trust me,Miss Luna, there’s no mistake. It’s all been arranged and paid for,” the receptionist on duty tells me for the second time.

I stare at her in disbelief. No, she can’t possibly be right. This has to be a fluke. “Can you tell me who paid for this?” I hesitantly ask, my voice barely a whisper.

Her fingers fly across her keyboard, and she squints as she reads the results. “It looks like the transfer was requested by Mrs. Martinez’s legal guardian and paid for by a P. Townsend. It was an unusual request, but…”

This is where I stop listening, my brain too shocked to comprehend anything else. When I first walked into La Costa Community to visit my grandma, I dropped by the front desk to check in like usual. That’s when I was informed that she was moved to a different room. A bigger room.

A private suite.

I had asked why this decision was made without my knowledge, because there’s no way in hell Nina’s insurance will pay for a private room, no matter how badly I may want that to happen. Part of me was hopeful that Jasper made the move, even though I realized it would only mean he’s dug himself into a deeper financial hole. But at least then I would know he’s okay.

I never expected this answer.

Phoenix Townsend had gotten in touch with Nina’s guardian and had paid to upgrade her room.

Instead of being thrilled about the switch, I’m instantly suspicious. Phoenix hasn’t said a word about this. That alone is plenty of reason to worry because I know damn well he didn’t do any of this out of the goodness of his heart. I’m positive the bastard doesn’t even have a heart. This is just another way for him to demonstrate the control he has over me. If he can give this to my grandma, he can easily take it away if I don’t obey him like he wants me to.

Once again, Phoenix Townsend is using my family against me and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“You can go in now, Miss Luna,” the receptionist says, oblivious to my inner turmoil as she returns her attention to her work. It takes me a few seconds to get my body to shake off the stupor that’s settled over me and move forward through the doors leading to the main area of the home and then beyond to the private suites.

I get my priorities in line for the time being. Nina comes first, and I won’t think of Phoenix or his paying for her new room. I’ll just enjoy my time with her and confront him once I return to my gilded cage.

* * *

Once I’m backat the Townsend mansion and Reina takes off to meet a friend for a Sunday-night study session, I immediately hunt Phoenix down. He’s surprisingly easy to find, which is good because I half-expected him not even to be home. I find him in his dad’s study, sitting behind the large desk with a crystal glass of some amber liquid in his hand.

He looks absolutely untouchable, and I hate him for it.

At least … I want to hate him for it.

He glances up when I enter the room. “How’s Nina today?” he asks, a hard, mocking edge to his tone.

I come to a stop in front of the desk and fold my arms over my chest. “Care to explain why you paid for her to get a private room? Why you went behind my back to contact her guardian?”

He chuckles, swirling his glass with the liquid inside. It’s unnerving how natural he appears to be in that chair. He looks powerful, which is a look that fits him better than any school uniform or pair of designer jeans.

“I expected a little more gratitude, Luna,” he replies in a husky voice that sends a ripple down my spine. “I’ve done you and your grandma a huge favor putting her in that new room. I don’t even get a thank you?”

“Not when you’re clearly up to something. You wouldn’t do something like this just to be nice, admit it.”

Setting his drink down, he leans back in his chair and cocks a dark eyebrow. Christ, he looks so beautiful when he does that. “Stay away from Easton.”

I blink. “What? Are you serious? Is that why you did this? So that I wouldn’t sit with another boy in class?”

“I did it because I felt like it and before you decided to push your fucking luck with that bastard. If you don’t believe me, you can call the payment office. I called on Tuesday, today is Sunday.” He gestures to his phone on the desk, but his intense green gaze never leaves mine. “I want you to stay away from Easton because I said so.”

I narrow my eyes and clench my fists, my frustration making my blood boil. “Stop it, okay?”

He tilts his head and giving me a look that I think is supposed to appear innocent, but there’s nothing innocent about Phoenix Townsend. “Stop what?”

“Stop screwing with me and just tell me why you don’t want me around Easton. He said your father did something to his, and—”

“You don’t get to question me.”

I slap my hands down on the desk before I fully realize what I’m doing and hiss, “I’m not doing a damn thing you say until I get some answers. You won’t tell me where your parents are and when they’ll be back. You won’t tell me what my brother stole from you bastards. You won’t tell me why you use that funny little voice whenever you mention my dad. And now you won’t fucking tell me why I’m not allowed to be around Easton.”


“Don’t Luna me! Because guess what? If I want to hang out with Easton, I’ll damn well hang out with Easton. In fact, maybe I’ll do more than hang out with him. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t turn me down if I made a move.”

I’m bluffing, but his eyes flash. He shoves to his feet, his demeanor shifting in an instant. He appears to be just barely suppressing his rage as he storms around the desk toward me. I straighten and turn so I’m facing him fully when he leans down and gets in my face.

I speak first, my voice a soft whisper, “Go ahead and make your threats, but I don’t see any follow-through. I think Easton was right about you. You’re all bark and no bite.”

“Oh, is that what that fucker thinks of me?” Darkness stains his voice, and he closes the distance between us. I instinctively back up a step, but that doesn’t stop him. In fact, he grins, seeming to enjoy my retreat. He continues to crowd me until my back is pressed against the wall, and I have nowhere else to go. Placing both of his hands on either side of my head, he cages me in. “Do you really believe him, Josslyn? That I’m all bark and no bite? Do you really want to test that theory?”

