Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



You know a few hours ago the idea of being tied up would’ve sounded pretty damn nice. I might have even suggested we throw a gag into the mix. Sadly, the dozen or so armed men kind of ruined it for me.

Rulora was tied up to a chair with her back to me in mine. The men mostly ignored us as there were so many of them there wasn’t the slightest chance we’d actually get away even if we weren’t tied up. I found out that even when you’re facing certain death, waiting was still pretty fucking boring.

“It’s a damn shame y’know. You find your fated mate and I found the best lay I ever had, and now we’re about to fucking die.” I said to break up the awkward silence.

She turned over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow. “You didn’t.”

I just nodded my head with a halfhearted smile. “I did.”

She laughed and shook her head.

“Hey, while we’re airing our dirty laundry there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask.”

“Ask away.” She said in a low monotone.

“Why Dahrial? I mean the guy seems like a sweetheart but...” I let the implication speak for itself.

Again, she laughed. “It’s like most shit when it comes to love. It’s the little things.”

“Like?” I asked, feeling a good story coming on.

“The first day I started tutoring him I slept in. I’d already met his father so I was freaking out. I threw my makeup together, put my hair up in a ponytail, grabbed whatever material I’d already prepared and literally ran to where we were supposed to meet.”

“Needless to say, I show up out of breath, strands of hair coming out of my ponytail, I looked like a fucking mess.”

The girl had my sympathy. I worked a few jobs before this mail order bride gig. Showing up late on the first day was always a nightmare.

“You’ve met his dad, so I was expecting to get chewed out. Be demeaned and torn down while I just had to stand there and take it,” she went on.

“But you want to know what he did?” She asked.


“The kid looked up at me from the table he’d been waiting at and when he saw me his eyes shot open. He freaked out asking me if I was okay and even told me all the subjects he’d been doing fine in so he could lighten my workload for the day.”

I smiled. That did sound like Dahrial. He was exceptionally understanding, and even when it put a wrench into his father’s plans, he signed the waiver on our contract. He was going to deal with all of the fallout while I got out scot-free.

“Now I’m not saying that I fell in love with him then and there, but the son of a dragon lord not even batting an eye at me being a lower class alien; it left an impact. He was kind.”

“After that, our sessions were mostly professional but the more he came out of his shell, his kindness became charming. Then that charm turned into outright flirting and then that led to...” Now it was her turn to let the implication speak for itself.

I’d be lying if I didn’t get some second-hand swoon from her. Just the way she spoke about him, her love was deep. It saturated every word about the man. I almost felt bad about questioning it in the first place.

“Now it's your turn,” she said, her voice stern. “Spill.”

I chuckled. “What, are you wanting me to start listing off the inches or something?”

“Honey, if he’s anything like his son, I know he’s packing. I’m asking about what happened. What’s up between you two?”

“Well,” my voice went low and quiet, “I think I love him.”

“Duh, and?” She said curtly.

My head snapped around at her. “What you mean duh?”

“Girl, everyone on this compound knew you two were in love. I’m sure these assholes even figured it out.”

A few of said assholes looked at us then quickly went back to talking about guns or whatever else they obsessed over to cope with having small penises.

I shook the litany of insults I’d been amassing in my mind for these chodes and refocused on our conversation.

“Was it really that obvious?” I asked, feeling caught dead to rights.

“Babe, the man saw you for two minutes then spanked you until he got a visible hard on. Between that and you blushing like a schoolgirl, it was kind of hard to miss.”

Damn, I got it but did it really warrant the level of sass? The girl did have a point though. There was definitely something there as early as back then. I thought it was just him being ridiculously hot and it being a while since I got any. I guess it really might have been something more.

A loud staticky voice filled the room. It was one of the guys’ radios and the guy on it was freaking out.

“Send backup! Xxuric and his kid are picking my boys off left and right. We’re running out of men out here!”

Before the men could even react Rulora cheered as loud as she could. “Get ‘em, baby!”

I turned around and laughed at the blinding degree of pride emanating from the woman. I couldn’t blame her though. Her little man was really showing up today.

One of the men quickly walked over to us and slapped her across the face as hard as he could. “Shut the fuck up.”

He turned to the rest of the men. “You go out there and kill those fucks.”

He nodded towards one of the men he’d been talking to. “You and me will stay here and keep an eye on the whores.”

“Mail order wife, asshole! This bitch is getting the dick, the bag, and the ring.” I bit back.

This earned me a slap of my own. Thankfully the guy hit like a bitch, but I still played it off like he really rocked me.

A few of the men chuckled and the whole lot of them stormed out of the room. This left the four of us alone. Two of us and two of them. That I could work with.

I couldn’t fight off the smirk when I quietly mumbled to Rulora behind me.

“Watch this.”