Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Something isn’t right.

Surcy hadn’t been able to shake the feeling. The way Frink looked at her sent goose bumps racing down her arms and had every hair on her body standing on end. Hatred rolled off him in waves, but why would she feel this way about a fellow angel?

I felt safer with the demons.

The knowledge chilled her to the core. She had to turn back, before it was too late.

She stopped walking and waited for Frink to look back at her. “There’s somewhere else I should go before I return to Caine.”

His eyes narrowed. “And where is that?”

“To further investigate what caused the loss of my wings. Such a thing is too small a matter for the Great Caine.”

Turning, she started back toward the border. They hadn’t walked far. If she hurried, but not so quickly as to alert him, she could cross it and teleport back out.

She sensed him behind her. “What’s the matter, Surcy? Your memory coming back?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She increased her speed.

“You don’t.” He spoke, too close behind her. “Then, you don’t remember helping a certain traitorous Hunter and her demons escape?”

“Escape?” That can’t be true.

“Oh yes,” he said, his voice cold. “And of course you remember what happened when I tried to stop you?”

Her heart had been pounding so loudly in her ears she could scarcely hear anything else. “I can’t even imagine.”

Wind whipped around her and suddenly he was standing in front of her, cutting her off from her escape. “You killed me.” His soul-blade appeared in his hand. “And now, I think it’s my turn to return the favor.”

Her own soul-blade appeared in her hand. “I don’t want to hurt a fellow angel.”

“Then this will be even easier than I thought.”

He swung at her, and her blade met his. The sound of metal hitting metal filled her ears, and her arms shook from the impact. He swung at her from every angle, but each time her blade met his.

They circled each other, her palms sweaty against the hilt of her weapon. She couldn’t remember learning to use a sword, yet it felt natural in her grip.

But am I better than this angel?

Inching backwards toward the border, she kept her blade in front of her. Something within her burned at the thought of running from a fight, but a louder part of her still felt weak and lost in her own body. The last thing she needed at the moment was a fight.

A shadow fell over her and she glanced up to see angels circling above them.

What will I do if I have to face more than one of them? I won’t survive it.

Frink came at her again. She leapt to one side, slicing his arm, and rolling.

He swore. Using his free hand, he touched the trail of blood and glared at her. “You’ll pay for that.”

She opened her mouth to respond and two more angels dropped from the sky in front of her.

“What is it?” a beautiful golden haired angel asked, looking between Frink and her as she continued moving backwards.

“An enemy,” Frink answered simply.

Blades formed in their hands.

Her pulse sped up. I only have one choice.

Leaping back, she crossed the border and teleported to safety. When she appeared in front of the demons’ house, she collapsed onto her knees.

Tears trailed down her cheeks, and she set her blade down in front of her, staring into the darkness. How can this be? My own brethren sought to kill me? They call me an enemy.

In her heart, she felt that she was an angel. And yet, it appeared that she was a friend and champion of the demons instead.

What am I to do now?