Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



The authorities arrived in short order after we managed to get through to them. They swamped the building, swarming every which way, looking for evidence, suspects, the whole nine yards.

They even brought paramedics with them to look over the thugs that we had taken down. Needless to say, they weren’t in great shape.

As the cops and medics bustled about, I turned to see Xxuric standing there, arms folded across his chest, just staring at Dahrial and Rulora.

I hid the smile that was spreading across my face.

This should be pretty good, I thought.

“So,” Xxuric said with the weary tone of a parent, “if I understand this correctly, Rulora, it turns out that you were doing much more than just tutoring my son. Is that right?”

Rulora turned even a brighter shake of red, which I didn’t think was even possible.

“Well, I mean…that is, sir,” she stammered nervously, never quite able to get the words out.

I chuckled softly then. I couldn’t help myself. Xxuric shot me a look that was both annoyed and slightly charmed by all of this.

“Explain this to me,” Xxuric said then. “Explain it to me so I fully understand it. Talk to me like I’m a child.”

“Dad, it’s just that…it’s pretty simple, really,” Dahrial said then but Xxuric cut him off.

“I’m talking to Rulora, son. Let her tell me.”

Rulora swallowed hard and cleared her throat.

“It’s like this, sir,” she began. “Your son…is the finest person I know. He’s thoughtful, considerate. He’s so amazingly kind to me.”

She reached out then, putting a hand on the side of Dahrial’s face. I could see how much he responded to her touch. He was practically melting.

“Is he?” Xxuric said with a teasing skepticism.

“He is. He’s really everything I ever looked for from a…a partner. And I…I love him, sir. With all of my heart. With everything I have. I love him.”

Dahrial stood up to his full height then, squaring his shoulders as he faced his father.

“And I love her, father. With everything I have.”

Xxuric snorted softly at that.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. How long has this been going on between you two? Could I get an answer to that please? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

Dahrial shook his head.

“We couldn’t tell you, Dad. I knew you had all these…other plans for me, and I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

Xxuric reached out and put his hand on Dahrial’s shoulder then.

“Son, I know I can be a royal pain in the ass sometimes—”

Dahrial opened his mouth to argue but Xxuric shook his head.

“—no, no, I know that and I can own that part of myself. But the truth is, despite all my bluster and blather, all I really want, in the end, is your happiness, kid. Truly. That’s the only thing that I want for you.”

Dahrial and Rulora looked at each other then, and held hands, gripping each other tightly.

“That means the world to us, sir. Thank you. And thank you, Heather, for being so understanding of all of this,” Rulora said then.

Xxuric turned to me, eyes wide.

“You knew about this?” he said, mild accusation in his voice.

I shrugged.

“Yup. I knew. I mean, honestly, you only have to spend about five minutes in the company of the two of them to know. Just have to pay a little attention,” I said with a little snark to my voice, throwing a wink at the couple as I did.

“Well, why didn’t you tell me?” Xxuric said with a roar.

“Hey, it’s not my place to spill that kind of information,” I responded. “Besides, I’m not a rat.”

Rulora looked at me then with grateful eyes and smiled.

“Even though you telling me would have made all of this mess a bit easier to sort out?” said Xxuric.

“Oh relax,” I said with a dismissive wave. “Everything has worked all right in the end, don’t you think? Everyone is safe, we beat the bad guys, true love has been honored. What more can you ask?”

Xxuric glowered at me, but I could feel like the playful energy behind his eyes as he did so.

“Uh-huh,” was all he managed to say.

“Besides,” Dahrial said, “we never would have made it through this whole thing without Heather.”

“Absolutely!” Rulora agreed. “She’s my hero. Literally. She took out those guards like they were nothing. And she kept our secret with grace and honor. And I could never ask more of a friend than that.”

I looked at her as she said it, touched at the sincerity. I was even surprised to find some small tears forming in my eyes.

“Thank you, Rulora. I really appreciate that so much. Truly.”

“You’re welcome. I mean all of it and more.”

Xxuric looked at me and smiled.

“There’s no doubt that Heather is a powerful woman, and more than capable of taking care of herself.”

I felt a warmth spread through me then. I wasn’t sure I had ever been as appreciated in my life as I have been at this moment.

“Dad, if it’s all right with you, I’d like to take Rulora home. Make sure she’s all right, and let her get cleaned up a bit,” Dahrial said.

“And I’d like to do the same for him, if I may,” Rulora said.

Not a problem. Fine by me. Get home and relax a bit. I’d say you’ve both earned it.”

Dahrial reached out his hand to his father and they grasped each other and shook firmly.

“Thanks Dad.”

“Shut up and get out of here,” he said with a growl.

They left and we were left alone for the moment.

He looked over at me and I shrugged.

“What can I tell you? Things go how they go.” I said.

“That they do, that they do,” Xxuric said. “It’s funny, you know. I guess you can never tell exactly when and where your fated match is going to come from.”

He looked at me then, holding my gaze.

And I couldn’t help but wonder if he was talking about something more than his son.