Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper



It’s quiet as we drive towards her house. I’m currently not capable of coherent thoughts, let alone speech, although I wonder why she’s so distant. The sex was incredible and normally that made women like limpets, but not this one. Half of my brain is cursing me for not using a condom. Quinn is going to kill me, he is always so paranoid about women using us. The other half of my brain just wants me to reach over, grab her, and impale her back on my cock, whether Jeremy is in the car or not.

She’s the first woman I’ve fucked since Cara, but even as I think of them in the same sentence I know she’s different. Cara was the last girl we’d all attempted to share, but it was a relationship of convenience for me. Max had started it and even he wasn’t that into her. She definitely wasn’t someone Quinn or I would’ve chosen for ourselves. That was the problem with sharing, there was never a girl for all of us. I hadn’t even had a full conversation with this girl and I knew she was it for me. I wouldn’t let her go. The question is, where do we go from here? She is mine, that’s for sure. She just doesn’t know it yet. However, it’s hard to accept the fact she sits one seat over, studiously ignoring me. She hasn’t even asked my name. Is she really okay with this just being a one-time thing? Like I’d let her get away that easily.

The bartender had said she’d never gone home with anyone apart from her friend, even with guys constantly hitting on her. Not that he was happy to relay that information, but our reputation helped us out more often than not, and this time was no exception. There was a reason I was the first to take her home. She had to feel the chemistry between us. So what is she playing at now? God, she’s stunning. Thick dark hair with soft caramel skin. And those eyes. Almond and deep, they could easily hypnotise you. I’m so busy fantasising about the woman sitting next to me that I don’t notice us pull up until she pops open the door.

“Thanks so much for the ride, bye!” she calls cheerfully, without looking back at me. She hops out and slams the door shut.

“Wait!” I call, but she’s already at the front door. That’s okay, I know where she’ll be next Saturday. That bartender was useful, but maybe kept too close an eye on my girl.

Heading home, I think back to the argument earlier. Max and Quinn will love her, I can already tell. But Quinn was right, the drama that comes with sharing isn’t worth it. I’m just thanking my lucky fucking stars I found her first.

The idea of sharing works well in theory. Three guys to give one girl all she could want, and to pick up the slack when the others are busy or being assholes, which we can be. Plus, you get to watch her being fucked. Group activities are fun for everyone! But theory is not actual life, and it never ends well. Our experience so far is that one of us always gets picked in the end, and we’ve never actually liked the girls enough to want their full attention. Plus, dynamics are always off when you try to go from a group relationship to a couple who live with the exes. Awkward.

Our move to Ironhaven signals a fresh start, seeing our own girls only. Although we’ve been so busy since we got here that we have had little time to meet anyone, and none of us have seemed interested, anyway. Quinn especially. Which surprises me, seeing as he was the advocate for separating our love lives and he loves to have a girlfriend to spoil. I walk into the house and make myself a drink at the bar before joining the guys on the couch.

“Where have you been?” Quinn asks.

“You keeping tabs on me now?”

“I thought you were checking out the new club, but you smell like sex.”

“I did,” I reply, annoyed he’s so astute and reluctant to give him any more information.

“Fuck someone in the bathroom? That’s one way to kick-start your newfound singledom,” he smirks back.

“Car, actually.” He’s pissing me off. “And I’d say my single status is coming to a swift end.”

“Fucking hell, you don’t hang around. Who is she?”

“What’s it to you?”

He rolls his eyes at me. “Chill, At. I’m not trying to steal her from you, I’ll run a check on her if you’re suddenly in love.”

“As if you could,” I reply, unable to let that one go. “But I’m not doing a background check on her.”

“Why not?” Max interrupts. “We always do checks on our girls.”

“Good thing she’s not our girl then.”

“Since when are you territorial?” Max continues. “You’ve never been fussed before.”

“This is different. I don’t want the sharing shit to scare her off.”

“What’s her name?” Quinn pipes back up. For fuck’s sake, why can’t he drop it?

“I don’t know,” I mutter.

