Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


Surcy stared at the Immortals.They looked… upset. Her stomach churned, and for some reason, she felt ashamed.

I didn’t choose to be an angel. They can’t possibly hold it against me. Could they?

“I’m no longer serving Caine because I have to; I’m serving a cause I believe in.”

“Which explains your missing wings.” Spring reached out and touched her back lightly.

Surcy winced and nodded.

Autumn crossed his arms over his chest. “And we’re really just supposed to accept that?”

She didn’t know what to say. It was almost surreal. She’d lost so much when she lost her wings, and yet, she was still seen as an enemy by these Immortals. Is that how the rest of her life would be? The thought made the weight on her shoulders feel heavier.

“You can always stay here,” Daniel said, indicating the mountain. His tone dripping with sarcasm. “I mean, sure we risked our lives to save all of you, but if the fact that she’s an angel bothers you that much, stay here. Keep wasting away. Keep starving. Why the fuck should we care?”

Winter held out her hands. “Enough! Apologize, Autumn.”

Autumn glared.

“Apologize you angry old, shifter!” Daniel ordered.

Autumn kept glaring, but mumbled out an apology.

Winter nodded. “Sorry, he gets cranky when he doesn’t eat. And he’s been hungry for a long time.”

Surcy tried to push away the hurt his words had brought, but they lingered. At least you have Daniel here to defend you. Glancing back at his angry expression made her sadness ease. It was actually kind of nice to see his temper directed at someone else.

A little laugh exploded from her lips.

His gaze jerked to her. “What?”

“Nothing,” but she couldn’t keep the smile from her face.

Like a force of nature, he came to her, sweeping her hair back from her neck and kissing her until her knees went weak. When he pulled back, she clung to the front of his shirt.


“Maybe that’ll teach you not to laugh at me.”

Unable to help herself, she slid her hands down his chest. “Or maybe I’ll tease you more.”

Suddenly, arms wrapped around them. She turned to find Mark grinning like mad. “You two made up!”

“We weren’t fighting!” Surcy protested.

Daniel reached out and ruffled Mark’s hair. “Yeah, we made up.”

Mark kissed Surcy’s neck in just the right spot to send tingles through her body. “Good.”

“We might want to continue this when everyone is safe,” Daniel said, but there was humor in his voice.

“Of course,” Mark pulled back and fiddled with his glasses, giving them both a tired smile.

Surcy wanted to pull them both back to her again. She wanted to inhale their familiar scents and feel their strong arms around her. But as always, there wasn’t time for that.

Trying not to look disappointed, she turned and walked back to the Immortals, who watched their exchange with interest. When she stopped in front of Spring, she was suddenly struck by the underlying beauty beneath all the dirt. Her eyes were the purest blue, like the petals of an extraordinary flower. No mortal had eyes like hers.

Her heart raced as Spring lifted her hands and touched the sides of her face. Instantly, images bombarded her. There was a beach of glowing golden sand. Large trees with golden apple-like fruits , and houses woven from nature itself were concealed within the trees.

Home.The word echoed through her mind with a sadness that rang through her very soul.

Surcy opened her eyes and nodded. “I’ll get you there.”

The Immortal smiled. “I know you will.”

Surcy stepped back from her and looked at the other Immortals. Autumn no longer watched her with suspicious eyes; instead, his amber-colored eyes were filled with interest. And Winter’s eyes, so dark they were black, were oddly intelligent. As if she was evaluating everything that had taken place, and had come to some kind of decision.

“Who should I take first?” she asked, feeling strangely humbled in their presence.

“Spring,” Autumn and Winter said at once.

The Immortal took her hand without question, and Surcy nearly jumped at how cold and boney it was. Leading her to the edge of the mountain, she stopped and looked back.

“I’ll be right back.”

Daniel raised a brow. “We’ll be here.”

She almost laughed. But instead, she looked at the Immortal. “Ready?”

Spring nodded, and as one, they jumped.