Her Titans by Genevieve Jasper


So, how did you find it?! I firstly want to say thank you so much for reading this book, it was a real passion project and I loved every second of writing it.  Secondly, if you enjoyed this one (and I really, really hope you did!), Gia's book will be next! It will carry straight on from the Bonus Scene, written by my incredible Editor, so keep your eyes peeled. I promise it won't be too long a wait. Thirdly, I would love for you to join me on my Ironhaven journey by following my Instagram @genjaswrites

Okay, acknowledgments time. They say it takes a village and my village is fortunately full of amazing women.

I have to start by thanking Rachelle, my very first (and only) alpha reader turned beta reader turned editor turned virtual friend! I have definitely told you this many times but this book truly wouldn't have happened without you. You motivated me, encouraged me, and hyped me up exactly when I needed it and the book is 10000% better because of your input. I'm so glad you've agreed to carry on with me because I was willing to beg and there's just no dignity in begging, is there?

To my twinny, Jessica, thank you for giving me the idea to write in the first place- your potential grooming really worked out well for me. Thank you for always being my biggest fan, even if we couldn't look each other in the eye for days after you read the sex scenes. Apologies. But Quincy finally got some, yay!

To my Mum who is always unwaveringly supportive, even if I have just written 75,000 words of pure filth. I hope you're proud but maybe don't read it.

To Sarah, my twin flame. Thank you for never doubting me (or hiding it well if you did!) and always having my back.