He chokes out a disbelieving laugh. “So you don’t even know her name and yet you’re ready to throw down to keep her to yourself? Does she have a magic pussy or something?”

“Shut the fuck up, Quinn. I want to get to know her the normal way, it’s boring as shit when you find out everything through a report. I’ll know what she wants to tell me.”

“Which at the moment is a grand total of fuck all.” I clench my fists, determined not to swing at him. He is like a brother to me, after all. 15 years of friendship can’t be ruined by him mocking my connection with a woman I’ve only met once.

“How did you let her get away with giving you nothing?” Max asks, always the rational one, silently thinking it all through.

“I dropped her off, so I have an address. Which you’re not having, Quinn,” I add as he opens his mouth. “And I know where she’ll be every Saturday, at our club.”

“Can we all remember we came to Ironhaven for business and not to stalk ghost pussy?” Quinn adds. I glare daggers at him, and he shrugs cockily before leaving.

“Ignore him. You know he’s still worked up about Cara,” Max explains.

“Why? None of us gave a shit about her.”

“He hates when he’s chosen more than when he’s not. It disrupts the status quo and exacerbates his trust issues. Cara spent months promising him the world, that she could love us all.”

God, yeah. I’d forgotten how clingy she was.

“It turned out she was playing us both to stay close to Quinn. He feels guilty and betrayed,” Max continues.

“Whatever, I’ve already forgotten about her.”

“What’s this one like?” he asks.

I’m hesitant, but finally admit it. “She seems pretty fucking perfect so far.”

“What a great time to stop sharing,” he mutters sarcastically.

I’ve spent the last seven days thinking of nothing but her, and yet my memory still hasn’t done her justice. I watch her moving around the dance floor for an hour, waving off guy after guy offering her drinks. She’s wearing black satin cuffed joggers that are cropped just above the ankle and strappy shoes that make her legs look a million miles long. A black strapless top leaves a strip of tanned abdomen on display. Fuck, I’m getting hard just picturing uncovering more of that golden skin. She heads over to the bar and a guy elbows his mates before following her over. I don’t think so. I park myself at the bar next to her, but she’s got her head turned, nodding at whatever he’s saying to her. She rests her chin on one hand. It becomes quite apparent she’s not involved in the conversation at all, he’s talking at her while she nods along. The bartender comes over and I speak over the guy she’s with.

“One whiskey, neat, and a French martini,” I say as she stiffens, clearly recognising who’s behind her. The guy harassing her looks over her shoulder with a disgruntled expression but pales when he sees me and leaves, murmuring a goodbye. My reputation does wonders. Good fucking riddance.

“Wow,” she says, turning to face me. “That was quicker than I’ve ever gotten him to leave.”

“I’m efficient,” I reply. “How many times have you tried to get away from him?”

“Every Saturday for the past six weeks. God may like a trier, but I certainly do not.” She rolls her eyes but my blood heats and I’m considering going to find this guy when the drinks appear in front of me.

“Taken a liking to them now, have you?” She nods towards the pink cocktail and I slide it over to her.

“For you.”

“Thanks,” she grins before picking it up and disappearing back into the crowd. I stand there, slightly bemused. Surely that’s not it? Is she actually expecting us to be just a one-night thing? Not if I have anything to do with it.

She dances with her same friend from last week for hours until the club quietens down, and like a sad sack I wait around for the chance to speak to her again. Finally, they head to the bathroom. I hang about in the corridor and when they emerge I step forward and catch my girl’s hand, stopping her from passing. They both spin to see who’s grabbed her and her friend smirks when she sees it’s me.

“Can I borrow her for a second?” I ask, pushing her back into the bathroom.

“Take as long as you need,” her friend offers as I shut the door and lock it behind me.

“Rude, much?” she asks, putting her hands on her hips.

“Me? Were you just planning to ignore me all night?”

“We spoke earlier,” she replies, eyes still defiant. I step towards her and for each step I take, she takes one back.

“Let me give you a lift home. This place shuts soon,” I offer, desperate to extend any time with her. I step forward again, and she bumps against the vanity behind her.

