Grumpy Alien King by Celeste King



Islipped my spatula under the meat on the grill, flipping it expertly. It was once so rare for me to cook my own meal, but now, I made more time for leisurely activities. I love to cook, actually, especially for my wife.

I smiled down at the open flame, still catching myself by surprise when it came to acknowledging Heather as my wife. My beautiful, mated, human bride. Utterly unbelievable.

I looked up, my eyes drifting across the back yard I had recently redone. It was now equipped with a fire pit, chairs, and a small playground underneath the tall trees.

My gaze fell onto Heather, as she chased Dahrial’s son around the yard. He nearly fell, and she lurched forward to catch him. They both rolled across the ground, laughing all the while. Just watching them filled me with joy.

It was good that we all had married when we did. Rulora was nearly five months pregnant without Dahrial’s knowledge. She told us all immediately after the wedding, not wanting to force Dahrial or myself into a rash decision because of the news.

I wasn’t sure how long she could have kept up the charade. The signs of pregnancy were almost immediate after her announcement, forcing them to cancel their honeymoon. Dahrial wondered how she had kept it a secret for so long.

With no secrets between us and a lot more understanding, I had grown much closer to my son. I regretted being so harsh towards him, but we were making up for it now. I made more time for my family, and I was grateful that I had.

“What has you grinning so much?” Heather had snuck up behind me without my noticing. She wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing her body into my back.

I was sorely domesticated, I realized, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“Watching you with a Moneck.”

She sighed contently. “Rulora says that he’s really getting the hang of walking. We’re all going to be in trouble now.”

Laughter rumbled deep in my chest. Their son had been a handful already, well before he started to walk. Crawling around, he was putting everything in his mouth, pulling everything down, and terrorizing his poor mother. Rulora had been run ragged, but she seemed content smiling down at her son.

I twisted around to face her. “You seem very happy with him.” After a pause I added, “and with Rulora.”

The two spent nearly all their time together, especially since the baby was born. Having someone else to be close to seemed to really help Heather adjust better, especially since they had been through so much together. I’m sure that Rulora didn’t mind the help one bit, either.

“I am. I need some company when you’re at work.” She pressed up on her toes to give me a kiss. “Unless you’ve changed your mind?”

I chuckled, shaking my head no. Heather had been begging for a pet ever since our wedding day. She claimed I still worked too much.

“You’ll have to figure something else out if Rulora isn’t occupying you enough.”

She grinned up at me, releasing my torso. “I might have already found someone to keep my company.”

“Oh, yeah?”

She nodded, and as I stared at her puzzled, she reached out to grab my hand, pulling me in close. She gently placed my palm against her stomach, pressing her lips to my ear.

“I’m pregnant.”

My jaw dropped open as excitement flushed through my body. I had been jealous during Rulora’s pregnancy, secretly wishing for a child of our own. I never admitted it, though, as it felt too selfish.

“You are?”

Her smile grew wider, and she giggled. “I am. I found out a few days ago that I’m five weeks along.”

I picked her up in my arms, spinning her around as we dissolved into laughter. “This is so fantastic!”

I kissed her head and cheek and lips. I peppered her with tiny pecks all over her face, which only made her laugh more.

“I was worried you weren’t going to be excited.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

I set her back on the ground, and she was flushed pink. I couldn’t help but grab either side of her face and bring her lips to mine once more.

She shrugged shyly once I let her go. “You already have one son. I wasn’t sure if it would stress you out more to have another mouth to feed.”

“Heather, I want nothing more than to raise a child with you.”

She was beaming then. I could see tension melt away out of her shoulders, and I wrapped her in another big hug.

“I love you,” she whispered against my skin.

“I love you, too.” I pressed a kiss to her temple.

“Uh, Dad?”

My head snapped up as Dahrial walked up beside us.

“Are you burning something there?”

I ripped myself away from Heather to turn back to the grill. The burgers were definitely over cooked, and the grease was starting a small fire.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” I muttered to myself.

“Little ears!” Rulora called from just across the patio.

It was too late, though, because Moneck was already tearing a path through the backyard calling as loud as he could, “Shit, shit, shit, shit!”

“Moneck!” Dahrial rushed off after his boy as Heather snickered and rubbed my back. I hung my head, looking sheepishly at Rulora. She shook her head at me.

“I’m sorry!” I yelled out as she walked towards her husband.

“You will be.” Her glare was more than enough to remind me of a mother’s wrath.

Even with my slip ups and my temper, I couldn’t believe what my life had become. Here I was shying away from my son’s tutor with his supposed to be bride carrying my child. I couldn’t believe it.

Still, my body felt ripped apart and hollow whenever I thought about how things were. I wouldn’t give up a second of this life for anything.