Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


When Daniel came home,no one said much. His brothers had already filled him in by text. But still, guilt ate at him. He had almost gotten Surcy killed. And for what? His own foolish pride? His fear?

I really am a broken, fuck-up.

Surcy went to bed and fell instantly to sleep. Thank god. He didn’t think he could speak to her after what he’d done. He needed time to rip his emotions off his sleeve and shove them deep inside.

And I can’t do that with her big eyes staring at me as if I’m some awful demon who’s about to tear her head off.

The three of them took turns watching over her, worried she would run again. Even though no one said it out loud. But we can’t do this forever.

His entire chest ached each time he looked at her, curled up in bed. Her wings gone. Her face pale and thin. She was a shadow of the woman he’d once known. Both on the inside and out.

What happened to her?

And how could I have let it happen?

His cellphone rang, jolting him from his thoughts. Tristan glanced at him from the couch, and tension sung between them.

Reaching into his pocket, Daniel looked at the blocked number, knowing immediately who it was. Swiping the screen, he answered. And waited.

“Have you found one yet?” The familiar woman’s voice came, whispered and intense.

Daniel took a deep breath. “No, we—“

“Then what the hell are you doing! I told you time is essential. We won’t be able to keep our plan from Caine for long.”

“We had a… complication.”

If finding Surcy could be called that.

“A fucking complication? Your brother has the one tool that can help us find them. And I gave you the information you need to use it. There’s no excuse for any hesitation. Find them! Before it’s too late!”


But the dial tone said the mystery caller had already hung up.

“Was it her?” Tristan asked, although his tone suggested he already knew.

“She’s pissed.” Daniel stuffed his phone back in his pocket, feeling as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders.

Which it did.

They had a goal, an almost impossible task set before them. They had to find and save The Immortal Ten, the ten immortals who had once been the judges of mankind until Caine had mysterious overthrown them. People we only learned about a few days ago. Caine erased their memories, scattering them like lost souls throughout the world.

Finding the immortals and returning them to power was the only way to change the world. And they were the only ones who could do it.

Even though I’m the last person who should have this kind of responsibility.

When Daniel and his brothers had first stared crawling up through the demon-realms after their deaths, his goal had simply been to return to earth and get back the life that had been taken from him. But this time not to fuck it up. But Surcy’s passionate desire to change the system had spread through them like a wild fire, and now, it wasn’t something he could simply walk away from. As much as he wanted to.

But things were different now. In order to protect their plan, they would need to keep it a secret from Surcy. But could they do that?

Probably not.

And if she told Caine what they planned, it would put the entire Rebellion at risk and the future of mankind.

Which we can’t do.

Daniel glanced over at his brother. Tristan was staring in the distance, his expression far away.

“How are we going to do this with her here?” Daniel asked.

Tristan spoke slowly, as if this was exactly the problem he’d been considering since she’d returned. “She needs to be reminded of the cause, of why we do this. We should pursue the first of The Immortal Ten with her by our side. She doesn’t need to know the significance of the person, only that he or she needs our help.”

Of course!

It made perfect sense. One of the many differences between Surcy and the other angels was that she didn’t simply follow the brainwashing ideas of Caine. She didn’t just see the world in black and white. She saw all the areas of gray and often got lost in them, just as the humans did.

Mark came back into the room, and Tristan stood, leaving to take his place by Surcy's bed. His brother said little as he grabbed a drink and collapsed onto the couch.

Too bad I’ve got to make this crappy day even worse for him. After all the pressure he already feels.

“Our mysterious informer called.”

Mark stiffened. “What did she want?”

“To find out why we haven’t started looking for the immortals yet.”

His brother touched the silver chain around his neck, a nervous habit he’d had as long as Daniel had known him. “I wish we could focus on Surcy and forget all of this, but we can’t. It’s too important.”

“I know.”

“But Surcy…” The pained look on Mark’s face was heart wrenching.

“Tristan came up with a plan.”

Daniel explained their brother’s idea, glad to finally have some good news to share.

Mark looked relieved. “That’s the perfect way to save the immortals and get our Surcy back.”

But will this really bring her back to us?

Something was bothering Daniel, and he finally realized what it was. “You know… that’s not the best way to bring her back to herself.”

There’s another better way, and we all know it.

An image came to him, of laying Surcy back on the bed, and spreading her pale thighs. Of reaching out to stroke her wet folds while she chanted his name.

He loved to drive her wild. He challenged himself to make her orgasms longer and harder each time. And he knew exactly what she liked.

He’d place his mouth on her hot core and lick her slowly, then press hard kisses that made her entire body spasm. And when her legs locked around his head, he’d suck her clit.

She’d beg him for release, and he’d slide his cock into her slick passage and thrust into her until she exploded. And then, and only then, would he allow himself to release. To come into her eager body.

Shit.He sat up straighter, adjusting his erection. Going a year without sex does strange things to a man.

“What are you saying?” Mark asked, his cheeks turning red.

He was imagining fucking her too!

“You know damn well what I’m saying. She needs to be touched. She needs us to make love to her. That’s the only way to bring her human side back to life.”

Mark rubbed his face, looking flustered. “I’m sure sex with us is the last thing on her mind.”

But we can change that. “That’s only because we haven’t reminded her of how good it was.”

Mark rolled his eyes. “She just went through hell. We are not talking to her about that now.”

Maybe not tonight. But tomorrow is soon enough.

Daniel rose and went to the wet-bar, making himself a scotch. “Our Surcy was a sarcastic, arrogant, funny-as-hell woman who wasn’t afraid of anything. But until we awaken the human in her, she’ll be the distant, thoughtful angel who can’t connect with anything or anybody. You guys can pretend all you want that pulling her into our quest will be enough, but it won’t be. So you'd better accept that now.”

“We need to be patient.”

Daniel walked across the room and clinked his drink against his brother’s. “To patience.”

Not that I have any intention of waiting longer than I have to.

“Get some sleep. Tomorrow we pursue the first Immortal.”

Mark shrugged. “I’m not tired.”

“Neither am I.”

So they sat together in silence, their arrogant, cocky demon shell peeled back for just a little while. Tomorrow, they’d have to go back to fighting the deadly creatures who tortured the Immortals.

And try to survive.

All while trying to win the love of an angel.

If I was the praying kind, I would.

But Daniel knew better. The only one who could fix their situation was them.

I think we might be fucked.