“No thanks. Coze is picking us up. We don’t make a habit of getting more than one lift from strange men who don’t even tell us their name.”

“Who’s Coze?” I ask, leaning forward and putting my hands on the counter on either side of her, caging her in and putting our mouths inches apart.

“Who are you?” she counters. I could have a lot of fun with this sass and my dick twitches at the thought.

“Atlas,” I concede.

“Well, Atlas, this isn’t a good idea,” she says, putting her hands on my chest. She pushes lightly, with no actual force behind it. “Especially since the last time, neither of us remembered a condom.”

Shit. “I’m clean,” I blurt out, suddenly desperate to ease her worry. I still can’t believe it. “I’ve never done that before. You make me lose my mind a bit, you know.”

Her eyebrows raise slightly and as her fingers curl in my shirt, she closes the gap between our mouths. I let her explore a little until she tentatively licks my lips and I lose what little control I have left. I press my body against the full length of her and feel her perfect tits pressing against my chest. She slides her hands up over my shoulders, wrapping her arms around my neck and I lift her so she’s sitting on the edge of the countertop and I’m settled between her thighs. The car hadn’t afforded enough flexibility to be this close, and I’m heady with the feel of her lithe body wrapped around me. There’s no gentle lead-up. Even with her earlier feeble protests she’s not hesitating, and there’s no way I will either. We both know how good this can be and want to get there as quickly as possible.

This wasn’t actually my plan. I wanted to pull her aside and talk, but when she ignored me that calm approach went out the window. She brings out the feral in me. I run my hands over her hips, tugging at her waistband until she lifts, allowing me to get rid of her trousers and panties. Seriously, what is with the awkward clothing? Not that it’s stopped us either time we’ve been together. I start undoing my trousers when she takes over, rolling down my zip and pulling me out into her soft hand. I nearly come on the spot like an overexcited teenager. She raises a brow at my gasp.

“Condom?” she asks.

My face must fall because she smirks slightly. “If you give me an STD, I will castrate you.”

“That’s the second time you’ve threatened to make me a eunuch, I must be doing something wrong.” I pull her legs higher around my waist and she leans back on her hands as I line myself up with her, rubbing my tip in her wet folds.

“Practice makes perfect,” she says with a challenge in her eyes. Fuck, she’s sexy. I thrust my hips towards her, and she rolls her head back with a gasp as I enter her up to the hilt. I don’t give her time to get used to the fullness this time, her breath catching as I pull out and ram in again and again. There’s no way I’m lasting very long, watching her brow furrow and mouth pop open in an ‘O’ of pleasure. I use my thumb to rub circles around her clit and feel her tightening around me as she lets out a husky moan, “Atlas.” My name has never sounded sexier and I follow her over the edge in seconds, filling her with my cum. We stay like that, leaning against the counter with her legs wrapped around me, my length still inside her while we catch our breath. After a minute she sits up and pushes lightly against me until I step back, slipping out of her.

“Hang on a second,” I say, running the tap next to her and putting myself away, but she’s already down and heading to the cubicle.

“I’ve got it.” I stand awkwardly outside as she cleans up. She’s so closed off again as soon as we’ve finished. Neither of us can deny how explosive we are together when our bodies are involved, but surely she can’t think that’s all this is? She seems to have no interest in knowing anything past my name. I pop her panties in my pocket just as the cubicle door opens. She exits and begins pulling her trousers on, looking at me suspiciously when she can’t locate her underwear.

“Okay, seeing as my trousers are doing nothing to stop my poor decisions, I have to say it out loud. This won’t be happening again.” She heads to the door without giving me a chance to answer and mutters, “I need to find a new bar.”

“What’s wrong with this one?” I laugh, trying to prolong the conversation as she’s trying to make a speedy exit.

“It’s got a shit cocktail list, clearly French martinis cloud my judgement,” she says with a pointed look and then she’s gone. I decide to let her go. Let her think she has some say over this, but really, she’s already mine.