I swallow the fist-sized lump in the back of my throat. This is somehow far more intimidating than when he’s angry and yelling at me. I feel so small next to him like this. And damn, why the hell are my cheeks so hot?

“If I say yes?”

Of course, I’m referring to his first and second questions, but he zeroes in on the third. The one about testing the theory. “Then I guess I’ll just have to bite, huh?” He chuckles, and it’s an evil, sexy sound that makes me shiver. Leaning closer, he puts his lips next to my ear. “I have a feeling about you…”

He nips at the shell of my ear, and I gasp as heat pulses in my core. What the fuck? I stare up at him in shock, but it’s more at my own reaction than his words. He gazes back at me, his eyes dancing with pitch black amusement.

“You just need to say the word, Luna,” he continues in a low voice that’s laced with promise. “Say the word and I’ll bite you wherever you want.”

For a brief, terrible second, I’m tempted. So damn tempted, my knees go a little weak. No. No way. I am not feeling this way about him. I am not imagining what his lips and hands would feel like on my bare skin.

I am not attracted to this terrible boy.

We stay like that for a long time, neither of us moving. I don’t know what he’s waiting for. To see if I’ll crack or shove him away? My own internal struggle is so great, I’m paralyzed with indecision and confusion.

At last, a rumble leaps from his full lips, and the next thing I know, his hand is wrapped around my throat. He doesn’t squeeze, doesn’t do anything to actually choke me, but I understand exactly what his touch means. He’s in control. His hand may as well be a collar.

Why the hell does that thought turn me on even more?

He brings himself closer so that his lips are a breath away from mine. Is he going to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me?

Shit, I don’t which thought is worse.

“The sooner you realize what this is, the better,” he murmurs, his breath fanning over me, the minty scent teasing my senses. “Resist all you want, but the end is inevitable.”

“And what is that?” I croak, instantly mortified at the breathiness of my voice.

His lips twitch with amusement. “You’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, just do what I say like a good girl, okay?”

With that, he lets me go and takes a step back. My breath leaves my lungs in a rush, and I shove away from the wall the moment I have room to move and bolt toward the door without looking back.

* * *

No matterhow hard I try, sleep is impossible.

I’m a fool for even making an attempt because I can’t stop thinking about my confrontation with Phoenix. His threats and words were shocking enough, but they’re not what has me staring at the ceiling with my heart racing and my cheeks flushed.

I reach up and brush my fingers over the column of my throat, remembering his touch like a brand on my skin. Jesus Christ, what’s wrong with me? Why did I like what he was doing to me? Why did I get wet when he promised to enjoy punishing me?

I’m wet now just thinking about it. Remembering how small I felt as he towered over me. He could’ve done anything to me in that moment, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop him. He didn’t, though, even though I think there’s a deep, twisted part of him that wanted to.

To my horror, there’s a deep, twisted part of myself that wanted him to do it.

I’m disgusted with myself, but no less turned on. There’s a throbbing between my legs that hasn’t lessened at all since I ran away from Phoenix. If anything, it’s gotten worse the more I try to ignore it.

Biting my lip, I try to resist. Somehow, I feel like I’m letting him win if I do this, even if he has no idea it’s happening. In the end, though, it aches too much, and I can’t stop myself. Reaching a hand under my covers, I slowly run it along my t-shirt over my belly until I reach the hem of my panties.

I hesitate just a moment before slipping my hand into my underwear.

Not wasting time, I seek out my clit and hiss in a breath when my fingers brush it. Closing my eyes, I try to think of anyone and anything else, but Phoenix is the only person I’m able to focus on. With a groan, I stop resisting. Allow dark hair and cold green eyes and rough hands to overwhelm my thoughts.

I hate him for this. Torturing me when he’s not even in the room, but I don’t stop.

I rub my clit faster, harder, whimpers and moans slipping past my lips. Someone passing by my room may hear me, but I still don’t stop. I can’t because I’m so close.

And it’s all his fault.

Because for a moment, it’s Phoenix touching me. His hands rough and his eyes burning into me. This is what finally shoves me over the edge. The thought of his eyes on me. I let out a desperate cry as my orgasm washes through me. It’s so intense, it’s almost painful, but I don’t stop rubbing my clit until the waves of pleasure begin to slowly subside.

When they pass and I’ve come down from my euphoric high, I throw my arms over my face and groan in mortification. I just got off fantasizing about Phoenix Townsend. And I’ve got this horrible feeling that the perceptive fucker will likely know something’s up the moment he sees me.

He probably planned this.

Suddenly, my phone starts buzzing, snapping me from my spiraling thoughts. Dropping my arms, I sit up with a frown and grab it from the nightstand next to my bed. The number is blocked, so I let it go. Whoever it was doesn’t leave a voicemail.

As I sit and stare at my phone, my thoughts shift to Jasper. I’m pulling up his phone number before I fully comprehend my intention and click the call button. Holding it to my ear, I wait breathlessly to see if this, perhaps the billionth attempt on my part, is the one he’ll answer.

The phone rings three times and I’m just about convinced it’s going to go unanswered again when there’s a sudden click.

The ringing stops.

Heart in my throat, I croak out, “Hello? Jasper?”

There’s another click and then the call ends.

I sit, frozen in place with my phone pressed to my ear. Finally, I slowly lower it to the bed and stare down at the screen.

I know I shouldn’t be excited, but I can’t help myself. After weeks of complete silence, I finally got an answer. It was brief and wordless, but it was an answer all the same.