Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Zooming back towards the compound, I am seething. Who would’ve been brave enough to attack my home. It was a stupid idea.

As I descended, I realized that there were Sanax roaming the area, armed to the teeth. They were not my own people.

I scanned the compound, finally recognizing some of the Sanaxes as Zarthaans distributors. They typically collected the orders for him.

I growled in rage. A double headed snake that needed his head cut off.

He thought he could purchase my product and subdue me with it? I scoffed. Like I would put my best stuff out there.

I wasn’t foolish enough to think people would respect me enough to be good clients. I just didn’t expect someone like Zarthaan to really get in over his head like this.

A shot fired right at my shuttle, and I quickly dodged to the left. A loud roar escaped me as my vision turned red. No one ever started a fight with me and lived through it.

I pushed my shuttle faster and faster, hurtling to the ground as m I spun out of the way of their shots. It wasn’t difficult to avoid getting hit, though, as whoever was manning the gun was a terrible shot.

I cut the engine not far from the ground, flipping on the automatic landing system. It was something I was finalizing to sell. On the ground, it would appear their shot had rendered my shuttle useless, and they would expect me to crash.

I quickly strapped weapons on before they realized, ensuring there were plenty of ammo and battery packs strapped to my waist. I waited by the door, listening to the shots ricocheting off the exterior walls.

I was willing to sacrifice my ship for the element of surprise. It seemed to work as the shots slowed, obviously deterred when there was no reaction.

As the shuttle shifted onto the ground, I kicked open the manual door, firing off two shots to the left where I heard someone talking.

I kept my back pressed to the inside wall next to the door, out of the doorway. A rain of fire and bullets flew into the open frame.

Slowly, one Sanax started to creep in, looking for me. I put a gun to his temple, and he froze.

“Don’t start a fight you can’t finish,” I hissed, pulling the trigger.

To my surprise, no shots followed mine, so I pressed open my side door. A normal shuttle this size did not have so many additions but mine was specifically tricked out just in case.

I fired off three more shots, taking out four Sanaxes, before I was identified. I was able to duck behind a half wall leading into the man office, firing off shots between their pauses.

My favorite handgun was already burning low after nearly eliminating the crew that had greeted me. I switched out my ammunition, before taking out the three remaining guys.

I scanned my eyes across the area, rushing through the glass doors that connected the company to the landing area when I saw no more survivors.

Foolishly, they had taken hostages. I grinned menacingly, and I could see a flicker of fear dance across several faces.

“I love a good fight,” I called out before shooting to my right, using only my peripheral vision to free my receptionist.

Thankful for such a great staff, Roulan ran towards me, and I threw a gun towards him. Without a pause, he was shooting skillfully, and our staff was quickly freed.

More of the invaders poured into the room, and while Roulan and I were the only ones with weapons, the group was not helpless.

My assistant, Shalet, was leaping between the men, quickly snapping ankles and elbows with little effort. I watched as a Sanax ran through the doorway next to her, and she grabbed their forearm, quickly twisting it and yanking it towards her. With one fluid motion, he screamed and the elbow was facing backwards. O

“I’ve got this,” Roulan shouted as several of my staff became overwhlemed, clicking the button hidden away under his desk. A door popped open on the wall, revealing an armory I had stocked.

All my employees were well trained being in the arms business, so I nodded as Roulan passed out weapons. I continued blasting away those that slipped past my employees, switching to hand to hand combat once I was running low on ammo.

We all made our way through separate hallways, the office staff clearing the building as I made my war path to my house.

I was running alongside Roulan, who seemed to be ensuring my safety. Any shot that I didn’t block, he was there. We made a great team, carving through the crowded compound.

I was grateful for the sharp turns in my building. It was easy to press up against door frames, unnoticeable, until several Sanax rounded the corner at full speed. It would take all of thirty seconds for Roulan and I to take out four of five of them and continue on.

“I think I underestimated Zarthaan,” I said as we jogged along, near the exit door.

“We all did. I never thought he could have commanded so many people.”

“I wrote him off as an annoying customer. I should’ve paid more attention to his orders.”

Roulan shook his head. “He was a dealer. It would’ve never made sense for him to keep them for himself.”

I was beyond angry, the desire to switch into my dragon form taking over. I shook my head, knowing that I would be able to fight just as well in my humanoid form with less damage to my compound.

As I slammed into the door, bursting into the open air, Roulan stopped. “I am going to clear the building!”

He turned and ran back towards the center, and I pushed myself harder, firing off lethal rays without stopping. I was going to put an end to this.