Fallen Angel Reclaimed: The Complete Series by Lacey Carter Andersen


It was longpast nightfall when Surcy had finally brought everyone to the tiny island. Tristan and the Immortal were already there when they reached it. The dragon-shifter was in his human-form, but unlike the other Immortals, he never spoke. He just moved among the trees eating apples with a desperation that spoke of his hunger. In fact, all the Immortals ate and ate.

As the night grew later, she began to nod off. All the fighting, along with using her powers, was exhausting. And yet, she couldn’t get comfortable on the beach.

I’m pretty sure I have a seashell poking me right in the back. Ugh!She pulled it out, lay down again, and still squirmed, unable to rest.

When Tristan suggested she head home to get some sleep, she gratefully leapt at the chance. If she didn’t get a good night’s sleep, she had no idea how she’d be able to teleport so many people to the sanctuary in the morning.

And after that, my demons can sleep for days, if they want to.

She returned to their empty home and showered, then changed for bed. A strange tension filled the air, and she found it difficult to sleep. Staring into the darkness, she tried to decide why she was feeling so uneasy, but nothing came to mind.

The Immortals and my demons are safe. I’m safe. So what’s wrong with me?

A teasing wind blew the white curtains near her balcony, bringing with it the sweet scents of Daniel’s garden. The scent reminded her of the sweet demon. And, at last, she was able to close her eyes. With a smile on her lips, she snuggled deeper into her pillows and felt herself slipping into sleep.

Something made her open her eyes as she shifted. And a man was standing over her.

Her eyes flashed open again. A scream caught in her throat.

Even though she’d never seen him through his cloud of dark magic, she knew it was him. Caine. He radiated a power so intense that it took her breath away. His hair was dark. His eyes pale and cruel. His body was neither thin, nor muscular. Instead, he was built like a man whose strength was woven into every inch of his flesh. He wore a simple dark shirt and pants, and his expression was intense.

“Surcy,” he practically purred her name.

On instinct she tried to teleport away, but his powers held her there.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered, in horror.

He slid closer. “Must we do this every time?”

Her hands were sweaty, clutching the blanket to her chest as if it could stop whatever was about to happen. “I don’t understand.”

He slid even closer. “You, Surcy, are my spy. That is the only reason I didn’t simply call you to me and throw you into the Soul Destroyer. And now, you and your filthy demons have angered me by taking my Immortals. So, you are going to show me where they are, and I’m going to end their worthless lives.”

No!She stiffened. She would not allow this to happen. She couldn’t!

“Don’t touch me!”

He lifted his hand. “Always so stubborn. Even until the end.”

Taking a deep breath, she watched as his hand grew closer. Then, moving faster than she ever had before, she called her soul-blade to her and struck out. His hand went flying.

She leapt on the bed as a scream of pain left his lips, then jumped toward him, determined to sever his damn head. Instead, he raised his good hand, and she hung in midair for a painful second before being thrown back against the mattress.

Her soul-blade vanished, and then he was over her, his one good hand wrapped around her throat. “You’re going to pay for that, Surcy. And your demons are going to pay for that. I might not be able to kill them yet, but I can make them suffer, and I will.”

She struggled, thrashing on the bed. Her legs kicking wildly, but his hold on her throat was relentless. Her vision dimmed, and then she felt him, like a spider crawling through her mind. She fought him, with every ounce of her being, but she knew the second he found what he was searching for. The location of the four Immortals.

His voice held immense power. “I knew they wouldn’t just go to the sanctuary.”

She felt tears slide down her cheeks.

“Now, where did you hide that damn mermaid?”

Again, he pilfered through her thoughts, her memories, with a reckless, violating power that made her choke down a sob.

“Ah! She too refused the sanctuary.” She felt his cold lips press against her temple. “I wonder how it will feel to know that every risk you took, everything you and your demons did was for nothing. I will simply take the Immortals back, and leave you all to suffer the consequences.”

“Bastard,” she ground out, more tears rolling down her cheeks.

She felt his lips smile against her skin. “You know what the best part is? You’re the one who betrayed them. You ruined it all for them.” Then, his voice grew quieter. “And you won’t even remember it.”

That horrible feeling came again, of him prying inside her mind, and then, everything went black.